I need your happy/cheerful stories today...

@shywolf (4514)
United States
February 2, 2007 9:55am CST
I don't really want to get into it here, but I'm struggling very hard with life right now, and it would be a great comfort if anyone had some happy/cheerful stories to share with me today. What is something recent that happened to you to make you smile? Kind words that someone said? An unexpected visit from a friend? Anything happy that you wish to share in this topic would be great. I really could use it today. Thanks, you guys. I appreciate it a lot! ^_^
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42 responses
@infojeff (79)
• United States
2 Feb 07
This was a great discussion to start - a place for many to come read positive personal stories. Here is mine. I work online and have for many years as a web designer and online network marketer. I am a team leader and enjoy developing team systems. I really care about the people I work with and one way I forge those business relationships is by connecting with team members on the phone. Most of those team members I have never met in person but they are close to me. A team member and I were on the phone a couple days ago speaking about a particular business venture that he had joined on my recommendation. That business has not been going well, so I have been quietly developing replacement systems with alternative team programs. I had been keeping to myself how I was feeling disturbed for getting team members into it as well as helping them get others into it. Not only had I "led them astray", but I had made it easy for them to lead others astray as well. Granted, it was a small investment financially, but several of us had invested our precious time in developing a team-oriented system. So on this phone call, I let him know how bad I felt for that and his response was unexpected. He said that he had gotten into that with his eyes wide open and did not blame me at all. He said that is part of taking business risks. It felt like such a relief to hear him say that. It just showed me that it really is best to let people know how you feel. Maybe they are not as upset with you as you think they are.
6 people like this
• United States
4 Feb 07
Jeff, what a rare find... someone who admits they are in charge of their OWN actons and don't immediately blame someone else for a problem or a wrong turn!!!! You're lucky to have a co-worker/friend as such!
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
2 Feb 07
That is a wonderful story, infojeff! I'm really glad that you let that person know that you felt badly about what had happened. It sounds to me like you felt worse about it than they ever did, and you were beating yourself up over something that other people knew wasn't your fault. How much of a relief it must have been to talk to that person and find out that they were not blaming you at all. I'm so glad that you spoke to them. And I'm glad that you're feeling better about it now! Thank you for sharing. ^_^
5 people like this
• United States
3 Feb 07
infojeff...I just asked for a friend request. I would like to ask you something. I feel that I can get an honest answer to a quesion I have about web designers from you. :-) lol no I'm not going to try and sell you anything.
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• United States
2 Feb 07
Shywolf, I almost deleted this because I am having one of those days too. The best thing I can say is that it will get better. I don't know how and I don't know when - but it will. ~Donna
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Donna, you are so right, and I am trying to keep that in mind. I know with all of my heart that everything in life happens for a reason and for a purpose. I am just having a really difficult year where I am trying to become less shy, and also trying to figure out where I fit in. It's hard to have been shy for so long that your lifestyle doesn't fit in with the people your age, yet you don't feel as accepted by people younger than you where you feel that you would be the most happy. I am just struggling and confused. But I am trying to cheer up.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
3 Feb 07
I just made an amazing realization about myself. At 44 years of age I have realized what is wrong with me, and has been pretty much all my life. You may remember hubby and I had a rough go of it. It is because I blasted off in front of all my family about him drinking when he was supposed to be driving home. I always make a scene. Someone made a comment recently about me always criticizing my husband. While writing in my journal this week I realized that I starve for attention. I was neglected as a child being the youngest, and as a teenager was always a third wheel with friends. Everybody loves my husband. He is very outgoing and I guess I am so jealous of that (that people like him more than they like me), that I act out trying to get attention. This is something I really have to work on. I hope you are able to come out of your shelf, shywolf, and enjoy life more.
4 people like this
• United States
4 Feb 07
Shy honey, you fit in wherever you feel comfortable. You don't need others to tell you if you're "right" or not in that crowd. Don't try so hard to fit, just be you. If YOU is someone quiet and shy then so be it. Chances are you will find a group of very outgoing people or at least one outgoing friend that somehow compensates for your shyness. My best friend and I are almost like opposites. She's so shy and doesn't say a word, I'm always grabbing her and pulling her in. It's amazing how well we blend. We've been friends since the age of 4... I'm 43 now. (psss.. she's 44.. hehehehe... 5 months before me! LOL) And I know that had we not been together she would have sat out a lot. So when you find a perfect friend that compensates for your shyness.... you will find you just KNOW you fit. Or perhaps your friend will be just as shy and you 2 will be best "quiet" friends. Either way, you'll know you fit where you are.
