Global Warming - it's official now!
By angelicEmu
@angelicEmu (1311)
February 8, 2007 10:01am CST
So who thinks the US will finally change their polluting ways, following the international conference of scientists at Davros in Switzerland a couple of weeks ago? The concensus of the scientists was that global warming is being exacerbated by humans (big surprise!). Will the US finally start to take responsibility for the consequences of their pollution, or will they just point the finger elsewhere? What do you think will happen, and what ought to happen? Share your thoughts please, but don't just spout rhetoric. I want thoughtful, intelligent real points, not arrogant dismissals (yes Mrniceguy that does mean you too) or propoganda. Let's use our brains people!
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26 responses
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
8 Feb 07
Well, the report wasn't releases yet. Its summary was. More on that here:
And there are plenty who disagree, here are some reasons why:
And I take offense to "arrogant dismissals" on a site where my factual evidence isn't even looked at. Btw, how is your post NOT rhetoric?
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
8 Feb 07
I mean, I'm just saying, I'm not jumping on this bandwagon when I don't see how there could possibly be a 'scientific community consensus' on such a completely unreasonably large observational study that isn't over yet.
Do you also think the impending ice age they warned of in the 60s and 70s was going to happen? Or was that not natural either, but whats the explanation?
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@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
8 Feb 07
it doesn't really matter if humans are the cause or not of global warming...and if you are correct and there is none, we do need to get off our oil dependancy for another important reason, national security, and divercity our energy supply in a powers drivin hurry. (pardon the pun) right now, our energy, oil, is concentrated in a very unstable part of the world that can get nasty in a heart beat. the oil problem effects all of us, not just americans.
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@MrCoolantSpray (1005)
• United States
8 Feb 07
MrNiceGuy, thanks for bringing up the ice age that never happened. People forget history.
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@CarlyLaine (759)
• United States
9 Feb 07
You OBVIOUSLY listen only to the Liberal Religion. Proves you aren't a free thinker. Not too bright are ya?
@Force_Fed (745)
• United States
8 Feb 07
"Consensus" isn't a science word. You can't vote on facts. You can't take a poll to prove anything.
There was once a consensus omong certain people that Blacks were inferior to whites.
In this very community there is a consensus that God exists and is the Creator. There is also a consensus that He doesn't and is just a story told to keep people from fearing the unknown.
None of this stuff is proven. Only agreed upon by some, disgreed upon by others.
But yes, we do belch plenty of filth into the atmosphere. The moon is also moving further away from Earth. And we're still coming out of an ice-age.
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@Force_Fed (745)
• United States
8 Feb 07
I once spilled a bucket of sand in the desert. I worried for awhile about how to clean it up. Then I realized I didn't really make such a mess afterall.
@angelicEmu (1311)
9 Feb 07
Consensus is the word I used, as a group of eminent and respected scientists (who weren't paid by some organisation to come up with certain findings) have looked at all of the scientifically gathered EVIDENCE and studied the causes, and this is the unbiased conclusion they came to. Science isn't always a tool of politicians and organisations with their own agenda you know. This has nothing to do with opinion, but if you want to bury your head in the sand, please feel free. That's your right.
@here_for_you (325)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
I think only the USA himself can answer your question. I can't predict for my self what the US would do on such matter. That news is very alarming. Just imagine some small islands vanishing from the world map. Very horrible. I also believe that it's not the US alone who should make a move and we must not rely and look forward for what US would be doing. I think we must do our part as well and take responsibility in taking steps that would somehow prove to be essential in the preservation of life and environment.
@angelicEmu (1311)
9 Feb 07
Absolutely - we all need to do our part, but with the US being the worst polluters in the world per capita, it won't make much difference unless they stop polluting too!
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@ajinomoto23 (1057)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
Do and don'ts - Man is a creature of habit. We have to learn new habits for our survival skills. A person - himself should adapt new habits. Do -walking instead of riding a car. Do- use your basket in Shopping - plastic shopping bags - should be minimize if not abolish. Plastic is not biodegradable. Do not - burn our waste - smoke create CO2. Carbon Dioxie emission should be avoided all the time. Methane from farms - industry - waste management is necessary. Be- prepared for flush flood - Some area will be flooded and the water will not go down. Know where to go when your place is flooded? where? Early Warning Device -?? Disaster may come in your sleep. Watch and wait. Say NO to fossils fuel. Your City Government can choose - use Bio-Diesel. Built Community - a group concern to think ways to reduce CO2 emmission in your area. Seek people and be united who have the same cause to SAVE the World from Global Warming.
