Do you think animals have rights?
By paperchaser
@paperchaser (503)
February 4, 2007 10:32pm CST
If you ask me, I will be blunt and say that no way in hell does an animal have any right. Humans made up rights and laws because we are smart enough to think of these things ourselves, and to save ourselves from killing and eating one another we have come up with ways to give everyone an equal opportunity in life. Some people have the idiotic idea of thinking that animals have a right not to be killed for food etc etc. For example, those stupid animal rights activists will parade outside slaughter houses in attempt to close down the production of beef. I think it is ridiculous and a widely stupid idea to disallow killing an animal for the sake of food. Nature intended for the top predators to feed on everything below them in the food chain, and if some of you have not realized yet, humans are the top of the food chain! I am not saying that being cruel to animals is in any way acceptible either, but those who appose the slaughter of animals for food are going a tad too far.
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77 responses
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I believe that animals have *some* rights, as living creatures we share this world with. Wild animals have the right to be left in peace and not harassed needlessly in their own territory. I feel they have a right to the wilderness in which they live. I believe animals we have domesticated have the right to our protection and to comfortable, healthy lives. Regardless of whether or not they've been domesticated for pets or for food. They are still alive, they still have thoughts and can feel pain and discomfort and illness. And they have a right to our protection - we took them from the wild for our purposes. We have a responsibility to them.
I eat meat. I eat it without guilt. We are at the top of the food chain, and we have utilized the natural world for our benefit. We have that power. But that power also gives us a responsibility to our own resources and the creatures we've taken into our society - and those that maintain the ecosystem we need to survive.
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@vinancynfla (13)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I believe that animals do have rights. They have the right to be treated humanely by us the more intelligent species.I agree that a lot of the animal rights activists go off the deep end and get carried away with their behavior acting a little more like the animals they are trying to protect. I an also a meat eater. I would also be the first person on a jury to send away a person who mistreated an animal.

@lushmonkey (35)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I think that animals definitely have rights. They have the right to be treated humanely and with compassion. I am not a vegetarian, but I do buy meat that is not factory farmed and I am happy to pay more money for it.
I wonder why you sound so hostile towards animal rights activists. Are you trying to stir the pot so to speak?
I question your second statement. You don't think that we kill each other? Do you really think that we give everyone an equal opportunity in life? I don't know what planet you're living on! :-D
I encourage you to read up on current events and also about factory farming. I think it might open up your eyes to the injustices faced every day by animals *and* human beings.

@paperchaser (503)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
I think you are too much of an animal lover. I was directing my message towards the food industry in particular, and if I offended you, I could care less becuase you should have payed attention to the topic at hand. I think animals have no rights what so ever as they do not think, and do not have insight for their future. As someone else said, they are guided by instinct which is in their genes past down from generations. Sure toturing animals is wrong, but killing them for the sake of food is definately not. Those who appose to that are idiots. Human beings have thier own problems. They kill each other becuase we are greedy and selfish. We kill animals becuase we are hungry.
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@lushmonkey (35)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Dude, you are too funny. You ask for opinions regarding whether animals have rights and then you tell me I'm too much of an animal lover and scold me for not staying on topic?
How do you know that animals don't think? Or that they have no insight regarding the future? Have you ever had a dog? A cat? If so, I really don't know how you could even make statements like that.
Also, as I said in my previous post, do some reading about factory farming. There are humane ways to kill animals and they are not practiced by the mainstream meat industry. Please, please educate yourself about this before you get all hostile towards people that know more about it than you do.
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@mjsdls (1840)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I love animals very much. Yes they do have rights as far to be respected and loved. As far as killing them for food is what a lot of the animals (I believe)were put here for. I have the upmost respect for hunter that hunt for food and not just for sport and leave them lying were they die.
It is the people who do not respect the animals that gives most hunter a bad name. Yes I believe it is a sport to hunt but only if you are going to use the meat or give it to someone else who needs it. I do not believe in killing an animal just because you can.
I like the way the indians hunt. They use just about every part (if not every part) of the animal. The meat, skin for clothing, horns for tools, such and more.
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@soumodeep (944)
• India
5 Feb 07
You are a very cruel and rude person. Animals do have some rights too. THey are living beings. If they all die then humans die too. If you have even a little bit of knowledge in science then you will know that animals help us to survive and without animals we will die. So they deserve to live too.
