what goes around comes around

United States
February 1, 2007 11:32am CST
do you belive this statement? i never really qute understod it growing up when my mother would use the term WGACA (waa-gaa-ca) but as i am growing older i fully undrstand it. and i belive it. Maybe if you are stranded on the side of the highway because you an our of gas, or your timing belt snapped, that stranger that pulled over to help yu, or let you use his cellphone, or to give you a lift to the nearest gas station to fill up your portable gas container, maybe he is a sign of wgaca, maybe that lady you help 4 years ago change her flat tire, or the time yu pulled over to a car that had there hazards on in a sno storm, just the fact that you pulled over t ask if they needed help, maybe that was the time that wgaca came into effect. Do you belive in this term wgaca( wat goes around comes around?) do you have any evidence that it exsits? please share
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55 responses
• United States
1 Feb 07
Absolutely. I'm a big believer in karma. I've seen plenty of incidents where someone did something horrible, and it came back to them three times as bad.
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@jauhar (29)
1 Feb 07
i do think the term used in what goes around comes around is very correct my friend because when ive done something bad before, it always comes back and hits me, so yes i do believe it.
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@greengal (4286)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Oh yes I absolutely believe that and say it often myself:) There are so many incidents that have happened to me-- good as well as bad and when it happens I suddenly recall the same which I had done to others. If its something bad I realise how sick it feels to be in that place..since the first time I got back what I did, I've been thinking twice..because I know it will come back someday!I believe this happens not only to me but also to everybody. I'm unable to recall a specific incident on the spur of the moment now, but I'm sure it has happened to me:)
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@avs189 (1030)
• India
1 Feb 07
I Sincerely beleive in what you said that the mistakes of the past do hit you back once u are made a crime ,no doubt u would get away with it for given course of time but in the long run u would suffer from the consequences of the crime or surely you would have pay for it...
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I believe in it but I do also believe in the inevitable. I do believe if you treat others badly, it will come back to haunt you. I also believe if you do good unto others, it will come back to you in mnay blessings. I hope that is true because I can't hardly wait for my blessings.
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• United States
1 Feb 07
Yes, I believe in this saying. It's just like good karma and bad karma. If I did something nice before (not to any particular person), like helped someone out in need, I would later be put in the same situation and would be helped out in the same manner. This would make me realize that it is indeed true (good karma). This happened to me several times in the past, so this is also my motto now; which is very similar to "Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you" but on the opposite end (bad karma). So, whenever I get tempted to exact revenge on someone who did me wrong, I would think twice or thrice before doing it. Later on, I would just dismiss it as bad karma for that person. I just let life exact my revenge.
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
2 Feb 07
i do believe in this saying. most people do it's just that some don't care about it. what goes around comes around. it's true. however, we rarely notice it. we've done something good today and someone did us something good after some years. mostly, same thing as we've done before. i believe in the chains and connections of people to people. we do one thing to another and they do it to another and so on. it's like in the move "pay it forward". a good person pays forward the kindness done to him and the chain of good deed goes on. and isn't it nice that after sometime, it ends on you still?
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@paule4129 (968)
• United States
1 Feb 07
it would be nice if the system was flawless but in my experience ive allways did my best to help people but when i need it it seems to be a struggle and i noticed bad people never seem to get punished or get somethin bad there way/istill havent lost faith in mankind and i will allways help a person in need and hope ive banked enough for a big lottery win lol..
• India
2 Feb 07
friends this is very true. i do believe in this adage "As you sow, so shall you reap. I have seen and experienced myself. So becareful Duh, in whatever you do. have second thought
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• United States
2 Feb 07
good things come to those who wait and better to those that have patients to wait/im waiting lol.....
• Nigeria
1 Feb 07
Hey the truth hurts...but the truth will set you free too, your heart will no longer be hurt by him...and the love that was betrayed will be returned just as the hurt he caused has come back around to learn him a lesson too.
