Non-English Speaking Posters
@pure_pinklaydee (827)
February 11, 2007 1:12pm CST
I don't mean to offend anyone but do any other users find it annoying when other users cannot speak english properly? I know it must be difficult to learn another language, I most defintely couldn't do it. I just find it exaspertaing trying to make sense of peoples posts. Many users use random punctuation and terrible grammar. A lot of the time they pluralise single items and mix up word orders. It makes me feel like I just can't be bothered responding to them. Anyone else feel this way or am I just being fussy?
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41 responses
@MBourgeois (177)
11 Feb 07
Well. I don't mean to offend you either, since you've clearly stated that you couldn't learn another language but here are a few of my thoughts.
How else can you become fluent in a language other than by practicing it?
How can you complain about someone speaking it wrong when you most often don't know a single word of their language?
But, most importantly, have you noticed that A LOT of English-speaking posters couldn't spell properly to save their lives? I find myself to be much more exasperated by people who have English as their mother tongue and yet don't know the difference between they're, there and their or you're and your. Seriously, I went through the trouble of learning how to write properly in a language that isn't mine, but they can't even be bothered!
A final example to prove my point: I just received a job offer. The person states that you need "correct grammer".
I'm French and French is my mother tongue, but even I know that you should spell it grammar. How can an employer require their employees to use proper grammar if they don't know how to themselves?
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@Stiletto (4579)
11 Feb 07
You've made some excellent points. I think those of us who have English as our mother tongue tend to be fairly arrogant about it and expect the rest of the world to learn, speak and write our language correctly but we don't apply the same standards to ourselves. We are also notoriously bad at making the effort to learn other languages as well.
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@pooksywooksy (1006)
• Indonesia
11 Feb 07
You've got my vote, MBourgeois. I'm no French but I fully agreed with you. Very well, said.
@HawaiiGopher (1009)
• Belgium
11 Feb 07
Ouais, bien dit. :P I'm also French but I've been raised in English speaking countries. I've never really had much of an education for spelling and grammar in French so I can feel how hard it might be for others to post.

@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
11 Feb 07
Actually, it puzzles me more when people actually post in a foreign language, but I guess that's their right.
I am still trying to tune into exactly what the "purpose" of myLot is; if site management consider it any kind of "information resource," they'd probably do well to have some kind of program to flag or get rid of posts that are mostly random garble. I realize I'm just an old pharte, but it does bug me when discussions look like a text message. Your computer is NOT a cell phone or a pager.
The good thing is, you have a CHOICE as to what you respond to.
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@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Yes, I don't really like chatspeak or SMS abbreviations, but I understand why some people use them. It is their choice and it is my choice not to read it. I understand how some people need to practice their English, so I don't mind if they write with errors, god knows that I write errors in Spanish sometimes ;)
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@katcarneo (1433)
• Philippines
11 Feb 07
I think may people here are still in the process of trying to improve their english skills, and that's not really a crime. Learning grammar in school is not the only thing, as I have seen what's most important is practicing and freely expressing ideas in English. These people are just trying to do that. Perhaps in their country people never use english outside the school so they never get any practice.
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@dopey22girl (3319)
• United States
12 Feb 07
No, I totally agree with you. I too do not mean to offend anyone, but it is difficult and frustrating to try to comprehend some of the messages. Sometimes I just don't bother replying to them when they are posts, because I don't even know what they are trying to say. And sometimes I get replies on my posts and I have no idea what they even say.
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@silentwill (1685)
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
Yeah sometimes I can't make a sense out of what others are saying, and even painful is when some try to do what is known in our country as text-speak, where they ommit a lot of letters on words like using the letter "U" instead of the word "you." On the given example it's okay and understandable but there are some that other people may not understand. But oh well this is the net, who follows rules anyway?
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@leftnwrite08 (17)
• United States
12 Feb 07
I'd say it can be frustrating when English isn't the native language, but not particularly annoying. It's only frustrating when a question is asked that's hard to interpret because it was poorly phrased; then again, I can't necessarily say those were non-English speakers typing them! I think it's best to understand that some have better grasps on the English language than others, and be satisfied with one's own; besides, reading "improper" grammar can be a treat if you take into account how much one's language can tell you about a person!
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
11 Feb 07
When people do not use proper english on my lot. It does not bother me. As I hear people all the time not speak proper english. As long as I can understand them and figure out what they mean. I will respond.
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@Bbilal (1998)
11 Feb 07
So what can we do if there are few who don't know how to speak english language and Im one of them. Actually my grammer sucks it is because we did not have english as our mother- tounge so do we are weak in pronounciation, and gramitcally. And there is nothing like offended and we are not embrassed rather asshamed if we did not know how to speak english language. No one feels like that, actually you're right you are kind of fussy in this regard ( no offense)
@pooksywooksy (1006)
• Indonesia
11 Feb 07
Bbilal, I also agree, she's just being fussy.
Stay focus, make a good discussion, help each other, and respect others would be a nice thing to do here, in MyLot, in my honest opinion.