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@peaceful (3294)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Shywolf, Be Of Good Cheer... Today is The Day Of The Waxing Light (Imbolc) and It came with a Brilliant Full Moon... These are great signs for all of us... you just buck up your sweet, but powerful self and go looking for some signs of Spring... and your own positive signs of changing Fortunes... To one as sensitively Gifted as you are, once you start seeing signs of The Good, you will start seeing them everywhere! :) Joy, Abundance and Peace be with you! :) May Vibrance and Prosperity Reward You With Endless Warm, Wet Kisses! :) Blessed Be!
• United States
3 Feb 07
this guy is a cheater and has been reported to MyLot. Check it out.
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• United States
3 Feb 07
this guy is a cheater and has been reported to MyLot. Check it out.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
2 Feb 07
You don't know how much you just made me smile with what you wrote, peaceful! Your words were so evocative and made me feel better just reading them. I felt such a sense of peace, which I do not mean in any way as a pun on your username! ^_^ It really made me feel wonderful, too, when you called me sensitively gifted. I don't know if you have read any of my other posts, but it felt like you understood me so well when you said that, and it really made me happy. Thank you! I added you to my friend list! ^_^
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@MakDomMom (1474)
• United States
2 Feb 07
I just got confirmation this morning that my father-in-law will be moving out of our basement this weekend! He has been living with us since the end of June due to financial trouble. I finally have gotten everything straightened out and foud him a new place. I got the keys!!! YAHOOO!!! Whatever is bring yout down, lift it up to the Lord. He is in control - not you. Thank you Jesus! I pray they He will bless you and your situtation with love, peace, and stength. Nothing is to big for the Lord and He is greater than all. Give it to Him and He will give you peace. May you find blessings today and always.
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Oh, that is wonderful, MakeDomMom! It must be so lovely to know that you have helped out your father in law, and also to know that you will have your home back for you and the rest of your family again. And you are right, I know that I need to let go and just try to follow where I am being lead in life. I try very hard to do that every single day. It is just that certain things have hit me really hard these past few days, and I am worried again about where I am going to find a place to fit in in the world. It is hard being 31 and feeling like you are at least ten years younger because you've been shy for so long that you really have not done most things that people your age have done.
4 people like this
• United States
3 Feb 07
(((((shywolf))))) There's a hug for you little one. :-) I would like to mention something that kinda goes along with MakDomMom's statement. I recently read a book my sister loaned me. I admit I was unsure the author could pull it off but she did. She took the book of Hosea in the bible and made it into a story in the gold rush time. Anyway in this book there is a part where two of the girls are talking and one of them pulls out a shoe box. There's a hole in the top of the box. She tells her friend that it's her box where she hands things over to God. She writes it down on tiny pieces of paper and puts it in the box. Once in the box it's "God's Problem" and she just forgets about it. She always dates the little papers and sometimes goes back to see how long it took to get something done. So today I'm giving you a shoe box and I want you to put all your worries in God's box. Just remember we here at mylot love you and support you in anything you want in your life. :-) P.S. The book is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers.... a must read!!!
