global wrming
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science fiction
scientists gone mad
threorectical doom
Global Warming - Man or Nature ?
By Destiny007
@Destiny007 (5805)
United States
February 4, 2007 2:08pm CST
After reading the many discussions on Global Warming I did a search on the subject.
I found 3 articles of interest that give a much more believable explanation for it than does this half-baked theory that man is responsible.
Just go to the top of the page, find the search bar, and type in the words "global warming". The articles to look for are:
"Global Warming? Blame It On A Brighter Sun"
"Global Warming - Part Of A Natural Glacial Cycle"
"The Global Warming "Bull Market""
and for the other side there is this one:
"Kaliher Rescues The Environmentalists - Lets Save Global Warming"
I think it is time that people starting thinking for themselves instead of blindly following everything they see on TV and taking that as gospel. That is a lot of what is wrong in the world, it seems as if people have lost the ability to think for themselves.
I for one do not believe that the warming trend that everyone is so freaked about is caused by man. I believe that it is a natural occurrance, and that the earth is still recovering from the last ice age. I also believe that the earth goes through warming and cooling cycles much the same as the seasons we experience each year.
Currently we seem to be in a warming cycle, and when it reaches it's peak then it will begin to cool again.
Man has somehow gotten the idea that we can control these things. My aren't we powerful beings. Our arrogance is not becoming.
We may have invented some things, and we may have learned to do things that a few years ago may have seened miraculous, but we don't control as much as some scientists would have you believe.
As far as any greenhouse gasses may be concerned, the best thing that can be done is replanting the rainforests that have been clearcut. Plants love greenhouse gasses and give us oxygen in return.
As far as cars, I think fuel cells are the answer there. It would also nearly eliminate our dependence on oil, and that would solve certain other problems we face. And OPEC would have a cow.
Speaking of cows, I also read the they are resonsible for 18% of greenhouse gasses due to excessive flatulance. Other than a lot of really big corks, what would be the solution to this?
If we added up all the percentages that are attributed to the causes of greenhouse gasses, would the number be greater than 100% ?
If anyone does care to respond, I would only ask that you read the mentioned articles first.
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16 responses
@thewolf777 (581)
• United States
8 Feb 07
i do believe global warming is real. but i dont think it should entirely be blamed on us humans. i think that good old mother nature is in one of her phases. there was a time back during the "Age of Enlightenment" and the Renessaince, where Europe experienced a warming like this. the plants prospered and life was good for years. it was just a good old warming of the earth. i mean hasnt the earth gone through other phases? like ice ages? and didnt sometime the earth heat up enough that killed off a number of species? (im cant remeber for sure)
and also people saying that the heating of the earth causes large hurricanes? (katrina) i remember looking at this graph showing the scales of hurricanes and i noticed that like every so many years like 60 or so there would be a very large hurricane.
our earth is so much cleaner than it has been the past couple decades. you can not say that it is just now getting worse. no, people need to look at the time lines, look into the past. i have a feeling that our childrens childrens children will look back at our follies and predictions and laugh. or maybe they wont. i feel like the more humans live, the more foolish they become. i dont recall any of our ancestors creating such exclaimations, then again, they were closer to the land and i feel they understood life easier. you get what im saying? i think maybe scientists are going to deeply into finding explanations that they are making mountians out of mole hills. and there is also the media. exploiting the fear of people. i think that if the media claims that we are going to die in the next year and make up some fake scientific explaination that people could very well freak.
maybe i have typed to much on here that i have begun to get off topic and lost many of you. perhaps i lost myself to. lol well there is some of my thoughts.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
9 Feb 07
I really do believe that our involvement in Global Warming is way overstated.
Yours is the best answer to this post that I have seen.
Yours is the only answer that I have seen.
In light of that, and that you are one of the few on my lot that does not agree with the junk science being bandied about, you are awarded best (only) answer.
Thanks for answering
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
2 Mar 07
limitup-Apparently the articles I mention have been moved. I can't seem to locate them right now.
I did however locate a source that is put out by the cooler Heads Coalition that is interesting. Especially take a look at "Gorey Truths-25 Inconvenient Truths For Al Gore". The man is truly an idiot.
I will look some more and keep posting.
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@MrCoolantSpray (1005)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Let's see, there was one great ice age that we know about, it happened pre-technology. It took a massive amount of global warming to end that ice age, also pre-technology. There was another mini-ice age in the 19th century, which the earth recovered from. That too, was before the worldwide use of greenhouse gas-emitting fossil fuels. Global warming is a hoax, people! Man is not that powerful!
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
2 Mar 07
I saw somewhere that the ozone hole had closed.
What I was surprised to find was that now they have decided that trees and vegetation are released vast quantities of methane into the atmosphere, so the whole plant more trees idea is wrong too.
