Is It Ok to Take a Bath after Working Out in the Gym?

slimmer now - after working out in the gym. exhausted. tired. but refreshed.
January 31, 2007 6:55pm CST
I am working out in the gym 4x times a week and after every workout, I take a bath. My friend told me that it's ok and it won't affect my health. However, I am having cough and colds for three weeks now and I guess it has something to do with my after-gym habit. Medications won't effect at all. I need advice.
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15 responses
• India
1 Feb 07
I dont think it is a problem to take bath after gym but you have to wait for a certain time till your body cools and then you can take bath. regarding cold it is common during the winter season.
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• Philippines
2 Feb 07
thanks for your comment. it's hard for me not to take a bath after working out because i do it before going to the office. i do not want to smell aweful at work. the problem is, i dont have enough time to rest before taking a bath. usually, i am in the gym from 6am to 7:45am and i only have 15 minutes to take a bath and get ready for work. 8am is my call time in the office.
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18 Apr 12
you have to adjust your work out routine..let say 6am to 7am its a 1hr work out time,you can do a lot of exercise by then.i think 1hr and 45min its too you have 1hr available time and take a rest..
• Melbourne, Florida
1 Feb 07
I don't think a bath would make you ill. If you recently started working out, you are probably sick because your body is getting rid of all the accumulated toxins. There are many natural herbs, vitamins, and minerals you can take to help boost your immune system, and help your body cleanse itself. It's not uncommon for you to get sick when you start really taking care of yourself. It's your body going through a healing process, as ironic as that may seem.
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• Philippines
1 Feb 07
hmmmnnn... im just worried because my body might be adjusting to the heat from working out and the coldness of the water when i take a bath. you know, some people become pneumonic when they are wet by the rain. im afraid this would be a cause too.
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31 Aug 10
bathing after workout is detrimental for your health, the pores are open due to sweating and if take a bath right after your workout the tendency is your body would absorb water, you need to wait 1 hr for your body to cool down..
• France
7 Feb 07
Dont take bath immediatly after coming from gym. let your sweat dry up. If it smells very uncomfort u can change your dress. or after bath have bath with lukewarm water avoid cold water. Your cold and cough are not due to this i think may be due to cold climate. Dont worry take more water(5 liters a day) This will help you a lot REGARDING HEALTH AND BEAUTY.
• Philippines
8 Feb 07
thanks for your response. it is a big help. regards.
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@badreligi (224)
• Indonesia
1 Feb 07
You should not take a bath after your every workout. You need to take a rest for few hours, because when you tired from your gym, your body made sweat. You should dry your body from sweat at first, and then you can take a bath. I am not sure why, but i felt the same thing like you, and my parents told that to me, and i never take a bath while my body still full of sweat.
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• Philippines
1 Feb 07
okay. maybe the idea that "parents know best" should be applied here. thanks for your response.
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@ninetails (154)
• Philippines
1 Feb 07
There is nothing wrong in taking a bath after a workout in a gym. I myself do take a bath after working out, I would advice you that you first take a few minutes of rest and then take a warm shower. Also try taking some vitamins especially vitamin C to avoid getting colds. Drink plenty of water too.
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• Philippines
1 Feb 07
oh i see. that would be great. if it applies to you, maybe it will also for me. i just have to take in some vitamins and boost my immune system as well.
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@yanjiaren (9031)
3 Feb 07
if you are sweating your pores open and if you go out in the wind you catch cold,,.always dress up double clothing after your exercise before you go home..
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@msqtech (15073)
• United States
8 Feb 07
a bath is good just close it with cold water to close those pores
@habichuelo (3100)
• United States
4 Feb 07
unless you love the smelly sweat after the GYM,,,otherwise T A K E A S H O W E R its OOOOOOOO KKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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• Philippines
1 Feb 07
i think it is not okay.i am also working out in the gym but i haven't tried to take a bath after my workout.i just took spongebath with lukewarm water when i got home.maybe you work hard and don't have enough rest that is why you have your cough and advice to you is to have your rest and take vitamin c and drink a lot of water. or if seek a doctor for your health maybe he will give you a prescription for your cough and colds.
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• Philippines
1 Feb 07
yes, that's what most of my officemates advice, "do not take a bath right after working out." but here i am, hard-headed. thanks for your advice, it is highly noted and appreciated.
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@carol79 (201)
• Philippines
14 Feb 07
I am a gym freak and I do my workouts for 2-3 hours, 6 times a week. Its actually advisable to take a cold shower after a work out for it soothes your muscles and prevents it from soreness. Athletes actually dip themselves in ice cold water after training to do just that. Personally, I go to the sauna after a workout for about 10-15 minutes before i shower with cold water to atleast rest my muscles for awhile. I think you being sick could be due to you having lack of vitamins or energy boosters since you lost weight. Tke supplements such as anti-oxidants like Vit ACE to make your immune system stronger from free radicals!!!
@webbuff (926)
• Philippines
26 Mar 07
yes its ok to take a bath after working out. but i take a quick shower and a warm water.
• Australia
17 Apr 07
Maybe you must wait 15-30 minutes before you take a bath. Make your body temperature more stabil, and use a warm water is good for your muscle too for relaxation and comfort you body. People said that taking a bath after work out can make pleurisy. Take care friend
• India
17 Apr 07
do you should'nt take bath...its just common sense dont mix hot and cold...for scientific reason...your body reacts to sudden changes in temperature very strongly...thats the problem...give ur body time to come down to normal temperature...
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
5 Sep 10
Hi, nicelyrom. I think that it is okay. Take a warm shower and don't go out into the air right away. Wait for a while and allow your body's temperature to get back to normal. Try not to take a really cold shower though.
@alextrg (86)
• Malaysia
7 Dec 08
It's ok to take a bath after working out, but however, you need to make sure you body has cooled down completely. ie don't come out from say a high impact cardio class, sweating like a wet sponge and you go jumping into the shower immediately. You need to give your body a minimum of 30 minutes to let it cool down completely, and in that 30 minutes, if you think it's a long time to wait, you can a) Do some basic stretches b) Drink some water c) Read something in the lounge area d) Make some new friends at the gym :) Stay healthy!
@msqtech (15073)
• United States
8 Feb 07
I think the problem would only be if you were properly dried and then I dont think it would be getting you ill. There are other things as well germs in gyms are not unknown especially if they dont clean the equipment after use with disinfectant