Farms Vs Store Bought Food--Can you Handle Both or No?
By mzbubblie
@mzbubblie (3839)
United States
January 31, 2007 6:15pm CST
I know this is going to sound funny...But, I got to believe I'm not the only one like
Growing up down south, My great grandparents had no issues going in a chicken coop, getting eggs, killing pigs, cows, even chicken for meals...(cringe at the thought)
I know this was normal for them as, it was their way of living...Cheaper also...
Being my grandparents had a farm. Might I add this was back in the 70's long time ago...I loved all the animals..I called them pets, they called them food (shake my head)
Seeing this growing up and even now being an adult; do you know I STILL can't eat a animal(s) I have seen?? It has to have a price tag on it with the stores name, weight, and wrapped
I couldn't even eat the eggs I got from the chicken house...Now if my grandma had eggs in the fridge in a carton, I would eat them (that let me know she went to the, then again as I'm thinking, she probably had the same carton and put the chicken eggs from the chicken coop in there...All my family know I was heavily against it and hardly ever ate over my granny house unless it was a big dinner and I KNOW someone brought some store bought food...
So let me ask you...
Could you eat eggs, chicken, pork, or beef from a farm? or are you the type of person, such as myself, have to get all your meats, and eggs from a grocery store? Need to see a price on your meats...
Please share and any experiences if you have any....
Back then, My grands would get
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27 responses
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I don't think that it sounds funny at all! ^_^ I can't say that I've really had experience having farm food, but I sure would also not like to eat an animal that i had seen alive. Eggs are one thing. I could probably eat those. But I would not like to eat an actual animal that I had just seen living. That would be so incredibly difficult for me. I don't even like killing insects, lol! I just love animals, and if I thought I could easily live as a vegetarian I would like to do so. But I already have enough troubles with food that I figure I'd better not complicate my life more *laugh* Still, I definitely get where you're coming from.
@classy56 (2880)
• United States
1 Feb 07
this is funny..i was rasied on a i did all the things you mention above,collecting eggs kill hogs an everything ,i do still wring chicken necks an cut there head off for my mom when she buys the fresh chickens off of a farmer.last time i did this was last she still put country eggs in a store bought carton to make other think they are from the store,but i can tell the diffrents store eggs dont have poop on them an they arent green or after we kill the chicken we put them on the stove in water to get hot an then pluck the feathers off an cut in insides out.but we keep the heart an but i by most of my meats from the store now an i get country eggs from a farmer,they are cheaper an better for you

@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Oh wow...You have guts..I wish I had the heart to just eat it after I seen's sad i
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
1 Feb 07
But did you eat the was you are brave I couldn't do all you for responding

@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Are you sure we are not related? That sounds so much like me. Growing up I refused to eat anything that was killed unless it came from a store and I had to see the package otherwise I refused to eat it I wouldn't eat eggs either unless store bought because to many nasty surprises like bitties,rotten,half formed,blah blah blah,the pig was my friend and I used to play with it and take it walks and got so mad when it got slaughtered and refused to eat and when a cow was slughtered I refused to eat same way with a chicken. So most my life till I got married was mostly fruits and vegetables. And still to this day if it ain't store bought I don't get it. They told me I was stupid,crazy but I just couldn't eat it my brain got to busy thinking about it and then my throat close up and I'd get nausous thinking about it. And I think that is why after I got married I went hog wild in a store because I was able to buy everything I wanted and didn't have to worry about such things. I swear a few years ago my dad shot a squirrel and ask me to fix it for him cause my mom was to sick and I had to chant repeatedly in my head over and over it's chicken becky,it's chicken becky just trying to cook it he cleaned it. I started to gag and blurted out loudly I guess to try to convince myself that my brain wasn't seeing what I thought it was It's chicken Becky! and my parents laughed their self silly at me and told everyone within a hundred mile radius about it. But I got it done and fried..Thank goodness I refused to eat stuff like that all my life..
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
2 Feb 07
We might be related, but you a bit bolder than I...I would and could not cook no squirrel...I guess, Squirrels, rabbits and animals like that I KNOW i couldn't cook it..
you go girl!!!! i couldn't do it...
thank you for responding twin :)
@sweetgirl_k1 (3972)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I cannot eat an animal that I've seen either. It has to come from the store. My step father in law killed a deer and he had it cut up and he gave us a deer roast. When I opened up the package that it has been frozen in, it still had a little bit of blood on it and I couldn't even eat one bite. I cooked it and my hubby ate it. My (real) father in law has chickens and he gets eggs from them. He always tries to send them home with us. I tell him over and over that I'm not eating no egg that came straight from a chicken and he says it's the same thing I get from the store. Now I can eat it if I buy it from the store but I can't eat it if it comes from his house because I just picture where that egg came from.

