President Bush, Good President or Great President?
By ProAmerica
@ProAmerica (131)
United States
January 31, 2007 2:08am CST
Just wanted to know how everybody here on mylot will rate President Bush? I'm sure he will go down in history as one of the best america has every had. After eight years of Bill Clinton, Bush finaly brought back the strength and leadership our country needed so bad. He didnt listen to the liberal media and polls, and did what was best for our country.
Ten years or so from know, he will be remembered for the great achievements he brought to the free world. So what do you think? Will Bush remembered as a good president, or a great President?
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22 responses
@ProAmerica (131)
• United States
10 Feb 07
Time will tell, but I think history will show that he was a true leader who stood up to evil. He seems to care not about opinion polls but what he believes is the right way to do things.
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@ProAmerica (131)
• United States
11 Feb 07
I dont agree with your opinion but I respect it maria, thanks for responding. Only time will tell If Bush will be remembered for the great work he did as president. Don't you believe there is a evil we face today?
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@maria_k (925)
• United States
11 Feb 07
" He is a leader who stood up to the evil". That phrase alone is enough to make me think he is a terrible leader. Because, a leader should act only on the benefit of the nation not his own judgement od good or evil. His decision will affect millions and millions of live and tons of money so it's better for the benefits of the country. The reason the American invaded Iraq is not for WMD or Alqueda or any of that. The main reason is to secure a stable flow of cheap oil. That reason in itself is evil but, I can live with that because America depends on cheap foreign oil so much. The reason Saddam Hussein was dangerous because he had in the past tried to control neighboring oil field for himself as with the with Iran and when he invaded Kuwait.
The reason this administration will be look at a failure because it did not do enough homework. The administration failed to listen to advise of its own people and allies in the Middle East. Saudi Aria had warned the preseident that the Iraq war must be quick and clean or it will become ugly. The attitude is so arrogant that lead to the mess that we are right now.
Sure it's easy to get rid of Saddam Hussein but what we will do after? I wish this administration had done more homework on this issue.
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@ConservativeArtist (201)
• United States
4 Feb 07
I don't care about today's polls, and neither will historians. I think they will vindicate Bush. Lincoln was VERY unpopular during the Civil War, and now he is beloved by everyone.
I think Bush is an excellent president, who doesn't get the respect he deserves. I would also rate him one of the best presidents America has ever had. He is a true leader who doesn't just follow the polls, (although he has made concessions to liberals, which he also doesn't get credit for). He is a true leader by staying the course in Iraq, and taking a strong unwavering stance on the Global War on Terror.
@ProAmerica (131)
• United States
10 Feb 07
I think you are right, time will show that he was a true leader and stood up to the evil of our time which is terror.
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@Louiethe20th (127)
• United States
15 Feb 07
This is not a discussion about Islamo fascists or Bin Laden, it is about George Bush!
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@neetrah_32 (234)
• United States
19 Feb 07
ConvervativeArtist please explain to me why his rating is 30% and his own cabinet turned against him? Or why he's sending countless troops to Iraq to die for a war HE started. Not to mention the fact that he bombed the WRONG country.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
14 Feb 07
I think that as time goes on, people will come to realize that Bush did the right thing, and the only thing that he could possibly do under the circumstances.
There are a lot of Bush haters right now that really have no clue as to what they are talking about.
Those who claim we are in Iraq only for the oil are terribly deluded.
Those from the Mideast who are against us being in Iraq have agendas of their own, and those agendas do not bode well for the Iraqi people, or anyone who stands in their way.
We must eliminate the threat of terrorism not only for America, but for everyone.
The supporters of terrorism don't want us there for obvious reasons.
I wonder what the response would have been if 9-11 would have occurred a year earlier than it did.
Would the decisions made then have been any different, and if so, what would have been the ramifications?
Time will only tell how Bush will be regarded. How he is seen now may be very different than how he is seen in 25 or 50 years.
