Tricks on hiding veggies in food for pickey eaters
By chaygylmommy
@chaygylmommy (2470)
United States
January 29, 2007 9:15pm CST
my son is a very pickey eater. i don't mind that he doesn't want to eat certain veggies since i don't like all veggies; however, he doesn't want ANY! all he wants to eat is starchy foods like potatoes (fried or baked) and breads. He also likes chicken and stuff like that, but I am concerned he doesnt' get enough fresh vegetables in his diet. I usually put a couple of green beans or carrots on his plate and MAKE him eat them just so he will get something in him. Any suggestions on ideas to hide veggies in the food? i made carrot cake for him once and he loved the first piece and then he woulnd't eat anymore...i never told him what was in it. any ideas would be appreciated. :)
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41 responses
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
30 Jan 07
I had several friends whose children were the same as you describe. I guess I was very fortunate, all four of my children always loved vegetables. Lets see, some things that I did (again, not to disquise, just to increaase the amount of vegetables served): I grated carrot and squash or zuchinni into my meatloaf, I made zuchinni bread, I made carrot cake, I served sweet potato pie (tastes so much like pumpkin that many can't tell the difference) and of course, the spaghetti sauce that many have already mentioned. I was wondering as I read your post and the replies, could you pureee some squash and put it into mashed potatoes? I don't know how much it would alter the taste, but it might be worth a try. Actually pureeing the vegetables before adding them to any dish might make them non-discernable to his keen little eyes!!
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
30 Jan 07
very smart idea about the squash..i don't know. and i am sure it would turn it a different color and he migh tlike that as well.
thanks for the ideas. :)
@morenita (331)
• United States
30 Jan 07
my mom used to make it all dippable and we had tons of fun eating them that way. You can also try serving htem in a fun way and make eating them a game for him. Like makign a funny face with his vegetables and then see if he will eat the nose or smile.
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
30 Jan 07
the funny faces are a good idea...i may try that, but not sure it will work. He runs at anything that LOOKS like a vegetable. LOL thank you for your idea
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@melody1011 (1663)
• India
30 Jan 07
since i hate peas my mom made pea soup one day and never told me what it was. I enjoyed it soo much that she told me only in the end what it was. You could try making soups. First make cream soups and then to soups with pieces of different vegetables. Try cutting the pieces fine so its difficult to separate. You could also make a cauliflower bake in white sauce and this is very tasty. Search for receipes on the web. You wlll get literally hundreds. Good luck
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@Pekachu (1112)
• United States
30 Jan 07
oh we are the oposite here we love our veggies there are so many ways to prepare them smoother them with cheese sauce or butter put them in rice dishes or noodles serve them with mashed potatoes and they are good for you !
@XxAngelxX (2830)
• Canada
30 Jan 07
Maybe try him with the vegetables raw. This works great with my kids, they prefer them that way with ranch dip. Or you could always hide them in the potatoes. Brocolli with cheese sauce was always a big hit here too.
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@mystikel (577)
• Australia
30 Jan 07
My son refuses to eat zucchini so I always grate some into my spaghetti sauce, also carrots that way. I user the frozen mixed veg in pasta dishes too as they are cut small and normally he doesnt see them. I am lucky as loves corn on the cob, peas, and heaps more now.
Good luck. Maybe do a search on the net for different ideas
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
30 Jan 07
thank you both for the comments. I am going to try the spaghetti sauce thing. My husband makes REAL spaghetti sauce, but I do it more economically with just jar sauce, my own spices and some sort of meat. I will definately add the grated veggies in there...not sure why I never thought of it. LOL
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
31 Jan 07
yeah when he was a baby, he loved his veggies...his aversion just gets worse as he gets older.
@kittensmommy (386)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Would he like to dip veggies in cream cheese , or sour cream , or even salad dressing , cut carrots , celery , broccoli , peppers , and put the dip in the middle , just like chips.
Also you can make him vegetable soup with chicken broth .Or you can cut the veg. tiny bits and hide them in the mac and cheese.
