How sinful is makeup?
By BlueBell101
@BlueBell101 (192)
February 5, 2007 12:03am CST
I just got back from the Calfornia Coast in the US and well it was a real eye opener....First thing, I gave my 8 year old neice 3 Alba Terra Tints Neutral Lip balms for a Late Christmas gift. Second thing is she goes to a Catholic school, (something I am not use to as a Canadian). I went to pick her up from school on day and one of the Sisters confronted me and started giving me a lecture. She staited that if I wanted to go to hell by wearing satan's war paint then so be it but I should not be preaching my beliefs to a innocent child and that she had confiscated the lip balm and would be dispossing of it. Should she have done this? Is make-up that sinful? or did I step out of line by giving this item to my neice?
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49 responses
@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
5 Feb 07
Painted lips! tsk! tsk! What kind of woman is she being groomed to be?
The Nuns by defenition (have none, want none and By George! they ain't going to get none) would probably prefer tender lips to use lard or axle-grease to prevent chapping - lol!
If you investigate, you will probably find out that the nun misread what it was and filled with righteous indignation, felt she was the "Lord's" scourge against temptation - and took off into outer space.
It is indeed a hallmark of bigotry that such people do exist. If you were to bring the matter to a Superior's attention you may still be able to retrieve the lip balm but unlikely to receive an apology.
So if you put it down to a "nun" having a bad hair day, you will rest easier.
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@BlueBell101 (192)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
I here you on that, it is like they are jealous and yet weary of they world around them and trying to protect their flock
@comedyaddict (772)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
You just made me think of a joke which you might like.
Q) Why do nuns always walk around in twos?
A) So one nun, makes sure the nun gets none...
Its not really on topic of the discussion, but had to share it anyways after your post ;)

@lonewolfnan (4366)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
I think I just read that the nun was chastsizing you for preaching something to the innocent?But supposedly that is her job??Is this not a double standard?
Isn't lip balm to protect the lips from chaffing?Does satan wear lip balm(and in what flavour)?
This is an obvious attempt by you(a Canadian) trying to spread your eveilness to the innocent of the US and therefore you should be considered a terrorist(??)
Or that she over reacted??Which one do you think??
@tarunbhatia (160)
• India
5 Feb 07
i think she over reacted on the matter....some time she will say stop are killing microbes
@BlueBell101 (192)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
I think she was refer to the make-up as sinful and only harlettes and sinners wear it but in the realy world people wear it so they look pretty, it is not like I am a sinner.
@Island_Geko (3759)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
I think the Sister or teacher crossed the line, she did not know who truely gave the child the product and even though there is a tinting in the lip balm it is so minor that it is hardly noticable. I have seen these type products sold in childrens toy stores, clothing stores, so no I don't think what you did was wrong infact you probably made you neice very happy and to have a teacher destry that happiness is unfair and selfish, she probably was jealous she did not have some.
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@BlueBell101 (192)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
I actually purchased it through a well known company and they told me it would be perfect for a girl her age and her parents had no problem with it. So the sister should have talked to the parent first.
@kawillow74 (1416)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I think she was a little rough on you, lip balm come on what could that possible hurt. But then you have to go by your sister belief I don't think it is a horrible think (makeup) i am not a big wearer myself but I guess in some belief it is sinful but if they don't use it as war paint then i really don't see that it is a big deal. No I don't think giving her lip balm was out of line.
@Hockey_85 (94)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Wow, no you weren't out of line at all. It's lip balm. Christ, it's not like you gave her black lipstick and told her to wear it to her school. Sisters overreact about anything, trust me. But she didn't have the right to dispose of it, it should have been given back to you.
Were her parents against her wearing it? If not, then you were definitely in the right and shouldn't worry about it.
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@osaneeh (88)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
the nun overreacted obviously. lip balm is just for protecting the lips. hello? satan doesn't even wear make-up. no amount of concealing can keep him from looking ugly. and answear back the nun by telling her, that sometimes it doesn't matter what a person wears or puts on herself, the most important thing is what comes off her mouth - her values. and hello, you're niece isn't whoring with the lipbalm, i just can't see why there's room for such a reaction.
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@simran1430 (1790)
• India
8 Feb 07
Never use cosmetics that have crossed their expiry dates. Normally, life span of mascaras is about three to four months, foundations and lipsticks last for one year while powder and eye shadows last for about two years. It is also important to wash and clean brushes and sponges regularly.
