United States
February 3, 2007 11:25am CST
I just realized I never officially introduced myself. And for the sake of people NOT misunderstanding me I've also realized I had better. Minus my real name of course. I'm a farm girl from the middle of nowhere aka Ohio. Where you can dislike the weather..wait a few minutes and it'll change. I'm dirt poor..which is one of the many reasons I joined this site. I'm a bit liberal in my beliefs -- or so my Mom tells me. On a good day my IQ's around 150. On a bad one..or just an okay one, it'll average around 135. If I work really hard I'll be going to college really soon..a police college, in hopes I'll do well enough -- like my best friends assure me I will -- to get my dream (or nightmare depending lol) job as a Private Investigator..where I'll have to pass two to four years worth of classes, a two hour written exam, get at least six hundred hours worth of experience THEN get my Investigating and Right to Carry a weapons' liscence. I am also a writer..I've published all of one book of a series so far..though it's not being distributed to stores yet..with any luck I'll be able to do that soon as well. I also share a site with a friend who writes poetry.. I'm often as busy as hell. Cleaning the house, babysitting my little brother, writing, schoolwork..etc. More recently I've fallen behind on these things..because my insomnia's turned into its exact opposite..extreme drowsiness..I've been fighting the inability to keep my eyes open. My family's also not doing as well as it could be..but we're trying to work that's not easy..but meh. I have two cats, one dog..and a on a pretty big property of land which includes a wood. In my free time I run, I try to self-educate myself in self-defense and fighting techniques..which includes both martial arts and fencing. I also read avidly. Religion wise I'm an eclectic witch..who practices as often as I can..(Though it's kinda late..Merry Imbolc everyone!) I'd like to think I'm very in touch with myself and nature..and my lady Goddess. I'm Sioux, Apache, Irish, and German. I can be a bit sarcastic, abrasive, prickly..but I try to be nice and polite as well.. So, hi..I'm Paranoia. Nice to meet you all. For the purposes of saving further confusion I would like to invite you all to introduce yourselves if you'd like to.
6 responses
@sensesfail (2251)
• India
5 Feb 07
Hey great intro! Was really impressed by the way you came up with something like that.You should seriously think about writing books and publishing it cuz you appear very creative in your speech. *envies her*. Dont wory,you definitely might turn up into some private investigator. lol.I'm serious! You just need the determination for it. Are you serious about the witch thingy? If yes does it mean that you can turn me up into a frog or a mouse if i mess up with you? lmao..winks. Anyways, to get to the part of introducing myself.By now you would have known something about me though my profile and discussions minus my name.I guess this is the first time i'm gonna reveal my name at mylot just for ya.They call me Fabian and i'm really glad to catch you around here.I'd be glad if you PM your name to me.Hoping to hear more from you through the days to come.see you around...
1 person likes this
• India
5 Feb 07
Oh thats great! 16 and you've published a book. Then what do you guys do as witches? i fancied that witches would do something like that. *Releaved from the fact that witches are harmless*
• United States
5 Feb 07
I HAVE published a book lol. But aw, thanks. Yeah I'm serious that I'm a witch lol. There's plenty of us on mylot probably have spoken to several others than just lil ol' me. And no, I won't turn you into a frog or a mouse..or a bird or anything of the sort. Even if I knew how I wouldn't because that's a serious abuse of a gift. I also don't eat babies, I don't loathe christianity, I don't worship the devil, I also don't drink blood (I'll lick my own cuts and scrapes to stop the bleeding but that's about it). That doesn't mean any of us are people to be trifled with but we're alot nicer than the 'evil sorcereresses' of story books.
• United States
5 Feb 07
Well..most of us are pagan. Pagans believe in Goddesses..or Gods..either from other Zeus or Bastast. Or they believe in no deities and only in nature and magick. Some don't even practice magick at all. Most of us celebrate the Wheel of the year (a whole bunch of holidays apart from the usual ones, which are our sacred days.) Me? Well..I pray, I meditate..I care for the earth..I tend my garden. I like to talk to nature. I experiment with tarot cards and telekinesis. I do rituals and spells when the need arises or if I wish to talk a bit more directly to my Goddess. I have to clarify I only cast spells for good things..or self defense..I NEVER do it when I'm angry or extremely sad. I cook. Magick's just a part of my every-day life. If someone were to do a documentary on me, they'd exclaim how 'normal' a witch is. Even though my life's more exiciting than I'd like lol. I dream of the future..even though I can't control that. I see to things which people think don't exist. And I wouldn't change what I am for the world.
