In your 30's and feel like others your age are still in High School?
By feeding11
@feeding11 (222)
United States
February 4, 2007 10:03pm CST
My kids are in activites and they love it, but I generally stay to myself away from other parents. Not because I'm not a social person I really am, but grown women still making remarks like this one I heard not to long ago....."I can't believe her and how she is, she's the one that said this about me, I can't believe she would say that about me, did you know this about her (she goes into detail about this womans private life and was asked to keep it confindetial) then she calls her a backstabber" Funniest thing about this was the woman she was talking about called her cell phone and she was so nice to her, when she gets off the phone she says "well that was her and now............I can't believe her" My husband asked me why I don't talk to a lot of parents at kids activities and i told him why. Not believing me I told him to take one of kids to the next activity. He couldn't believe it. He came back and apologized to me about not talking a lot and not believing me. He now understands. Do you feel like High School has followed you around or have you never realized this and you behave this way? Eye opener maybe for you after reading this?
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17 responses
@apky12 (769)
• United States
6 Feb 07
It's so funny because I workout in the gym in the morning. I usually talk to several women who are in their 40s and I've mentioned that I feel like everything is a competition with a lot of people and that it is like high school all over again. I have a 1 year old and a 2 year old. They all have said to me just wait, it gets much worst. What we all have to look forward to, huh! I tend to ignore it and just move on with my day. It got to me when I was in high school, college, etc. but I feel like it's just not important anymore. I will try and be nice to everyone and just hope people will do the same.
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@TiareF (241)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Actually, yes I have noticed this and I too tend to stay away from all the other parents. My oldest child is 18 and I learned a long time ago that it was easier to stay away from those people than to get involved in the nonsense they were spouting. I have no desire to get into a backstabbing contest with them, nor do I want to give them any information about me that they can use to spread lies with. I applaud you for opening your husbands eyes to the juvinille tactics of the other parents.
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@feeding11 (222)
• United States
5 Feb 07
That is exactly it. I don't share anything either. And yes my husband couldn't believe what he had heard. So glad there are other people that feel the same way. Thank you for your response.
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@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I absolutely agree with this statement and I also feel that many people that I have met who are older than me also seem like they are still in high school. It is amazing how people behave even as they get older. It seems like some people never mature or become adults. This happens more than we know I think.
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@artisweety (411)
• India
6 Feb 07
it is eye opener to me.gr8 topic.ya i felt many times as ur husband felt regarding my sory for it.i shall apolizize him for it
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@sweets9900 (726)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I agree with you. I have run across alot of people my age who act like their still in high school. Their minds and actions have not caught up to their age yet. If I were you I would do the same thing, keep to myself.
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@mbarryton (1872)
• United States
6 Feb 07
i dont believe high school attitude will ever leave, people love to gossip way to much.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
5 Feb 07
That never goes away. Old men and women still act like they are in high school sometimes. It does not matter how old people get, they still like to talk or say things behind other people's backs.
@wahmbuddy (391)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
I've really never been one to hang around with people my age. Even in my 20's I would look to an older crowd. Now that I'm in my late 30's I can count only one friend that I even talk to that is 30 something.
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@rakinitin (685)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
You are more mature and evolved than these women you stear clear of and good for you. It's not the quantity of friends you have but rather the quality, that is important. Gossiping and backstabbing hurts everyone and benefits no-one. Good for you for having morals and scruples. Keep your chin up and remember that staying away from these women is the best place for you.
@patootie (3592)
5 Feb 07
It's generally the parents who never move away from their birthplaces that never seem to grow up .. some of the girls I went to school with have never moved out of the small town we were born in .. they have never experienced life from what I can see .. and so they only conversation they seem to have is about other folks living in the same town ...
I feel it's it's very sad .. the ones who have stayed in the same town were the ones who were rated as doing best in life when they left school .. some of us who were told .. we'd never make much of ourselves have travelled the world .. seen life and are now generally doing 'better' than those who should have done well ..
Those girls still buy their clothes so they look alike, all seem to have similar hairdo's, shop in the same supermarket week after week and never seem to want to get anything out of life or try anything new ..
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@feeding11 (222)
• United States
5 Feb 07
How very sad for them that they feel their best accomplishment is to stay and live it out their whole life. Good for the others though that have traveled around and really lived life.
@freak369 (5113)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Little minds spawn little thoughts ... that was what my fortune cookie said today. There is some truth to that though. People that feel the need to talk about others and degrade them have issues with themself. If you have to belittle someone to make yourself appear better then you need to make some chances in your life.
Some people never grow up, I am one of them but I don't hurt people in the process. Give me my Lego sets, video games and diet iced tea and I'm a happy camper. Others need to constantly put others down to make themselves look better. Being the evil minded person that I am, I would jump right in the middle of things and cause a huge scene. Betraying someone or blabbing something that is said in confidence shows a complete lack of morals on her part. But don't worry, what comes around goes around.
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
5 Feb 07
You have hit the nail scare on the head with this one. Oh my-- I am always saying- girls we aren't in high school anymore- I can't believe that when I was younger and in activities my mom and her friends talked like this-
I too distance myself away from other parents at activities. Sometimes I feel this hurts my daughter- as the parents who hang out together- usually the kids do too.. But I can't help feeling that way! I'm not a teenager anymore or don't care to act like one. I only wish more adults would see this and stop acting like kids!
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I totally understand where you are coming from. My middle daughter goes to private school and the moms can be so rotten. We had a little coffee get together the beginning of the school year and I vowed I'd never go to one again. I learned that I was the only one that worked, and when they asked about my job and told them I worked at American Family Insurance as a licensed office assistant one mom said "oh, a mindless job" As if! Then when they were talking about their husbands jobs ( a few doctors, 2 lawyers, one has his own business) and I said my husband is a machinist I was looked at like I was lower class or something. I still go to school activities because I want to be involved with my kids. I also coach U12 girls soccer for my daughters team, and the moms there are just as bad. That's why I'm glad I coach, I don't have to sit on the sidelines and listen to it, plus I get valuable time with my daughter. Unfortunately, I think this behaviour will surround me my whole life, as even my mother in law and her friends are catty to each other. Maybe it's just human nature and gratefully we're not sucked into it.
@feeding11 (222)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I'm so glad I posted this discussion. Shouldn't matter what we do in life or who we associate with, just knowing that we accept ourselves for who we are should be reward enough. Especially for our kids to know that we are not like that but hopefully they will follow into your footsteps. I teach my kids to love themselves and always be polite, but to stay away from the gossiping because it hurts people and if you do it you will get caught anyway. I'm involved also and I am at peace with myself know that when I get there and when I leave my purpose for being there is for my kids. That is rewarding enough for me. Thank you for your response.
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@mikeyr6000le (2123)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Little highschool games like that follow you around all your life. I know people much older the 30's and they act like that. Well he said that she said and they said so I'm going to do this. It must be human nature or something. I try to avoid it as much as possiable but sometimes it can't be done.
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@balabrahmam (1071)
• India
5 Feb 07
yes i am also think like that and in my life i made a great desicion that is i did not celeberate my birthday because when we celeberate our birthday wethink we are going big and our age is become more it is distrub us so if we did not celeberate birtday then we will feel we are so youn as long as possible it is the secerate for me