2 people like this
• United States
4 Feb 07
My "happy" story is one of how truly blessed I am. I am far from a perfect mom by any means. BUT the one thing I've tried to instill in my kids is honesty. Long story to the beginning, made short, we had been in dire financial straits with an ongoing divorce that never seemed to end, a not so good diagnosis of cancer that disabled me, no income because I couldn't work and was fighting to get the disability insurance from my work and barely if ever able to make house payments. My daughter was taking the bus to school, a city bus. She looked down at her feet and saw an envelope, realized it was a bank envelope, and picked it up. She glanced in it and saw a few large bills, quickly shut it up and waited until she left the bus to take it up to the bus driver. The woman who was the bus driver looked at her like she was an alien or something. The next day, when my daughter got on the bus the woman had tears in her eyes. She said "Honey, I'm sorry if I looked at you like you were crazy but the last thing on earth I would have ever expected was someone to give me an envelope that wasn't theirs, let alone an envelope full of money. Especially on THIS bus, which is loaded with a lot of high school kids. Thank you. I turned it in and if nobody claims it, it is yours." My daughter laughed and said "Well I wouldn't have done anything else, it wasn't mine and I knew whoever lost it had to of missed it because they couldn't have much money if they're riding a bus places." The driver then asked "Do you know how much was in there?" My daughter said she didn't really look. The driver then told her it was around $500. My daughter smiled and said "well, that would pay my family's rent almost so whoever it was I hope gets it back". When she told me she had done this, the first words out of her mouth were "Mom, I thought about just taking it because we need to pay our rent and don't have a cent, but I couldn't do it because I thought about the fact that whoever lost it probably had it to pay their rent and buy their food and such and I would be such a horrible person to steal." My heart never soared so high in my life. The end result was that the person later claimed the money, and while we aren't sure who it was or anything, the president of the bus line sent Nicole a note telling her that he was so proud of her actions and to be able to say people like her used his bus services. He gave her a month free pass to say thanks. Was that anywhere near, financially, to $500 in cash? Heck no. But spiritually and in her heart, no amount of money could have made her feel any better. Or her family more proud.
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
5 Feb 07
That is an absolutely beautiful story, hockeygal! It brought a huge smile to my face, have no doubts about that! My family, and at least I, have struggled for money at times. I know that I do, since the only money I make is currently online. So I know all too well how tempting it would have been to take that $500. But I would have felt horrible in my heart to take it. As your daughter said, it would pay a month's rent for someone, and I am sure that they dearly needed it back. I don't think that I would have been able to live with myself, taking that amount of money, either. I am so glad that your daughter did the right thing. Stories like yours give me so much faith in humanity as a whole. I really hope that the right person claimed that money back. I'm sure that they were sooo relieved when they found out that it had been recovered and not stolen! ^_^ And how sweet that she got a free bus pass! Aww! ^_^
@ILANEDRI (1921)
• Israel
3 Feb 07
I'm very sorry to read that. I wish I had any good story, but I got upset too yesterday. The only good thing that I can say is that in the end of this month, I will be on a play name "All my sons" by Arthur Miller. And in the date of 14.2, me and my class are going for a five days trip to Eilat. I don't know if it make you smile, but it's the only one good think that I could think of. Do you want to share what happend to you? And why you feel sad? You can do it in a private message if you want.
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@ILANEDRI (1921)
• Israel
3 Feb 07
WOW thanks! You are the only user here that always keep me smiling while i'm reading your responses. I just love to talk to you. If you know the play, i'm acting George. I asked for a small part, because I have a lot of exams this year. You can bet on it that I will have great time in Eilat! :)(:
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I am so happy that I make you smile! ^_^ I don't actually know about the roles in that play, no, but it sounds like you have a pretty good part. I'm so happy for you! And thanks again for bringing some cheer into my day, as well ^_^
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Oh my goodness, are you saying that you are going to be in a play? What part are you playing? You have no idea how much I am into going to see live theater productions! That is a great passion of mine, seeing live performances like that. Too bad that you are not performing near me. I would love to come and see your play. That is really awesome! ^_^ So yes, it truly made me smile! And I am glad too that your class is going on a trip. I know that you will have a great time in Eilat! ^_^
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@loved1 (5328)
• United States
2 Feb 07
You just gotta remember "Its all good". I know nobody wants to hear that when they are feeling bad but really, it is true. I look back at times in my life when I was so down I just cried like it was the end of the world. Now when I remember those times it seems silly. Like I was making a big deal out of nothing. I wish you were here because I have a tendency to draw shy people out of their shells and get them involved with others. I don't really mean to, it just happens. Do something great for yourself! It will boost your self esteem and make you feel like you can conquer the world. You can, you know! =)
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@loved1 (5328)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I am as close as Iowa if you ever want to make a road trip!
