How to get my baby to sleep through the night ?
By ricknkae
@ricknkae (1721)
United States
February 9, 2007 1:24pm CST
I have yet another issue with my baby.
He's 3 months old and he still needs to be fed twice during the night : around midnight and around 4 am
Knowing that I am nursing him, do you think it is possible to get him to sleep longer or do you think he is still too young for that ?
NB: he is still sleeping in our bedroom, could that be an issue as well ?
Any advice welcomed
And thank you in advance to those who will dedicate some time to ponder on my question
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33 responses
@fluffleshark (810)
• Ireland
9 Feb 07
My daughter STILL sometimes wakes for a feed at night... she's 15 months! But that said that's only really when she's too tired at suppertime to eat properly, so feeds the feed later.
But I think that 3 months is still very young and I wouldn't worry yet about 2 night feeds. (I know how tiring it is for you though... :() I think my daughter was also doing two night feeds at that age, and that she gradually (without any help from me) lengthened the time between the feeds until it was just one.
I would go with a lot of the advice that people have given you already. In addition, I'm just wondering if you go to your son IMMEDIATELY when he wakes up? It's just that I've read in a few books that babies have a 40 minute sleep cycle, and every 40 minutes they ALMOST wake up, sometimes even crying once or twice, then generally go back to sleep again themselves. If you do tend to go to him immediately, you may want to wait just ONE minute to see if he is properly awake, or if he goes back to sleep. (If this is the case they will go back to sleep literally within the minute, so you don't have to leave them crying for longer than that to decide!)
As far as sleeping in your room is concerned, I doubt that's an issue unless you or your husband make a lot of noise like snoring or something lol! I think if you're happy with your boy in your room for now, then just leave him as is and see if his night feeds slowly start to space out. I think that's what I would do. I think if they didn't start to space out in the next month or so maybe then I would reconsider changing him to his own room. But I don't imagine sleeping in your oom is a problem - I think most young babies feel more secure with us. (And mothers too lol!)
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@ricknkae (1721)
• United States
10 Feb 07
Thank you so much for your very kind post.
No I don't check him immidiatly I try to wait a few second and then decide to do depending on the kind of noise he is making (just grunting, he will go back to sleep ; starting to cry, he won't :( ... but i still woke up LOL
I really laughed out loud at the "or something " ... but my husband does snore though but I don't think the baby is that a light sleeper
And yes I feel more secure when he is in the same room PLUS he is closer when I have to get up in the middle of the night !
Thanx again I really enjoyed reading your post
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@poppoppop111 (5731)
• Canada
9 Feb 07
i think a lot of kids at this age are still not sleeping through the night. i can remember my daughter at 4 months woke up around midnight and then woke up for the day at 6 for her feeding. so it's almost the same. i would just tough it out for a little wile longer. but when you start on cereal in a couple of months do it in the evening becuase that will keep the belly full longer so your child will sleep better at night. just start the first 2 days of cerial in the morning to make sure his tummy will be ok with it but then switch to evenign cereal feedings. when your baby is old enough for food though.
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@creechy29 (132)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
i have a baby too, now he's 6 month old going to 7 hes sleeping with us and also fed 2 or 3times during the night because he sleep early around 8pm for then 12 midnight and 4 am i will feed him i guess because all babies are depending their food in milk you can't force them to sleep in the way we sleep milk is a liquid and it easily digested. Bit sacrifice in nursing your baby theres nothing you can do. you can ignore if your baby is hungry.
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@thunderofsins (738)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Try to hold off your last (pre-midnight) feeding a little while, short periods of time at first. That should hold him over a bit longer. When he nurses in the middle of the night try to make sure that he is fully done eating before stopping, that should help keep him asleep longer. Sleeping in your room or not probably won't change anything if he's hungry. If he's nursing for comfort try having your husband comfort him (hold, rock, pat his back, etc.) to see if that helps. If all he needs is to be comforted then you could probably just pat his back before he fully wakes up and prevent him from waking up fully and needing/wanting to nurse.
Good luck!
