Mylot star ratings

February 7, 2007 6:42pm CST
OK weird stuff going on, i haven't been on here nuch in the last few days and when i have i haven't partaken in any remotely controversial discussions. I asked people to post their favourite pic, and there was a few discussions on the weird weather. Yet somehow i have lost loads of points in my star rating. How is this remotely possible when i don't think i could possibly have offended anyone even by accident.
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25 responses
• Canada
8 Feb 07
I have too lost many points. About 45 in 2 days so far. I think there are some people who are not even interested in reading your post and just rate you low to kill your score, for no reason, just because they are a punk. I think you need not to worry about your rating, I wish I had a 7. That is what I had about 2 days ago, but now I have 30/100 and a nasty brown three. I am dissapointed, but care little about it because I am still able to post. Just keep posting quality content and it should hopefully go up, despite mine not being able to rise whatsoever
8 Feb 07
bloomin heck, how did that happen. I could swear you were a 10 the other day. I think they need to change this system, theres loads of people that always respond really well but have for some reason lost loads of points for doing nothing
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• Canada
8 Feb 07
yes I agree with you. If the rating system was just that, a rating system, I would not care as much but because the fact that it affects your pay is what has me a tiny bit concerned as well. Not that im here for the money ofcourse, but I would like to earn what I deserve and not what some rating system forces me to earn.
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• Grand Junction, Colorado
8 Feb 07
I just wanted to add a little here. I have heard several people state the same thing that they feel that they have been targeted, and have been negatively rated and there star has fallen. I had remembered reading something else too, so I went looking and this is what I found in the FAQs at the bottom of the page. "The integrity of the DRS is the top priority of the DRS team at mylot." It further stated that "mylot is closely monitoring DRS activity to identify and prevent inappropriate ratings." I don't know how long it takes for them to see an issue and get it corrected but I think that mylot does investigate serious drops in stars. One other thing to note that I also read was people talking about not being on or not doing as much activity and their star dropping. So I wonder if several factors all at once happen, if that isn't what might be happening more often than not. I only say this as I would hate to think that their are that many mean spirited people just going around marking people with a negative rating just for the h*ll of it. :) Just my 2 cents! Good luck to everyone here at mylot!
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
8 Feb 07
I have never rated you negative. Although sometimes I find it hard to understand your questions, but they are kind of crazy and funny so I never rated you bad. It happens to everyone now and then that they lost rates. I heard a girl had a 10 and the enxt day she had 7. People will always rate you negative and we can never know why or who, but if you keep posting answers and pictures, you will get other ratings too, so then you might not lose as much as when you are not active.
7 people like this
8 Feb 07
I know what you mean, i have bouts of insanity and write complete rubbish sometimes, and i do have a tendency to insult people, but never on purpose, so i accept that i will lose points. My rating usually fluctuates between 80 and 85 but it has suddenly dropped and i haven't asked any crazy questions and have been a rather mellow sane version of myself recently so the sudden drop makes no sense
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8 Feb 07
Thats the main proble with this site, people don't rate based on the quality of the response but if you agree or not. But what can you do? just have to get on with life
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• Canada
8 Feb 07
It hasnt dropped as bad as mine and some other peoples. I have started one very controversial topic about 2 days ago, about animal rights, and obiously many greenpeacers didnt agree with I was saying and rated me low. I do not care, but I put up some good arguments, and they have rated me negative due to the fact they diagree with me. Even though I think Im right most of the time, I will not rate your discussion bad becuase I disagree with your opinion, but base my rating on the quality of the post itself. I do beleilve these people must be very upset with my opinion about animals right and the fact that I am proud I eat meat so they went through every single one of my replies and discussion rating it a negative. Thanks everyone, but I care not.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
8 Feb 07
Something I have seen in common when people have lost ratings is the statement,"I haven't been on in a few days" almost all of my friends who's star rating have gone down have said about the same thing. That leads me to believe it is something like a running average, more than negative responses. The other thing is, if you are not on myLot, and not posting, no one is able to give you "best response" and I am pretty sure that that also goes with your reputation. I hope all of you who are so rapidly losing stop it, and get busy getting built back up. I hate to see my friends with bad feelings, when they are the same person they have always been.