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
2 Feb 07
I know what you mean, too. There are times that I've been so upset about something that seemed like nothing looking back on it later, as well. It is too bad that you aren't here in Missouri, Loved1, if you aren't. I tell you, I need someone like you around me right now. I keep wishing for someone really outgoing to walk into my life and force me into more situations that I need to get myself into, lol! But for some reason, it just isn't happening. I don't know if it just isn't time for it to happen yet or if I am just meant to force myself to step out on my own, but either way I know that all things happen for a reason. I am trying to remind myself of that and cheer up.
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Hi! My parents came to visit a few weeks ago and my mom brought supplies to make rice crispy treats, but we didn't have time to make them, so she just left them. Yesterday afternoon, I told my daughter we would make them, so we did. My husband told me that after he got home, our daughter told him, "Daddy, we made rice christmas trees!" LOL She's 4 :-) I hope things get better for you, sweetie! ((hugs))
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Oh my goodness, that is one of the cutest things that I've read this week! Rice Christmas Trees! *laugh* I wonder what a real rice christmas tree would look like, lol! Anyway, your daughter is adorable. They really say the cutest things at that age, don't they? ^_^ Thank you as well for hoping that things get better for me. I really appreciate that. ^_^
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
2 Feb 07
My happy story is that I'm planning a summer vacation with my Mom. My Mom is 80, and I'm so glad that she is healthy enough to go on vacation with me. I just saw my parents for lunch the other day, and they still treat me like their little girl. It's always a comforting place to go, and always makes me happy. Oh, and yesterday, my 11 year old neice instant messaged me, and told me that I'm her favourite Aunt, and that she loves me. Now, those things make me smile.
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
2 Feb 07
Well, this is our third year of just me and her holidays. 2 years ago it was Halifax, last year Alaska, and this year Newfoundland. We are going to drive around the whole province, should be an adventure.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
2 Feb 07
That sounds like a wonderful vacation! I've never travelled that far from home. I hope that you have a lovely time! ^_^
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
2 Feb 07
How wonderful that you are going to get to go on a summer vacation with your mother, bonbon! Where are you going? I'm sure that you will both have an amazingly wonderful time. I bet that you have some great adventures planned for when you get there! ^_^ Aw, and about your 11 year old neice, that is sooo cute!! That would definitely make anyone smile, to hear that they are a favorite Aunt. That definitely would have brightened up my day so much.
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@shemb1 (464)
• Sri Lanka
3 Feb 07
today I met some crazy little friend. Can you guess of what is it? I bet you not goning to tell that. ok he is small bird. and he is crazy about me I think. and you know he came doen to my shoulder and stood there and sang a song? can you ever believ that? Icantbelive that aslo.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I would love to have a bird land on my shoulder and sing a song. I can't think of many people who would not find that to be a wonderful thing. I would love to even have a butterfly land on my shoulder or my hand. It is so sweet when creatures of nature become so bold and come right up to you. It makes you feel special, doesn't it? ^_^
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@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
2 Feb 07
I'm passing you a virus, I hope it makes you smile... Smile Virus Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu. When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling, too. I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin when he smiled, I realized I'd passed it on to him! I thought about that smile and then realized its worth, a single smile, just like mine, could travel round the earth. So, if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected, let's start an epidemic quick, and get the world infected! Hope you feel better....:)
@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Well at least you're smiling ...lol It's terrible to be in a rut, I know. I had a terrible day yesterday and it continued on this morning...tomorrow is another day.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Aw, Mari, please feel better! I know how it is, my 'bad day' actually started yesterday.. or truly, more early in the morning back on Sunday when things started to weigh on my mind. But anyway, please feel better soon!