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@angelicEmu (1311)
9 Feb 07
Some good constructive advice there. Thanks for your contribution ajinomoto, and let's hope that people take your advice - it's in all our interests to do so!
@astromama (1221)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Just wanted to add that buying local and organic is much better for the environment.
Also, joining your local to request or offer usable recycled goods. I received some 40+ cloth diapers and a nice bassinet from freecycle! Keeps stuff out of the dump. And let's not forget what a huge contribution the meat industry is as far as emissions, deforestation, and use of energy. Eat less meat. Use earth-friendly household products, unplug electronics, limit hot water use. Easy ways to reduce emissions. Anyone can do it!
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@angelicEmu (1311)
10 Feb 07
Yes, thanks for your advice too astromama! There is a lot that we can do as individuals, but the biggest polluters being industry, need to have their allowed emissions limited through legislation. This is the only way that we'll see a perceptible difference in CO2.
@MrCoolantSpray (1005)
• United States
8 Feb 07
The US is only one country, and compared to the rest of the world, the pollution we create is almost nothing. We americans could pull together and make it so we release no toxic emmissions. The world's atmosphere wouldn't change much. Unless someone goes to africa, asia, and south america and brings them up to technological speed; bring them out of the third world into the first, the descent into global warming is inevitable.
Personally, I think global warming is a hoax. Man's only been studying this for a century. And since they've been studying it, the average atmospheric temperature has risen by a fraction of a degree (info is on somewhere, i think). And that's in 100 years, with the industrial revolution and all that jazz.
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@angelicEmu (1311)
8 Feb 07
Good points astromama. The US is one of the top two countries in the world responsible for pollution with one of the smallest populations. Its pollution per capita is way in excess of any other country. Do your homework mrcoolantspray, and look at the evidence and the concensus of world scientists. Hell, look outside your window and see what's happening to the climate.
@astromama (1221)
• United States
8 Feb 07
Yeah... and foxnews is invested in you believing that global warming is a hoax, because they are right-wing and the right's politicians have massive amounts of money still to be made of oil. Why do you think we're in Iraq? Could personal interests be at play here?
The U.S. pollutes far more than most other countries COMBINED. I suggest you do your research before posting such absurdities like 'the average atmospheric temperature has risen by a fraction of a degree'... Fox may want you to believe that as a political newsroom, but scientists are far more politically neutral and I'd take their information over Fox's any day. I suggest you rent two documentaries.. One is called 'An Inconveinient Truth' and is about global warming. the second is called 'Who Killed the Electric Car'... and it's about how GM, Bush, and a number of other interested parties destroyed a car that saves gas, lives, emissions, and money.
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@Force_Fed (745)
• United States
8 Feb 07
@ Astromama. You think the Demecrats don't make money off oil? Must have got their money just from hard work huh?

@simran1430 (1790)
• India
9 Feb 07
no, global warming is definaely there and i can see the change this year because there has been no fog this year the temperatures were quite normal in winters here though it is the reverse of what really happends, so it is quite a shock to see such a climatic change, i m just worried about what is going to happen in the summers, will we melt or some thing, some thing really needs to be devised here and i think its a tough time ahead .
@ygkchaitu (387)
• India
9 Feb 07
Well if it is US which doesn't do anything for global warming then it is the case with almost all the countries.
But there are always ways by which we can reduce this global warming effect.
USA is well known for blaming others for what it had done. So there wont be any surprises in this case too.
It had to increase measures in passing the licences for all those equipment which are contributing to the global warming. Those equips which emit global warming gases like N2O, CO2, etc should be absorbed by other equips which can convert those gases to by products which are eco friendly.
Even the equis themselves could be modified and more and more reforestation could help reduce Co2 to some extent. Take measures in balanced form all over the terrain.
@Adrenochrome (1653)
15 Feb 07
What I found truly ironic about this annual gathering is their carbon footprint. This tear these mega-millionaires made contributions to eradicate only 60% of the damage that was caused from them jetting in and having this meeting, and this was an improvement on the previous years contributions. If these people can't even be bothered to cover their carbon cost fully, what hope is there that they will really do anything about the issue?
