Was Adolf Hitler muslim? Was he not a terrorist?
By Aali311
@Aali311 (6112)
United States
October 9, 2006 10:18am CST
It's not right for people to say all terrorists are muslims. I guess most of the people have just turned everything bad happening to the muslims fault, forgetting the history and all the terrorists that has tormented the humams in the past and still to this day.
According to some people on mylot they were all muslims. Stop being so prejudice towards the muslims, all this bad talk about Islam only creates more terrorists, simply because we are all humans and what happens to the human mind when they are always being put down? They snap and that is what creates terrorists.
We are all adults and we teach our children hatred towards the muslims. What kind of a world do you think our future has. It's just too bad most of the adults are still thinking like children.
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54 responses
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
9 Oct 06
One Hitler was not Muslim he reject most forms of Religion and kinda made up his own version of the Christian faith.
And I agree that people can't turn everything bad in the the muslim faith's fault. Just because some bad people in the world belong to a certain religion doesnt mean that everyone from that faith is the same. or that everything bad is because of that faith. This prejudice and racism and stereotypes needs to STOP.
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
22 Oct 06
I don't know. People just need to put aside the fact that we are different and attempt to get to know one another on the basis that we are all HUMAN. Nothing more and nothing less.
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@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
8 Dec 06
no he's not muslim.... but what is your point to that?
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@tihomir23 (231)
• Romania
27 Nov 06
Hitler, like Sharon, like, Bush, like Saddam or others, was terrorist.
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@TonyBraciole (34)
• United States
27 Nov 06
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter....everything in life is relative imo.
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@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
23 Oct 06
It isn't right to say that all terrorists are muslim. Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddism, etc.. All want the same basic things. (Peace, love, harmony and to seek a sort of alignment with their creator.)
However, current events are as they are. The people who have been performing terrorist attacks on India are muslim. Those that did 9/11 were muslim, Osama is muslim. That is a fact. Were there none-muslims involved with the attacks on India? Were there non-muslims involved with 9/11? More than likely not as far as I know.
What is disturbing and sad about it is that Islam is being demonized because of religeous extremists. They are fanatics who manipulate the word of Islam to fit their own purposes. People of all religeons have done this in the past. BUT for you to say that people blaming muslims created terrorism is unfounded! (And untrue.)
Terrorists are generally extremists and fanatics. Their sense of purpose comes from their warped belief systems. Not because people picked on them. Normal people who have been picked on don't suddenly become terrorists. Were you ever picked on?
Hitler didn't do what he did because he snapped. Hitler was power hungry and wanted to rule the world.
The Taliban didn't do what they did to the Afghan people because they snapped. In fact they were invited to power after the Russia-Afghan wars. They were even invited to US and proclaimed on live TV that Western society is evil. (This was LONG before 9/11) This tells you their motivation wasn't because they were blamed.
The Hezbollah didn't snap, they are anti-Jew and are power hungry. You didn't hear much about them until recently did you? So who was blaming them to make them snap?
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@birthlady (5609)
• United States
4 Dec 06
I agree with you that we need to be compassionate with each other.
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@LotSelf (1508)
• India
8 Dec 06
If hitler can not be termed as terrorist than how can other people term muslim as islamic terrorism...why not we can term irish people as christian terrorist..tony blair and mr bush {both senior and the junior one},they are real terrorist....they attacked country without taking UN into confidence.....
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@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
4 Dec 06
There have been many terrorists throughout the centuries, as history has shown. Only difference was that was not a word until recent times, so Hitler was generally referred to as a dictator or something along those lines. Of course he was much worse than that.
I do not think that most adults are teaching children hatred towards muslims and it is not right for you to make such a statement. Sadly in some cases it does happen, just as some muslims are taught to hate anyone who does not share their religious faith. It is a 2 way street and it is incorrect to claim that one is better or worse than the other.
Anyone who preaches hatred towards another person is very sick indeed and is not a true practitioner of the religious faith he claims to follow. I do not know of one religion that actually has in their "Good Book", be it the Bible, Koran or whatever, that it is right to hate another person.
Until the world starts treating each other with respect and as equals, regardless of colour, race or creed, there will always be wars or conflict where innocent people will die.
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@forfein (2507)
20 Nov 06
Not sure that I agree with you statement about Adolf Hitler being a terrorist.
however, he WAS a WAR Mongerer!
Go to:-
Terrorism is a term used to describe violence or other harmful acts committed (or threatened) against civilians by groups or persons for political, nationalist, or religious goals. As a type of unconventional warfare, terrorism means to weaken or supplant existing political landscapes through capitulation, acquiescence, or radicalization, as opposed to subversion or direct military action.
"Terrorist attacks" usually are characterized as "indiscriminate", the "targeting of civilians", or as executed "with disregard for human life".
There are many forms of "Terrorist" and the Muslim Terrorist have hit the headlines because of Al Queda, and of course 9/11
ALL terrorist are NOT Muslims, take "The Basque Seperatist Movement" for example in Spain!
The "IRA" and "The Red Hand Gang" that was "Rife" in Ireland a few years ago!
"The Japanese Red Army" in Japan!
The problem with the Muslim Extremist Terrorists is the fact that the Muslim Clerics will not stand up and voice their opinion "LIVE" on TV that they disagree with the terror!
