Deleting My Friends
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
January 29, 2007 7:52pm CST
I have found that approving friends on mylot has not led to my discussions being responded to by them.
Apart from a few, who are very loyal, the rest never respond, so what is the point of requeting me to be a friend.
I often look at what discussions they have posted and will reply to them, but the feeling is not mutual.
Have you deleted any of your friends who have requested your friendship.
I am not at all taking this personally as I do not know them from Adam, but why request if you do not respond to any discussions.
Have you experienced the same thing?
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34 responses
@smuggeridge (2148)
30 Jan 07
i find it a bit weird sometimes how completely random people ask to be my friend. I could understand if someone has responded to one of my discussions and found it interesting or vice versa, i had responded to their discussion and they liked my reply, but today i have had 3 friend requests and 2 of them had never responded to one of my discussions and i had no idea who they were. Where did they find me from? why do they want to be my friend? Suppose we just have to keep searching till we find some decent friends who will respond to our discussions.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
30 Jan 07
I always look at the persons profile before I approve and the people who I have never had respond to any of my discussions usually have over 150 friends already.
Maybe they see that we respond to alot of discussions and so think we will respond to theirs.
I am not going to bother anymore though and I think I will be deleting alot of them.
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Eventually, I will probably be deleting a very few people from my friend list. Mostly if they have been inactive for a long time, like not doing anything on the site in a month or more. I really don't mind having friends on my list who don't reply to my topics, but I'm sure that I have lots who don't. I also can't always reply to everyone on my friend list because I don't always know what to say back to their topics :/ But I really love to reply to my friends as often as I can. I almost always reply more to my friend's posts lately than replying to random posts that I see around the site! I would say that I've been replying to about 75% friends posts and the rest random stuff lately.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
30 Jan 07
You sound like a good friend.
Thanks for responding to my discussions.
@Withoutwings (6992)
• United States
31 May 07
I get so backed up because at first I approved anyone - thinking they meant to answer my discussions... and I requested to be friends with anyone who's discussion seemed really interesting. But lately I can't even get to the good stuff because I'm weeding through so much garbage. I've been going through and deleting anyone who hasn't logged on in 1 or 2 months or more. I have also been going through my friends list one page at a time and deleting people who either have discussions I'm not interested in at all - ever - and they have never responded to mine.
I think people look at it like a popularity thing - like on myspace. The only friends I have on myspace are people I actually know and it's only 2 pages. Then there are others who have 1000s of friends. How could you possibly keep up with all of them?
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
31 May 07
I agree totally. I have deleted myself from some people on here as they have over 500 friends, so they wouldn't even know I had gone.
I always look up my friends discussions and lucky I have some good friends who make the type of discussions I like, you included Withoutwings!!
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@mrsanderson (271)
• United States
31 Jan 07
I am very new to MyLot. I requested to be your friend because I saw some discussions that you gave some very good answers to...and one of mine I think! Anyway. I try to respond to my friends! Some topics I just dont know how to reply to or what to say. Other than that I have three babies...But I am trying! Good topic by the way. I just had someone request to be my friend I have never seen before. I like sunshinecups 2 week thing...I'll have to also try that! I just figured the more friends you had, the more topics you could easily reply to (right in my email) and if you post hopefully they will respond. Sorry for the wouldnt think a person could ramble on in here like they do in real life but I think I just proved that you could!
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
31 Jan 07
You are a good friend to have and I will always check to see what new discussions you have made.
I think this is why I have decided to delete the ones who do not make the effort even when I have.
This has been a great discussion for me as alot of my friends have responded to my posts and I have enjoyed their comments. You being one of them. thanks!!
I feel alot more positive and will stay loyal to those who understand what the friends concept is about.
its quite a feel good factor when there is this mutual exchange. I feel this site has alot to offer for me and having good friends friends is one.
Thanks for all your interesting responses.
@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
28 May 07
Hello.ittakesallsorts,I will always approve friend requests unless they are spammers who are doing copy and paste stuff. I do not really care whether they will reply to me or not,in fact,many members have not reply to me once,I think may be they just read my discussions or replies.I have not deleted anyone because I know the feeling of getting deleted is not good,i will be happy to keep them on my list even they do not reply to me.
