And we send our Children to these people....
@sunnypub (2128)
United States
January 30, 2007 12:24pm CST
Okay I just read some disturbing things about teachers. Again we trust these people to teach our children. Are we nuts. Here are a couple of examples:
In May 2002 a Savannah Georgia teacher assembled her elementary school students and took them to a nearby park - where they stole a duck from the pond. then they went back to the school where they planned to release the duck as a prank. The 23 year old teacher was charged with public drunkeness, obsturction and contributing the the deliquency of minors.
A Principal at a California school wanted to make sure that female students were following the dress code which included not wearing thong underware. So during a school dance as the girls entered the building, the Principal lifted up the skirts and dresses to see what kind of underware they were wearing. She did this in front of the male students. The Principal was demoted to classroom teaching. (come on, I think she should have been gone.)
This is the worst in my opinion.
In Kansas City, Missouri a third grade teacher enlisted the help of the gym teacher to search for $5 that was missing from the lunch money collection. No big deal right? Well, the teacher took the girls and the gym teacher took the boys. get this...the each took the children into the restroom and made the children strip. The girls stripped to their underware and then the teacher made the gilrs look in each other's underware. The boy had to strip totally and the shake out their underware.
I don't know what happened to the teachers but I sure hope they were fired and charged with child abuse or something. It was national news and one kid even went on a talk show.
I tell you what, if my daughter's teacher did anything remotely like these examples I think I would just flip. I wouldn't stop unitl that teacher was in jail. It is crazy.
SO what are your thoughts on this. Do you think these acts are a big deal. Why or why not?
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13 responses
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
31 Jan 07
That's a huge deal...anytime you send your children you think they getting a education...
We trust these teachers that do such things to our kids...I would say it stems from whomever hires these teacher, maybe a stiffer background check...
These teachers that do thing "outside" of the school's curriculum need to have their license snatched and depending on the act be charge as child molestion as the teachers making kids strip down to their underwear...
It's really sickening and scary at the same time knowing we sending our kids out to school and there is no telling what may happen...
That's why I believe in having open and good commuinication with my son because of things like this...
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
31 Jan 07
This is a huge deal . OMG if anyone did this to any of my children , I like you would want to see these people fired and thrown in jail . My God as parents we could teach our children better than these individuals . Some of these students will be scared for life .
We are expected to send out children to school and trust that they are taking the best care of our children , the same as we would if they are at home but then you hear about something like this and wonder what our teachers are really teaching our children . Would we disappove if we knew ?
My son's first year of school he was terrified to be seperated from me . They tried locking him in a classroom and telling him he couldn't see me as he had to stay in school . He was 5 , come on ,this is not what you tell a 5 year old that is scared of his surroundings and wants to be reassued that he will see his mother again shortly . They locked him in the classroom when he took off from the school one day and tried to run back home . Instead of calling me and letting me know they tried to deal with it themselves and only ended up terrifying my son .
The end of last year , his grade 5th year , he was pushed by another child and fell back and hit his head hard on the cement in the school . It was said after that his head could be heard echoing throughout the school . And yet instead of checking him out he was sent home on the bus .I was not even given a call home to inform me that my son had even took a fall that day . The busdriver was so worried about him on the drive home as it was a 40 minute drive that he was going to pass out on her . She informed my eldest daughter to inform me as soon as she got home that there appeared to be something wrong with her brohter (as she didn't know anything that had happened , she could just tell that something was definitely not right with him ) . When he got home he could barely stand and had been having black out spells ,he couldn't remember his birthday or other important details . I rushed him to the hospital to find out his head was split open and he had a severe concussion . We were there for many hours and they had to give him a supossitory to help reduce his vomitting .
When I informed the school of this , they tried to blame my son for this . Apparetnly another child had come over and poked my son and my son poked him back , to this the other child decided it would be alright to fight with him and kicked his legs out from under him therefore causing my son to fall backwards . Nothing was done to the other child except for a detention . On the other hand because my son had to watched constantly and couldn't be hit in any way (because they had to insure his head wasn't busted open again ) he had to spend all his recesses' and noon hours in the office .
Now I have to ask who was punsihed the worst out of this . My son spend 2 weeks in the office while this other child got to go play outside and have fun everyday . They said it was because they didn't have enough staff to watch my son . Well in my opinion the other child should have been made to stay in the office as well . They tried to say that if my son had not poked the other child back then they would have been able to do more .Well hello , this child poked my child FIRST .
To this day we are back and fourth seeing all kinds of specialist as my son has changed . He can no longer concentrate on things and has black outs all the time . He has become quite hostile with family memebers and his whole attitude has changed , he went from a sweet ,easy going child to a very withdrawn and angry child . He is failing in school as the black out are causing him to lose time which means that if they start say an english lesson by the time he comes out of whatever state he is in they might be at the end of the lesson and have no idea what happened . The docor's feel it is possible he is have a seizure of some kind as this can ressult after a severe fall and it can't be noticed by anyone but by the individual that it is happening to , it is not the type of seizure you think of when you hear about it .
