should i really stop using msg(vetsin) in cooking our foods?

February 11, 2007 6:44am CST
I heard from someone who has a 5year old son that they are not using msg in cooking their food anymore because its really bad for our health specially to kids because it can really damage their brain at an early age.Is it true?
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9 responses
@dravid (1047)
• India
11 Feb 07
waht is msg full form.maybe i too stop eating it if it is really true
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
its monosodium glutamate
• United States
13 Feb 07
Yes MSG is bad in food ! I don't know why it is so bad but I know that all food with it herein United States is BAD we don't eat it here at all, all chinese food labels have sign that says NO MSG!
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
13 Feb 07
MSG is not good for you. My neorologist told me to stay away from it. If I get some, I am in the Emergency room in just about an hour. I am allergic to it. My daughter is not allergic to it like I am but it gives her terrible headaches when she eats it.
11 Feb 07
oh yes MSG is not that good., you are taking in some chemical that is not necessary.. personally i dont like it at all, so i dont go out and eat a lot, and i dont recommend it to be used at house holds...
• United States
11 Feb 07
There are an enormous amount of people with allergies realted to MSG, my mother being one of them. She gets extreme migranes and can be sick for days from it. We are always careful to check every single label. The FDA now requires that every single food item and spice is labeled if it contains MSG. If it isn't listed on the label it's not in it. We are always careful in restaurants to ask, because when food comes in already prepared and they don't always know they ingredients. Chinese food is a big no-no, but we have never had a problem asking for our food prepared without it. If I had children, I would never let them eat it. Snack food often contain MSG, doritos etc. So be careful to check the ingredients.
• Philippines
11 Feb 07
YES..... I watched on ther television few years ago. The always use of vetsin consist a bone cancer....
@brimia (6581)
• United States
11 Feb 07
I stopped using any products with msg in them. I also request no msg whenever we eat out at an Asian restaurant. I've had bad reactions to it in the past so I avoid it.
@harwoodkp (285)
• United States
11 Feb 07
There are two types of msg out there. A naturally made msg and a chemically made msg. Most products the chemically made msg, and I believe that is what causes most of the problems. Stick to the naturally made msg and things should be alright.
@hdb425 (72)
• Philippines
11 Feb 07
I've stopped using MSG in cooking for more than 6 years now. It was when I got married. Hubby doesn't like having it in his food and he gets dizzy when eating food that has MSG (so no one can fool him with regard to having MSG in food). I know that it's really bad for the health, not just to kids but to adults too! A lot of people say that the taste of their cooking is greatly enhanced by MSG but in the years that I've been cooking without it, I really can't tell the difference, so I guess it's really ok to do without it.