Cheating in exams!!!
By id62000
@id62000 (207)
February 5, 2007 4:32am CST
I'm a college student, but i've had this problem for quiet a while now. In some of my exams from my school days, i've seen people cheating, copying and even shouting out the answers across the classroom. And the teachers, somehow usually don't notice. This really gets to me, and i lose my concentration.
I thought once school was over, that was history.
Well, History repeats itself once again here.
In my college too, people copy. The boy next to me was trying to do his best in the unspeakable act. And worse, even though i've tried to hide my paper, and make sure he doesn't copy me, i've ended up ruining my perfect record in my exams due to lack of concentration.
My college, dispite its reputation, seems to have no set rules for exams. Sure, they're printed in many places like the hall ticket and stuff, but it's like nothing is wrong if you copy.
My neighbours copy, so do my aquaintences and people who call themselves my friends...whisper the answer when teach is not looking, pass slips, even pass answer sheets back. Some take the extra sheets home and fill it up for improper use in the next exam...and I seem to be the only one even bothered.
When i told my mom about it, she got quiet irritated...with me. I've had problems with people copying from me even during the Engineering exams and high school exams and i seem to be the only loser in all the cases, trying to make sure others don't copy.
I know the names of the students who copied...some are people who i chat to everyday...i'm hesistant about reporting them...because i seem to be the only sheep among the wrong move, and who knows what my college life may become? I'll be forever ignored and stuff like that if i DO complain. If not, my conscience won't be at peace.
But i'm ready to declare war if necessary. Only i'm not sure whether its worth it. On one hand, i become a suspecious person, and on the other hand, i feel it is not right to let people become waste like this.
My country need talent - honest talent, and if someone doesn't do anything, my fellow classmates may become strange characters - disrespected at one point in their lives.
They're not bad, but they're upto no good.
Am i being too straight about the entire thing? Or should i take a hand in all this?
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39 responses
@redrain (29)
• Indonesia
5 Feb 07
you are really interesting, you know.
one side, you don't want your papper to be copy and on the other hand, you don't want to reporting them.
you are not a sheep & they are not a wolf. all of you is human. human with all complicated way of thinking.
you are trying to be perfect & they trying to get better grade. althougt they try to cheated on it, they have the same purpose like you. which is, graduate from college.
don't be too harsh on them, they just not have a brain like you. but, it doesn't mean they are useless. i'm sure they have their own way to success. good way or bad way, is up to them. just don't think so negative to them.
enought about that sympathy to them.
here's one way to avoid them to copy all your papper like photocopy.
you don't have to do this, it's just a suggest though.
first, you make a papper with 60%-90% done for them to copy. and then, you make 100% done for your papper.
right!!you end up in making 2 papper. one for them to copy & one for yourself.
and how about the exam ?? you don't need to care with them. let them trying to copy all they can. because they will not realize what they are doing right now, they will be realize it in the future. they regret it or not, i don't care. whatever it is, as long as you not loss your concentration & do your best, it's enough.
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@id62000 (207)
• India
6 Feb 07
Thanks for your suggestion. But we don't even have time to finish even ONE paper on time...such is the university paper set for us.
Personally, i don't think they can copy much in such limited time. But the boy who sat next to me, was idling most of his time and even having time to look around.
If people COULDN'T learn for their exams - they woundn't be in my college! It's not easy to get in.
They CAN, but they're just lazy and spending their time devising plans like this and wasting time.
In my sister's college, even though the students don't learn much (or anything for that matter), they just come, write their names and hand the paper in after five minutes - no copying and no problem. I wish the guys in my college were like that.
If they don't want to learn, they should just forfeit!
Isn't that what they're supposed to be learning? If everyone in the world is bad, is it right to say i too want to be bad? Aren't you supposed to clear things out?
If what you say is true, there's no need for the police in this world, no courts, no councellors, no nothing - the world will become a big, bad world.
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@CyanShadow (123)
• Netherlands Antilles
5 Feb 07
Not being smart is not a justification to trying to cheat.
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@redrain (29)
• Indonesia
6 Feb 07
yep, they can do it if they want. they are just lazy & want find the easy way to do it.
but, it doesn't mean they don't want to learn, they just learn different thing from you. they just can't understand the lesson like you do.
and it doesn't mean they will end up being bad person. they will learn how to life.
they will learn how to survive in this world.
they will learn how to act & respect to other people.
there's so many way to learn. that just human are.
imagine it, if the world is full with the person just like you. have a mind like you, act like you. you can change the future of course, with your own way.but, if you & the other like you don't have any idea again & can't develop any further for the world, what kind of the future it would be? maybe it's like the time is stop. you just do the same thing in the circle of time.
i already imagine that. the world with all the person like me. it's scary...
btw, if the world doesn't need the police, no courts, can be means the world is full of peace. no crime, no war.
well, it will never happen anyway.
the world need good & bad to survive.
