humans to blame for global warming
By itsjustmeb
@itsjustmeb (1212)
February 3, 2007 2:46pm CST
(CNN) -- Global warming is here and humans are "very likely" the blame, an international group of scientists meeting in Paris, France, announced Friday.
"The evidence for warming having happened on the planet is unequivocal," said U.S. government scientist Susan Solomon, who also is a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
"We can see that in rising air temperatures, we can see it in changes in snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere. We can see it in global sea rise. It's unequivocal," she said. (Watch scientist Susan Solomon deliver the grim news on global warming Video)
In a 21-page report for policymakers, the group of climate experts unanimously linked -- with "90 percent" certainty -- the increase of average global temperatures since the mid-20th century to the increase of manmade greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Fossil fuels like methane and carbon dioxide trap heat near the surface, a process known as the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon, but human activities, like the burning of fossil fuels, can pour enormous volumes of these gases into the atmosphere, raising the planet's temperature and destabilizing the climate. (Watch what happens to our planet when manmade emissions get trapped in the atmosphere Video)
The report found it was "likely" -- "more likely than not" in some cases -- that manmade greenhouse gases have contributed to hotter days and nights, and more of them, more killer heat waves than before, heavier rainfall more often, major droughts in more regions, stronger and more frequent cyclones and "increased incidence" of extremely high sea levels.
The report noted that 11 of the last 12 years have ranked among the 12 warmest years on record with the oceans absorbing more than 80 percent of the heat added to the climate system. Add in the melt-off of glaciers and sea ice and sea levels are rising.
The IPCC predicted global temperature increases of 1.8 to 4 degrees Celsius (3.2 to 7.1 degrees Fahrenheit) by 2100 and sea levels to rise between 7 and 23 inches (18 and 58 centimeters) by the end of the century. (Watch how rising sea levels could affect San Francisco Video)
"An additional 3.9-7.8 inches (10-20 centimeters) are possible if recent, surprising melting of polar ice sheets continues," the report stated.
The group will meet again in April to discuss the socioeconomic impact of climate change.
Defining 'likely'
The IPCC was established in 1988 to study climate change information. The group doesn't do independent research but instead reviews scientific literature from around the world.
The United Nations-sanctioned group was formed by the World Meteorological Organization and U.N. Environment Program.
The group's goal is to produce "a balanced reporting of existing viewpoints" on the causes of global warming, according to its Web site.
The panel's reports are influential references for policymakers, scientists and other climate change experts.
Friday's release is the beginning of the panel's first major report since 2001. The rest of the report is due out later this year.
The 2001 report found that the 1990s were "very likely" the warmest decade on record. It also said that most of the observed warming over the last 50 years was "likely due to increases in greenhouse gas concentrations due to human activities."
The authors defined "likely" as between 66 percent to 90 percent probable, and "very likely" as a 90 to 99 percent.
Renewed concern in U.S.
Friday's report comes amid renewed debate in the United States. (Full story)
In his State of the Union address, President Bush called for the use of more environmentally friendly technologies to "confront the serious challenge of global climate change."
It was the first time he has discussed the issue in a State of the Union address.
The White House has said Bush's proposals would stop the growth of carbon dioxide emissions from cars, light trucks and sport utility vehicles within 10 years.
Leaders in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives and Senate held hearings on climate change this week. (Full story)
CNN's Peggy Mihelich and David E. Williams contributed to this report.
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16 responses
@Lawlrus (31)
• United States
4 Feb 07
I agree. People finally need to realize that there's a chance we're affecting our world. If there wasn't such a large out put of CFCs right now, then we wouldn't have this problem. I think it's shameful that people can't own up to their own mistakes and try to look for a solution, instead of denying the overwhelming proof against them.
@emarie (5441)
• United States
4 Feb 07
well, i've never denied global warming, it was something i was so scared of when i was little. i grew up on an island surounded by water and was being told that the whole island, my home, would be under water. i remember crying a lot when i was little. but now i'm older, i'm still concerned by not convinced that its TOTALLY the fault of man. since the earth is actuallity is still quite young, for all we know, this could be part of the cycle the earth takes itself. i'm sure that man helpped it along and maybe its a little head of schedual, but i'm not panicy concerned about it. we as humans will find a way to adapt to whats around us. i asume that the earth will cycle back again and we'll have another ice age and so fourth. stuff like that.
@nuffsed (1271)
4 Feb 07
We may not make anything happen that has not happened before. But we can make it happen a thousand times faster than ever before. We inject our pollutants directly into the upper atmosphere so we can fly away for a holiday. Our cities choke on a twice daily commute, and whatever is spilt, never really gets cleaned up. The Amazon rainforest and many others, have been reduced by almost a third. Exploitation rules.