While pollution should be avoided as much as possible, the idea that man is responsible for Global Warming is a myth.
I downloaded a PDF file when I first posted this article that is really good. As soon as I figure out how to share it I will.
If you haven't already, check out the Cooler Heads Coalition link. It puts the lie to Gores' "Inconvenient Truth" Go to
It tells how CO2 as it builds up is not as effective as believed in holding heat, because as it builds it is not LINEAR.
As each CO2 molecule joins the heat retention value does not remain constant. Instead the value of each new molecule is less than the one it joins to.
It's a bit over my head, but I do see what they are saying.
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@MrCoolantSpray (1005)
• United States
2 Mar 07
A thought occured to me the other day. There used to be all this fuss about the hole in the ozone, and now you don't hear anything about it. That leads me to believe that it's closed up. Now, back when people were harping about the aforesaid hole, there wasn't all this fuss about global warming. So, we can conclude that the hole in the ozone was allowing hot air to escape, thus serving as a pressure valve for the planet. To save our planet we must destroy our ozone! Quick! To the Hairspray aisle! Get those CFCs moving!

@Eskimo (2315)
7 Oct 07
I haven't read these articles yet, and don't think I really need to. I've already started two discussions on this ('The Great Carbon Con' & 'Grow your own Wind with Wind Farms'). As I have readily stated in the past, over 90% of Climate Change is caused by totally natural means, the heat from the sun being the main cause, as the distance between the Earth & the sun changes on a 100,000 year cycle, sometimes much nearer (therefore Global warming), and sometimes much further away (Global Cooling & ice age). Carbon Dioxide is a gas that is much heavier than air (I responded to one discussion about people getting suffocated by CO2 when the went down wells), it is also soluble in water (more soluble in warm than cold).
To combat CO2 pollution we need to convert transport away from fossile fuels, cut down the world population drastically and rebuild forests, and create more forests as well.
The reason there is so much bad publicity about CO2 is because governments can use that as an excuse to get much more money in 'Enviromental' Taxes.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
7 Oct 07
Yep, you nailed it.
There are way too many people that blindly believe anything that they are told every time a scientist opens their mouth.
While cutting down on pollution and keeping the environment clean are worthy causes, Global Warming and protecting the environment are actually two separate issues.
Man cannot control whether the earth warms or cools, we can only control how dirty we make the environment.
While Global Warming and Cooling controls our overall environment, the environment does not control the earth's natural cycles.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
10 Nov 07
Wow, how did this one slip by me? Lol.
My 2 cents, or more:
The problem with the hype on this issue is it scares people away from the cause of a cleaner planet. It creates apathy, the "cry wolf" syndrome. It detracts from things we can and should control, dumping poison in to the water and air, what do we do with landfills, etc.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
10 Nov 07
Absolutely... While I am all for reducing pollution any way we can, this Man Made Global Warming fiasco does nothing for that cause.
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@irishmist (3814)
• United States
5 Oct 07
To be honest. I really never paid attention to this Global Warming thing, but I have been hearing more and more about it, and now I am really giving it some thought.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
5 Oct 07
I am all for protecting the environment and cutting down on pollution as much as possible.
There is however, a difference between protecting the environment and preventing global warming.
The environment can be influenced by man by the amount of pollution he creates.
Global warming cannot be influenced to any significant degree by man because it isn't not driven by the environment... the environment is driven by the global warming and cooling.
Some years are hotter and some years are cooler, and that is merely the natural forces of the earth at work... these changes are what keeps the earth in balance.
Those who say that man is responsible for global warming have it backwards.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
10 Nov 07
Toni_07...It may interest you to know that a British court has recently ruled that Gore's little movie is a work of fiction, citing 9 points that either have not been proven, or that have been disproved.
As such, when this slideshow is shown to students, they are required to add a disclaimer to it that it is a work of fiction.
Al Gore's Man Made Global Warming is nothing more than a hoax in the hopes of lining his pockets through the sale of carbon credits and other environmental schemes.
He should be locked up for the fraud that he is perpetrating....instead he gets a Nobel Peace Prize for his pack of lies.
That says a lot about the Nobel Peace Committee.
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@Toni_07 (175)
• United States
10 Nov 07
Hello irishmist,
I personally watched the Al Gore movie, and i didnt want to believe any of it, but everything he has predicted is coming to past...and it is scaring the crap out of me. Everytime i bring it up to someone, they tell me that they dont believe it...but its got me worried for sure?
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@energybuff (25)
• Philippines
6 Oct 07
i have not read the articles
but i saw the movie global warming the global swindle
I was convinced that water vapor is the most effective greenhouse gas and that the ocean controls global warming not man.
please tell me otherwise
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
6 Oct 07
What's to tell?
Man is not in charge of nature, man is controlled by nature and has always had to adapt to the changing environment.
