Cats that throw up...

Pretty kitty! - Here's a very pretty kitty!
@Bev1986 (1425)
United States
February 5, 2007 1:12pm CST
We have two cats, who I love to death. But why do they have to be on my bed when they throw up? I can't tell you how many times I've woke up to the sound of them throwing up on the bed! Most of the time, I can get them off the bed before they actually throw up, but sometimes I don't move them fast enough. Then I'm changing sheets in the middle of the night! Does anyone else's cats throw up on their bed???
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38 responses
• United States
5 Feb 07
Hi Bev...I noticed in one of your photos that you posted (if it's your kitty) that it has long/medium hair? Do you brush your cats often to reduce hairball ingestion? Cats are not only seasonal shedders but also are affected by indoor lighting, called "photoperiod". Year round indoor cats will shed more because during the winter season household/artificial lighting is on longer during the darker seasonal hours. Additionally, diet can help play a role in reducing shedding. Cat foods which contain the ingredients corn, corn meal (carbohydrate fillers) tend to not metabolize well as cats are obligate carnivores so if they eat a diet devoid of these fillers people notice a tremendous difference in their cat's overall coat appearance and less shedding as well. The reason why fillers are used is to help bind the food together as well as lower the cost of manufacturing to the consumer. More on the truth about dry cat food: Sources: - 27 year friendship with a veterinarian - studed feline nutrition for both exotic and domestic cats
@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I work in a pet dept. and the brand I reccommend is Nutro. It doesn't have fillers and it cost less in the long run to feed to your animals. I also use petroleum jelly or vaseline instead of the expensive stuff in the tube. Put a dab on the cat's nose and they will automatically lick it off and down the hatch it goes. Fur balls come up much easier or pass on through. The comb that is like a rake really works! I use one on my dog, part sheperd/part wolf. What a difference! I bought one through the mail and then I discovered that Pet Smart as well as most pet stores now carry them. I love how much of the undercoat comes out and my dog has really healthy fur and I am happy. He also gets Nutro and his coat is beautiful! No more grocery store food for him and his allergic reactions are gone.
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@Bev1986 (1425)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Thanks! Yes, I have one long hair and one short hair... I do use special Hairball remedy cat food and buy one of the top brands... I also give them catlax to help too but they both still throw up occasionally... I brush them occasionally but the long hair one hates it! The short hair one doesn't mind too much...
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
Whew! thank God my cats dont throw up in bed instead some part of our house. Usually they throw up when they eat something that are not good for them like soiled food or eat something that are hard to digest.Basically i have 15 of them.My worries when they are in my bed, the hardest thing for me is to sleep. They usually want to get inside too in my blanket and sometimes i woke up in heavy breathing coz tubby and cole are sleeping at my chest.
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Hi! Your post made me think of a cartoon you'd like. It was featured on the cover of the New Yorker magazine a few months ago. It was a picture of a cat in bed, and four little people were sleeping in strange positions all around the cat. The cat's eyes were opened enough to look awake and annoyed! LOL That's one of my favorites! :-)
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@dentkk (240)
• Hong Kong
6 Feb 07
Put the cat in the cage when u going to sleep......!
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• Australia
6 Feb 07
I have 2big cats and 4 kittens I don't have anyprovblem with them because they just stay in our veranda.and when we sat outside that's our playtime. they do there pooh pooh outside and bury in the sand. so if you don't want to be disturb let them stay out the house
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@crickethear (1417)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Yes, either that, or they throw up on the carpet. I feel sorry for them, but if they didn't clean themselves so much the wouldn't be doing it. Maybe you should put some sort of blanket on top, then that way, you can just wash it. If they like to sleep under the covers, then you ought to change their sleeping place.
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@Polly72 (46)
5 Feb 07
My cats throw up but its usually on the wooden floor and it's most of the time caused by furballs.
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@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I work in a pet dept. and instead of using that expensive stuff for fur balls that comes in a tube, try vasiline or petroleum jelly. Just take a dab and put it on the cat's nose. The immediate response is for them to lick their nose and the jelly is then ingested and the fur ball comes up so much easier. It saves a lot of money, also.