@ProAmerica (131)
• United States
14 Feb 07
You are right on Destiny007. Down the road people will realize how much for the good of mankind that this president did for fighting the Islamist terrorist. Thanks for responding.
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@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
31 Jan 07
are you serious?
he might go down in history worse off than Nixon!
his approval rating is at 30%!! even his own party is turning against him.
can you think of another president where the majority of congress was outright opposing decisions?
Good President-Great President???
my opinion is Disappointing President.
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@neetrah_32 (234)
• United States
19 Feb 07
You hit the nail right on the head! He's worst than the gum on the bottom of someone's shoe!
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I gotta second that thought, Cinder.
It's a shame there are still so many sheeple stuck on parties and labels that they cannot see their noses before their faces.
@ProAmerica (131)
• United States
21 Feb 07
If you were the president of the United States, what would you have done differently? Remember please, we were not in Iraq or Afghanistan at the time our country was attacked. They brought a fight to us, a fight we will and must win.
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@Sageoak (36)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I do not think there is any hope for people that are so deluded. Bush lied and twisted intelligence for his own motives. Check the facts; the inspectors were in Iraq up until Bush told them to get out because he was going to bomb Iraq. He keeps himself surrounded by sycophants and will not admit his mistakes. Iraq is turning into a quagmire, New Orleans is still a mess, our constitutional rights have been assaulted, he ignores the law with all his signing statements, and he ignores knowledgeable people such as the Iraq Commission. He deserves to be put up on charges for his acts and yet folks still try to justify his administration. You like to scream Clinton but no one in his administration was found guilty of any crime, The toll is adding up on how many of Bush's people are going to jail. I only hope that Congress has enough gumption to hold hearings on all the wrong doings of this administration.
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
19 May 07
I am not at all convinced nor do I believe that there were no weapons of mass destruction hidden. They had plenty of time to move those weapons to syria or underground anywhere. If you ask me who do I believe , the terrorists or our commander in chief..Ill take our president....
@mjsdls (1840)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I'm all for Bush. I may not agree with everything he does, but I support him. I didn't agree with him making Isreal give their land away. But I do believe his is doing is best to protect america.
I just wonder if he knows what the bible says about Isreal? Been praying that he will make the choices. I do believe he is a Godly man. That is one reason why he is hated so much, not because of the war.
@habichuelo (3100)
• United States
19 Feb 07
i would blow this on his butt!,i hate Bush,
I dont hate americans,i said only Bush and his stupid policy
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
19 May 07
You know what , it was not during the Bush admin that the plans were laid for 911, they were designed long before. It may be a surprise but those plans would have happened no matter who was in office....
Do you know how many of our people have been saved here at home because of Bush and the homeland security he undertook. Does any one of you read about the people he has protected here? Does anyone understand what all this president has had to do in order to activate enough homeland security.???????
This is our elected commander in chief. The American people have voted him in.
@dradelelassy (1208)
• United States
21 Feb 07
neither good nor great but leader opened many traps to hunt but he was trapped into all his traps and unable to free himself
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@ProAmerica (131)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Okay, I think someone had too much to drink tonight!!
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@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
14 Feb 07
hallo mr. president!
im dian from Bali indonesia. ive been thinking to working at your country only for 4 or 5 year. but getting you visa its very hard! people must be rich to enter. please give you power help here. i want to make my parents very proud of me.
i will rate you as a great president then.soon as i can work there.please for the
@ProAmerica (131)
• United States
14 Feb 07
Hello Dian from Bali, I was nice to hear from you. I will use my powers and grant you a visa so you can live here in my great country. Your parents will be proud when you come here and make a great living for yourself. In america you have the opportunty to have your dreams come true..
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@steerpyke (396)
11 Feb 07
If the American people honestly want a semi-literate, ex-executioner, moron who only got where he was in politics because of his dad and only got anywhere in business due to Saudi money, as a great president, then I feel sorry for their deluded state.
The irony is that he is a creationist yet you can clearly see that he has only recently evolved from a monkey.
