What is the point of getting referrals?

@mdilan (803)
United States
February 6, 2007 8:31am CST
From the "earning" point of view, we all know here that is our way to earn a little more money. I have gotten 38 so far but it took a lot of work, effort and time spent I do not get more than 30-50 cents every day from them. I signed up with traffic swarm, but it is not working either. I got kicked out of Yahoo 2 times, I don't want to go back there and getin trouble. The thing is, once we reach a certain amount of referrals, we get good money the first few days, but then they start realizingthat they need to get referrals too, and that is when the income slows down. And so on, so on. So I was thinking either I find a way to get referrals very easy, or just keep going here. And it is hard, really hard. I don't know how the top referrer of all got his referrals, does anyone have any idea? And did you notice that the questions are not of a great quality? What could be the secret? It is strange, it is like a chain. Maybe this person's referrals are looking for other referrals and they slow down their activity. What do you think about all this? Are we giving free promotion to mylot or are we benefiting ourselves?
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22 responses
@lifeiseasy (2292)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Refferals are you bread and butter here !!!! At leaast for me ..I only have 16 and only 7-8 of them are here alot ,one has a super thing going here she has more points than I do already ...she just loves this place . Sign up for some free soial networking sites and put your link there you will get people ...I have found this works great for me and at no cost to me too ...which is a plus ...lol Maybe go to each of your refferals and see what their intersts are and start a discussion about something they are passionate about ..give them something they can add some great input on and they might feel like its worth the effort if they feel useful ... and always respond to their discussions if you can ...that also helps them feel more "at home " here ... :)
@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
I would say that as you get new referrals you need to teach them how to earn money here. Get them as your friends and not just referrals so you can guide them to great efficiency in their posts.
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
6 Feb 07
One should work casually to get the referrals. If you spend time, money and efforts, it is not worth. As you said the earnings from referrals are totally negligible. But one should bring in the referrals to promote mylot and the little income gets added to total.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I guess it all depends on what type of person you refer to the site. I got really lucky. I only have one referral here at the Mylot site so far, but she is a really great poster and starts some wonderful topics. I have also earned close to fifty cents in a day from her alone. I earned over eight dollars from her earnings last month. I feel truly blessed to have such a great referral. I have also thought about ways to get more referrals, but I doubt that I would ever be so lucky again to get a great one who would post every day and not get bored. The person who I joined under must be happy, lol.. I have not made less than a dollar in a day here yet, so I know that I earn them at least a quarter. So you never know. Just keep referring, you're bound to find someone chatty eventually! ^_~
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@fabwisp (1327)
7 Feb 07
I have given up with referrals. They need to be active users. I just concentrate on answering as many discussions as I can and do the occasional one myself. But then thats ok for me as I'm only here for the fun of it, the pennys i make alongside it is just a bonus. good luck.
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@mdilan (803)
• United States
7 Feb 07
My mentor here (Ijust say he is my mentor) who is a top referrer, said to be very persistent.
• Israel
7 Feb 07
referr pepole that you know they be wery active
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@mdilan (803)
• United States
7 Feb 07
On the contrary , they are not doing anything! LOL
@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
19 Apr 07
I do not really know for sure. I think you both are benefit somehow. I think getting anything from referrals is better than nothing at all. I don't know how the top refers do it because I am not one of them and I don't know how it is at all.
• India
7 Feb 07
.01 for 1 point
@mdilan (803)
• United States
7 Feb 07
• India
7 Feb 07
just put ur referrals in different communities of orkut.com if u hav account in orkut.com,well 42 millon users out there and I earn 2-3$ per day all becoz of them.
@cuddleme01 (2725)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
we have the same problem mdilan. i am having difficulties finding referrals. I only have 4 so far and they are all inactive. i have not earned at least .20cents from all of them since they joined. Aside from yahoo, where else did you get your referrals? Yes i agree with you that referrals would also look for referrals and would work less and less, but the 25% of their referrals earnings are also part of their earnings so am supposing we also get 25% out of the 25% they get from their referrals. Am i right?
@mdilan (803)
• United States
7 Feb 07
No. A top referrer told me it is up to one level only. Like they get what we (referred ones)earn with posts only. I got my other referrals by sending subscription invitations to my "myspace" blog, friends from "Puerto Rico"and I think that's it. I'll tell youthe easiest way is Yahoo!Answers. You grab them in a second. One day I got 11 referrals from Yahoo answers. But like I told you, I got kicked out twice. I dont want to get into any law problems.
• India
7 Feb 07
yes i to can't know abt the top members how did they get their referrals
• India
7 Feb 07
well i guess adding referrals is the easiest and quickest way to earn...i mean u get paid a few cents for doing nothing..and something is better than nothing..so just keep adding referalls...enjoy...cheers!! :)
• India
7 Feb 07
hi..i do have only one refral..but he is not active it sems...my case is more worse..even by making many responses..still i'm not getting money!!!
@ironstruck (2298)
• Canada
20 Apr 07
I think it is a waste of time getting referrals who are not willing to work and earn for you and themselves.. If you have a good site that will pay me something for effort I put in then I would use your referral. Then I would give you one of mine to enter under my referral Id with the idea that you would be an active member. That is the way it should be done.
@nilzerous1 (2434)
• India
7 Feb 07
Earning from referrals probably depends upon the activity of that referrals. I have seen a discussion in which the posted has only some $7.00 to his credit and the balance amount of $20.00 he has got from his referrals. So, there is opportunity for earning good money from referrals. I have alwasys struggled hard to get good referrals. And finally I put this question in myLot only. From all the answers I got, I think it is the best way to write inviting and inspiring blogs to get referrals. Otherwise you can simply invite friends to join under you. And so far as free promotion is concerned, every effort should be made to promote myLot as this is the first BIG site of its kind who is sharing revenues with us.
6 Feb 07
i have 48 referrals, but only 2 of them actually log in!! lol in total i think they have earnt me about 75cents lol!
@dopey22girl (3319)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I honestly don't know...I don't even have any referrals if it makes you feel better, so when you said you get 30-50 cents every day I thought that was pretty cool!
@miladsafa (124)
7 Feb 07
I HAVE NO REFERRALS BUT STILL I EARN GOOD i mean i actually do all the posting because no one belives be and thinks its a scam!
• Israel
6 Feb 07
I think MyLot should take it seriously and give us more earning on every referrals we give.
• United States
7 Feb 07
Have you tried to start a referral club with other bussness around you? Thay also work on referrals. I'm just a passer buy and seen you thought Flyn2bhi@sbcglobal.net Henry