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@ricknkae (1721)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Yes, sometimes and wakes up in the middel of the night and I give him back his pacifier or hold his hand and he goes back to sleep but sometimes I guess he is just hungry.
Is it good that I go reassuring h im when he cries or should I let him cry a litle ? Won't it wake him up too much if I do ?
What do you all think ?
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@nortieone (1)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Hi i am a mom of two boys.... and i know the feeling of concern you get from hearing them cry.... but your best bet is to let him do that for a couple of night let him cry through it, he will break that habit of feeding in 2 night at least. Remember we are the ones who train them not them train us. If you continue to feed him at those hours as he expects it, it will be harder for you to ween him as he gets older. Babies can sleep through the night as early as 8 weeks. Again i know it's hard to hear them cry, it seems they get louder if you don't come to them but he will get over it i promise.
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@payingforschool (678)
• Canada
9 Feb 07
no no no! Don't let such a young baby cry it out - he's actually hungy -he's not just manipulting you. Please feed your son.
@astromama (1221)
• United States
10 Feb 07
I completely disagree with 'babytrainers'.... also, a number of people have suggested cereal, but from what I understand the baby is developmentally still at the 'rooting reflex, sucking reflex' stage and is not really ready for any kind of solids until around six months... some babies may be ready before then, but at three months if you notice your baby will automatically stick his tounge out if you put a spoonful of food in there... this is not for no reason! It's an instinct babies have to prevent them from choking... I say feed your baby when he's hungry, delay solids for a few more months until BABY seems interested in solid food, and keep in mind he won't be at this stage forever! Plus, I wouldn't move him to his own room... chances are he'll still wake up hungry and, most likely, scared and alone. the only difference is you'll have to get out of bed and go to him instead of having him conveiniently close by. good luck!
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
9 Feb 07
I have a 3 month old now too and I'm also nursing him. Sometimes he will sleep through the night, usually he wakes up once and other nights he will be up 3-4 times. All you can really do is feed him and comfort him. When his body is ready to sleep through the night he will. Just make sure when he does wake up you keep the lights dimmed, talk very quietly, and lay him back down as soon as he is ready.
Being in the room with you could be a problem if either of you snore loudly or do anything else that could wake him. Even if that's not the case, he may simply want you because he can see you when he wakes up. If it's possible, try hanging a curtain between your bed and his so that his view is blocked.
If none of that works, just hang in there. Before you know it he'll be sleeping through and you'll find yourself standing next to his crib watching him sleep in the middle of the night because YOU missed HIM.
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@sidddd (857)
• India
10 Feb 07
Well Establish a routine - A kiss good night or stroking the baby before sleep can calm the child, or bathing and cleaning the child before bed time. Make sure to repeat these patterns. Once the baby becomes familiar with this routine, they will know that it is time to sleep. Also, make sure the baby sleeps in the same place and in the same conditions as much as possible.
2) Try lullaby music - Lullaby music can calm the child as can white noise CD's. The sound of a vacuum cleaner is also known to have a soothing effect.
3) Make sure that the room temperature is not too hot or cold and that the baby is in a location that is away from any noise or distractions that may cause the baby to awaken.
4) Shorten nap time during the day - If the baby sleeps too much during the day, then he or she may not be able to sleep as well at night. When napping, keep the lights on and try not to give the baby any cues that it is bedtime by avoiding the night routine. No need to wake the child from napping, but if conditions are brighter and a bit noisier, then the baby will probably wake up on its own.
5) Rocking - Rocking and massaging the baby can relax the child and this may be good as prelude to sleeping through the night.
6) Read a story - Read a story or spend some time with the baby before bed, instead of just dropping the baby off in the crib and leaving. This extra time will allow the baby to transition into sleep.
7) Feeding - Make sure the baby is getting good nutrition. If you must feed the baby in the middle of the night, make sure to keep the lights dim so as to not disturb the baby's sense of time.
8) Make sure that it is quiet at night and that there is activity during the day. Babies need to learn the difference between night and day.