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@fluffleshark (810)
• Ireland
19 Feb 07
You don't need to be intelligent or 'good' AT ALL to be powerful! He is powerful because of who he is, not what he is. I personally find him quite a humorously silly, albeit pathetic character, just pupeteered around by his advisors. I don't think he is 'bad' himself - I don't think he has the intelligence to be - I think that his advisros are though. Thankfully his power is finally starting to wane though now that gongress has turned against him!
@ProAmerica (131)
• United States
11 Feb 07
That moron you say is the most powerful person in the world. You seem not very intelligent yourself and not up to date on political issues. You are one of many who are closed minded about what the real issues that we face today.
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@neetrah_32 (234)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I'm gonna say he's the WORST!!!! Yeah, he's really bad. Tell me, name one GOOD thing he's done. Maybe the fact that countless lives have been lost in a war that should have never started in the 1st place, unemployemnt is up, GAS is high, the Hurrican Katrina situation was handled horribly because it didn't affect him or his family personally. Should I keep going? Clinton was the bomb! He was for us LOWLY folks!
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@ProAmerica (131)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Clinton was the bomb? You must be one of the uneducated idiots who vote for the democrats. Clinton cut the military and the inteligence agencys during his stay as president. He allowed terrorist camps to take place and thrive in many countrys. We were attacked numerous times by terrorist and Clinton did nothing. He allowed the Islamist terrorist to grow strong which led to 3,000 american deaths on 9/11.
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@ProAmerica (131)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Unemployment is lower right now than at any point during the clinton years. As for Katrina, lets look at the local leaders and state leaders who failed the people. They are all democrats, voted for by alot of people who are dependent on the goverment and cant make desicions on there own.
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@twinsmama (40)
• United States
14 Feb 07
I believe he will go down in history as a terrible president. Yes, many people believed the pre-war intelligence, but Bush could've learned a lot from Truman who believed the buck stopped with the person making the choice. Bush ultimately made the decision to send our troops into harm's way, and I truly believe we are less safe than we were before 9-11. We have created more enemies and dismantled one of the greatest world alliances of all time--an alliance his father helped to create.
He has sold out our nations safety to keep his corporate supporters happy by refusing to truly secure the borders.
He doesn't seem to see the constitution as the foundation for our country but as a living document that can be changed to fit his ideas.
He put his cronies into positions of power they were ill-equipped for, and lost a major city not to an act of terrorism, but to a natural disaster. We watched people dying in the streets, and his people claimed they couldn't get in to NO, but somehow every news channel in the world could. He promised the victims of Katrina that their towns would be restored....that hasn't happened.
Pathetic is a word I would use to describe his presidency.
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@ProAmerica (131)
• United States
14 Feb 07
President Bush is the leader of America, but look closer into politics okay? Who are the political leaders in New Orleans? Who are the elected leaders in Louisiana? They were elected by the people of that state and city. Why not show some blame on them for their failures? I guess its because they are all democrats and Bush is not? It's easy to blame the federal goverment, but take a good look and you will see a lack of intelligent and educated leaders in louisiana. The worst leader was mayor Ray Nagin, who failed his people. But wait, he is black, so it's the "white man" and Bush who is at fault? Corruption at the local level is to blame for the most part. They have put so many people depended on the goverment to run there lifes. Along came a crisis and they ask what is the goverment going to do? Most people who are not depended on the goverment would have done the right thing and left the city. Never depend on the goverment for your welfare, depend on yourself and do the right thing for you, your family and the tax paying people of this country.
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@Louiethe20th (127)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Where was the utopia in New Orleans??? They are completely run by liberals from local, governor and Seante!!! Louisiana consistantly finishes in the bottom half of the U.S. in many categories, but they are ran by Dems!!! Why is all not perfect??? It is Bush's fault I forgot!!!
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@twinsmama (40)
• United States
14 Feb 07
Nowhere in my argument did I bring up race or hold other officials blameless. However, the Bush administration gutted FEMA when they put them with DHS, then put Brown in charge with no qualifications.