• Philippines
5 Feb 07
hi! im maictorek (read as mike-to-rek). i'm based in manila, philippines. torek means "crazy" in one of the dialecs here. i work as a finance officer. the title sounds like i'm some big shot suit. unfortunately, its just a title. im just one of the many yuppies struggling to make ends meet. so why did my friends call me torek? i tend to make unorthodox decisions (well at least by their standards its unorthodox). there are two things i value in my life - my freedom and my pride. i believe that everything can be arranged and can be resolved by proper communication. im a non-practicing roman catholic for the past 3 years (and counting). i'm neither religious nor spiritual. i believe in one supreme god that oversees everything living and non-living. i also believe in karma - whatever you do unto others, it will come back to you 3-fold. i like to think im a nice person. a bit sacrcastic and brutally frank... but i do mind my manners.
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Feb 07
Very lovely to meet you. I believe in that three fold law too. :) It's nice to know I'm not the ONLY one whose friends call crazy lol.
@samsonskola (3357)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Hi! My name is Debbie, the cat you see is my huge cat naed Kitt. I live in Missouri (Misery! I have a full time job, and I consider getting on mylot my little I'm divorced, it's just me and my beautiful cat. I love animals of all types (yes, even snakes!)hiking, cooking,crafting of all types, gardening, watching sunrises and the birds..can you tell I'm a nature lover? :) I also am fanatical about Nascar. I never miss a race. I barely get by on what I make, the pay here is not great, but I make enough to juggle things around and eventually everything gets paid. I am part Cherokee and Sioux, I'm proud of my heritage and I follow the faith of my ancestors. I am a Sagitarrius through & through, so I can change my mind about what I want to do on a dime. That's why I consider myself a Jack of all Trades and master of none! My family comes first in everything, and I basically just enjoy life in any way I can Whew! You tired of me talking about myself now?...cause I am! Anyway, nice to meet you!
1 person likes this
• United States
4 Feb 07
Lovely to meet ye too :)
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
3 Feb 07
What gave you this idea, my creative friend? This is a good idea for your friends and then anyone that comes across you profile and chooses to read this. Hope that this smoothes the waters for future interactions with some of the more touchy people too! Glad to have you here for the added interest that you bring.
1 person likes this
• United States
4 Feb 07
Well.. It's just how it's always tended to be for me. If they didn't understand me, where I came from..they wouldn't understand my opinions. My likes or dislikes. They make the common assumption that I must be an idiot teenager and just disregard why I say. It's rather frustrating. So I thought, if I gave them a brief overview without giving too much away..people'd understand a bit more. Or at least some of them would lol. Anyway..thanks. I hope so too.
@Kackie3 (345)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Hi Par, I'm Kackie, also an Ohioan, city tho, but raised in a country place until it grew up into a bunch of industries. Very nice to meet you, and you do add some spice to this place, I must add. Great topic.
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Feb 07
Pleasure to meet ye, too. Thanks for responding!
@Bizziebod (3497)
5 Feb 07
Hi Paranoia, I'm Bizzie, 35 from South West UK, I've never been to Ohio but have been to Florida (What a difference that make I don't know!) I have a 17 year old daughter who's into the same music I am!! I've set up my own business as a freelance secretary and graphic designer and have done a few websites also. I love the paranormal and witchcraft. I have a great sense of humour and believe i'm an 18 year old trapped in a 35 year old's body. I wear black everyday and never take off my pentagram necklace! I love metal and rock music and have done since I was 15! The only language I speak is English although I have tried German but it's all Dutch to me lol!! I hate sports and have a heartattack even if I walk past a sports shop. I love discussion random things and mylot is perfect for that! I think that's about it.. well there is loads more but you're probably fast asleep by now anyhow!!
• United States
6 Feb 07
lol I don't think ye could put anyone to sleep, you're a pretty interesting person. 'Sides I agree with ye on the sports thing, and I think it's awesome your daughter's into the same music you are. And yay for randomness!! ^_^ hehe