@ricknkae (1721)
• United States
10 Feb 07
Thank you very much for your detailed answer
I have tried indeed to install a routine :
We change the diaper and change for the night, then I feed him in our bedroom, then I put him in his crib and read him a story and then I turn his mobile that make starts on the ceiling and plays a lullaby ...
What do you think ?
But most of the time he will fuss for at least 20 minutes after that and I have to give him back his pacifier or hold his hand sometimes
@Sawsen (793)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Well, I had this same problem with my daughter. What I did was, I just let her cry it out and after a few nights, she stopped waking up. I think babies tend to do it more out of habit than out of hunger. Because I know my daughter kept waking up at the same time each night, so I stopped giving her her bottle, and she sleeps much better. Besides, it's not good for your babies teeth to feed them milk. I hope that helps, and let me know how it goes.
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@payingforschool (678)
• Canada
9 Feb 07
Your son is still very young. He is growing very fast. Not all babies can sleep through the night. My doctor explained to me that babies release growth hormones in their sleep ... so some babies sleep a lot more to grow ... and other babies feed a lot more to grow. Myself, my first son slept 10 hours a night from six weeks old .. it had nothing to do with me, he just slept! My second son fed twice a night until he was about 9 months old - he slept very little during the day or night. Kids are just different. Don't let someone tell you that 'all' babies can sleep through the night because their baby did - each baby is different.
Also, be careful about adding cereal to a bottle. Cereal is bulky, and it takes the baby a long time to digest it, which is why they feel full longer. However, there are less nutrients in cereal, so filling a baby's tummy with cereal may make them sleep longer - but they are being deprived of nutrients they need.
good luck.
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
9 Feb 07
I really have no answers for you...sorry. My daughter woke up at least once thru the night until she was about 26 months old! LOL my son slept from the time he was 6 weeks old so my daughter just about killed me! LOL My nephew is 13 months old and he still wakes up sometimes at least 2 or 3 times a week. It may just be the type of baby he is. Sorry, I'm no help.
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@mommycrat (148)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Are you open to cosleeping? My son sleeps in the bed with us (actually, we added a full size bed scooted right up against ours) and he is very secure knowing we are there, so he rarely wakes up (4 m/o). And, if he does wake up, I'm right there and just nurse him & fall back asleep, so I barely wake up myself. It works for us.
The important thing is to pay attention to what works for him and what makes him comfortable. He may not besleeping through the night simply because he isn't ready. Or, since baby's sleep in shorter cycles, when he's in light sleep he may sense you aren't right there and it wakes him up.
I really recommend you read "Nighttime Parenting" by Dr. William Sears. It's very helpful, explaining how babies sleep and how you can help them.
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@mommycrat (148)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Also, be careful giving him cereal or something to try to hold him over for the night. If he isn't sitting up his esophagus is porbably not yet developed and you might have tummy problems. Also, that extra food in their tummy's overnight can give them an ache. Try to find a local La Leche League, too. They are amazingly helpful...
Remember, babies cry as a way of communicating. If he is crying, there is something (even just comfort) that needs to be attended to. It's okay to take care of that & develops a trust bond between you.
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@all4ucnc (861)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Hi, my son was sleeping through the night by the time he was 3 months old, but my daughter liked her food and would need her feedings. She finally started sleeping from 9:00 pm - 6:00 pm when she 8 months old. But the funny thing is, by the time my son was 2ys, he was fighting to stay up and wouldn't want anything to do with sleep. Where as my daughter is 2ys now, and she puts herself to bed, At the same time of 9:00, thankfully she now sleeps in until 8:00 in the morning. Every kid is different, and soon as you get them to sleep through the night you have other issues to wake them again, like teething, colds, nightmares ect. My only advise . . . Get use to short nights of rest, cause until they move out, you'll never get a real night of rest
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
9 Feb 07
Have you ever tried giving him a bottle and putting maybe a tiny bit of pablum in it?
My daugther was just always so hungry, so she got up alot through the night and our old country doc suggested I do that and it worked like a charm...she began sleeping through after being fed at midnight (6 hours of glorious sleep!!)