@pure_pinklaydee (827)
12 Feb 07
Bbilal your english is amazing- I would never in a million years guessed you didn't speak english. I actually think your grammar is much better than a lot of english and american posters. I wasn't really making a point about people like you more about people who you cannot make out at all what they are trying to say. I'm glad I got a debate going about the issue though- it seems a lot of people have an opinion on it.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
12 Feb 07
I am not english, nor is english my first language and I am sure that I make errors at times - but I am also here to keep the language going and take care of it so that I will not loose the knowledge that I have . It is like u said, not easy to learn another language and I am sure that all people are trying as hard as they can. If I do not understand a discussion or a post i ignore it and move on.. It cana be because of terrible english - or just because it´s to complicated =)
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@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
11 Feb 07
No offense but mylot is a free-for-all discussion board. I believe anyone can post a comment in their own language but it would have to be directed to the person that could understand it. Think of this as just one big cocktail party where everyone is invited. Cheers! :)
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@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
12 Feb 07
Exactly! This forum is a multi-language board so people can post in whatever language they choose. At least that is my understanding because I didn't see any rule that the only language was English.

@Eskimo (2315)
12 Feb 07
I thought MyLot rules didn't allow any other language except English, but as a lot of members have English as a second language then their grammer and puctuation can be poor. I have seen several people mention in discussions that using MyLot helps them with their English, and as such I feel it should be encouraged. I don't think people should be penalised if their English isn't very good, but I do not like abbreviations especially 'TXT' type ones.
It is up to you to choose if you want to respond to them, especially if their English is very bad. I feel that it is up to people from U.K. (and other English speaking people) to be compasionate and helpful.
Incidentally how are you with U.S. English, where a lot of the spelling is different from U.K. English?
@cuhkiz (568)
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
For me I can say I'm still proud of those people who uses english and keep on trying cause that will make perfection in the long run. Practice makes perfect right..although theres no such thing as perfect but I find this people somehow ruling in. English is a standard language and too much dominant internationaly. We have different kind of races and sometimes we cannot put on english words as what others are used to. Sometimes it gives us hard time to speak up english or in the other hand write it up. I don't find wrong grammar as being annoying. As long you can understand what the sentence wants to imply. thats it. Perhaps not all people have low I.Q. to have trouble reading and understanding. Even mispelled words can be read with a glance :)
@urbandekay (18278)
12 Feb 07
I think you need to learn a little tolerance, as you say it is hard to learn another language; so help them along! I have had to ask for clarification several times it is not a big deal. By the way, English should be capitalised, 'defintly' is spelt definitely and 'exaspertaing' exasperating. Physician, heal thyself?
All the best Urban
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@FrancyDafne (2047)
• Italy
14 Feb 07
Yes Pinklaydee,
I can understand your regret, you are English and it must be horrible to see own language so murdered.
So, respect for your pain.
If you take a look in this forum you can find a lot of strange words, there is even people telling "pink laydee" instead of "pink lady", people are very weird.
I apologize because I'm Italian, and you know, Italians can't speak well foreign languages (I don't know if Italians can speak well Italian, a very difficult language), so, please, Pinklaydee forgive me, but I think to remain on this site with my bad English, because I like myLot community.
Hello Sweet Pink Laydee,
bye-bye and take it easy.
@dunetrekker (339)
• United Arab Emirates
12 Feb 07
It doesn't bother me to see those improperly spelled & phrased posts especially if the one who wrote them are from a non-English speaking countries like me. I just try to figure it out what they are trying to say and if i can't, then i just wouldn't mind. Actually, i appreciate them for trying to write in English as best as they can coz i understand that it's indeed difficult to learn a foreign language. I came from the Philippines and it took me years, that is; from primary school to university, to learn the English grammar which i know i am not fluent with till now. What is sad to note sometimes is to see some English speaking people who mess up their own language when writing more than we do. Anyhow, nobody is really perfect.
@lvap0628 (731)
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
Please don't be too hard on us who don't have English as their mother tongue. It's difficult enough translating our thoughts into English, how much more if we have to write it. Be a little more tolerant. If wrong grammar irritates you, feel free to ignore these comments/discussions.
@rajkumarrita (249)
• India
12 Feb 07
Alright u Didn,t Offend Me.
If u ask me, I Know English Very Well.
I Can Speak English well.
But not Very Fluently as i Get confused About my Own Laganuage too(lol).
And Some Of My Friends Feel That i Doing Show-off by Speaking English.
While Some of My Friends Feel Shy While Speaking English.
So They Don,t Speak in English.
There is Nothing we Can do as it is the People,s Choice
Wheteher to Say it or Not.
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@icebucks (127)
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
At least we are trying. Its the least they could and I truly appreciate it. there are times that im out of words and cant express myself well. If only I could use my own language but no... we are trying and we do hope that the "english writing/speaking" people could actually try understanding us the way we are trying to communicate with them. PEACE!
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@twistedangelwings (350)
• Australia
12 Feb 07
I definetly know what you mean. I know I couldn't learn another language let alone pull off any kind of conversation written or verbal in one and I definetly give them credit for trying.
I guess there really is no better place to practice a foreign language, especially english, than in online mediums. If they are studying the language, it means they get some additional practice with people who probably use it every single day, all day of their lives. Especially, when they see how some others write online with all the teh and CmOe or whatever it is they actually do. There poor English probably doesn't look so bad afterall.
Generally if I can get the idea of what they are saying, or atleast trying to say, and I've got something to say on the topic then I'll respond. I have seen some irrelevant of topic that have just been that bit to hard to really know what the person was asking or looking for, so I generally just bypass them. The joys of the net.
I deal with accents and poor English at work through customers on the phone virtually daily so I guess I may have just a bit more patience and ability to read through the lines than some others as well.
@lastcrush2003 (379)
• India
12 Feb 07
yeah you are wright, but you should try to make them realize that they are speaking wrong. so that they can correct themself