does being accused of something you haven't done really upset you?

@yanjiaren (9031)
February 6, 2007 12:01pm CST
the other day my hubby came charging home that i told one of his work colleagues that i was his mum..and he got very upset with me..i told him i never ever said that..and he kept insisting on it..i was really upset..not for him only having a go at me but by believing his work colleague over me..someone also that has no scruples and lies and cheats on his wife! what he does in his personal life is his business..i git upset with being accused firstly of something i hadn't done..and secondly of his putting his work coleague over me..when he knows that i would tell him the truth.. he ofcourse then confronted his work coleague who in the end owned up that i had never said that..and he later apologised.. does that tick you off being accused for nothing?
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3 responses
@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Lies - Lies hurt, even small ones.
Ohhh yea, I hate it and it happens a lot to me. People seem to want to do it because they feel I am to boring or a goody goody or something. I really hate this, and they know this too. They want you to be uncomfortable and to instill ill thoughts in those around you. I am learning (after nearly 10 years) that I just point blank tell them they are a liar and laugh. If they say anything else, I tell them boy, I must intimidate you if you have to resort to those measures; grow up. I have told that to some females that are friends of my husband. Still ticks me off.
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@yanjiaren (9031)
9 Feb 07
i like your fiestiness lol..
@Bizziebod (3497)
6 Feb 07
Oh thats not nice your husband taking a colleagues word over yours - his wife! It's really annoying when you get accused of something you haven't done and usually you get no apologies afterwards - This always happened where I used to work and I would get accused of not passing messages on! It really peeved me - I think a stern talking to your husband might do the trick!
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@yanjiaren (9031)
6 Feb 07
he has made it up to me since then..kindof lol what upset me more is my trying to convince him i wasn't lying...he realised his mistake least he said sorry..but i had to really defend myself and swear on my was awful..
@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
6 Feb 07
I'm amazed that your husband chose to believe his work colleague over you, and amazed that he'd believe something so daft. I would have been annoyed too if my husband had come home and accused me of something like that. I know if my husband suspected I had done something he would come home and ask me if I'd done it rather than accuse me. I think your husband should make you breakfast in bed for the next month. :)
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