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@thatcrazyqbanita (3312)
• United States
12 Jan 08
Both man and nature. But man has exacerbated and increased global warming with the constant burning and essential reliance on fossil fuels.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
12 Jan 08
Actually the whole man made global warming thing has turned out to be a hoax.
The earth has been cooling since 1998 and that big el nino that we had that year.
As far as burning coal and relying on fossil fuels, these practices have a minimal effect and NO real net effect on global warming or cooling.
In fact, years ago when they stooped using R-12 in air conditioning and refrigeration units, it was with the idea that would close the ozone hole that the freon was being blamed for.
They have since found out that they were wrong, and changing over from the cheaper R-12 freon to what they are using now made no real difference, although it cost everyone a lot of money to switch over to the new form.
Unless we want to go all nuclear, with the very real disposal problems associated with that, then we have to rely on what is available, and that means fossil fuels.
A lot of people got sucked by the global warming hype, and drawn away from what is really important, and that is everyone doing what they can for the environment and keeping it clean, not because of global warming or climate change, but because it is really the right thing to do.
The climate is going to be whatever it is going to be, nn matter what man does.
We can live in a clean environment or a dirty one, but we are all subject to our global climate, and we don't have much influence over what it does.
@1grnthmb (2055)
• United States
24 Jun 07
I was a strong believer that global warming was only the result of a natural cycle until I took the time to watch Al Gore's "An inconvenent Truth". It really opened my eyes. The Carbon Dioxcide levels have been increasing at a very unnatural rate and it is the carbon that causes the warming. The polar caps and glaciers are melting at an exceedingly fast rate.
But when you look at the effects of this global warming you see that the average temperatures have only increased two degrees in one hundred years. Is that really that much difference? I really feel that it is being blown out of proportion. Some of it is natural, Some of it is man made. The biggest cause is the use of oil. If we were to stop using oil the CO2 levels will stabilize. We need to look for alternative such as you suggested fuel cells and solar energy.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
24 Jun 07
"An Inconvenient Truth" is a work of fiction that uses hand picked data and half-truths in order to convince people that man is responsible for global warming.
The "Hockey Stick Theory" that Gore uses in that bit of Science Fiction was disproven years ago and is not a valid measure nor is it scientifically acceptable.
You say the polar caps and glaciers are melting at a fast rate, yet there is nothing to say that this rate is unnatural, and there is no recorded data to suggest that anything is melting faster than normal.
The CO2 levels are just as stable as they have always been in the time that we have been keeping track of them, which in the overall age of the earth is no time at all.
That is the danger in trying to forecast any type of warming or cooling trends...we have not been measuring any reading for enough time to predict ANY trends, and to try to theorize on what data we do have is irresponsible at best.
I read just the other day that in 2005 the CO2 levels had dropped 3% in that year because it was a cooler year than normal, which makes sense if you think about it.
CO2 and greenhouse gasses would be up in warmer years and down in cooler years.
There has been evidence to suggest that CO2 actually rose about a thousand years into the last ice age from ice cores that have been removed from glaciers.
This would suggest that CO2 increases are a result of global cooling, and not warming.
As far as using oil, the biggest result in burning oil and gasoline is hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide, and not CO2 so much.
Since Gore put "An Inconvenient Truth" out, he has been found to be one of the biggest violators of environmental issues with his energy hungry house. He talks a good game, but doesn't live the way he tries to get everyone else to.
He doesn't even believe the BS that he puts out.
Finally, at the same time that man is being blamed for global warming here on earth, scientists are also saying that Mars is going through global warming now also...I am fairly sure we had nothing to do with that.
Man is responsible for pollution and should do all that he can to clean up our act, but pollution does not equal global warming...they are 2 separate issues...yet most people seem to think that they are the same.
@jumpinjack00 (3054)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Why don't you post more discussions like this
and respond more as you have here. It's really
quite brilliant.
All I'll say at the moment about Global Warming
is this. Man has very little to do with it. The
cause is indeed natural. It happens every ten
thousand years or so. Despite what is being force
fed to us, Global Warming is no more than when
the two Poles switch polarization. This is where
the stronger magnetic pull of one pole gradually
rotates to the other. Thusly slightly weakening
and strengthening the atmosphere at opposing Poles.
It happens over such a length of time that we would
never know it took place if it wasn't for those who
are trying to capitalize on fear.
Money is the only thing that generates any interest
of this topic. There are those who want to spend
money now to make more later if and when we switch
to alternate fuels. On the other hand, plenty of
money is being spent to make sure we never switch
over. You can't get a better scam than that.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Amazing, something we actually pretty much agree on.
Yes, it is a scam, by politicians, certain scientists, and various other special interest groups.
I have been a fan of alternative fuels for a while now.
