SSI....Is it a joke?
By sneezeklenex
@sneezeklenex (344)
United States
February 4, 2007 12:09am CST
I would like to know your thoughts on SSI. I need it because I am disabled, paralyzed in the right side, and get the minimum of what they'll pay. I think it's disgusting because here are people who aren't really "disabled" who get hundreds and hundreds of dollars. I know some people and I see it every day at stores, people who have those handicapped things you hang in the windows and can function perfectly normal. What exactly are your thoughts on that?
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4 responses
@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
4 Feb 07
I think that disability does not have to be seen to be true. there are many people who are physically disabled and it is noticealbe, but there are just as many who are disabled in a way that can not be seen.
I have a friend who is on disablility but you wouldn't know it to look at her. She loks normal and can function pretty normal, but she has a hole in her heart that could cause seizures at any moment, and that is why she is on disability.
I have Meniere's Disease which is a disease that SSI recognizes as a disability, but to look at me you would think I was just fine. I am not on the disability because I haven't worked enough in the years prior to getting the disease because I was a stay at home mother.
Anyways, if I had worked enough I could get the disability because at any moment I could have an attack that could be very dangerous. I cannot get a commercial driver license or a pilot license because of the disease.
My sister is on disability because of a muscle disease, but again to look at her you would think she is fine. I mean she can walk and everything, but she can only walk for a few hundered yards before having difficulty. She is only 37 and looks younger, so she has a lot of people complain when they see her parking in handicapped spaces, and yes she does have one of those plackards. She has taken to carrying her disability papers around with her just to show to people who complain.
From my sister's experience and the research I did I think that people have to go through a lot of testing to get on disability and I think it would be hard to fake anything. My sister had to see multiple doctors who were chosen by the SSI people, and she had to endure many tests, and answer many questions, and show much proof of her problems before she was accepted. I just think that the amount of people who sneak through the process who aren't really disableed is a very low number.
So, what you see is not always the entire picture and there are many different forms of disability and they can be just as devestating as anyone else's, even if you can't see it.
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@sneezeklenex (344)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Very good point. Maybe I shouldn't be so quick to judge. I am just talking about people who trick the system 'cause I know a lady who says she has ruematoid arthritis and can't function because it hurts too much. She works with my mother and is perfectly fine, but if someone from SSI were to ask her, she was in a lot of pain. I totally see your point and am very sorry if i offended you in any way. That was not my intention.
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@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
4 Feb 07
You didn't offend me and I am sory if my reply meade it seem like I was offended. I do see your point. I would say that the lady does have the issue but that it is getting better but she doens't let SSI know about it.
I think that is where most of the scammers do their business. Once they get in, they don't report that they are getting better because they could end up losing their SSI.
It is a flawed system. I know I am a little miffed that I can't get any money because I chose to stay home and raise my daughter. I didn't plan on getting the disease, but I did plan on gaoing back to work, which I did and then I lost the job because of the disease. In fact I lost 2 jobs because of the disease, and wasn't hired for 4 others because of the disease.
I think they need to find other ways to determine how much money you can get. I could still go through the process and get on it, but it would just be for the medical insurance, and that is worse than what I have now.
I think that once a person is accepted SSI needs to do regualr checkups to see what is going on, and not rely on the person telling them how things are going.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
29 Apr 07
If you see my discussion Definitely Need Your Prayers, you'll see what I'm going through--I've been on SSI Disability since 1996---I have panic disorder with agoraphobia..there was one time I was completely housebound and couldn't leave the house at all...thank God those days are over--but I have a long way in overcoming this condition completely and I do plan to as I DON'T want to be on SSI forever--to look at me you'd think I was normal without any problems--I haven't had a flown blown panic attack for a long time but far from feeling less anxious...yes there are many people who get disability that don't deserve it..Then of course there are that really need it--maybe even only for a temporary reason..for now I definitely need it as I'm only now taking the step to get my life back on track--I had a lot of weird episodes and setbacks that prevented me from doing so earlier, and if you read my discussion and the responses and my responses to my response you'll get to understand.
My benefits are to be terminated and I have to make a lot of phone calls to try and set things right...I just can't go out an get a job..which is why I'm trying to build a home-base business but that doesn't happen overnight..I'm really working my buns off trying to set things up for my business..Being on SSI isn't so wonderful..yes it does help if you can't work, but most people on Disability get really next to nothing ,but is better than not getting it..with the money I get I'm virtually squeaking by,..many find that once on it it's actually hard to get off unless you get a really fantastic paying job--where I stand now I do even know if I could even work a few hours a day out of my home..and that certainly wouldn't be enough to pay my bills if I could..thus that is why I'm trying to build a home-base business--once I get established I could probably earn more money than my $710 a month...and then I could kiss SSI goodbye.
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@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
1 Apr 07
I know someone who can't read but gets $440 a month. He can work but chooses to live off of $400 a month. LOL.
I have to laugh because it is a shame.
I am not sure but I think there were a lot of people 100 years ago who could not read but functioned in every day society just fine. You don't have to be able to read to work.
If they wouldn't hand out checks to people like this there would be more for those who really need it.
Maybe you should fight against something like this.
This guy does not need it. He can fix a car. He can work . LOL.
I can't figure out how they justify giving someone a check who can't read.
I might consider hiring someone who can't read in the future when I have more employees. But I need people who can read. If I say "go get the Brugmansia sanguinea" they need to be able to read because most there are only 3 variations in the leaves so you have to read unless it has a flower on it.
But they can work a shovel. I can dig and I own the company. Surely someone who can't read wouldn't have a problem with a shovel.
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@mugzy528 (800)
• United States
29 Apr 07
Just the other Day I seen a woman run to her car at Full speed Jump in and drive away she was parked in a handicap spot. I have tags on my truck and everywhere I go there are never any handicap spots to park in they are all taken up..It kills me because where I live I think they had out the placards like they are candy or something. I know ya cant tell if someone is handicap just by looking at them but it ticks me off when I see people like the woman I seen the other day run to her car and jump in..
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