I add a mixture of veggies to the rice and cook it all together .
You can put it on pizza dough , cover it with tomatoe sauce and cheese and bake it
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
30 Jan 07
WOW! the pizza dough is a great idea! he loves to have pizza and i usually make homemade pizza at least once a week for the kids. As far as your other auggestions, thanks, but they won't work. LOL If he sees veggies, he runs! LOL and he HATES mac and cheese! LOL have you ever heard of a kid not liking mac and cheese???!! leave it to my son to be wierd!
@lpetges (3036)
• United States
30 Jan 07
i always gave my kids celery sticks, and let them put anything on it for fun,, like peanut butter, with m&m toppings, or cream cheese with gummy bears. they loved it, and they got some green veggies to go with it. you can also give them vitamin supplements.
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Yeah, I give him a vitamin every day, but I still think he should have SOME veggies. LOL If he even SEES something that resembles a veggie, he is up from the table. :) I have tried the raw stuff with dip...doesn't work. Thanks so much for the ideas.

@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
30 Jan 07
My 5 year old loves veggies but for the 7 year old, a major issue.
We have a veggie juicer, and mix veggie juice with the morning OJ. That takes care of 30% of the needs.
Recently we bought a Magic Bullet, a brilliantly designed machine for pureeing and chopping.
We have now several goodies that happen:
1. Big fat stuffed omelettes (stuffing grated veggies and cheese)
2. Meat and minced veggie pies
3. Veggies blended into pasta sauce.
4. Veggie & yoghurt dips This is really awesome stuff.
5. Veggie Burgers (some meat and potato - but loaded with the good stuff)
That generally takes care of the RDA, but grating does diminish some of the fiber aspects - but as long as the nutrients go through, we are all happy.
Good luck.
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@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
31 Jan 07
Your post got me thinking some more. Today I made a Beef and mixed veggie broth.
Green peas
Total 200 gms
(decide your own proportions - all lightly steamed)
Into the Magic Bullet. You can make it as chunky or pureed as you like.
Stir-fry 12 cubes of approx 1" beef with some onion/chopped sprimg onion, garlic and black pepper.
Add the pureed/bulleted veggies. Cook on high for 3 minutes.
Add milk for consistency....
My boys just lapped it up.
Might work for yours.
@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
30 Jan 07
OOOO..I love the magic bullet. I don't have one, but I want one so bad. LOL Thanks for all the great ideas.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
31 Jan 07
Make sloppy joes - grind some carrots in there. You can also hide red peppers.
I do the samething with spaghetti sauce.
Will he eat fruits - What about banana bread? If you bake, use applesauce instead of oil. Make muffins, use shredded carrots in there.
I have a recipe somewhere for muffins that are chock full of fruits and veggies. I will look for it tomorrow.
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
31 Jan 07
thank you...i would love to have the muffin recipe. thanks so much
@leeannmarie (95)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Such a great topic, and so very true, in every family, there is always one. My kids used to call me the QUEEN of food disguise. I always add either wheat germ or crumbled tofu to all the dishes I cook with hamburger. I also used to hide brocoli and other vegies in hot pockets, I made myself. I either puree or cut everything super small. The pizza ideas are great too. Stuffed pasta with cheese and any hamburgar mixture. You can even buy the vegie burgers and crumble them up , they have tons of vegies. Hope these help, and my best of luck to you .
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
31 Jan 07
you know...i never thought of buying the veggie burgers and crumbling them up. Great idea!
@Sweetpeas (738)
• Australia
30 Jan 07
This sounds exactly like my son he's 3. We had major problems trying to get him to eat his vegies but I found that fried rice with the vegies cut up extra tiny to mix in the rice is a good one, but the winner for us is mashed potatoes, you just boil up the vegies and mash them in with the potatoes ,butter, milk ,simple and my son would eat it everyday if he could lol. Good Luck with it all!