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@jackie_mmm (886)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
That's an old fact that's been said over and over again. I don't know why people keep talking and not doing anything about this. You're right on one point, though. The First WOrld countries are the main culprits of global warming. They've got more money to burn.
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@boyplayerx93 (19)
• Pakistan
9 Feb 07
global warming is common problem in this world because there is so much pollution that thre ozone layer have been damaged and its hole have been widened too much this makes glaciers melt and global warming have incresed to 4 degree centigrade thats very horrible and we should take important steps to recover this problem as fast as we can
by stoping pollutin from cars factories and other smoke producing things
@angel0_0love (87)
• India
9 Feb 07
Its been quite a while now that few developed countries that were not concerned muchabout global warming have started taking this matter seriously. And about the US instead of findind a way they just point their finger somewhere else without even looking on the facts n figures.It going to be a global loss not a loss of a country if the global temperature keeps on increasing as a resultant ice keeps on melting.THen I cant say who would be there to blame.
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@angelicEmu (1311)
9 Feb 07
Good points there. It's the whole world who need to act. It's also the non-polluting countries and communities who are going to be the first to suffer from global warming because of the rest of us. One inhabited island has already become uninhabitable because of rising sea levels. Blame is a way of getting us ALL to act, and not to shift it elsewhere and carry on with business as usual.
@thebestmom (1104)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
I don't think US will respond but we can definitely help in our own little ways. Like not burning garbage. I also try to conserve energy now. More than ever.
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@angelicEmu (1311)
9 Feb 07
Good on you lass! Let's all do our part, and put pressure on governments to limit the emissions put out by industry. If we all work together, we can make a difference.
@shiva07 (9)
• India
9 Feb 07
global warming is also called gree house effect.increase in temperature of earths surface due to emmision of infra red rays by certain green house gases is called global
warming.the gases such as cfc's,co2,nitrogen,hydrogen peroxideabsorb radiations from sun and reflect infra red
rays over earths surface. due to this global warming
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@alexanderii (69)
• India
9 Feb 07
pollution is ever increasing what ever we do we cant make it come to the normal condition those good old days.
@angelicEmu (1311)
9 Feb 07
Maybe not, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to reduce it as much as we can. Don't forget that the planet is also very good at fixing itself and re-balancing itself, so if we're not swamping it with pollution, it may be able to help itself too. We're just not giving it the chance it needs.
@whacks (774)
• Philippines
8 Feb 07
God is in control of everything. No amount of prevention could stop the end of the world if the judgment day already comes as God wishes. Global warming may come; as of now there are many complaints on destruction caused by ice. In the Philippines, farmers complain because they could not produce as expected because of the cool weather right now and some months back. Perhaps, people should include studying the Holy Bible also to know some more.

@alchemistrx (2547)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
I just want to quote what whacks said the bible was meant to be a guide and an instruction for us HUMANS of this world and we are all part of the blame because we did not follow instructions said in the bible. God is has control of everything but humans also have a part of the social stewardship of all of His creations and the Earth too so we must also help God steward his creations.If we find means to eliminate pollution then we can. I came across news yesterday that japan with coordination with our department of science and technology has already made some plastics from starch based produce like corn and sweet potatoes. This a good start because it would slowly elinminating the use of synthetic polymer plastics that takes long to decompose or needed to be burned in order to be eliminated.
@angelicEmu (1311)
10 Feb 07
Bloody hell! A moderate Christian on the site! I'm an atheist, so your theological points don't mean a thing to me, but thank-you for expressing a moderate voice on the issue, which I'm sure will be interesting for the christians here. Cheers!
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Just because a bunch of scientists get together and come up with a consensus doesn't make it a fact. Scientists work with theories and do everything they can to prove those theories until they finally have to admit that they were wrong.
As many have stated on this thread, you and the scientists are not even considering the last ice age, or the fact that we are still recovering from it.
In case you haven't noticed, it gets kinda cold in an ice age, and to recover from that cold period it would then stand to reason that there would be a warming trend. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that we are not completely out of the last ice age yet, and that the earth is still warming.
Since we (meaning mankind) have not been monitoring temperature changes for very long, there is no way anyone can determine or predict any amount of change or when it will happen. Any attempt to do so is at this point not only irresponsible but also laughable.