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@pradesh13 (287)
• India
2 Feb 07
Yes its true, it depends how you behave to others and the others will behave in the same way. If you will do something which is not good, bad things will come in your way!( I am not saying to you alone but its overall message to everyone including me), I dont think any examples are needed in this.
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• United States
2 Feb 07
I definatly beleive in what goes around comes around. My daughters girl scout troop leader filed tax returns in all the kids names. She filed over 100 tax returns and Iwas irate when I found out. I had already pulled my daughter out of her troop by the time I found out but it really bothered me that someone could do this. This happened almost a year ago and I figured that even though the IRS found out they proably werent going to do anything to her. Boy was I wrong. i got a call from the FBI yesterday and they are going to prosecute her and sell everything she owns and divide themoney up between the kids she did this to. Horray for justice. She gets jail time and my daughter gets her money. LOL
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• Portugal
2 Feb 07
I do believe in that statement but not because of something mystical about the universe or anything, just because people go through similar experiences and if you did something that you considered good or bad and something else happens that you can relate to it will just feel like wgaca.
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@Limey73 (161)
• Canada
2 Feb 07
Hi - Yes, I think the saying is true on many levels. For instance, on the purely logical level, if you help somebody out in some way (giving a positive response on these discussions, say),then the people you help are more likely to return the favour when the time comes. Heh - I'm not suggesting anything there, just an obvious example :) . On a deeper level, the more we help or hurt people, it always seems to boomerang back sooner or later, good for good and bad for bad. Karma or not, that's the way it seems to happen. A good thought-provoking subject, thanks for submitting it.
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• United States
2 Feb 07
i very much belive in it...my aunt know i didnt get my income tax..i owed her money she went hysterical and cursed me out that night some one sliced her tires and it wasnt me...lol...i believe what you do wrong to others will come back to you maybe not in this life time but eventually you will get whats commin to ya.
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@kareng (71249)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Yes, I do believe in it. I once had a blowout on the Atchafalya Freeway. There is very little room to pull over, in fact, it is just enough for a medium size car to fit. It was raining and my daughter and I were going to a concert out of town. It was dark when it happened and I was thankful that I didn't lose control of the car in the traffic. I was just glad that we got off the freeway safe. A State Trooper was there within 7 minutes and he changed the tire himself. It was very scary...no room for this man to work and the blowout was on the side by the highway. He came inches of being hit by a passing truck at one point. I also find myself using this term at work. In the main office there is a group of women. It is amusing to sit on the third floor and watch them back stab each other and then try to be friends.
• United States
2 Feb 07
Yes, yes and yes. I have seen it happen time and time again. Karma pays you in kind for what you have done be it good or bad.
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
2 Feb 07
i agree. it's what we usually call karma. what we do to others will be done back to us after sometime. there are two kinds, good karma and bad karma. good things done will be paid by greatness. bad things done will be paid through pain and suffering.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Yes i do..I don,t think it always comes back to you exactly how you put it out but i do think it comes bsck to you.if you sow bad seed you will reap bad seed and if you sow good seed you will reap good seed.....
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• India
2 Feb 07
well yeah i do believe d term wgaca but i dont have any evidence for its existence.
@dtc06180 (27)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Im not sure whether I believe this statement or not. I have always been a generous person and tried to help others out and it seems like other than my close friends and family - i dont always get that in return. for example when i was 8 1/2 months pregnant i was driving to the hospital on the interstate. i had started bleeding. so anyway my car broke down and it was the middle of winter so im walking up the interstate, cell phone in hand searching for a signal, blood all over my pants, and in the wintertime obviously pregnant - i was huge- and nobody stopped to help me. i mean whats up with that?
• United States
2 Feb 07
aww i am so sorry to hear that that must have been horrible i couldnt even imagine! I guess this current situation goes with the term "bad things happen to good people" on a further note: hows the little one? boy? girl?
• India
2 Feb 07
I belive in it absolutely. Once a friend adviced me to be good to every1 and not ot even think about harming others,the result was miraculous,my life got a lot better,u can never know it unless u try,not even thinking of harming others