@sweetgirl_k1 (3972)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I know exactly what you are saying. I don't want to see no animal and then have to eat it. YUCK!! It's like I just picture that animal in my head and I'd get sick if I had to eat it after that. Even though the meat that comes from the store was once a living thing--I never had to see it before it was brought to the store. And I know what you mean about some people not reading your entire posts. I think some of them just skim through it and then reply.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
1 Feb 07
We are just ALIKE...Yanno the more I respond to people responses, it's always "the meat comes from a farm, that you see in the store" well, there is a difference...I DID NOT see the darn
Makes you wonder do some people REALLY read my entire post...
Thank you for reading it and responding..I see we got the seeing the animal thing in common...hehehe

@AmberNormandin (883)
• United States
1 Feb 07 just like you. in fact, if i liked veggies more than i do, i'd be a vegetarian. I hardly eat any meat anymore. I dont like eggs at all. Its just hard for me to eat an "animal" or what would have become an animal. It doesnt matter to me if it came from the store, or a family members farm, its still an animal to me. I have such a big heart and love for animals. If i lived on a farm, there is no way i couldnt make the animals pets! Im sure i'd talk to them and pet them.....
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I can respect that, That's what happened to me, I got attached to the animals, and just the thought of feeding them, or doing chores around the farm with my grandparents...
It was a bit much to eat after the fact...
Long as I didn't participate on that farm it came from I'm totally comfortable with eating meat..
@vhueske (5)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I am also an animal lover. I hate the thought of anything being killed. But...I do eat meat on occasion, so I suppose that makes me somewhat of a hypocrite. I do love farm eggs. They taste much better than from the grocery chains. Also, I believe they are richer in omega 3's and, therefore, much healthier. But, the main reason I like the thought of farm food is I believe the animals live a happier life. I hate the inhumane way animals in all of these commercial suppliers are treated. Their lives are cruel and tortured. They are confined, hundreds huddled in small cramped ares and fed unnatural substances. So...if I had the opportunity to choose between the two, I would choose the farm animals. (I would NOT be able to know them or to see them killed.) Only, because I know they are going to be used for food anyway, but while they are on this earth, they had comfortable, peaceful, natural lives.
@vhueske (5)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Up above is the first time I've posted on a site like this, so I hope I'm not doing anything illegal by adding to my last comment. I thought about it after I submitted my post. Sorry. But, did anyone hear or read about the supplier for the KFC chains and how some of the employees treated the chickens before they were killed? It was on the news. Someone from (I believe) PETA smuggled a camera in and took videos showing the abuse. They showed how the chickens were thrown against walls, kicked like footballs, pulled their feathers out...all this before killing them...what fun, huh? How sick is that. It makes me sick to think of it. I can't even eat at our local KFC anymore. We have to eat in order to survive...but is it necessary to be so heartless?
@kurtdon (143)
• Malta
1 Feb 07
Well.. I was never the rural type of person, always lived in a large town, growing into a city soon lol. I like cities more, and as for eating animals, us humans need to consume on them, we need meat. One of my favorite pets are rabbits.. but also it is my favorite meat hehe. Here in my country, it is one of our traditional dishes, nearly all Maltese love it. Good day:)
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
1 Feb 07 you "love" to "eat" rabbits (love em and eat em)lol..hehehe I understand, I believe it really depends on the person not where you live...I'm a country/rural girl, but I can't eat farm food....
@melanie652 (2524)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Food grown fresh from the farm tastes SOOOOOOOO much better than what you get at the grocery store. There is no good comparison. Tomatoes I grow in my garden have such a nice flavor to them compared to the bland tasting ones I get at the grocery store. Same goes for cucumbers, squash or anything else. We live out in the country and used to have cattle. We raised our own, grain fed and butchered one for ourselves every so often. We kept half and would sell half. The quality of meat and the flavor is TONS better than the grocery store. There are several advantages to eating meat from one of our steers instead of store bought - (1) I could grain it out the way I wanted (sweet feed - better flavor to the meat and more tender. (2) I knew the beef was not loaded down with growth hormones or antibiotics. We raised our beef naturally. (3) The cost is more economical. These days we buy 1/2 a beef from one of the local cattle ranchers. Although the upfront cost is more expensive, we can buy 1/2 a beef and our freezer is stocked with enough steaks, roasts and hamburger to last us a year so it ends up being cheaper in the long run. I love animals too and while it was sad to raise a steer to butcher him later - he was well fed and well taken care of. I learned not to get too attached since I knew he would either be sold or butchered. That's just life on a farm? I know it's a lifestyle choice and not for everyone though.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
1 Feb 07
That's very true and thank you for breaking it on down...