He is now supposed to be put on an IPP so that he will not fail the year but this means that he will no longer be able to have the advantages that the other child have ( alhtough this is not only as a result of the fall as he alawys struggled with school ) but the school hymmed and hawed about doing anything . He still hasn't been put on the program yet and he was supposed to be started at our last meeting last month . We have another appointment with the doctor at the school on monday so I hope we can get things moved faster .
The point I am trying to make is that , I trusted the school and now my son will never be the same again . And the school will accept no responsibility for this at all .
And yet we as parents are still meant to follow the law and send our children to school each day and accept that all is well while they are there .
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@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
31 Jan 07
I can't beleie this. What a horrible thing. The school does have a responsibitly to take care of our children when our children are there. It shouldn't matter if the school thought your son started it, they still should have filled out an accident report and notified you. To just put him on the bus is shocking.
At my daughter's school the fill out an accident report every time a child gets hurt no matted how small the hurt seems. When my daughter fell off the monkey bars, the called me immediately. My daughter had broken her arm. They even offered to pay for the medical bills. It wasn't their fault that my daughter fell, I mean kids fall, but they took responsibility anyways because ithappened on thier watch. That is one of the biggest reasons I send my daughter to a Charter School.
Maybe you should look into any legal recourse you might have. I don't know much about it, but I think the school dropped the ball big time and they should have to answer about that.
I hope things get better. Thanks for repsonding.
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
Thank you for your concern . I have thought about taking legal action especially if they find out for sure and if this will affect my son for years . I am not a confrontational type of person and either is my husband and this is what has been holding us back .
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
7 Feb 07
Of course i think that these acts are a big deal but we can not look at all teachers in a bad way because of these situations. My mother is a Teacher and she is devoted to her students and her job!! I also want to be a Teacher because of my love for helping children. These teachers that you have spoken of though had and have no right to commit such acts towards helpless and innocent students and they also have no right to strip search. I think that these are very morally and wrongful acts and i too would not stop until that teacher was completely out of the school system!!!
@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I agree that not all teachers are like this, in fact I think the majority of teachers are just great. I guess it doesn't really just fall to teachers, it seems to be a lot of people who we would normally trust with our children, like cops, therapists, and preists, etc.
I have never had any trouble with my teachers nor has my daughter, but my neice had a teacher who threw a brink at a kid and hit him in the head. I think we, as parents, need to take a more active role in getting to know the people who we leave our children with.
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
31 Jan 07
My eye was particularly drawn to your news story from Kanssa City, Missouri, because that is where I live. I can't _believe_ that that happened here! I really hope that it was not in one of our local area schools, not that it being further away makes it any better. I sure didn't hear about it, not that i really keep up with the local news because I don't like hearing the depressing news stories that tend to take up most news broadcasts :/ But I really do hope that the teachers involved in that 'searching' incident were fired. That is just wrong.
@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
31 Jan 07
These stories are actually a few years old. the first in 2002 and I think the one in MO is from 02 also. I was just using them as examples. I was so shocked when I read these. I just can't beleive what teachers think is okay. I agree with many others who think there should be more testing and background checking before a teacher gets hired.
BTW, my brother and his family live in greenfield, MO about 1 hour away from SPringfield. I know it isn't really close to you, but it is still in the same state. Small world as they say.
@blueskies (1186)
• United States
31 Jan 07
Needless to say, I would be horrified if this sort of thing happened to my child in school. There are so many people with odd ideas out there. Some of them would think this sort of behavior is totally ok. The teacher that stole the duck obviously had drinking issues if she went to work drunk! As for the strip searching and looking for thongs.........ugh! I don't even know what to say! That is just so innapropriate, as well as humiliating for the kids involved!
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@Subaru8835 (73)
• United States
7 Feb 07
This is completely a big deal, which is why I refuse to send my kids to public schooling. Not saying there is something wrong with it, just dont really trust it too much.
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@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I've worked with a lot of teachers in my life, including being one myself, and I only heard of one such incident among my colleagues. A high school speech teacher only gave As to boys who slept with her. And while it was common knowledge amongst students and teachers (my daughter knew some guys who took her up on her offer)the administration still adored this woman. I could never figure it out. However, all of the other teachers I've ever known have been hard-working, underpaid people who teach because they honestly care about helping children. I guess there are crazy people in the teaching profession just like there are in all other professions. It's just that the media plays up the bad ones, and we never hear much about the good ones.
@freak369 (5113)
• United States
7 Feb 07
That why parents need to talk to their kids and tell them that they aren't obligated to do ANYTHING like that unless a call is placed to the parents and they are there. Even so, having kids strip and checking to see what kind of undies they have on is just plain moronic.
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@oddball123 (125)
• United States
31 Jan 07
Oh thisis definatly a big deal. Our kids spend more time on average at school than they do at home. If people like this are teaching our kids it's no wonder kids are the way they are today. I think there should be more restrictions on teachers and a better screening process.
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