Do your kids have a drug problem
By lauramars
@lauramars (87)
United States
February 10, 2007 9:45pm CST
I'm wondering if any other mylotters have dealt with a child that has a drug problem? I have a 30 year old daughter that has been on and off vicodin, oxycontin, and xanax (just to name a few), for two or three years now. I feel like she is wasting her life and I'm afraid one day I will have to bury her. But, I don't give up hope and I tell her whenever she is ready to get help I will help her find treatment. There was one time that she went in for treatment, but she left after detox and did not want to complete the 30 day program. Needless to say, she went right back on the drugs because nothing had really changed and she had no tools. She has finally left her husband and filed for divorce and I feel like that is a good start as he is bad news. Her husband smoked speed and took probably ten times more stuff than she did. Towards the end he was acting really out of his head and when she told him she was leaving he got a knife and cut his forearm up so bad that he has probably damaged his tendons they said. He didn't care because he had a free ticket for more drugs with that injury. That is the insanity of drugs, nothing else matters, not even death. If someone is willing to go to jail, lose a job, lose a spouse, lose the love and respect of friends and family and even hurt themselves badly in order to get more drugs, I think that would qualify them as insane and no longer able to think straight. I guess they have got a 'monkey on their back' as we used to say. If only my daughter could put half the energy into staying sober that she puts into getting and using drugs, then I know she would make it. I once knew a chinese doctor who said in his country they just shipped them off to Siberia because they believed they were incorrigable. I don't believe that and thank God we live in a country where we have some freedoms. Then again, her freedom could get her killed. Let me know your opinion on this matter.
2 responses
@silvergillies (65)
• United States
3 May 07
My daughter is only 4 so I don't have this issue, but my best friend is like that. She's 24 has 2 kids and can't go a day without some type of pill. She is a single mom and she picks up anyone and takes them home. I always thought having kids would make her change her ways, I have offered to help her get clean but she shruggs it off saying she can quit anytime. I have realized no matter how much we want to help someone, unless they want to change and they want to get help, there is nothing we can do, but offer the help and pray. The divorce sounds like the best thing that could happen to her. Maybe that is the step she needs to realize she can do better than that. Just always let her know you are there and you love her, and pray every chance you have. I hope she wakes up in time to salvage her life before it's to late. I'll definately pray for the both of you.