Social Security Disability...SSI
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
United States
February 6, 2007 4:06pm CST
I need some information, as I have seen on here, that there are several of you in the US, that are on Social Security Disability. My doctor has recommended that I apply for it, but I am hesitant to do so, even though I know it would really help out with the household finances.
I am bi-polar and boarderline agoraphobic. I cannot work, and haven't worked outside of my home in the last three years. Hubby brings home a decent income, but still sometimes we run short, especially in the winter or when I need different meds. My questions are how did you get on the program? I read somewhere that you have to have worked full time 5 years out of the past that true? How would I go about applying? I know there is an agency out there that helps you apply, and says they have a great success rate. Did any of you use this type of agency help? I also have heard that you get turned down 3-4 times before they approve you...did you find that to be the case? That would just discourage me and depress me more. Please if any of you know anything, all help would be greatly appreciated.
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23 responses
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Here is the Social Security Info link as you say you do not go out much you can do everything online from this link. Good Luck.
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
7 Feb 07
Thank you for the site. I am going to go check it out now. As always whiteheather, thank you for your response. You are a real buddy.
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@kitchenwitchoftupper (2290)
• United States
7 Feb 07
As far as working 5 years out of the past 10, I am not aware of that rule. But, good news! Contact the Disability Attorney that you hear from reputable sources is the hardest working one in your area. Make an appointment and go to talk to her/him. There will be NO charge for the visit. Their fee is made on you winning the case, so they WANT you to win and they want you to win on the FIRST time. I had worked all of my life and was fortunate enough to have worked in a "man's' job for a few years, so that bolstered my earnings rate (hence amount of SSI/SSDI I would receive) up. In my case, I had to be off work and off unemployment for 1 year before I could apply for Disability. I did not get turned down at all. The most important thing for you to do; and it can be difficult and sometimes overwhelming, is to keep all of your medical paperwork up-to-date and in as much order as possible, going back as far as possible. Many Blessings ~Donna
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
7 Feb 07
Thank you for the advice Donna. I know there are several attorneys in this area that handle SSDI cases. I guess I will have to check and see with them. Many Blessings to you also, my friend.
@varunoberoi (266)
• India
7 Feb 07
i have n o idea what you are talking about..... plus i dont know what is social security sorry
@SisterWoman (8)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I am on SSDI which is different from SSI. I hated to apply; didn't know where to start, was dreading the inevitable turn-downs, felt that I wasn't (emotionally)able to fill out form after form. But the biggest pain of all was having to accept the fact that I WAS disabled. Like you, I'm bipolar, agoraphobic and could not hold a job for more than a few weeks. It seemed as if the application was recognition that I was "different", a "loser", "incapable", a "failure", you name it. I didn't want an official label and I sure didn't want the whole world to know about it.
But after several hospitalizations, I surrendered. By taking baby steps, I was able to get it done. First, I called Social Security (1-800-772-1213) and asked them to mail me the application. Then I set myself a goal of filling out one page a day. I was able to do that. Then I had to list every single shrink, therapist, clinic, hospital I had been in. I did one a day.
Then they wanted addresses and phone #s. Every few days, I would get one item completed. Finally, I had it done. I was astounded. And no one helped me because I didn't have anyone. I wanted a copy of what I had sent, so, baby-step by baby-step, I looked up a store that made copies. Then I got directions. Then I got the store hours. Then, the cost. After getting all that done, I had to do the hardest thing of all - mailing it all. Once more, baby steps. One thing at a time. The whole process took about 3 months.
It was approved the first go around. I was so pleased. It's not a lot of money because of my sketchy work history, but it pays my bills and each January, we get about a 3% cost-of-living raise. And I learned a valuable lesson that has stood me well these last 4 years: how to accomplish a difficult and scary task. Baby steps is what works for someone like me.
I don't know the formula SocSec uses to figure out how much your check is, but there are some things I do know: Social Security will assist you as much as you need - FREE; agencies or firms that want to help charge you an enormous amount of money (up to 40% of your award); many communities have a volunteer organization called RSVP (older, retired people) who can help you for FREE. Call your local Chamber of Commerce for their ph#. (They do not have a website. But they're reputable, experienced and do not charge for their services.) And BTW - 2 years after your SSDI kicks in, you will be on Medicare automatically.