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Hi! I just thought I'd share something my vet told me. How often do you change out or clean your cats' food and water dishes? My vet told me to do it everyday because after a while, food and water dishes can develop a bacteria that can upset the cats' stomachs and cause them to throw up more than they usually would (from hairballs, etc). I hope that helps! :-)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Trust me, you have it easy. Mine throw up on the carpet. And it is really hard to get out. The stain that is. Even if you go and do it right then. At least by throwing up on the bed you can toss the sheets in the washer and voila.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
5 Feb 07
try poring salt on it enough to draw all they ewtness out leave it to the next day when it is dry vac up and see if the stain is gone. I know salt will take out a cola spill!
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@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I agree about the Nature's Miracle since I sell it in my dept. where I work. My first defense is a cheap bottle of Club Soda. It is the carbonation that does the trick! Just like some of the carpet cleaning products that are carbonated. Pour it directly on the stain and it lifts debris and stain out of the carpet. Then soak it up with a towel or paper towels. If you still have a spot then try the Natures Miracle. The club soda won't effect the Nature's Miracle product from doing it's job. Club Soda is a trick we used in our professional cleaning service. Works great on many spills and stains without effecting the glue backing. Good luck! It works on those dried up hidden spots that the pets are good at hiding.
• United States
6 Feb 07
I use Nature's Miracle Stain Remover for Cats, it does wonders with the stains from throw up and other stains our little loved ones may leave behind. Just follow the directions and don't use anything on the stain before you use this product. You can usually find it in any pet store.
@yahooguy (508)
• Romania
6 Feb 07
well they can help them selfa and they don't know realy when they do that ....and maybe you hqave to make her to throw up in a notter place and then she will throw there and no more in your bed
@ryan0583 (30)
• United States
6 Feb 07
My mom has a cat and if she throws up it is usually in the living room.
• Indonesia
6 Feb 07
maybe your cat want you to sleep with them ... they just need to be warmed ...
@AyaMiami (95)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Yuck! My cat does throw up a hair ball from time to time, but not on my bed. Brushing cats often will help keep them from getting furballs. Also, if the puking is a digestive problem, feeding them canned pumpkin, just a couple teaspoons a day, can help. Pumpkin is high in fiber.
• United States
6 Feb 07
your kitties are suffering from hairballs i think. they need a medication you can get at the vet that comes in a tube that you paste on their paws and they lick it off. gets rid of the barfing. helped my old kittie stop that bad habbit. or you can buy kittie grass.
• United States
14 Feb 07
My cats don't actually throw up on my bed, but they do throw up around the house. maybe it is a reaction to what kind of food they are eating. Trying changing up the cat food brand. Hopefully that helps. Good Luck.
@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Ha ha ha, you made me laugh! I have 30 cats and have to strip my bed almost every single morning! When I wake up, I not only have cat puke on my bed, I also have, cat toys, hairballs, dirty cat footprints, spitty torn up paper, cat hair, poop and cat litter from their feet, snot when one of them sneezes and even piss! (every now and then one of them does that but I've never been able to find out who it is)! But dispite all that, don't yah just love the little darlings!!!
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
6 Feb 07
We have three cats. I don't believe they have ever thrown up on the bed, but then they do not sleep on the bed. From what I've seen, cats tend to throw up whereever they are at the time. Plenty of pet messes have been cleaned up. Pets are a lot of work. Too bad we get duped into having pets, especially multiple pets.
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Well yuk- No- my cat has never thrown up in my bed.. I'd probably puke right along side of it- My cat has puked on the kitchen table one night-?? I woke up to find it the next morning- Then I scolded the kitty for being on the table- It was pretty gross-- It was puke and a mouse- He must have killed a field mouse before he came in and ate it.. then it came back up! YUK! He has also thrown up on our new rug! Gross-- and a big pain to get it clean. My cat is short-haired so no hairballs.. Just needs to slow down and stop eating so much junk. Cats puke in the wierdest places! : (
• India
6 Feb 07
It may happen in lots of home.So dont bother about that.. But be careful when using a pet nearer to you.One of my friend is affected by a virus that causes from his pet dog. Pet animals are always to be clean.Its should be good for ur pet and also to u....
@smithaa (29)
• China
6 Feb 07
your cats are pretty,i like them
@kiflite (19)
• Bulgaria
6 Feb 07
my cat doing the same thing.i sleep very deeply and i don't even notice that it is sleeping on my legs but if i don't already sleep i don't feel very comfortably because i can't adjust my sleeping position (i don't want to wake her).but if i am tired and i crave for sleep i just kick her out of the bed. my cat