I wish I was like some of you who have no problem with it...I just get too you for your wonderful response
@beautyoperater (1890)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Sorry hun but I grew up on the farm.
We raised chickens for cooking. I had to cut their heads off and pluck them. My mom gutted them. We bought eggs at a chicken farm up the road. We even bought milk from a dairy farm.
It was cool to see how that was done.
My cousins raised cattle and hogs so we had lots of meat all the time. It was really cheap. If I could afford to I would go back to farm living.
Then I could raise my own food.
The only food I wouldn't eat was the veges out of the garden. I don't like veges. Ate everything else out of their, lettuce, potatoes, raw carrots, strawberries, radishes and sweet corn.
Life was so good on the farm. Sorry.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Ohhh hunnie, I believe it...And way cheaper as well...Mentually, I just can't gather myself to kill it myself, skin, pluck, gut something I have
As to other responses, it seem to be good meat...I wouldn't doubt it...
I'm just so darn
Now the garden, I can work with you on...thank you as always for responding
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Oh I love farm fresh far as fresh meat goes, I've had fresh deer and moose which I loved, fresh chicken tasted wierd to me probably cause it was fresh and not pumped with crap LOL and I dont think I've ever had fresh cow or pig but I'd be totally willing to try it...
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
1 Feb 07
You are a go getter, I wish I had the guts to try it..I could eat one bite and get turned off thinkin about seeing that animal walking around outside when I
I don't like deer meat either...
Just a old picky gal huh...
thank you for responding
@cwgrlsarefun (1581)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I also grew up this way. We raised our food to eat. As a child I knew this but did not like it and my family knew that I did not like it. I would cry when they would tell me that we were having one of our animals for dinner. For me they were not just animals they were my friends. It seems that all I can remember buying from the store was things like flour and sugar and salt. Everything else came from home. I did not have a problem with eating out of the garden so I remember I just got to where I would only eat vegetables and fruit that we grew. Even now I can not stand eating anything unless I have bought it myself from the store. A few months back we were invited to a friends for dinner, when we walked in the house the smell just told me that it was not right. I was trying to be polite, when we sat to eat it had a really strong smell. I had just put a bite in my mouth and it was awful, my husband asked what it was and they informed us it was one of their goats that they had buthcherd. I got so sick and so upset over that I will not even accept a dinner invitation to anyones house now.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Oh wow that's HORRIBLE :( I mean I know I'm a meat eater, but man what an experience...
I had a similar experience, I don't eat deer, but a family friend had ground up some deer and made burger...(EWWWW) the thought of seeing the deer earlier not thinking it was going to be cooked, I was thinking I was eating Beef...After the 1st bite, I knew it was not Beef...I couldn't eat anything else that night...
I know the feeling...thank you for responding...
@maru_047in (1007)
• India
1 Feb 07
i don't like harming any kind of animals and i find some one doing it i ll say them not to do so cause it hurts me a lot and i m a pure vegetarian and in my house everybody haves meat leaving me i tell them every time they do and they start teaching me a lesson this that if you eat this you ll be more healthy and you don't get any disease as such but i don't listen to them. If i would have in your place definitely not.
@SaraCate (184)
• Canada
1 Feb 07
By "pure vegetarian" do you mean you don't eat dairy or eggs?
Just curious.
As far as anyone telling you eating animal proteins will make you healthier, that's generally not the case. Overall vegetarians and vegans are far healthier than meat-eaters. You have to be a little more aware of getting variety in your diet, and possibly tkaing B12 supplement if you're vegan - but being aware of what you're eating isn't a bad thing anyway.
Not vegetarian myself, but veg. cooking and nutrition are an interest.
@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I am the exact same as you! I am also from the country and, although, my family didn't kill livestock and all ourselves, we had animals and they went to slaughter. I raised a steer for an Ag project and had to sell him off to the slaughterhouse! I didn't eat beef for years!!! If I think of it too much now, I won't eat it. LOL
I can't eat anything that I see or helped raise or named or petted! It just seems wrong to me in some way!