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
8 Feb 07
I can understand why posting less or not being on could affect the rating, but I don't think that that is it. I have been on a long time every day except one, since I joined, and even that one day I got on long enough to post one thing. My star rating dropped suddenly for no reason just like smuggeridge's, and I'm sorry that it seems to be happening to more and more of us lately :( it really makes me sad, because I heard too that the star ratings are linked to our earnings, and I wish that people would understand that some of us are here not only because we love this site dearly, but because we don't have any other easy means of income. I seriously never try to offend anyone, and my star rating dropped down to six even at one point. I have really been cautious about what I post and say on Mylot since then, and I have never been the type to go around controversy in the first place, like smuggeridge said was the case for him, as well. It also took what, one day for me to drop to an eight and another to drop to seven when I did, but it's taking me days and days on end to build back up, so I think that that isn't fair, either. I think taht if it is so easy to drop, it shoudl be really easy to rise back up again, as well. I Just really wish that Mylot would find a solution for this, and soon. It's really saddening me.
@crazy1 (479)
• New Zealand
8 Feb 07
Unlike many here, I haven't got a star as yet, despite having being given a few + on my posts. It doesn't particuarly bother me, as I'm here for the discussion, but IF someone, or some people are giving - on other peoples posts for the sake of doing it and no other reason, that does bother me. I would like a star by my name, but if that leaves a part of the forum open for abuse by a few, then maybe some better system needs to be used. On a cople of other forums I'm on, members earn 'experience points' each week, these are never lost by the member, unless their account is cancelled, or the admin in the forums penalise the member for highly inaprpriate behavior etc.
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@msqtech (15073)
• United States
27 Feb 07
You will get your star at 100 dont worry just keep up the quality and beware of the foolish.
• Canada
8 Feb 07
It must have been your photo content. People must not have liked your photo. Thats all I can put it down too.. ;) What you said your rating normally hovers around 85/100, where do you find that? I've never seen a number like that for my account. Maybe its another thing mylot has removed for the new users.
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8 Feb 07
if you hover your mouse over you star which currently says 8 it will show your rating out of 100
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@smacksman (6053)
8 Feb 07
Thanks for that, cremecheese. I knew it had to be something to do with me using Firefox but I had no idea of the remedy!
• Canada
8 Feb 07
That explains it.. Love live Firefox! I'll have to try it out in a different browser. Thanks for the tip..
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Feb 07
Ok, I just saw a post a little like this a minute ago, so I can help you. This person said asked if mistyping caused you to get bad money earnings. A lot of the people said no, but people will most likely give you negative ratings because people don't like to see mistyping and thus make your star rating plummet. I hoped that I helped.
8 Feb 07
theres a theory. But is my typing that bad? everyone makes the odd mistake but i thought i was pretty good.
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@dave_lie (1474)
• Indonesia
8 Feb 07
I know what you are saying, man. I don't understand why some people would do that thing. I think they are mean. I, myself never rate negative to my responder. I respect whatever their opinions are. I am please that people are willingly spend their time to respond me. I never rate something bad to responses thought it isn't the answer i want. But i really give a + rate to the best responses i am fond of. Giving a - rate is really unfair. People should think twice or more before giving one.
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@msqtech (15073)
• United States
27 Feb 07
we had to be changing as they have lowered many ratings but there still seem to be a lot of tens around.
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
8 Feb 07
If you ask me, I think this Star reputation was a bad idea. Sure, it is nice to know the person is a quality poster by the star...but when there are people that can muck with it because they don't like your opinion or just takes away from those that do work to keep a high rating! I wish they never would have started the Star thing. It has just created more stress for those that care!
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Brokentia, I can't tell you how much I agree that it has caused more stress than it has been worth. I don't know if I will ever get my star back up to a ten rating, and I had a ten for so long after the stars first came out :/ It took no time whatsoever for my star rating to fall, but yet like from yesterday to today I don't even think that I gained one point in the 00/100 scale, I'm still at 77/100.
