Cheer up coffee drinkers! Coffee saves us from disease...

@sripriya (450)
United States
February 7, 2007 3:10pm CST
I have heard that coffee is America's No.1 source of anti oxidants,an important compound that protects your body from disease.
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7 responses
@wynna1 (1291)
7 Feb 07
wow, i was just talking to my hubby about this news that coffee is good because its a good source for anti-oxidants for the prevention of cancer cos he's a big fan of coffee really then i saw your post about this. I just really heard all about this from a good source and at least its good to know that its doing something good for the system.
@sripriya (450)
• United States
7 Feb 07
Actually,I have heard that a cup of coffee daily keeps the doctor away because it is a good source of anti-oxidants.Some of the health benefits include: it keeps us away from cancer,Blood pressure,Cholestrol,Diabetes etc.
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
9 Feb 07
This is fantastic news! Would love to know where I can find the article.
@lafavorito (2959)
• Philippines
8 Feb 07
Yes coffee is a good source of anti-oxidants, but this doesn't include the 'instant coffee' or '3 in 1 coffee sachets'. You need to brew a coffee yourself by using a coffee maker in order to receive the full benefits of anti-oxidants less the chemicals.
• United States
7 Feb 07
Drinking 4 or more cups of coffee a day reduces your risk of liver cirrhosis by 80%
@ALECXI (25)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
Nice to know!My morning ritual is to drink my day is never complete without one.
@rekhum (2420)
• India
8 Feb 07
Tomas DePaulis,a research scientist says,"People who smoke and are heavy drinkers have less heart desease and liver damage when they regularly consume large amounts of coffee compared to those who don't." It lifts my mood and invigorates me everytime i drink my daily dose of tall 'cafe americano'.
@cowgirl2701 (2079)
• United States
7 Feb 07
Yes coffe is an anti oxidant. The best anti oxidant is blueberries. Then green tea. Try these to help clean your veins.