You are retired, would you sell your house and property to be near your child?

United States
February 9, 2007 7:26am CST
What would you do if you already raised your children, send them to college, sell your house and go and buy another property in a more quiet place, where you can have farm animals like you always wanted, but you still go back and forward to see grandchildren and ( a two hour ride)help your daughter in everything she ask, after two years of that, then she gets divorce, and she wants you there 24/7, then you sell this nice property to go back near her to help her, then about one year and a half later she wants to remarry,now that nice property that you sold in the area that you like so much is gone up in price, you can not afford to move back to the same place, because now is to expensive.Now the daughter is happy with her new husband,has a beautiful house, expensive car, and you a retired senior citizen end up without a house!( don't worry, this did not happen to me)would you do this move for your children?
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2 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
15 Feb 07
Well I guess you could think of it as a nice place to be, near your family and such , everyone needs people at sometime in there life I guess. It really depends how much you want the quiet life on your own property, children sometimes do expect a lot these days, its a hard one to know what to do under those circumstances....
• United States
15 Feb 07
lilaclady, it is a hard one to know, she is a very good person, wife and a mother. Thank You
@aiguy01 (588)
• United States
9 Feb 07
It depends on the strength of the bond between the grandparent and daughter and grandchildren. To some people family are more important than anything. They sincerely love each other and sacrafices are made and appreciated. Sometimes the sacrafices are one sided but that is not the grandchildren's fault. It's not so much about what is fair. It's about love being more important than comfort or security. A lot of people have hard lives and sincerely believe that their rewards await them after they die. I hope for all our sakes they are right.