I think that once the MAJORITY of Islam supporters tell the rest of the World that Bin Laden and the rest of them do NOT have their support, then the "Myth" that has suggested that all Muslims are terrorsit will die.
Thank you for your post.
@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
18 Dec 06
Muslims HAVE stood against Terrorism, and Publicly Spoke about. However, The Media Chooses to report BAD news stories over GOOD.... - DNatureofDTrain
@kingadnan (1538)
• Pakistan
19 Dec 06
I think Bush is also Extremely Dangerous man like Osama . because bush is killy inocent people daily in 2 countries so this is truth that Bush And Osama are terrorists of 21Century, don't misunderstand me i want to remove isconceptions about mulims and want peace. we should repect every religion . but terrorists have no religion. so we should understand that
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
18 Dec 06
You're right. Muslim leadership doesn't seem to take a stand against terror.
In fact, its the opposite. Many "moderate" leaders in America and places in Europe come to press conferences and say, "awww, terrorism is bad" and then go back to their Mosque and teach the same things the terrorists are doing.

@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
7 Dec 06
adolf hitler was not muslim he was one seriously deranged german who's own mother i believe was jewish(dont hold that against me) and heres something to think about and no i do not personally beieve this but if people say all terrorists are muslim(clearly not true), then are all muslims terrorosts? i dont think so but someone else may think differently
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@Withoutwings (6992)
• United States
20 Nov 06
Well there are a lot of christian terrorists too... David Koresh. The Westboro Baptist Church. It's not just a Muslim thing. And it's not even all Muslims. It's extremnists. Just like it's not all Christians - it's extremenists.
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@tanveerquazi (77)
• India
4 Dec 06
yes It's not right for people to say all terrorists are muslims.
i m also guess most of the people have just turned everything bad happening to the muslims fault, forgetting the history and all the terrorists that has tormented the humams in the past and still to this day.
yes yoy say right that
" According to some people on mylot they were all muslims. Stop being so prejudice towards the muslims, all this bad talk about Islam only creates more terrorists, simply because we are all humans and what happens to the human mind when they are always being put down? They snap and that is what creates terrorists. We are all adults and we teach our children hatred towards the muslims. What kind of a world do you think our future has. It's just too bad most of the adults are still thinking like children. "
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@loved1 (5328)
• United States
20 Nov 06
I do not believe Hitler was a Muslim, nor do I believe all Muslims are terrorists. Hitler was an evil man and he fed on the fears of his people. The same thing is happening today. People teach their children to hate Americans and Christians too! Read some of the posts on here. Muslims are getting a bad rap right now because there are some really bad Muslims doing really bad things. It is all over the papers and the news. Do you ever see anything on Good Morning America about the great, helpful, kind things Muslims are doing? Never. The media creates discrimination every chance it gets. The media in Iraq tells them that all Americans are evil. It is ignorant. What is really sad is that children are born not knowing how to hate. I hope that my children will take the time to know someone before making a judgement.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
20 Nov 06
Hopefully, most folks are aware that most Muslim people are very peaceful, and it is radical jihadists that are of worry to the world today. Often people will ask why don't the moderate Islamic people speak up and condemn terrorism.. well, more Muslim folks have been terminated and terrorized by Islamic radicals than any other group of people. I'll tell ya, I wouldn't stand in the public square and condemn the radicals! Especially if they lived nearby! I don't think most people are now prejudice against Muslims, and I don't think most Muslims are ready to flock into the ranks of the terrorists. I also don't think the victims of terrorisms are somehow to blame.
- It's a small minority (but still a large number, unfortunately) that are terrorists and want to destroy all but the strictest Muslim society.. All people should want to overturn this small minority of Muslims. The world's not talking about the Irish terrorrists (of the past) or any others, because today we are concerned with this group.. In discussion, I have met a lot of very nice Muslim people. They seem to be wonderful people, and I respect them greatly. I think there is good and bad of every group, nation and race. But I also believe in dark, fallen angels who guide all they can, whenever they can, into radicalism.. the more hating and violent the better. It makes no differnece to them who hates who, etc, it's just all hatred.. from Cain, to Hitler and his Nazi movement.. to today's dangerous movement.. and tomorrow's.. Winston Churchill said the only way one of these can succeed, is if good people do nothing.. But then again, right there, will be those dark angels.. trying to whip up defense into hatred, intolerance and abuses. What it takes is understanding good from evil. It's just way too easy to convince one group that another group is somehow 'wrong', evil, etc. Right now western society with its progressive world, is the group being demonized in what I think of as the human blame game..
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@lucalucky (1839)
• Italy
18 Dec 06
First of all muslims are NOT terrorist. Second Hitler was not a terrorist but a fascist (nazist) dictator.
Terrorist are coming from all races, nations and religions: there are muslims that are terrorist as there are christian terrorist (all religions). I agree with you about the big part of your post the only thing that is not correct is terrorists and Hitler. Both are terrible! Both are bad! but are different things.
@kingadnan (1538)
• Pakistan
19 Dec 06
yes terrorists are comming from all religion but if any muslim make terror so he is left from islam , he will not remain muslim because islam strictly forbade us to away from terror. so true muslims can not terrorist . islam means peace and muslim means peaceful human. i hope all member(muslim and non-muslim) will understand that . terrorists does not belongs to any religion they are evil. not muslim or non-muslim. thanks
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
18 Dec 06
he could not be a terrorisy he was a state leader only someone outside of governmental office can be a terrorist