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
5 Feb 07
I would have sent her a bill for the cost of the makeup.
If she wants to confiscate it, fine but it should be returned.
It is simply makeup. It isn't satan's war paint that is just silly. Makeup isn't going to make you sinful or go to hell just for applying it. That is a foolish idea that something like tints can damnn your soul. Please, I never heard that the bible said no makeup....
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@Withoutwings (6992)
• United States
6 Feb 07
She had no right to do this. I would go to the headmaster and demand the lipbalms back. Its not like you gave her eyeliner to wear.
It doesnt say anywhere in the Bible that you cant wear make up. Thats ridiculous.
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@webduck (238)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I don't think makeup is sinful, but little girls in this day and age should be allowed to be little girls for as long as possible. Look at the way so many of the young girls dress these days: like hookers. And, it is getting younger and younger. If "no makeup" is a rule at your neice's school though, she should know the rules, and not have taken it to school.
@manmaxman (850)
• India
5 Feb 07
makeup is the good thing for those which are not beautiful but i like the simple girls most
@VelvetMorning (4)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
I actually have a problem with the confiscation. Is there a clear, written policy on the use of makeup in the school? If she's at a private school, anything may go.
But no, in the general abstract, make up isn't sinful!
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@Lush_heidi (994)
• United States
6 Feb 07
She definitely crossed the line, lip blam helps keeps lips from being chapped and no where in the bible does it say this is wrong. I think you were treated unfairly and judged. I would have reminded this sister that judge not,lest you be judged and to point out to you in the good book where it says lip balm is a sin. So many religous leaders or individuals use scare tactics and say things that scare you from almost even living.If she took it away, she should at least give to you or the parents instead of disposing of it. Perhaps you can talk to a superior there and voice your concerns. I am much more worried about you and your niece are being treated then the false statement of going to hell for lip balm!
Hang in there, you sound like a great aunt!
@phorie (21)
• Australia
5 Feb 07
I agree with not letting kids wear make up, but if it's only tinted lip balm there's nothing wrong there. It's good to take care of your lips.
I think that the sister not only over-reacted but she certainly shouldn't have disposed of the confiscated item. She should have returned it to you and just informed you that it's not allowed at school. If she doesn't like 'satan's war paint' (god i love that name) then that's fine, but why should she inflict her beliefs on you?
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@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
6 Feb 07
That is just one crazy nun. I went to Catholic school and never once heard that makeup would lead to hell. But we weren't allowed to wear anything but clear lip gloss in school (including high school). They should have just said the lip balm was against the dress code/code of conduct for the school and given it back to you with a stern warning to your niece not to wear it again. Some nuns are just very old fashioned and very opinionated.
I had one nun corner me in high school and demand to know if I was wearing shorts under my uniform (which was against the rules). She then made me to in the bathroom and take them off. I was so mad, mostly because I was late for lunch and there was no hot food left.
@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Sounds to me like the Nun is out of line. She was pushing her beliefs on you. Little girls like lip gloss and if they are in a neutral shade then I don't see a problem.
I would have demanded the lipgloss back from the Nun then and there. She had no right throwing away a gift to your niece whether she agreed with it or not!
@hikarushidou (843)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
Oh my is that nun sick??? Satan's war paint? I myself am Roman Catholic and belong to a very religious family but all women in our community wears make-up, at least lipstick! How rude! Sometimes religious people go overboard...well not just sometimes, most of the time. This is wrong. Dont feel bad.
@earth2jacq (1502)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
She's a nun. So what? It doesn't give her the right to lecture you that way more so because you are already an adult. It's only a lipbalm she should not have fretted over it. An 8 year old carrying a lip balm isn't such a big issue. Haven't she heard of the term "chapped lips"? Just ignore her I very much think she is over her head.
@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Wait this is over LIP BALM? Not say LIPSTICK? I dont think lip balm is EVEN a makeup item! Its the next step up from chapstick. It keeps lips from being chapped but with a little color too. Its nice stuff. I used to love the stuff. That sister was out of line. Makeup isnt sin either. Lmk in the bible where she read that? Cause I've never seen it! Some people are REALLY strict on things like that.
Okay it wasnt lipstick it was lipbalm. She crossed the line. Explain that. She was wrong, you are right. Seriously