Help! I am under ATTACK!! LOL
By sunshinecup
@sunshinecup (7871)
February 3, 2007 9:21am CST
I fell in a dispute yesterday with a rather ugly person who said some hateful things. Now I come on today and PRESTO! My rating has dropped. What a surprise, :-) Any way, this did dishearten me a bit, rather made me sick actually, to think someone who has less than a hundred posts and NO rating could jump in and do this. To have that power to do so any way. However, I shook it off and now it’s rather funny to me. My little red 9 is my battle scar! LOL
So here is my questions, there are two so keep reading :-)
1) How does it make you feel to see your ratings drop?
2) What do you think of the idea only your mylot friends can rate you?
I cannot think of any other way of preventing trolls from maliciously attacking someone’s ratings only because they do not agree with something that was said. Maybe by only allowing friends to rate friends, could this be prevented. Since we don’t know who rates what, it would still be fair, since friends could still be honest when rating.
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53 responses
@greengal (4286)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Ohhh that is so sad Sunshine, how can thes people be so mean-minded! It definitely is unfair that when somebosy doesn't agree they mark us with a "-". It is so demotivating when our ratings drop. God forbid my ratings fact I just checked now and they've gone up from a 98 to 99/100:) Ya I think only myLot friends should be allowed, but again few friends are totally inactive and you can't rely on them at all. So maybe it is good to let anybody rate you..phew so many is so unfair! Don't worry sunshine, don't let those jerks dishearten you. They are neither ethical nor do they know when to use a negative. I'm sure you will be back on the top with your great discussions. And we are all here to take you don't worry!!:)
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@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Although I can see how you are trying to keep the trolls away, would that be fair that only your friends could rate you? Then, too, those with the most friends would win, which would be very discouraging to MyLot beginners. After all, we all had to start somewhere. I wouldn't let the trollies bother you too much. Ratings go up and down, and soon enough you'll be back on top.
@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I thought the reason we post discussions was to get opinions other than what we think. I guess there will always be some childish people here who can not stand the idea of having someone disagree with what they think is right. I myself welcome all opinions whether I agree or not it just makes me think harder about my opinion.
I haven't been here long enough to earn a rating...but i'm working on that,
as for having only your friends give you a rating ...wouldn't that defeat the purpose of your discussions? Your friends will always give you a good rating in hopes of receiving the same from you. I would rather a stranger gave me a rating
not because we agree but because I took my time to stated my opinion.
I always try not to offend anyone and hope for the best. Everyone is entitled
to express their opinion,I don't have to agree.
@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
4 Feb 07
I agree, negative ratings are not for well reasoned arguments that disagree with your point of view. I think they are for people who are being rude or for those people who post nonsense statements just to bump up their profits or for those who answer "yes" or "no" or don't make a real contribution. There was one discussion (not started by me, but interesting) that asked people "what are you reading now?" and many people responded with the book they were reading or they liked. Then there were people who said they hated to read or didn't read. Why even answer the question? Totally pointless from the reader's point of view.
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@MissGia (955)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I have not yet got to see my rating drop, but i think for 300 some posts im doing well for myself :)but i love your idea about only friends beign able to rate friends. I dont know though, i like to rate people who are not on my friends list..i will go through discusions and read responses and if i think their response is good i rate em'. People like the troll your dealing with, are just immature. and are apparently so insecure with their stance that they have to get mad about it and negative rate someone.
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@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
4 Feb 07
You are right, reading new people's discussions is how we make new friends, so there is a point to rating people we don't know and participating in the discussion. I don't like when people don't respond, just rate.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
3 Feb 07
1. I would be disgusted and disappointed. 2. I am not sure if that would be very fair as we all seem to have either a very small or very large amount of friends and some newbies have hardly any which would hinder their myLot growth.
Now I have a question I have asked over and over again. How do you know who or what is the cause of your rating dropping.??????????I wish somebody would answer that even message me if they did not want it to be in a discussion.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Oh, sunshinecup, you truly do not deserve to be at a nine! I am so sorry that someone got upset with you. :(
Let me vent a bit here. Sigh. My rating is still at a seven. I have had a number of people tell me that they can't believe it, and so many wonderful supportive people tell me that they are rating me with plusses, and it's been a week and my rating is still barely eeking back up. I was at 73/100 for two days. Now I'm at 74/100, and I still don't know what I did to cause anyone to be unhappy with me here on the site! I know that I don't post one word answers (LOL, if you've ever checked me out that much, you know that I post quite long ones most of the time) and I almost always stay away from controversial subjects. I do that even moreso, now. I did not visibly get into a battle of words with anyone. Yet I think that my rating dropped two points in one day. Then another point. Then i was down to a six for one day. Since then I just barely, barely been climbing back up, yet everyone who has responded to me openly says that they enjoy my posts and think that I do okay here on the site.
