I have had it and I need help!!

United States
January 30, 2007 1:16pm CST
Normally I am fairly computer literate. But I have a new issue with my computer and I cant seem to fix it, so I hope that maybe somebody has a suggestion. Whenever I am typing, as in the text boxes on here, or an email for instance. My cursor just randomly jumps all over the place. So for example if I type the word "mailbox" sometimes I get the word I tried, and sometimes I get "mailb" and the "ox" is somewhere else entirely in my paragraph, along with anything I typed after it. So I get sentences like "your letter wasnt in theox today. mail" Only its much worse because it just keeps happening repeatedly. It takes me forever to type anything because about every third word I am stopping to delete text from where it shouldnt be, and put it back where I want it. I have repeatedly run a virus scan, which seemed to help a couple times, but now that doesnt even help. I dont know if its a virus, or if it is a setting somewhere. If somebody has a suggestion to fix it before I throw the computer out a second story window, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
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18 responses
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
31 Jan 07
I have to ask...are you on a laptop??? If you are on a laptop, this makes a huge difference and your problem is probably because your finger slight touches the finger pad..displacing the cursor. I only ask this because I have the same problem from time to time. And it happened a lot when I first started using the laptop because my thumbs would brush the finger pads. I figured out that was happening and now I am pretty good about my hand placement.
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• United States
31 Jan 07
Yep. I am on a laptop, but I have been using a laptop for about 3 years now, so I am not sure that this is the case. I am wondering about the sensitivity setting on the mouse though, after reading several different suggestions on the cnet.com that the previous poster suggested. Because I have only had this laptop for a couple of months. The only thing that makes it odd that it would be a setting is that I have always done a lot of typing, for emails and the like, so I am surprised I didnt notice it before. Though since you mentioned the thumbs, I am paying close attention to them. LOL. One thing that seems to have helped a little is I went in the the pointer settings and unchecked the hide cursor when typing box, (another suggestion from cnet) and that seems to be making a bit of a difference. Thank you for the suggestion about the thumbs, I will pay closer attention and see if that too helps.
• United States
31 Jan 07
I agree, it is probably as simple as a little bump. I have the same thing happen every once in awhile. It can be annoying.
1 person likes this
• United States
31 Jan 07
Thanks for the recommendation of disabling and using a regular mouse for a while, I just might try that.
@Bee1955 (3882)
• United States
31 Jan 07
LOL! I had this problem, too. Are you ready? You need a new mouse! (Yes, I said mouse.). What is happening is that as you type, the vibrations on the desk cause the ball under the mouse to jump or wiggle and sends your cursor go wild all over the screen. If you can tighten the ball, then that may help, but if your mouse was as worn out as mine was, then simply get a new one. I got an opticle one, but I still have to watch it. I'm a hard typer when I get excited over a topic I still bounce it occasionally. I hope this helps you.
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• United States
31 Jan 07
LOL. I agree, I think it is my mouse. And I do tend to type kind of hard. The only problem is, I am on a laptop, so I think I keep bumping the touchpad. So, short of disabling the mouse every time I want to type something, I am not exactly sure what to do. Perhaps changing the sensitivity of the touchpad will help, assuming I can find where to do that. I have been all over the mouse settings on this thing and have yet to find the spot where the sensitivity can be adjusted, my new mission LOL. Thank you for the suggestion.
• United States
31 Jan 07
When was the last time that you cleaned your keyboard with compressed air? Maybe its just not registering some key strokes? I've been told that with laptops, you should probably clean blow out they keyboards and fan at least once/month...but I'm not computer expert by any means.
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• United States
31 Jan 07
It registers the keystrokes ok. In fact it registers them just fine, all the way up into lines of text several paragraphs back. LOL. But thank you for the reminder of needing to clean out the keyboard. I havent done that since I got it a couple months ago, and I am sure it could use it.
@w3bdiv3r (35)
• Indonesia
31 Jan 07
I think maybe your laptop is infected by Trojan or Spyware, if you have spyware installed or anti-trojan, you must run it. If it's cann't help your laptop, you can try to repair your window or reinstall your window, if it's still cann't help you, I think you should take your laptop to the computer shop to fix it.
1 person likes this
• United States
31 Jan 07
I will definately try to run my spyware more frequently, as I think that this might be adding to my troubles. Thank you.
• India
31 Jan 07
If u have an internet connection do a thorugh scan for virus. If it doesnt work... unplug ur mouse clean the pin and ur port and try. Try if the problem still exits in ms dos prompt(edit)... If nothing works... uninstall ur mouse driver and try reinstalling it...