My heart goes out to you. I remember how overwhelmed I felt and didn't know if I could go through with it. But let me urge you again - please do not use an agency-for-hire unless you have exhausted all of the free resources out there. About RSVP, I am a volunteer and have tried to get you an 800# with no luck. I will keep trying. If you would like to email me,, I will let you know of anything I have uncovered. Good Luck to you, Little Darling...
@seagoddess28 (873)
• Canada
15 Nov 07
Your advice is very impressive--methodical, detailed, step by step. I am sure anybody who needs to go through the procedure of applying for benefits derived a lot of knowledge from your post. I wish I have someone like you who can help me go through similar red tape here in Canada (specifically Ontario).
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I live in the US, and with your condition you can file for disability..If you are going to get Social security disability then you would have to have a 5 year work record,But you can still draw disability..They have a program for people that do not have a work record it is called SSI disability better known as will recieve a check each month and you will get 3 of the highest medications that you take free each month...You will need to go to your local social security office and tell them you want to file for your disability..They will assign you a agent to help you fill out all the papers,and you need to keep in contact with that agent that they assign you to,like you will need to call them anytime you have a question,so be sure you get that agents name and phone number...Ok now listen up! this is VERY IMPORTANT.ok??? they will turn you down,but each time they turn you down they will send you a letter ,and you can appeal appeal it,and keep appealing it,DO NOT give up because thats what they want you to do...but don,t get discouraged ,,as many times as they turn you down each time you want to appeal..If you do this they will finally send you to a doctor,you go...ok? they will give it to you but you have to fight for it...from the first day that you file,when they finally give it toyou,they will have to send you a check for the back pay from thr first day you filed,and you will also get your monthly check..after you gt it they will send you a medicade paper each month and this is what you use to go to your doctor,and it will tell you what all they pay for..Mine pays for glasses,foot doctor,medications and doctor don,t have a co payment on medicade you go to the doctor free.....Good luck to you
@mugwort (77)
• United States
18 Jan 08
You may find some helpful info at
oi stands for other issues. Includes social security information as well as other important disability topics and issues. Good luck in getting the info you find useful to you.
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
25 Nov 07
Hi, tis is the second time I am applying, I was turned down oncem I am waiting on a answer right now. They kill me always turning someone downm it is your money that you worked form that is the way I see it. most of the time peple do half to get a lwyer, if I get turned down this time I am going to ge me a lawyer, I can't stand to long on my feet. I have promblems, plus I am depressed, I take Paxil, and go to a therapist for it once a month, and I go to Othepedic Doctor and Therapist, for my knee. This has been 10 months ago, did you ever get it?
@annsweets (2046)
• United States
14 Aug 07
if your doctor told you to file, i would go ahead and file. good luck to you. keep us posted
@meme0907 (3481)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Hey CDW :D
Have you tried your local mental health? They should be able to help you through the entire process.
I remember when my father applied for disablity it took him a few times to get approval but they paid him back from the date he originally applied. I'm praying for your situation-you deserve benefits & I believe you'll get them :)
+'s 4 U :)
@kjhasselstrom (304)
• United States
8 Sep 07
Even if you have not worked, you can still collect disability benefits--I was just awarded my SSD and SSI and now we are checking to see if my children and husband qualify to receive benefits as well. I was in a car accident and have been messed up both physically and mentally. I filed at my local SS office in May of 2005 and was turned down immediately. They scheduled a hearing which happened in July of this year and I received my notice of decision on Aug. 30th. I did not use an agency, but I did use a lawyer, however, I had done 95% of the leg work and he did not have to do much. To collect SSI you do have to have a work history---for example, you earn one credit for every $890 of wages or self-employment income. When you've earned $3560, you've earned your four credits for the year. I am not exactly sure how many credits you need--I believe you can find that on the website.