Ford has got an SUV on the market that runs on fuel cells. At least they did have. If they could get that technology perfected and acceptable to the consumer, our dependence on oil would drop to nearly nothing.
Then the only thing we would need oil for would be manufacturing and lubrication. I am sure the scientists would eventually find an alternative there too.
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@janidanielli (132)
• Canada
16 May 07
As I write this, We are experiencing record high gas prices with seemingly no reason. Well, actually, I can think of one reason. With all the propaganda about global warming, and going green coupled with government initiatives to reduce emissions, it seems the perfect time to work on people's guilt.
Before reading any of these posts on myLot, I had been telling myself that the price increase was to make people more conscious of there consumption. Now I feel like a bit of a rube, knowing that the oil companies are rolling around in our dough. Not to mention the huge cut the gov't takes in taxes.
I am a believer in possibilities, so I am not yet prepared to discredit our part in the changes to the world. Considering the population never decreases only increases it stands to reason that everything is proportionately greater (pollution, consumption, etc.) However, I will certainly look at everything a little more objectively now. And in the meantime, I see nothing wrong with being aware of my own consumption and wastefulness. If nothing else, it will save me money, and keep my world a little cleaner.
One other thing to consider, Maybe politicians are making all this up just to distract us from bigger issues............What do you suppose those could be?
@4ftfingers (1310)
18 Mar 07
I am actually with you on this one. Although Im not a hundred percent sure, over the last few weeks I've edged more towards the idea that this might be paraoia and attempts to curb developing countries, among other reasons.
The idea that we are capable of making such an extreme difference to our planet's temperature, while we have that star the size of 109 earths beating down on us, is as you say, is a bit arrogant. We can't ignore records are showing an increase, but the records only started about 140 years ago, with an increase over that period of about 0.8 degrees, so how can we be sure that's not a natural occurance, if we have no previous records to go by.
I've heard different reasons for the aparent invention of global warming, one of them being that Margret Thatcher needed a reason invented to close the coal mines of Britian. Apparently she even bribed scientists to back up the theories. And the media loved it because the public love a scare story. Gore loves it too because it gives him a reason to hang around and sell books $$ chu-ching! $$.
I beleive we do have to change, I don't dissagree with that. Although not as damaging as smoking it's obvious pollution isn't good for our individual personal health. But I think we have to be optomistic. It's predicted that fuel cells will be replacing petrol and gasoline in the western world in about 20 to 30 years. If we compare that to the 140 years it's taken for the world's temperature to rise less than one degree, should we really be too worried?
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@y4175317 (204)
• Indonesia
31 Mar 07
my mom said that i was born very small:weighed only 1.6 kilos
i was born october 14 ,91886
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
1 Apr 07
hmmmm...I can only imagine that you must have been dropped on your head a lot when you were younger...
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@lordninja (48)
• Indonesia
7 Oct 07
And you know, the mayan calendar said 2012 is End of the Day, are they will coming Slowly now until 2012...
No one can't answer it.... hope and Pray its good idea...
@karstine29 (694)
• Philippines
4 Oct 11
I think its both. Whether we like it or not. The sun is getting hotter and hotter everyday. Our ozone layer, looses its capability to protect us, too. However, we people plays a big role in this phenomena, too. How? Our acts or behaviors are one of the factors that could make world get worse or not. So we must always keep in mind to be responsible enough to be a human, the caretaker of God's creation.
@celtickimba (28)
• United States
10 Mar 12
Great article. I agree with you. I have done some reading about this subject and have had a few interesting discussions with some very educated people regarding "climate change",(haha)and they all seem to agree that it is not what the media is making it into. I could go on, but it would be a long one. Anyway I am very impressed with those who are willing to question what the main stream media is feeding us. My father is an 84 year old immigrant who impressed me tremendously with his insight when I asked him, do you believe in global warming?, and he said, "no, because anytime there is something like this that someone is making a lot of money on makes me think that there is something fishy going on somewhere." Love it!
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
27 Mar 07
Global Warming is nothing more than the doom and gloom flavor of the day. I guess the hole in the ozone has been fixed since you can't seem to get anyone to even talk about that anymore. Pollution seems to be more a matter of which country produces it, or are we really supposed to believe that somehow US pollution is more dangerous than Chinese pollution. The whales must be doing ok since we don't hear much about saving them anymore.
Are there changes in weather patterns? There does seem to be. However, the one thing we know about nature is that it's always changing... so why do we seem to freak out everytime it does?
@marge08 (17)
• Philippines
4 Oct 11
i guess its partly man and partly nature. But just as God made us in charge of everything He made, we should take responsibility in taking care of it. I believe people did really abuse the nature that's why this global warming occured. But as far as i know, what is happening now is what is written in His words. All of this will happen as the end of days are near.