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@Sweetpeas (738)
• Australia
31 Jan 07
Also my son loves chicken nuggets so if you could blend up some vegies in with the chicken before coating them, he'll just think theyre normal nuggets ;). Also pasta parcels, like ravioli are great.
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@hauswaif (7)
• Australia
31 Jan 07
since ur son loves potatoes (who doesnt?!), i'll share u this recipe i saw on tv. chop up cooked broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, spinach etc and mix it up in mashed potatoes. Salt pepper to taste. Make patties like fish fingers. Dip it in beaten eggs and roll it in breadcrumbs and fry it shallow pan. minus point is the oil but it worked with my nephew. he hates veggies but absolutely loves this. We call it potato fingers.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
30 Jan 07
make a puree sauce of mixed vegitables for the chicken. You can serve it baked or fried just pour it over the chicken
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
30 Jan 07
wow...that is a really good idea. he might just eat that one. thank you so much
@devideddi (1435)
• United States
30 Jan 07
I have the same situation at my house. So I am interisted in your responses also. I will tell you what I decided to do. Smoothies. I got a good variety of fruit and some plain yogert and honey in case it is not sweet enough. Possibly use sprite and crushed ice. Tis week fruit smoothies next week vegtable smoothies. They taste good and get gone same day I make them. What am I saying, same hour I make them. Good Luck
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
30 Jan 07
cool idea. i make banana milk for the kids a few times a week...1/2 a banana with some milk and little splenda in the blender. they love it.
@maru_047in (1007)
• India
30 Jan 07
I think a soup of the vegetables ll do which tastes good and tomato soup which is good for health and tastes good and fruit salad are some of the veggies where in anybody would not refuse for and some vegetable stuffs like veg pies or some thing which he likes are good
@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
30 Jan 07
he does like tomato soup..we have that with grilled cheese sometimes. his school serves it about every other wednesday. :)
@brihanna (381)
• United States
30 Jan 07
How about wrap it up? My daughter does not like to eat vegtables on her plate, I too, use the spagetti sauce and soup ideas, but I also wrap it up in those flat breads, with lettuce, cheese and a dressing. It is easy for her to eat, and if you cut everytning up real small-like coleslaw, she does not really know what she is eating.
Another idea: deep fry (or pan fry) slices of sweet potatoes-they are similar to french fries.
Also, Pumkin and squash pies, with whip cream, and you have a desert made from vegtables. again, not the healthiest, but it gets it into them.
Mixing certain veggies with applesauce-like squash, and serving it cold is good. If it is subtle enough, he may not notice, just make sure it is of the same consistancy.
Good luck.
@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
30 Jan 07
the applesauce with squash is a good idea. i may try that. thanks
@fueledart (12)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Oh boy that's an age old problem isn't it??
The FDA recommends a servings of fruits and vegetables....I interpret that to be interchangeable. I always found with my son and my nephews that fruits are easier to take than veggies. Instead of green beans or corn with the meal, why not applesauce (there are some yummy flavored ones and you can mix cinnamon in if you want). Also fruit cocktail (in juice not syrup) in jello always seems to be a hit. How about banana milkshakes, or strawberry, or blueberry?? Fruits in a LITTLE sugar over pancakes and waffles instead of syrup. These are all ones my son liked real well. I never added any extra sugar to any of it because that sort of cancels out the nutrition value.
As far as veggies?? Green bean casserole (like the one you have for thanksgiving). There aren't many tricks you can pull on the kids, they KNOW when there are "yucky" things hidden in their food.
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
30 Jan 07
thank you so much. yes, i do make a homemade banana milk quite often for him and he does like to eat bananas and apples (to a lesser extent). And, when in season, strawberries with some Splenda sprinkled on top is a fav of his. :) Thanks
@michelledarcy (5220)
30 Jan 07
I would suggest hiding some carrot, parnip or swede in mashed potato.
Have you tried giving him bubble and squeak?
You can make bread with tomatoes, spinach, olives etc in that could also help.
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
30 Jan 07
what is bubble and squeak?
the bread with stuff in it is a good idea. :) thanks