I don't think that him sleeping in your room has anything to do with it...but it probably disturbs YOUR sleep though...
good luck!
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@dbcraff (162)
• United States
9 Feb 07
I think most babies are still getting up in the night at three months old. Although it might be easier if he was in his home room. It will be easier later on to if you don't have to break him from sleeping in your room. Trust me my oldest slept in our room until she was 5 because I couldn't stand hearing her cry when i tried moving her to her own room. So when the next one came along I made sure they slept in there own room from the beginning.
@Mamaof2 (574)
• Canada
10 Feb 07
I always found with my children, when they were nursed they did not stay full and wanted to eat more then they did when I put them on formula. I just think that the formula is alot thicker and stays with them longer. You baby is still only in the near upcoming months you may just notice a big change in his eating and sleeping patterns! Hang in there!
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@mama_of_two (268)
• United States
10 Feb 07
I don't think there is anything wrong with you having your baby sleeping the same room as you, and I believe that this makes the baby become more trusting of your and will eventually want to sleep in his own room. He is still really small, so I would not worry about this. If you think otherwise, you might want to read these articles first:
3 Strategies for better baby sleep:
Dr. Alan Greene on Nursing and Sleep Struggles:
Baby Sleep 101: Different articles that could help you out with getting your baby to sleep through the night.
Also, if you think that your baby falls asleep while you are feeding him, you need to either pat him on the back or tickle his feet. I was told to do this with my baby once she was born. It actually works and he will respond by either eating or unlatching from your nipple.
One more thing, some babies just aren't ready to sleep through the night either. Plus, babies change rapidly. One month, they will sleep through the night, and other months, they won't. It all depends on your baby and what stage he is going through at the time. Each baby is different, and they all do different things.
For me, my baby sleeps through most nights, but this is not always the case. She will wake me up, such as like tonight, she woke me up around 2 a.m. and I am still up. She is asleep though and I couldn't get back to sleep. So, he may do this because he is just this way. Another thing, you might want to co-sleep with him until he is old enough to sleep in his own bed. It all depends on you really.
Hope some of this information helps you out some. It's always a great idea for all mothers to bond together and give each advice. It takes the pressure off of having to figure it out on our own.
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@mama_of_two (268)
• United States
10 Feb 07
Here is another article that might help you with getting your baby to sleep at night.
Establishing Good Bedtime Habits for Baby:
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@mama_of_two (268)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Your welcome. I hope some of these articles helped you out some. If I have questions, this is what I do as well. It truly helps sometimes.
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
9 Feb 07
Hi Firstly your baby is very young no I do not think that you will be able to get him to sleep longer just yet but around 4 months you should be ok to do this, as by that time he should be eating some farex, (breakfast cereal) for babies. Also once he is doing this then you should be able to move him to his own room. Hope this bit of advise helps you
@classyphotobuggy (647)
• United States
10 Feb 07
I would suggest giving him a bit of milked down cereal before bed. I think he's waking up hungry. My kids are still keeping me up at night and they're teenagers!! I've been sleep deprived for about 21 years now!! ugh!! Wish I could be of more help. :)
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@apky12 (769)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Well, there could be a problem with him sleeping in your room if he's a light sleeper and hears you moving around. Babies and kids in general want to be around people, esp. their parents. Maybe try moving him into another room. Also, try feeding him as much as he'll eat right before bed. That might keep him full longer.
@Ailey1975 (20)
• United States
10 Feb 07
My 2 sons both slept through the night starting at 7wks old and are/were berastfed. THis is what I did and maybe it can help you. First, move the bay to another room. THe baby probably hears any noises you make and wants to be with you. Then, when they wake,keep the room dark (nightlight only if needed) have as little interaction and eye contact as possible while feeding and dont change the diaper unless really necessary. As soon as feed is over put back to bed and leave the room. This teaches them that night is for sleep and is not for fun/play. During the day play lots and give lots of love and attention. Both mine are great sleepers. Some of that may just be their personality but also I think I trained them well to sleep. HOpe that helps. Even though your child is 3 mo, tis not too late to break the habit of waking up in the night.