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@fabwisp (1327)
5 Feb 07
I think you need to be really sure before you make a move on this one. If you report these people they may turn on you and then things wont be very nice. I think I would just get on with it. You know that your work is all your own and that you have earnt every mark of it. Ignore the others and concentrate on your own work rather than what those cheats are doing. Good luck to you.
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@id62000 (207)
• India
5 Feb 07
But if i ignore them, don't you think it's bad for them? Even though they're not close to me, i don't want them to turn out like junk. There are enough of them in this world.
But won't YOU gey irritated if someone tries to copy off you? If we're caught, it's not just him who'll get into trouble. It'll be both of us!
@faylinn_chaeli (1619)
• Philippines
5 Feb 07
You know what? As they say, "cheaters never win", they may be good in written exams, but they can never be in oral recitations. I agree with fabwisp.
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@banta78 (4326)
• India
6 Feb 07
I feel if everyone is indulging it, then it is possible that tehre is implict understanding between cheaters and teachers as they can easily make out who are cheating. So sadly if you are lone voice of conscience in class it is not going to help taking on whole class, as it will not be in their interest. I agree ignore them as much as possible. beside it is not your job to correct others even if they are your friends. As i believe that such people don't get far in life and do get caught up sooner than latter.

@skroutz1346795 (541)
• Greece
6 Feb 07
I think that almost everyone has cheated even for one time in his life. It is sometimes times that you have no other option because somebody is near yo and he can really help you.
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@faylinn_chaeli (1619)
• Philippines
5 Feb 07
You know if you tell the teacher or to the authorities that they are cheating, sooner or later they will find out that it was you who told it. Are you ready to suffer the consequeces? I mean are you ready for that? They will not thank you for that, even if your reason is "it is for their own good". But they already know what's good for them.
My advice to you is to talk to them first before you make a move. If they didn't listen, then, everything is up to you.
@CyanShadow (123)
• Netherlands Antilles
5 Feb 07
Also If you really cant stand that they copy from you, you could always go to the teacher and tell him or her to put you in a spot during the exam that is far away from every1.
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@CyanShadow (123)
• Netherlands Antilles
5 Feb 07
Well my advice is live and let live. One day all there copying will get them in trouble. Since I am a very good student many kids ask me sit next to them so they can copy. I always tell them that if they want to copy they have to come sit near me and I am never gonna say the answers or put my paper in an easier position for them to look. I also tell them that they should copy AT THERE OWN RISK. So basicly dont bother to help them and dont bother if they try to look.
You will neither have to worry about you helping or them cheating. Plus if you are a good student like me you finish way faster then other kids and you leave them trying to see the answers.XD
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@id62000 (207)
• India
6 Feb 07
I see! That happens to me too! The students ask me questions like, 'I haven't learnt anything so sit next to me!' in class exams.
I just smile it off and sit with the usual group. They copy but they don't even attempt to look at my paper. They know i'm against it.
But the situation is diffrent in exams. I feel the sudden urge to stand up and say, 'ma'am, this boy is trying to copy from my paper.'
I'll try you way. Thanks for the idea. It helped a lot.
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@nilzerous1 (2434)
• India
6 Feb 07
You are correct in your own stand but wrong in respect of the social perspective. These are just the basics, but as you will grow older you will notice more such offences. And either you have to adjust or shift your focus. We can't really help it out. It is so sad that society has degraded that much but we have to accept the reality. No alternative left.
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@banta78 (4326)
• India
6 Feb 07
I feel it is good that you have moral conscience and that you are willing to work hard with hoensty and integrity to succeed in life. So be proud of yourself and you shouldn't feel abd if somebody cheats and gets more. As in the long run you will be proud that you fully deserved what you got. And to achieving lasting success there are no shortcuts in life. I think you should use this as motivation to rpove to yourslef and others that honesty pays by setting an example for others to emulate by not allowing yorself to get disattracted by others cheating but focussing on the job on hand. And you will be successful. Like i said it is better to ignore what others are doing because as great saints have said we should control things we can and not worry over things which are beyong our control like trying to fight vested interests. Hope that helps. And best of luck with your exams and future. good luck.