Furthermore, we have only entered the industrial age only a short time ago by in comparison to the age of the earth, and the earth is fully capable of replenishing itself.
Sure, we need to do all we can about pollution, but the idea that man has any real impact on global warming at all is nothing more than wishful l thinking on the part of environmental freaks who really should know better.
What is this obsession that some people have with the US being the root of all evil? Does anyone remember the big cleanup push from the '70's? Does the word SUPERFUND ring a bell anywhere?
Most of our coal fired plants have scrubbers installed and now burn hard coal instead of the softer sootier variety. There are so many areas where we have made improvements while other countries sit back and whine about what we are not doing.
Everyone keeps spouting off about Kyoto, but how many realize that it would have meant higher taxes for us while the so called third worlders would get a free pass because they are "under-developed"?
What do I think should happen? I think people need to think for themselves for a change and stop paying so much attention to the "telly".
Just because a scientist has some education does not make them God, nor does it make them right. It's even worse when they gather in groups.
You talk of arrogant dismissals, however I get the feeling from your post that your mind is already made up, you got a big drink of the koolaid, and are firmly ensconced in the ranks like the rest of the good little sheeple.
Pardon me while I like another, who knows; that just might be the spark needed to trigger the coming apocolypse
@angelicEmu (1311)
10 Feb 07
*Yawn* The evidence is there, but if your mind's made up and you've given up on life and the future because of your religion, then like so many other fundamentalists who think that a beardy man in the clouds made the world, and that we're all the products of one couple (incest), you can't wait for a disaster as in your mind that will justify your faith. You're obviously part of the problem, and what's worse is that you're knowingly part of the problem. It's not apathy, it's looking forward to terrible events with a perverse glee. Yet another dangerous fundamentalist religious nutcase has joined the ranks!
@ajinomoto23 (1057)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
The Earth is very old, billion of years? Some blame it to old age. The earth looses its power to renew. It looses its power to clean up the earth cause by human being. What to do? It should begin on a personal level. The on the community and then to your city. Habit of waste and unconcern for dirty environment has already as way of life. We need change - garbage disposal. CO2 Emmission- from your car. Electricity - completely dependent on Fossil Fuels. - Cut down if not totally - abstain from FF. The air is already polluted, the Water is not safe to drink. It is getting more expensive to survive today. WE have to make an intelligent Choice - to reduce CO2 in our environment. Volunteers to clean us the mess. How to clean the air - plant more trees. plant more agriculture products. Shot down - factories - giving heavy smokes. We can have a clean environment, a cool surrounding if everybody will go toward that goal. Education, information to the public. Start a campaign.
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@chromecowgirl37 (283)
• United States
9 Feb 07
While I believe, and accept responsibility, that pollution is prevailent and we don't take as good of care of the enviroment as we should, something was brought to my attention the other day. The earth's climate goes through cycles, like the Ice Age. My question is this. . . when the Ice Age began to thaw, who was responsible for that? We were not around yet to pollute and cause global warming, so isn't possible, that even though we do not respect and nurture the enviroment as we should, that some of the climatic change is beyond our control? Just a thought. I do agree we need to be more responsible, but the US is not solely responsible for pollution either. Many other countries have factories and have tested nuclear weapons and are overpopulated, and they all contribute to the deterioration of the enviroment as well.
@angelicEmu (1311)
10 Feb 07
Yes, the earth does go through cycles of temperature change, but we're exacerbating and increasing the rate of change at a now perceptable rate every year. The earth is good at balancing itself out and maintaining an equilibrium, and a sustainable rate of change. However, we are changing the rate of the cycle, and through cutting down the rainforests (which would have otherwise been able to convert all the world's excess CO2) we've taken away the planet's ability to balance itself. The US is the only country not to recognise global warming and pollution as being a big factor. It's also the biggest polluter per capita of its population in the world, and the biggest polluting first-world country in the world. And this is just CO2 we're talking about NOT the fact that the US have dropped nuclear weapons (and still drop radioactive weapons in Iraq today). If these aspects were also part of the study, it would have been even more damning to the US.
@PacificChief (123)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Its Official now!--GLOBAL WARMING ALARMISTS are Gay.Read it in WORLDNETDAILY.COM by Larry Elder,Also Food for

@PacificChief (123)
• United States
10 Feb 07
I said that to get your notice,to take a look at the truth on these web sites.