Perhaps we shuld redefine progress.
@nuffsed (1271)
4 Feb 07
ExonMobil made 30Billion dollars last year. BP made 20 Billion dollars.
That's 50 billion dollars to discredit or buy, global warming scientists, fight ecological legislation and generally carry on business as usual.
They will fight to burn every last drop of oil, before fighting for an alternative.
That's where the fight is. And that's where the money is.

@Louiethe20th (127)
• United States
4 Feb 07
In the U.S. oil companies mad an average of 7 cents per gallon profit. In the state of Ohio where I live the tax is near 20 cents and the Federal tax is around 20 cents per gallon. so who is getting rich here? Sounds like the State and local governments!

@allshookup (598)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Every reaction in nature is set afoot by a preceding action. We humans do some very unnatural stuff, so we can't possibly sit back and thing everything catastrophic in nature is caused by earth's want to devour itsself.
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@Louiethe20th (127)
• United States
4 Feb 07
First problem with discussion creator was quoting anything from CNN. Like I said on the other discussion, who is to say that these so called experts are not paid or given grants to side with the wackos like ALGore? There has to be a consensus of scientists, not just a handful! Until then it is still in step 2 of the scientific method. For those of you who get all your info from CNN, look up the scientific method.
@Lawlrus (31)
• United States
4 Feb 07
No scientist of any reputable status would take a grant to agree with who you call "wackos." You really don't understand the issue here. There's not some bizzare off-beat group claiming global warming is happening. It's scientists.. ALL OVER the world reaching the same conclusion. Pretending that nothing it happening, that polar bears aren't simply drowning, is just pure ignorance, and no way to solve the problem. Also, if you're going to indite her use of CNN, at least provide an equally respected counter-source that says nothing's happening. Oh wait, that's right. It doesn't exist.
@simran1430 (1790)
• India
4 Feb 07
who else can we blame , no one , it is because of humans that machines came and then pollution came an all that , and that is what led to global warming . most of the people still think that it is just a normal , but to think of the consequences if they atart ocurring from a few years from now , they are going to wreck a serious havoc on us all .
@neo_matrix (884)
• India
4 Feb 07
Earth atmosphere is really changing a lot. Global warming is real threat and i agree that we cannot deny that we humans are the sole cause for it .In one voice we should all stand up to do anything we can do save our planet.As we are only one who have brain so we should utilize it and correct our mistake untiil its too late.
@saintz87 (439)
• Singapore
4 Feb 07
Humans are definitely the cause of global warming. Men have been abusing mother earth for decades, and there is no doubt that we are blamed for all these. Look at deforestation,burning of forest, overly-fishing, extinction of animals due to excess hunting, hormones infusion of animals to speed growth to meet human meat needs, overly use of pesticides, oil-spillage, and anything that is caused on, purposed, accident, for profit, to meet demands, and even selfish reasons. All these mentioned are the doings of men in excess of abusing mother nature.
However, there are many controversies of mother earth strikes back, facing the wrath of nature, the revenge of nature. Well, global warming is naturally one of the signs that we are seeing now. Natural diasters is another form of wrath we see by nature, and we must admit that there are things that we shouldn't take for granted, or do in excess for the short-term benefit of ourselves. People without fore-sight will only cause destruction to this very earth we have. I hope that we will wake up, and beging to conserve, as well as not taking things/resources for granted.
@alammujtehadi (77)
• India
4 Feb 07
yeh i have read the article too...and i really believe that we are destroying the world we live in..most of the people are not even aware of global warming or even if they are they dont know the reasons...or when they know the reasons they dont do anything about it...just like me...or many like me here...only if humans could do their own bit to save the has got so much money in the market but still they are not willing to invest in more eco-friendly ways...electric cars..or solar/wind power generation...i personally feel that cars damage the ozone layer more than any other source on a daily basis...
@shahbaz007 (39)
• India
4 Feb 07
Ofcourse we are to be blamed for the global warming including those docs and scientists.
@abdulsamad36 (10)
• India
4 Feb 07
behind global warming man and nature both play a vital pert,man by causing pollution and by nature due yo volcano,forest fire etc
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
4 Feb 07
human beings with their obsessive unhealthy love afair with driving cars is the single largest cause of global warming and this could eventually kill us all, but the car driving selfish individuals dont even want you to discuss this topic as one day a ban on it might creep up the adgenda, what on earth would they do then?
@cultoffury (1283)
• India
4 Feb 07
I don't think so. Who is human to ruin his mother? his inventor? We all think that we are killing nature. But the truth is that we are ruining our own future. Nature has found a way to get rid of human race. Nature will relive after all the disasters ruin the world. It will go through the whole cycle again. So think about your own future before doing all these rather than sympathising to the nature.