I think getting responses from the discussions may not help your earning much,reply is more important to earnings,so even someone have good responses,if you do not reply to any, earnings will still be low. I think we cannot earn money from our friends,we have to do it by replying to ourself.
Good luck
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
29 May 07
Thanks easy,
I suppose it is down to replying to our friends responses, so as long as we have a group of good friends will we always want to reply and make a bit of money at the same time.
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
31 May 07
I know exactly wha you mean. There are more than hal a dozen that I have been waiting to see if they would respond to anything, as I have responded to many of theirs and it isn't returned. They are going to get axed, as they have been on a probation period and are th sort that want 500 friends to respond to their discussion and that is it.
I also have a couple of friends that never respond to my discussions but I won't delete them because I enjoy their discussions so much. They do respond to my answers to their discussions with comments, and sometmes even give me a best response, so that is fine because it is at least some communication.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
31 May 07
Some of my inactive friends have been on double secret probation, but their time is nearly up!!
I agree with you on not deleting those who make good discussions but don't reply to mine. They do respond to my answers too and that is fine for me as well.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
1 Jun 07
Please carry on irritating. I can only speak for myself, but I enjoy the irritation!!LOL
@rainbow (6761)
30 Jan 07
Yes, it annoys me, why ask if you only want me to reply to yours type of thing. I reply like a good girl and never get a reply to my response or my discussions, I don't reply to all my friends discussions only if I know something or can comment.
I deleted 3 requests a week or so ago becaue I couldn't find anywhere we had met before, then I felt bad, I do find that some people you never hear from again so why bother with them, at least the y get your discusson so they have the chance to answer.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
30 Jan 07
This is true.
I suppose the whole point of having friends on this site is to support each other.
I have seen you on many of the same discussions that I respond to.
I am sure I have answered some of your discussions.
I feel if I cut down on ones that do not post or respond that much it will make me able to answer the ones I find more interesting and support to raise their ratings.
Thanks for your comments.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
31 May 07
Well, I know that tends to happen with me a lot of times as well. Sometimes theu might just be too busy, or never take time to consider how important it might be to keep a Friend by responding back to the discussions that they might have started. I know that when someone responds to one of my discussions, I then in turn go and check out one of theirs, and see if they have discussions I am interested in responding too. Sometimes I find these people to be on my Friends list, and sometimes not. I have a lot of Friends now as it is, and so I know if everyone answered all of my discussions, I would have way over 100 responses to every discussion I have started, and if you look at mine, you will see that this is definately far from the truth here.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
1 Jun 07
It goes to show that having loads of friends does not make you have a load of reponses.
I really enjoy the friends I have and I will always respond to ther discussions as I have chosen well and they have the same sense of humour as me.
I welcome you KrauseHome and I hope we have many good discussions.
@shooie (4984)
• United States
31 Jan 07
I clean mine out once in awhile. If they are in active for awhile and their numbers by their names stay the same. I give them awhile before I delete them because I do understand things happen and people don't get on or can't get on for a while. Then I see if I got involved with any of their discusssions and or they mine.
@brielevan (238)
• Indonesia
31 Jan 07
I know what you are talking about. Every day I receive friend request. I see their profile and they are not respond to any of my discussion. I am thinking to start deleting non-active friends from my friendlist.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
30 Jan 07
Oh yes! I delete friends every two weeks now. That gives them two weeks to respond to at least one of my posts. If they do not and are active, they are gone. I think many believe that the more friends they have the more they will make or something. To me if you know you are not going to post to their discussions, why bother asking for their friendship? It's a waste of everyone's time if you ask me.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
30 Jan 07
This is a good way of doing it.
I always approve everyone who asks. Now I think I will do what you do.
You are one of my friends who always responds to my discussions.
@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
30 Jan 07
i would be happy to reply to you. I am sorry that you have not had response from everyone. I am going to check out your discussions.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
30 Jan 07
I am not on a sympathy vote though and I have enjoyed responding to some of your interesting discussions without feeling you have to respond to mine. As your discussions are ones I like responding to.