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Mari, that is such a cute poem! I think that I've seen it before, but it definitely made me smile to read it just now. I gave a big old smile to the world while I was reading over the lines of the poem, and smiling almost always makes one feel better! ^_^ I also find that poem to be so true. Almost nothing makes me smile and laugh more quickly than seeing someone else laughing or smiling. I don't even tend to laugh out luod that often on my own because I'm such a fan of comedy that most jokes don't get me to laugh out loud no matter how funny I find them. But have one person laugh around me, and i will respond with laughter too. I just can't help it! I love, love love to see other people happy, smiling and laughing! ^_^
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@Wanderlaugh (1622)
• Australia
3 Feb 07
Maybe the story of my father running over himself might help. New car, celebrations, got all dressed up, to go and show all his friends, then a nice home cooked meal… That done, he was coming home, and coming up the steep hill, when the car stalled, and started to roll back on to the main road. Nothing worked. Brakes, no. Not much space to steer. So in a moment of inspiration, he leaped out and threw himself under the car. According to him, he was there for about an hour or so, legs sticking out, when a passing driver thought to ask “Are you all right?” “As a matter of fact, no,” said Dad. We were fairly used to Dad doing “interesting” things, so we weren’t entirely surprised, even if this seemed to be a higher level of inspiration than usual. My mother, whose interest in her long awaited dinner had a bit to do with her approach to this new exploit, asked, “What did you think about, while you were under the car?” “Oh, this and that, it was a nice night, very peaceful…”
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Oh, Wanderlaugh, your father sounds priceless! What an original way to stop the car from rolling. And I loved what he said to your mother when she questioned him about what he had been thinking about while he was laying underneath the car for so long. Most people would have sounded so frustrated, methinks, at being stuck in that situation for that long. But your father sounds like he took it in stride and just enjoyed the peacefulness of the night. What a great story! You really cheered up my day. ^_^
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• Grand Junction, Colorado
2 Feb 07
I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling right now. We all face obstacles in our lives and I truly believe we aren't given more that we can handle. I wish that I had the exact words to say that would remove what ever burden that you seem to be having but I can't. The only story that I can say tell you right now that was recent, is the joining of mylot. I ave met several people here in a matter of days that I have been chatting with outside of the discussions. I'm so excited to be a part of this community as I was feeling pretty down myself before joining. So, know that things do pass, you will get through this and you will be strong because of it. Good luck to you here at mylot!
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
2 Feb 07
beaniefanatic, I also have met some amazing people on here who have helped to lift my spirits a lot, so I know what you mean. I am so glad that life has lead you here to Mylot so that you could meet the people that you were needing to meet. It is wonderful to hear that people here on the site have been cheering you up, just as they have been with me. I also agree that we are not given more than we can handle. I'm just having a hard time right now and trying to move past it. Thank you again for your kind words ^_^
4 people like this
• United States
2 Feb 07
About five or six months ago, I was also having a very difficult time, feeling quite hopeless and facing that dark abyss. I got down on the ground and prayed to Whoever, to somehow give me some direction, hope, whatever. Later that afternoon, I watched this DVD a friend had loaned me a couple of weeks earlier, called "The Secret." It literally changed my life from that point on. I mean my situation was still the same, but I realized that I had the power within me to change things, and even though I had not the slightest idea how I was going to do that, I just knew that it would happen, and that everything would turn out ok. It's not what's on the outside of us that will make our lives what they are,it's what's on the inside of us that makes us what we are. Anyway, by changing my attitude, and my mental state, things just started happening that got me out of that unhappy situation I was in, and even now, I'm still very financially insecure, and I fight with my low selfesteem demons every day, but more and more I'm replacing those demons with angels, and realizing the power I have to be able to not be affected by adverse circumstances. See if you can get ahold of that DVD...what've got to lose? Good luck to you shywolf, and remember, this too shall pass...
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
3 Feb 07
shywolf, I was going to suggest the DVD "The Secret". I posted on it awhile back because I was looking for it. I've heard such great things about it. I did find it on Indigo.ca. Someone else posted the link to the actual website but I can't remember where it is or what the original topic was. It may have been the same topic, in fact I think it was. Do a search on "The Secret" and see if you can find the post with the website link. I have a gift certificate on Indigo so I am seriously thinking of purchasing it. If you want to read the book, last I saw there was a link on Ellen Degeneres' website.
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Oh, Makena, your story fills me with so much hope! You are right, the more that you believe in yourself the more that you _will_ see positive things coming into your life! I have been witnessing this in my own life for a long time now. sometimes it is really hard to feel positive, though, and this is just one of those times for me. But I am trying to come out of it. I am so glad that you too are breaking free of your low self esteem demons. that is one of the hardest parts for me, as I feel very insecure about certain things about myself, yet probably almost too prideful about other parts. But mostly I am really, deeply insecure when it comes to the things that matter, which is part of why I have been so shy for so long. But it is also because I am really sensitive, not only in my own feelings, but am extremely sensitive to other's feelings and can't bear to hurt others or bring them down. It all makes it very hard to get out there and be bold out in the big, wide world. It's so much easier to talk online. Anyway, I am wishing you all the best. I don't know how to get ahold of that DVD, but I am certain of the types of things that must be on it that changed your life. I have come to a lot of those realizations myself, that the more positive you feel in life and the more positive energy you put out there, the more good things you will get back.