I sure wish that I knew what I did wrong. It's baffling to me, and it does hurt, yes.
I still like your idea of friends only being able to rate friends, although I would have to cut a lot of people off of my friend list whom I don't really know well. At least it would make things more fair! ^_^
@sunshinecup (7871)
3 Feb 07
Yes I know I am one of them that said that. Your posts do derserve more and I don't understand it. May be mylot can tweak this a bit and make it a bit more fair of a rating system, so no one gets left out.
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@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Well I don't think I even have a rating yet, but I'm sorry this can happen & I'm sorry it happened to you. Doesn't seem fair, does it? I will give you a + for this dicsussion, because it's important that people are aware how this ratings system works.
I don't like that a random person can rate a discussion that they're not involved in. It should be more like Ebay, where you can "see" the feedback rating that is left for a person-- and you can only rate a person you had a "transaction" (discussion) with!
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@wmg2006 (5381)
• United States
4 Feb 07
That is horrible. I would be very disheartened too! I try to be positive and supportive in all my post. I also try to only respond to the ones that have responded to my discussions. most of which are on my friends list. I never get into a dispute with anyone. If I feel I do not agree to their post I just don't comment back to them. Everyone has an opinion and it may not be the same as mine, so I try to respect that. I guess you could and rate all of theirs negative too.
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@mom2chriskel (1060)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I think when giving a negative rating we should be made to give a reason. It may stop people who just give negatives for no reason AND who in their right mind would type they deserve a negative because I don't agree with them or like them...those types need to be tossed. That isn't what the rating system is for but so many people are using it this way :(
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@sunshinecup (7871)
3 Feb 07
I like that idea even better than mine! Thanks so much for sharing that.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
4 Feb 07
This has happened to me as well, but like you I picked up the point again a few days later.
I would rather loose a point and keep my feelings true than just come on here to earn browny points with people I don't even know.
I read your discussion on abortion, my god, what a few self righteous people responded to that.
You were completely attacked, but you kept it together and made them look like raving nuts.
I wish people would care more for the living with such compassion.
I see you have got your 10 back, so you didn't loose it for long.
I never give a negative rating to anyone who disagrees with me, as that is one of the things I like on this site.
I read, take in the information if relevent or just dismiss it as rubbish if I don't agree. A - rating should only be used when someone is being abusive or responding to discussions that hold no meaning, just to make money.
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@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I just don't understand what is wrong with people that they have to ve so vendictive. It's totally rediculous. I had a 10 fell to a 9 for a day then back to 10. All of a sudden I fell to a low 9..I've been building it back up the past week but I have no idea what happened to
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Thats too bad--
My rating hasn't dropped yet- It did go up-- that made me feel great!
I am not sure about the only friends rating you- I don't have a ton of friends-- Simply only because I don't ask too many people- I like to pick friends with similar interests-- that way its easier for me to find discussions I want to chat about- I rate people who aren't my friends-- I try to be fair- I only give negative ratings (2 so far) if the other person makes deragatory remarks to me, or is offensive to me personally!
I'm going to go look at your discussions and answer some-- hopefully people will do the same and give you positive ratings- and you'll move back up-
Good luck!
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
4 Feb 07
That is wrong and should not be allowed just because one can not take defeat! Mine has yet to drop and i pray that it doesn't because i for one would also fell a bit blue bt then i would work that much harder to get my 10 back. I think that this would be a great idea and well worth it in the long run also! I think that by only allowing your friends to rate you that yes in fact this would stop this ultimately!
@patrice7 (1191)
• United States
4 Feb 07
oh sunshinesup!. you really had a bad day yesterday!. and to see your ratings drop off frm 10 is really disheartening.. i totaly agree with you because i felt the same when my ratings dropped too and never came back. its so sad. anyway i agree with you that it may not be good for people with 100 posts and below and those who have no ratings yet can rate you when they havent even established themselesves yet and they are kinda new here which means they dont yet know the extent of what and how the things are done here.. even i, well im sort of new, but then i can say that i have yet a lot to learn here..
anyway i think that maybe like the copy and paste tool, the rating tool should be a privilege to those who have really been here.. like only allow persons with 500 posts or more to rate other people.. and also i like your suggestion about friends rating friends.. yes, friends can also become honest in ratings..
its really not nice to give negative ratings to the answers/responses of a person if you dont agree with them.. i think that its better to leave them alone because we are different and we dont have the same idead.. negative ratings i think are for those people who insult people here and who gets mad when people here are trying to tell what they feel. well i had one of those people in one of my discussions wherein he openly insulted me. so i gave him a negative rating. i mean its ok to oppose a certain idea but its not ok to say hate words and to attack the idea so obviously and so hatefully. like using "it think that your stupid" and stuff.. well they do deserve negative ratings..
so there it goes.. to sum everything up, i feel down when my ratings are down but i try to shrug it off. and i think that sunshinecup, ur idea is great!.