So, you are not alone in this. I guess I wouldn't have been a very good "little house on the prairie woman". LOL
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
1 Feb 07 house on the are funny...Yeah too much mentually for me...I couldn't do it...
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@Makena1968 (682)
• United States
1 Feb 07
First of all, I'm a vegetarian. One of the reasons I am is what you've written about in your discussion. I just can't eat anything that I'd be able to look at in the eyes, or touch and feel the life in them. Now, I've had chickens (for their eggs) and I'd gather their eggs, and I'd ask them politely, then thank them for their gift to me. (There were no male chickens around at the time). I do buy eggs at the store, but I always try to get those eggs that say the chickens roamed free, or they're organic. It definitely is harder to eat an animal you have raised and became attached to. But, as I see it, all animals' lives are just as special as the ones we are attached to. That's just the way I feel.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
1 Feb 07
And I respect the way you feel, there is nothing wrong with that at all..thank you for responding
@silkyt34 (324)
• United States
1 Feb 07
i grew up on a farm and i also went hunting with my mom we would eat whatever she shot, rabbit,squirrel it didnt matter . i got the eggs from the henhouse, it was an is a much cheaper way for food and if i could i would live on a farm thankfully i have enough room for a garden but thats it.. now my kids.. would never be able to eat a chicken that was freshly killed
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I know what your kids can't do it either...thank you for responding..
@kyle930 (763)
• United States
1 Feb 07
That is stupid all foods come from a farm. Just because you dont see them kill the animal or you buy it in a store doesnt mean it wasnt killed so you could eat it. There is no way to eat a hamburger without injuring a cow and it is not a good idea to just take a cow leg so the cow can live so insteak they just kill the whole thing.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
1 Feb 07
First off it's not stupid...As I said in my topic, I COULDN'T EAT A ANIMAL THAT I HAD SEEN ALIVE--
Everyone is well aware that there is meat in a grocery store and it comes from a farm prior...
Furthermore, before you call something STUPID because you feel a certain way.
EVERYONE is entitled to their opinions, views, or thoughts...
However, if you can't be repectful when replying giving your opinion rather than calling something stupid or being sarcastic about something--You could of just kept this response to YOURSELF!!!
@jammed (153)
• Philippines
1 Feb 07
I grew up in a farm. We could live without a cent for a day because we only had to get at the backyard for our consumption. So yes, I can eat eggs, chicken, or beef from a farm. But when we moved to the city, our major source of food is from the grocery or super market. But I understand the food available there are also coming from the farm.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Yes very true, My reason for not liking it is because the thought of seeing the actual animal and then having it for dinner later on that night...I understand that the meat come from a farm in a grocery stores, but I don't have to see it as a living animal, that was my reason for posting, is asking if others felt the same as I....thank you for responding
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I believe I could eat meat from a farm myself, Just can't see the animal alive walking around, or feeding it, or petting it etc....
That's the biggest issue I have...
Thank you for responding
@shakadoodoo (737)
• Dallas, Texas
1 Feb 07
I like farm fresh food because it does not have all the chemicals in it. It does not bother me if I knew the animal. Once I get my live stalk - I going to put Worcestershire sauce in their water and sprinkle seasoning salt, garlic, and onions in the grass! - lol - Nothing beats raising your own animals and having a garden! But I grew up in Oklahoma and Arkansas - I guess my opinion is logical!
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Oh wow...Now that's real you need is a stove after that :)...
Yes, I understand and only if I could eat it...On top of that I'm a real picky eater
thank you for responding...
@sherrir101 (3670)
• Malinta, Ohio
1 Feb 07
Once you start eating 'fresh' food. There is no other taste that will satisfy some people. I love the taste of farm fresh food. I can cook a mean deer and love a hog roast. Some people just cannot adapt to this. That is why we have grocery stores. Which is fine, I just know I prefer farm fresh.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Yes, I've heard that from alot of people...But the thought just turns me off about it...
thank you for responding...I'm going to visit my family out of town this weekend..I may give it a try again...
thank you for responding
@cassidy22 (2974)
• United States
1 Feb 07
my husband's theory (this may sound rude, and it's not mine) is that if you can't stomach where you food REALLY comes from - you don't have a right to eat it. So even if your meat has a price tag on it, it still got slaughtered somewhere.
We are actually buying land and starting our own farm soon. We plan mostly to provide food for ourselves, and extra will be sold at the farmer's market. we aren't doing it to get rich, but to live off the land for ourselves. I've never killed anything in my life, so it will be an experience for me, but I figure if I want to eat it, I have to have the nerve to kill it...
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
1 Feb 07
That's not rude and I understand what you mean, however, I can stomach where my food comes from (a farm), just not trying to eat what I just saw alive walking around the day before...
Good luck with your land and farming..Also thank you for responding...