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@hopefoo (1145)
• Malaysia
5 Feb 07
Animals do not have rights. As said in the original posts, we human beings, being on the top of the food chain, eat just about everything. But it's all up to us, know what I mean? There's no cause to be rude, I think it's a great discussion to see how others think. Miss Katatonic has already gave us her views and I agree with her totally. It is wrong for people to kill animals for sport, but if they're going to be eaten anyway, what's the harm in that? If one doesn't like it, they can stop eating meat; but should not condemn others for doing so.
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@paperchaser (503)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
they deserve to live, but they do not deserve to have rights given to them like humans are. The only purpose of an animal living is to support our ecology and feed the higher levels of food chain, and I am not cruel. If you opened your eyes you would read how i appose of cruelty to animals, but slaughtering them for the purpose of food is not any wrong doing.
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@srikanth81 (36)
• India
5 Feb 07
I agree with you... Animals are also living creatures. They too have rights. For example they have right to live they have right to have food and etc.,
Now a days human beings are making animals with no righ of living by eating animals.
We should make the world as complete vegetarian.
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Animals certainly do have rights. However, let me explain. I'm all for animal rights, I'm against animal abuse, but I still eat meat. I definitely won't stop eating it.
I know that sounds horrible, but my logic here is, as long as the animals are killed humanely. Don't drag their deaths out, don't torture them before they die, or torture them while they die.
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@g_aileen09 (1354)
• Philippines
5 Feb 07
Animals have the right to live, as much as humans do. If they don't, then why do they need to eat, breathe, drink, reproduce...etc?
But then, since these creatures are placed under humans (since God knows when), we took that as a signal for us to do anything on them as we please.
We kill animals, but maybe it is justifiable if the reason is only SURVIVAL. Other than that, it is not supposed to be acceptable.
Other people use animals for recreation... e.g. cockfighting. They let the roosters kill each other just to bring pleasure to the afficionados... God bless the chickens.
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@ilovecake (16)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I believe animals do have rights in a way. It is definately wrong to be cruel to animals because they have feelings and can feel pain. Just because something isn't as advanced as you, dosen't mean you can bring it pain, for fun.
This brings me to hunting. I think hunting for sport is wrong, but if it is your only food source, it is acceptable then. If you are only doing it for sport, you go out and say, shoot a deer, just for the hell of it. You take away part of a valuable part of an ecosystem, you take away a "family member" from another deer. I think that is just all wrong.
I think the beef industry is just fine because they kill the cows humanely and painless. We are using almost every bit of that cow to better ourselves.
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@khushboo1984 (1257)
• India
5 Feb 07
What you are saying is absolutely wrong. Every living being has rights and this means that even plants have rights. GOD has created everyone for some special purpose like plants to give us Oxygen. But, we human beings are quite stupid to not to understand this and we would do anything which would be in our advantage. So we are just cutting down trees irrespect of the fact that this is increasing the pollution and one day evn life would vanish from earth. In the same way even animals have some purpose. They provide us with fossils and can be our friends. Only because an animal cannot say and express his feelings we deal with them so cruelly. Just imagine that someone is hitting you and you cannot even express your hurt because you cannot speak. How will you feel in this situation?
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@mygreyparrot (1461)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Maybe we aren't top of the food chain. There have been people killed and eaten by animals in the past. I don't believe in that whole "we are humans, so we rule the entire world" theory. We, humans, have caused so many animals to be permanently extinct. We've torn down their habitats, killed them (not for food), tortured them, etc. I do believe animals have rights. I am not a vegetarian however, and don't believe anything is wrong with animals being food. Animals feed on other animals. It's life.
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@boeyong (256)
• Malaysia
5 Feb 07
You just answered your own question! "Rights" are only as good as when they can be enforced by the procurer of the rights. Which means simply that when humans say they have "rights", they can voice their opinions and their thinking and see that the "rights" are enforced. Animals cannot do that. They are not created with the same form of intelligence as humans. Humans have free will. Animals function on instinct - a fixed form of intelligence that is already in their system. They can't change their destiny, question their future, (they have no future), or debate their way of life, which only humans can do. Animals do not have a say in anything other than what the creator has put into them as "instinct".