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@Riptide (2756)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Well look at my rating. Considering I only have 100 posts this is pretty sad. And I only know of one peson I peed off so she must have been hititng that - button vigorously and got her buttmuncher friends to do the same. Probably why she accused me of - her everywhere even though I never even hinted at doing so. But I am who I am and if people want to - me just for saying the truth then they are more ignorant then I thought.
Be happy a 9 is still good.
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@mom2chriskel (1060)
• United States
4 Feb 07
When I reached 100, I had a score of 4. As I started posting more and replying to my friends more, my score started increasing. Give it time. I was upset to see a 4 because I thought I had decent posts. But in a few days you should be higher!
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
3 Feb 07
It would be good to have MyLot change the rating system. We have to put a reason why we are reporting someone, why shouldn't we need to put a reason for the negative rating. This may end the drive by negative ratings.

@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
4 Feb 07
I too think it would be helpful if people had to post the reason for their negative rating; however, it might also lead to a lot of rude comments. Still, MyLot could monitor the responses and take appropriate action.
@patootie (3592)
3 Feb 07
Excellent idea .. I would second that .. it's fair, yet still gives everyone the opportunity to give a minus mark if they feel so inclined .. and it would stop some of the .. and dare I even say this ... stop some of the minus rating just because folks are of a different nationality than we are .. and I am sure that probably happens .. sadly . !!
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
4 Feb 07
I guess the fact that my rating dropped from a 10 to a 9 is a little suckie but really not such a big deal..I was surprised at first but whatever ya know....As for only friends rating you...I dunno..I mean then we'd all be 10s ya know but I do agree that something should you said its not right for a newbie with a chip on their shoulder can negative everyone should they so desire etc...thats b.s..
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@Thomas73 (1467)
• Switzerland
4 Feb 07
Dear sunshinecup, I'm glad to see that your rating is back at '10', where it belongs. I have also been under attack recently, more than likely from people who cast a judgement on my opinions instead of rating the quality of the discussion itself.
I personally do not care much about my rating -- or about what people think of me in general -- as long as it doesn't affect my earnings. I put a lot of thought and effort in what I write, trying to get people to react constructively to my threads, and I'm expecting some reward for it. All hard work deserves to be rewarded accordingly.
Being rated by friends only seems like a good idea, as it would limit the abuse committed by spiteful morons who can't take a different opinion from theirs. On the other hand, it would probably mean that everyone would end up at '10', simply because they have friends, and we wouldn't be able to rate negatively the obviously irrelevant and annoyingly stupid answers we get in some of our discussions.
Every system can be abused, and the star-rating is certainly one of them. As long as the earnings aren't affected, I don't really care. After all, history shows that a lot of great thinkers were reviled by their contemporaries, some even being jailed for their crime of opinion. I may not be a great thinker, but I like to believe that my low star rating at myLot is due to my thought-provoking discussions, and not because I start thread like "Do you like water?".
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@butterflygirl (498)
4 Feb 07
What a nightmare. If it's any consolation I believe in karma and what goes around comes around...and even if you don't believe in that, then just console yourself by thinking how bored and what an unfulfilling life the person who did that to you must have to find pleasure in doing such a thing.
Now as for your questions. I can't answer the first question as so far my rating has never dropped, just steadily increased. But as for your second question, i've got to say I think you could be on to something there. I think it's a great idea for only your friends to be able to rate your discussions, it would definately stop the trolls, although friends may be biased, so there would have to be some sot of measure thrown in to prevent this. Maybe each day people can only give 10 positive ratings? Or how about each day people can only give away the same amount of positive ratings that they have reveived? That would stop the trolls in their tracks.
@PIITZY (749)
• Romania
3 Feb 07
i like you re style girl,you made me laugh with the troll and malicious part:)) i think that even if only friends would rate you could still get a -.hmm funny thing thats exactly what happened to me i signed up mylot and i saw that instead of 10 stars i had only 8 but i dont really know who gave me the minus,their could be lots of persons because i ussualy speak whats on my mind and that could be the answer to my -.good luck with the troll:))
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@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
4 Feb 07
You will get a star after you have 100 posts and the star will have a number inside (your rating). When I first got my star at 100, it had a 9 in it. I also like to talk about politics a lot, so I was surprised it was that high. A lot of folks get very passionate (read: mad) about some political topics. You are very close to 100 now. Good luck!