• United States
31 Jan 07
Thank you for the suggestion. (And of course I have an internet connection, that is how I am able to spend all of my free time on here, lol,)
31 Jan 07
Don't call somebody out and hire them! That can be expensive no matter where you are because you never know how long they are going to stay or what they are going to charge you for, parts etc. Somewhere i am sure, in the control panel there is an option, maybe in the mouse options or performance or somewhere im not sure you'd have to look around, there is an option to disable the mouse when typing or something similar. I used to have the same problem and then just got used to having my wrist up above the touch pad which starts to ache! i found out this and i was fine from then on. Let me know if you can find it if not just ask for more help :)
1 person likes this
• United States
31 Jan 07
I will have to look for that option. The disable when typing. I think maybe I did see that when I was lurking around in the mouse settings looking for the sensitivity setting etc. Thank you for the suggestion.
@nishanity (1650)
• India
31 Jan 07
well there are times when its fruitless to try to search and solve a problem!! its better to start from scratch!! so y dont u just install your operating system all over again
• United States
31 Jan 07
I dread the thought of re-installing the operating system. I have tons of stuff like pictures and music on my computer that I dont want to lose, or have to put back on. That will definately be a last resort after all other avenues have been explored. But thank you for the suggestion
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
I'm not very computer literate myself, but most likely it's a virus. Fortunately in Manila we have lots of computer shops with really good technicians and so in my case all I would do is go to the next corner and have it fixed once and for all. If it's just a minor repair, it won't cost me more than P500 (US$10). I feel sorry for you. I know how frustrating that is.
• United States
31 Jan 07
That is very lucky for you. It is a lot more expensive here to have a technician look at it. But you did give me a good idea. My ex husband has many certifications for computer repair, if all else fails, perhaps I will give him a call. Thank you fofr the suggestion
• India
31 Jan 07
I thnk u system is highly infected wth Virus, so just unistall unneccessary S/W,wch frees up the memory and if possible format the Disk wch cleanup all the Viruses. u can do single drive format also from Manage Disks.
• United States
31 Jan 07
Whenever I have a problem with my computer, I go to this place and recieve all kinds of help. http://gladiator-antivirus.com/forum/index.php?showforum=170 I've gotten rid of virus's and other problems by using their help. They are really good.
1 person likes this
• United States
31 Jan 07
Thank you for the suggestion, I will add them to my growing list of bookmarks for computer related issues. : )
@lyndaj70 (293)
• United States
31 Jan 07
Are you on a laptop? What type of mouse do you have? Try checking your mouse connection, or even another mouse. Also run a virus scanner like Stinger (do a search think McAfee puts it out) to see if something comes up. Also check msconfig and SLOWLY start turning off programs you don't recognise and restarting your system and see if you can kill the problem that way... Good luck!
@lpetges (3036)
• United States
31 Jan 07
do you have a spyware installed? if so, run that, and then restart.
1 person likes this
• United States
31 Jan 07
I do have spyware installed and usually run it once a week or so. I will try that also, thank you.
• United States
31 Jan 07
Yep, on a laptop. I have tried running a virus scanner. In the beginning it seemed to help (though perhaps that was in my head, lol) but now it doesnt do much. I went to cnet.com as recommended by a previous poster and they suggested several things regarding the mouse. As of now I have unchecked the box in the settings saying to hide the cursor when typing and that seems to have helped a bit, also I am now watching my thumbs, which brokentia mentioned, and that also seems to be helping, so I think I am going to have to see if I can find the touchpad sensistivity settings and set those back a bit. Thank you for the suggestion on changing things in msconfig slowly. I may also try that.
• Nigeria
31 Jan 07
yea,all you need to do is to format ur system...okay. com it might have virus.u need to format so that ur system will start afresh.
@aparthy (13)
• Pakistan
31 Jan 07
Dear One, It could be a keyboard fault. Or the cable of keyboard. try changing the keyboard.
• Canada
31 Jan 07
Hello there; the only thing that I can think of is a) that the mouse is charged., or b) your keyboard may need a new battery. Otherwise you may need a new keyboard. Can't think of anything else.
@mahaneesh (297)
• India
31 Jan 07
Me too agree with smacksmn...
@yoshpow (339)
• France
31 Jan 07
i agree
• India
31 Jan 07
i think ur system got infected wid virus .inorder to over come it download antivirus software and clean ur system
• India
31 Jan 07
Its sure case of virus format it buddy!