Dating someone who did her wrong AGAIN! Why won't she learn?

United States
February 8, 2007 12:23pm CST
My sister has been in and out of a relationship for the past ten years. The relationship failed initially because he got her kicked out of college. He came over to her dorm, left, and hit someone in the parking lot. They found drugs in his car, and since he was my sister's guest, she got expelled. BEcause of that incident, he went to jail for 6 months also. Years passed, and now I hear that my sister is dating him again! I don't see why she is doing it! He cost her so much! She was so distraught when she had to leave school! Now she's got this guy back in her life, and I don't see why. Is there any advice you can offer me? What can I possibly tell my sister for her to realize what she is doing?
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3 responses
• India
9 Feb 07
its wronge... say ur sister not to date with him otherwise she will be felt in difficulties......
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
if the guy had totally changed for the better, u dont have to say anything to ur sister and even be supportive to her. but if the guy did not change a bit, u better put some sense into ur sister's head. its not like he's the only one man left in the world for her. if she says she's happy with him, tell her happiness is not true if that guy always takes advantage of her and bad things happen to her. she's just fooling herself.
8 Feb 07
I think sometimes in these situations it is better not to say anything. The best thing to do is make yourself available in case she ever wants to chat and support her in her decision. She might end up staying with this guy for the rest of her life, and if you tell her you don't approve of her relationship you might end up causing a rift between you that you wouldn't easily be able to patch up.