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@huanghaozi (1472)
• Egypt
6 Feb 07
When I am a student , I begin cheating in exams , because we have many exams every day , we don't have enough time to review the lessons that I learnt . If I fail the exams , my parents will be angry with me , so I cheat the exams .
@funkyshankar (284)
• India
5 Feb 07
u need to bear with that..its not something that has been started fro m yesterady..this has been happening from very long time..please dont report to this to your professors.try to control yourself..and if u cant do with that please inform whats going on to your professors..but dont ever tell the names..that may cause enemity between your friends!!
@erwin0910 (14)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
i think you should consider some options before doing what you have in mind. one is, you might cause some trouble between or among your friends or classmates and you might end up being friendless if you push through with your plan. second, if you feel uncomfortable taking an exam because your classmates might ask or copy answers from you, you can request a seat from your professor where you will find peace in taking the exam (a seat in front or a seat near your professor perhaps). it is Ok to think that some people can't get away with cheating because they are born to do something the easy way. and don't get affected by their doing; as long as you do what you are supposed to do, then you're gonna get through in all your exams with clean conscience and peace of mind. good luck
@sreerajkm (34)
• India
6 Feb 07
Hi in my opinion you dont respond to this . Because if you raise any complaint against this, there will create a lot of problems in between you and all your friends.In other word all wolves will attack you my little sheep....But never change your mind, because you are the right track which is very hard to get
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@panicdude (456)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
you don't have to say it if your confused and don't be like them. never cheat. you could also tell them that it is wrong. if they don't listen, they will sure regret it in the end. its not your fault that they cheat.its a good thing that your not the one giving out the answers to the whole class and copying answers from others..
@Jumpin (117)
• India
8 Feb 07
Cheating is something people do all the time in places like schools and colleges. That's because they've not understood the seriousness of life yet.
It's better to do what your conscience tells you to do. Only you can judge wheather you want to report or not. Of course, cheating isn't going to get anyone anywhere. You can get a few points or marks out of it. But you can't get the entire paper right by just cheating. Right?
Besides, if one person copies one question's answer from you, it's probably because he/she doesn't know the answers for most of the questions. People who know something in an exam doesn't usually cheat. So, there you have it! He just scores a handful of marks that's all!
But by letting that bother you, you'll lose a handful of marks as well. So, don't worry about it. Take a second or two to decide - do you want to report or not. If it's really irritating, just go ahead. Else, ignore him completely and concentrate on your exam.
Remember, this person can cheat only upto college level. AFter he finds a job or whatever, he can't copy reports or anything of the like. Then, his real worth will be recognised by whoever is concerned...and he will get his just desserts.
Ina post where his ability equals his work (even if it's not good), he gets good results.
But if his ability becomes less than that required to do the work, (however high paying his job may be), he won't be respected. And somehow or the other, he'll find out that he's a cheater or failure of some sort or other. So, chill out and continue your exams cooly. Because, as long as YOU know the answers even this guy depends on you and your mentability.
As another suggestion, i recommend you to annonimously (is this spelling right?) tell a teacher to keep an eye on your friend who has a tendency to look into your paper. That way, if the teacher keeps staring at the kid, he'll probably not have the courage to look into your paper again. Plus, if he's caught in the act, the teacher will know you're not his accompliance (or whatever).
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@crankycool (1052)
• India
6 Feb 07
If people copy, they might pass that exam, but ultimately, they end up being losers and not winners. I am a college student too and I do not resort to such practices, If i know the answer, i write it, else, i just don't. I think we just have to tolerate this action of people, They will learn with time that what they are doing is wrong and counter-productive.
@dareformore (794)
• Pakistan
6 Feb 07
I think You Are doing your part very wel.Just get along as you are going and ignore others. Be parient and bare the things as much as you can and don't tell your professors.But if it exceeds limits then go to them but please don't tell the names because things can turn very nasty. Ingnore the others and Concentrate on your self.
Good luck
@hikarushidou (843)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
Cheating is never right. I cheated alot of times too like my friends and I talk secretly during exams but I dont feel good too right after. I cheat only on minor tests but I really study in big exams though.
@d4deepaksurya (72)
• India
6 Feb 07
in a group people likethis..we cant tell every one not to copy..for they will not listen to our words..and instead harm us..its better for us to be good enough..and if possible..mould the upcoming children in a right path!!!