@stutiaquarian (394)
• India
5 Feb 07
all creatures have right to live love and fun no can expell that
@astromama (1221)
• United States
5 Feb 07
First of all, I think you're giving humans too much credit when you talk of how 'intelligent' we are. We are the only animal on this planet who destroys their own ecosystem and the ecosystems of our fellow creatures... and as far as being 'on top' of the food chain, I think you're wrong... I'd like to see you go hand to hand with a tiger, bear, or shark and see who wins out. I am a vegetarian. I do not eat corpse, period, regardless of whose corpse it is. There are a number of very intelligent reasons for befriending animals and opposing slaughter, namely better health and not contributing to greenhouse gasses and deforestation. I love how you called me an 'idiot' for my beliefs... hopefully I'll still be frolicking with my animal friends while you have a colon full of rotting flesh... and I'm a farm girl, so I credit my pro-animal attitudes to living and playing around horses, sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits, dogs, etc. my entire life. I would encourage you to look at the beauty and variety of creatures we share the world with and get off your high horse... who said being human was so great anyway? Many, many animals are bigger, stronger, faster, more beautiful and more loving than lots of people I've met... and I'd hang out with my best dog friend over someone like you any day! Stupid animal rights activists... ha! As long as a being is able to feel, I will be compassionate towards it... and most 'activists' just want slaughter to be more humane... how would you like to be skinned alive? It happens... my hometown is home of the number 2 pork plant in the country, my father manages a barn there... so this stupid vegetarian knows what she's talking about...
And as far as humans 'saving ourselves from killing one another'... that's ridiculous. Humans are the only species actively assisting nature in our own destruction (war) sounds REAL intelligent to me.
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@astromama (1221)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I always say that in discussions about global warming... the issue isn't destroying the planet, the planet is a much bigger organism than we are... the issue is destroying *ourselves* by becoming too big a parasite for the earth to support. NATURE ALWAYS WINS... because nature is 'god'...
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
hahaha yes astromama, I love your answer. I include that in my answer too on the first page. Animals don't know politics, they just fight to survive. Anyone who can conduct animal cruelty should be punished by the same cruelty they conducted to helpless mindless living being. Prehistoric humans lived in the wilderness side by side with animals, they are very good examples how we are really not on top of the food chain without weapons and technology. Nature always wins.

@chuva_chuva2005 (96)
• Philippines
5 Feb 07
animals have right and they should be trated with respect too
@xfallenxlostx (2074)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Animals moste DEFINITELY have rights, and i fight for them. i am an animal rights activist and will be until they day i die. It is people like you that have effed up our world so much.
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@Rittings (673)
5 Feb 07
Lol you are so funny. We didn't think up "rights" we just found a way to express them in words. Every member of the animal kingdom has a civil right, and amongst themselves they know what they are. That's how they have survived so long on the food chain of life.
When you see a pack of wolves, their will be certain protocols that each animal will have to follow. They will all have their duties and their actions and success/failure will pre-determine the outcome for the entire pack. Should one of them not follow this protocol, the others will shun the wolf and if it's totally necessary would probably kill it.
Why do they do this?? All pack animals are the same. It's because they understand their "rights" within that group. They do not know the word "rights" of course, and will express their knowledge in a different way to ours. So don't be so ignorant and arrogant that the human way is the only way. Ever thought that we might all be wrong? Probably not because we as humans are generally pig-headed about these things and unbelievably arrogant (some more than others).
The fact that some of us have noticed and expressed the animal "rights" is a vision of our ability to communicate. Nothing more, nothing less. You should really sit down and think about what the world means and why we are "ALL" here (not just the humans.. but the plants and the other animals too).
All living creatures have the god given right to live. That's factotum number one. And for that reason, all animals and plants first priority is survival of their species. That's the way of nature. You understand this right?
Love and light.
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@prince_of_gurlzheart (352)
• India
5 Feb 07
yes animals do have rights as they too are living creature's . but there rights are less commpared to human. ya i do agree that animal rights activist are stupid.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I believe in animal rights to some degree. I believe that it is not right to beat and animal or torture an animal and I believe that they have a right for us to feed them and take care of them because most can not survive any other way. But I do believe that some animals were put on this earth for us to eat and that it is only natural to eat em!
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@poppoppop111 (5731)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
Of course animals have rights. every living thing with a souls, which i think animals do have souls, should have rights.
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@Hockey_85 (94)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I think animals should have rights.
You say they shouldn't have them, because humans made up rights and laws. Now, we made these laws to save ourselves from being killed? I don't know where you live, but I definitely think people still get murdered. So maybe we're not good law makers? That's really not the point.
I don't eat meat, but that's my choice. I understand your whole food chain point and all. But when it comes to animal testing, on products that mice are never going to use... I think they should have rights. I've never walked outside and saw a bunny wearing lipstick. So I don't understand why makeup companies test on animals, instead of testing on something that is actually going to be wearing the product.
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