Also, it's very easy to say that these people shouldn't have relied on anyone but themselves, but when you are as needy as they are, that's not very realistic.
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@TheHermit (98)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Yeah like Cobert's Great or Greatest president? But, unlike Steven Cobert, I think this guy is serious.

@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I have just one question on this matter that Hermit brought up.
Since Congress gave the approval to go into Iraq in the first place,
WHAT THE HELL makes you think he is going to be impeached,
WHAT THE HELL makes you think he committed Treason,
WHAT THE HELL makes you think he committed any war crimes,
WHAT THE HELL makes you think he committed high crimes and misdemeanors ?!
After the charges that were legitimately brought against Billy Bob Clinton when he was impeached, and the Demoncrats held their noses and voted him innocent even though they KNEW him to be guilty, and many spoke out against him outside of the proceedings, where does ANYONE get off suggesting that Bush be impeached?!
Clinton brought shame and disgrace to his office, he liked to the American people and to Congress, he lied during the impeachment trial, and as a result was disbarred from the legal profession.
For Congress to give Clinton a pass and then seek to impeach Bush for doing his level best to protect America and Americans would be the ultimate pinnacle of hypocrisy.
Bush may not have been the greatest American President ever, but he is far from being the worst.
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@ProAmerica (131)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Just to let everybody know, If you check the hermits page, you will see that he believes 911 was a inside job by Bush. Hahha, another nut job that votes for the democrats. Don't you see people how crazy and dangerous these liberals are? Keep voting for the democtats and morans like this are going to get us all killed by the Islamist terrorist.
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
19 May 07
Please read the following articles on what has been acomplished in Iraq
This is a quote from the president of the United States
The progress in the past year has been significant, and we have a clear path forward. To complete the mission, we will continue to hunt down the terrorists and insurgents. To complete the mission, we will prevent al Qaeda and other foreign terrorists from turning Iraq into what Afghanistan was under the Taliban, a safe haven from which they could launch attacks on America and our friends. And the best way to complete the mission is to help Iraqis build a free nation that can govern itself, sustain itself, and defend itself.
@officialeasyweb (108)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Sincerely I dont think he will be well remembered as a great president, by what I have observed is that he will be remembered as the president that drove US troops into a war that has no end. These people have been at war since historical times, even in the bible (written thousands oy years ago) these countries were already at war. So how does Bush think he can stop it? Countries can improve, but what is written is written. Some things are better left alone.
So its sad, because Bush "father" was good but this one has gone astray. Its sad to say because I voted for him in the past elections and I regret it. But we learn from our mistakes, and as voters we have to be aware of every individual that postulates for presidency, we as citizens have to study the individuals and keep track of everything they do. Etc Etc Etc
@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
20 Apr 07
I am sorry you voted for Bush. LOL.
This is my plan. When I have to choose between 2 idiots like the last election I am going to write myself on the ballot. I think I would do a better job than Bush.
It would be nice if you could count on American citizens to write NONE OF THE ABOVE on the ballot. Then they will give us better candidates.
The way it looks I will not vote for Bin Laden Ossama or what ever his name is. He has NO experience. Has the guy ever had any job?
Hillary probably will not get my vote. He platform is not level.
And any republican has a totally lopsided platform.
@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
19 May 07
President Bush said in his State of the Union address in January 2004: "We are tracking al-Qaeda around the world, and nearly two-thirds of their known leaders have now been captured or killed."
@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
19 May 07
This is the fact sheet. It explains what the goals are and why.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
20 May 07
That is because oil is not the issue.
It is amazing that folks are still trying to propagate that bit of deliberate prevarication.

@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
20 Apr 07
Terrible. The guy is an idiot. I know his Iq and it isn't much above retarded.
@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
19 May 07
In March 2003, Bush received a mandate from the U.S. Congress to lead an invasion of Iraq, asserting that Iraq was in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1441.[1]