@Opteron (1842)
• Italy
8 Feb 07
I hope this will not happen to me too. It seems that mylot can't judge who is correctly giving minus and plus signs with a good reason and who is only pushing them only to go let you loose rating. My ratings has always been high...and I hope it will remain so! Keep posting and your rating will increase ;-)
@crazy1 (479)
• New Zealand
13 Feb 07
It seems you're one of the lucky ones with regards your rating, I hope it stays that way for you.
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
8 Feb 07
The same thing happened to me. I went from an 8 to a 1 in two days. Its ridiculous. I think mylot needs to change it because it is way too easy to abuse and there is no regulation. I messaged mylot about it and they did nothing (after 2 weeks it took them to reply). Its a dumb idea and there seems to be nothing we can do about it other than band together with friends to correct the damage. If spamming "10" users can help each other get high ratings with their friend lists, then those that honestly deserver better ratings should too.
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@mkeanel01 (974)
• Philippines
8 Feb 07
i have the same problem also when i reached yellow ratings at first..then when i was out for two days it became white 7 then i panic at first but then i manage to get it back to yellow again by posting post and response with quality of now i have red ratins but i think someone is just a punk putting negative to first i made 89/100 now i have 87/100..
@KHyuga (1694)
• Singapore
8 Feb 07
Could it be possible that your rating drops if you do not participate enough in mylot as well?
@mazmoaz (248)
• Norway
8 Feb 07
I don't know. Maybe cause you've not been active..? I've not been here for a long time, so I wouldn't really know. I don't really think you could've offended anyone, though.
• United States
8 Feb 07
I dont know whats going on. I just rated you higher okay? Hope that helps! I didnt get what the star was. I hit 100 a few days ago and began with a "3" star. I was like huh? Then I read that if you rate you get more points. Now I rate each one I respond to with a postive. Some when I like them but dont comment. I have done exactly one negative. I hope that doesnt hurt me but the posts wasnt nice. Anyways, I now have a 6 as of today. Its gone up a little every other day. I still dont get why. I dont get referrals and just rate all my posts. Just keep posting it will go up again I hope! Heres to happy stars tomorrow for you! :))
@KHyuga (1694)
• Singapore
8 Feb 07
One logical explanation would be that some of your posts that were made previously had been negatively rated by other members.
@banta78 (4326)
• India
8 Feb 07
Well i feel from what i could make out of mylot rules and guidelines, is that even though you don't post any discussions or replies to any new discussion during the period you were inactive on mylot but fellow mylotians who might be replying to your existing discussions or posted comment on it may have rated it negative more during that timeframe than who rated it postive that is the only explanation i can think of. Besides i think we should not reply to useless discussions or hate topics which might get deleted and your ranking might plummet.
@charlesming (1865)
• Singapore
8 Feb 07
It does seem people do rate negatively when they dont agree with you. I don't know what is the big deal with this rating also. Does it really help? It does not reflect accurately who the good ones are from the bad ones. My rating just fell from a 10 to a 9. Contraversial topics maybe. *shrug*
@scorpius (1792)
• India
8 Feb 07
hi totally agree with a matter of fact my rating went from 8 to 6 just 2 days back.well i am a little disappointed and all that but i honestly do not know what we can to to increase our ratings.the rating system here is very disappointing!
• United States
8 Feb 07
The same has happened to me. It is because you were inactive on here, and nobody rated you. This star businss as far as I am concerned, is a farce. It's of no value. Don't worry about the stars. Just have fun. Blessings, M&M
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
8 Feb 07
I think that there has to be a connection with inactivity because I haven't been on for awhile and my rating has dropped too. I've only been in one controversial argument and that guy even said that he gave me a "+" rating because of the well thought out answer. Perhaps others who read it and disagreed with it hit the negative button like crazy though. But, honestly I think that it's a way to keep people on and posting ... if we stop posting then myLot loses out on great discussions.