I hope this helps. It does take a long time and you have to have the patience and faith to follow it through.
@angel16o42006 (7)
• United States
8 Feb 07
I think if your Dr told you to try to get on it i would try to get on it. I think you would have to call the social security office and talk to them about getting on it.Good luck with it.
@Lush_heidi (994)
• United States
7 Feb 07
You have to be turned down twice and then you get a hearing, usually the hearings favorable, then you would get a lump sum from back money they owe you from when you first filed. I had a friend in your situation, and she eventually got it. It would help plus you would get medical care,too.
Its worth a try, I wish you all the luck in the world!*hugs*
@mugwort (77)
• United States
18 Jan 08
You may find some helpful links at
oi is short for other issues
@markmiyashiro (213)
• United States
19 Oct 07
I have been on diability for about 5 yrs. I have schzophernia, I was diaognis with depression first then schz. Apply for Disability, if you have a case worker, or know some one from the clubhouse, or community mental health clinic ask them for a case worker, they will help you with disability, i will take some time a few months so submit now and about 6 months you'll probably get it. If your Doctor recommends filing that is half the battle, SSI rely on doctor's assement. My wife is now suffering from depression and stayed home for 9 months, so we lived off my disability, it was not enough to eat but I had to choose between eating or medication, also find a legal aid, disability rights advocate, they may not charge you for their help, I don't know if you qualify. In the past people got rejected but now my friends have been approved, in my case they took longer than 90 days to process my reocrds so they approved it at 6 months without seeing the State Doctor, based upon my records they approved it. I think you need to work 10 quarters, I think that is the basis of elibility.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
7 Feb 07
Get a lawyer and one that works close to your Doc so he can see your problems the apply . they have their own Docs look at you and then after awhile you go before some kind of Judge and swear you are in the contition you are in?
Took my hubby 2 years to get his diability started He lived 6 years after that.And he passed with something completly different than what he go tdisability for!
they take thre last 15 years you worked in the public to determine what ya draw. If you are 66 1/2 you dfont have to wait so long you just go apply
@peni88 (469)
• United States
7 Feb 07
i have been out of work for the past 3 years due to medical issues. i just got my 4th rejection letter in the mail the other day. i am now going be contacting a lawyer because i cant work and they keep turning me down. i cant stand or sit for long and i have arthritis in my back, so its impossible for me to work outside the home. i wish you luck.
@max1950 (2306)
• United States
7 Feb 07
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I first applied for my SSA over the phone. They get all of your information and then send you a packet of forms to fill out. It is a big packet.
I was denied twice before mine went through, so this is not going to be a walk in the park.
Mine took 3 1/2 years before I finally won it, and then it was a result of my age instead of the reason I applied.
Save yourself some grief and get a lawyer that specialises in Social Security Disability. They will take your case with no upfront fees, but usually get 25% of the settlement for your back benefits.
I did not have to go to court this last time, but I was scheduled to. 2 days before my hearing the lawyer called and told me the ALJ was offering to settle but only for the last 12 months instead of the entire 3 1/2 years.
Naturally I accepted and the lawyers fee was 25% of my settlement. That was deducted from my check before I got it. There was a gotcha in there though because I also received a bill from him for "incidentals" such as phone calls, postage,photocopies, and several other things that amounted to over $150.
I don't consider myself to be greedy, however it did seem to me that should have been included in his fee. In a way I feel like I was charged twice.
Having said that, I still maintain that a lawyer is your best bet. It would probably reduce your waiting time by at least half.
@Rittings (673)
7 Feb 07
Just apply. It's your right to do so, so you should not worry about doing so. This is what you pay your taxes for. Although i am from the UK and not the US we have something called Disability Benefit, or Invalidity Benefit and also Statutory Sick Pay... they are all different, but we have the rights to claim them if we are in the position to, and I would recommend to anyone that they should if they are elligible.
Don't worry about being turned down. Most government offices have a set amount of defferals they have to make every day, so you will find them being really picky about the application n stuff. But who cares? You ain't gonna be best buddies with these guys so don't worry about what they think or do.
Love and light to you.