I am talking more about those who are not on the same wave length as me, so are not worth keeping.
I know not all my discussions will appeal to everyone but I am going to delete those who do not share the same interests as me.
Keep up your discussions!!
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@rosie_123 (6113)
30 Jan 07
Yes I have experienced the same thing. I have a few what I would call "good" genuine friends on here, who have contacted me because we have similar interests and we have seen each other posting in the same kind of discussions. They always respond to my discussions and I do the same for them. But there are others who have contacted me out of the blue, never respond to any of my discussions, and I truly don't understand why they wanted to be my friend in the first place!
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
30 Jan 07
I think these are the best friends to have. Sharing the same interests makes for good discussions.
By the way, I did enjoy our debate on class the other day.
Even though we had different views on a few things it was good to be able to express ourselves without getting into a slanging match.
+ rating to you as I enjoy reading different points of view.
No hard feelings I hope?
@amazing_Grace (479)
• United States
30 Jan 07
I am still new and haven't deleted any friends yet. But, yes, I do know what you are talking about. And it is frustrating.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Yes. Many do not respond. I always look at my email to see who is posting from my friends list. I at least look at the topics and try to answer if I can. It is strange, but I see several people on here with thousands of posts and I never run into any of them. I wonder who they are always answering?
@ukchriss (2097)
30 Jan 07
Yes I find that as well,
I have about 90 friends so wouldnt it be lovely to have at least 90 replies... but thats in a perfect world which this is not so I recieve an average of about 10 replies!
So Oh yes! I will be deleteing so called friends who I see have been logging in and so are active on mylot, every two weeks from now on. That gives them two weeks to respond to at least one of my posts. If they do not, then they will be gone....
I think thats fair do you?
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
30 Jan 07
I agree.
I will not be deleting you as I do like the discussions you have.
Thanks for your comments.
@ILANEDRI (1921)
• Israel
30 Jan 07
I have the same problem, but it's not bother me at all.
I saw some discussions about it, and people got really upset because of it.
You shouldn't be worry about it. So what if they are your friends? It's not costing you money.
Don't delete them. They might talk to you in the future and you will get to know them. I can't understand why this subject bother members here, It's just friends.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
30 Jan 07
It really doesn't bother me at all.
All I wanted to know was whether people delete their friends or not and get their opinions.
Thanks for your comments.
@cjsmom (1423)
• United States
30 Jan 07
I understand what you mean. I believe I've responded to some of your discussions but not all of them; if I don't think I have anything relevant or interesting to say on the matter, even if it's with my friends I don't think it'll help either of us. But I do feel the same way as far as only a few of my friends having responded to any of my discussions; albeit I haven't started many to date as of yet.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
30 Jan 07
I have always appreciated your responses and it shows that you will look at discussions by your friends even if you don't respond.
I will not be deleting you.
@yanjiaren (9031)
30 Jan 07
i reply to all my frineds but ofcourse not everyone reciprocates..i think it is wise to drop say after a month those that sign of reciprocating..ofcourse i dont exoect people to be as active as myself..but say the odd reply once a week to one or two posts would not go is about give and take..but some are just interested too much in their own angrandisement..
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
30 Jan 07
I agree with you and I am going to do this as well.
I have 3 new friends requests right now.
I always accept them as I am interested in what other people post.
Thanks for your comments.
@joey_matthews (8354)
30 Jan 07
Well hardly any of mine do.
However i'm not bothered, i'd like to see them as friends who'll talk either by discussion or personal message but u;m not stating loyalty on 'em just because my posts don't get there replies.
This isn't meant to sound like i'm attacking you personally, just sharing my views. it would be nice to have friends who did this don't get me wrong but i'll accept it if they don't =)
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
30 Jan 07
I would not say you were attacking me personally.
I do enjoy responding to new and top discussions quite alot, so I feel that friends who do not share the same interests, i might as well delete. Then i won't have to search for long to get to their discussions.
Thanks for your comments.