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• United States
3 Feb 07
I always post a happy thought on my hompage..matter fact the gospel today talks about getting away from all the rat race and taking time to refocus and renourish your body and soul.. Sometimes when we are overstressed our ability to see the light is blurred .. Take time out.. And know you are always loved ..even if every other human being should abandon you..There is One who will not..God loves with an eternal love..which means it has no end: http://www.littlefranciscan.com
• United States
3 Feb 07
Also a funny thought is..my cat missy thinks she is human..she insists on using the toilet..she flushes it herself;)+
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@phon4u (2215)
• Laos
3 Feb 07
I have got a friend meeting me recently. We have not met since 7 years ago. We are happy to see each other.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
3 Feb 07
That is truly a happy event, meeting up with someone who you have not seen in a long time. Especially if they are a really close friend! I am sure that you and your friend that you hadn't seen in seven years must have been so happy and excited to see each other! Yay! ^_^
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• United States
2 Feb 07
((HUGS)) I don't have any good stories, I don't think. Hang in there. When you get down and life hands you a bunch of bad things, the only place left to go is back up!
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• United States
2 Feb 07
It is something my grandma always said. And it is true. It just doesn't seem like it at the time!
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Your post really made me smile, mom2chriskel! Honestly, you're right. When we get really down, there will come a point when things start looking up again. The law of averages says so, lol! ^_~ Your words actually gave me a lot of hope, just reading them. And I always love seeing your avatar. It's so pretty, with such vibrant colors, and I love the orange hair because orange is my favorite color. So also seeing your avatar here is cheering me up, believe it or not. I just enjoy looking at it! ^_^
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@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Shy, I hope that you are feeling better today! This was a great discussion to start. I don't have a funny story today, but I'm having a great time reading these responses. I sure hope that this cheered you up. Life can be difficult at times, but that is why God gave us friends. Remember, we are all your friends. I hope that you got some rest last night and that today is a better day.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Lauriefnp, I am feeling more positive today. At least right now. I woke up feeling really down, but a lot of people have made me smile and cheered me up greatly, not only on this site but also on my personal journal. Anyway, I have met so many great people here. You are right that friends are one of the most uplifting things in life. That is definitely how I feel about it, because I love people and people make me happier than anything else in life! ^_^
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Well...Today I'm visiting my family...they live about 9hours away from me...It's really nice to be here and hear all my family laughing and talking...Taking me here and there, My mothers FOOD (YUMMMYYY) and seeing my grandma which is getting around really good for her age... I don't get to see them often, but when I do I'm happy... But after a few days, I've got my homesick/family fix and I'm ready to go back home...lol Well Ms. Lady If anything smile after my post and know you always have a friend in me ms (soon to be just "wolf") cause the "Shy" part is no longer going to exist soon...
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Wow, a nine hour trip to see your family! The most I have travelled in a car to see family is about 4-5 hours, to see my father's side of the family in Oklahoma. I too love it there, but I also get homesick. I'm really glad that you have so much fun when you get out to visit your family. It sounds like a wonderful time! ^_^ I also really smiled and perked up at your last sentence there about how I will be Ms. Wolf soon because the shy part will no longer be there. Boy, I sure hope so! LOL!!! I really loved that. Thank you! ^_^ I'm surprised that no one had ever said that to me before, lol! I just adored the way you put that! ^_^
@skylord (33)
• Sri Lanka
3 Feb 07
today i found a pig it is a very chubby pig and likes to eat cheese pizza i thing he is crazy of it after he ate the pizza he went to sleep and he took low hours sleep and he woke up as a smoll child.he is very sweet nice pig what do you thik about that?
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@shemb1 (464)
• Sri Lanka
3 Feb 07
I think this is nice story to share with friend. it is nice try and keep it up like this and earn more as much as possible. then you can earn more money in here.
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