What natural or homeopathic treatments or remedy do you swear by?

United States
February 11, 2007 7:21pm CST
Even though I am a nurse, I am very interested in alternative medicine and natural remedies. Please tell me about how you treat conditions with natural, homeopathic remedies.
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15 responses
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
12 Feb 07
I have one tried and true natural remedy that I swear by. Whenever I have a fever, I cut up an onion and I put the pieces in my socks, so they rest against the bottoms of my feet. I sleep with them on overnight, and it never fails to break even the toughest of fevers.
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• United States
12 Feb 07
Oh my gosh, I have never heard of that! I will write that down and will seriously try it the next time anyone in my family has a fever! That is unreal....
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@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I have got to try this onion thing! I get a fever whenever I get sick! This is so intriguing!
@rebelann (113389)
• El Paso, Texas
4 Apr 20
I've heard this before, it sounds odd but I was told it really works and here you are saying the same thing, wow.
• Ireland
19 Feb 07
I'm qualified as a holistic aromatherapist, so of course I use a lot of the oils lol! Apart from that I also use many vitamins and minerals for specific purposes, as well as some homeopathic remedies, herbal remedies, and local traditional cures. A 'local' traditional remedy from South Africa that I cannot be without is Chamberlains Colic and Diarrhoea remedy - in fact I'm now living in Ireland and I've just managed to find someone on ebay to send some to me lol! Then of course there are the usual aromatherapy 'staples' - tea tree for almost any infection - add some lavender and mix with aloe gel for a great spotty skin moisturiser lol! I use a lot of the oils for anxiety - vetivert, ginger, geranium. Some foody remedies: Concentrated lemon juice in a tiny bit of water for nausea. Cinnamon as a natural antihistamine - garlic too. Great to remember if you're pregnant and can't take antihistamines. Vitamin C is a great antihistamine too. cinnamon for blood glucose control, raising metabolism, also lowering triglycerides parsley for lowering cholesterol ginger for neausea Herbal: Valerian for insomnia and anxiety wild oreganum as a VERY strong anti-inflammatory and therefore migraine treatment - fine to take while pregnant - also very strong antibacterial and antiviral - used to treat tropical disease - been shown in labs to have disabling effect on SARS virus. tea tree for warts and athletes foot homeopathic: - nux vomica for nausea - also sometimes helps my migraines - fine in low doses in pregnancy Magnesium supplements for migraines Also of course all the vitamins and minerals that contribute to good nervous system and stable moods etc - magnesium, zinc, Vitamin B, and many others There are SOOO many more remedies that I use or have used with success, it would be impossible to list them all here lol!
• Ireland
24 Feb 07
I was just looking over my post, and wanted to add that all of the ones that are okay in pregnancy should only of course be taken then in relatively low doses. Especially the wild oreganum. There are special 'migraine' wild oreganum tablets, but those are too high a dose for pregnancy. Lower dose tablets are fine though. It's important to talk to a qualified herbalist or health practitioner about dosage of ANYTHING when pregnant.
@rebelann (113389)
• El Paso, Texas
4 Apr 20
Wow, that was so very informative, thank you.
@tentwo67 (3382)
• United States
12 Feb 07
L-Lysine for cold sores is very effective! I am also impressed by what Apple Cider Vinegar can do, but I am not always able to make myself drink it because I can't stand the taste.
• United States
13 Feb 07
Hey tentwo67, do you take the L-Lysine after the cold sore appears or preventively? I am one of those people who gets 2-3 cold sores each season! I have one currently that is on its last legs.
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
13 Feb 07
My mother takes L-Lysine preventatively for cold sores and never gets outbreaks any more. She also swears by it for sore throats.
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I developed eczema in my ear canals last summer. At first the doctor treated it as otitis externa (swimmer's ear) because I had been to the beach a few times. It cleared and then came back. Then the thought was an allergic reaction to new stethoscope ear pieces, but changing them didn't help. A dermatologist said it's not unusual to have eczema in the ears, especially when females use hair products. I've had to put steroid cream in them every day with a q-tip or else it flares up. 6 months ago I tried using tea tree oil- I apply it with a q-tip at night. It works great! I haven't needed steroids for 6 months. I've also read that tea tree oil is good for acne, and when I get a pimple I dab some on and it goes away overnight or in 1 day. I swear it's a miracle. The only thing is that it doesn't smell to great.
• United States
13 Feb 07
Oh Laurie, I am so glad to hear of something for acne. My teen daughter and son have occassional breakouts and of course they consider it the end of the world. Where do you get tea tree oil? We have a GNC in our super WalMart?
@lvap0628 (731)
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
we have lots of natural remedies here in the Philippines (esp the herbal kind). The one i've used the most is oregano plus honey for cough and cold.
• United States
12 Feb 07
I have never tried this, but I heard about it from many people....I had really bad heartburn with my 2nd pregnancy and had to be on meds. AFTER I gave birth, people started tellling me that if you take a spoon full of apple cider vinegar, the heartburn is gone in 5 minutes! I haven't tried it becaues I don't have heartburn hardly ever now, but I don't know if I could stomach the taste of vinegar. :)
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@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I'm going to try this one, also. I get heartburn all the time, and recently had a scoping done and there's really no physical reason for it so I'm on meds. I often get breakthrough heartburn, so I'll give this a try. I wonder how an acidic liquid like vinegar could neutralize the stomach acid? I'll post after I try it. I'm sure I'll need it in a day or so.
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
12 Feb 07
I'm a nurse too and there are somethings that alternative medicines help with that traditional medicines don't! When I had my cancer surgery 6 years ago, they removed lymph nodes from up by my heart and down in my groin. They also removed the greater omentum (which has nodes and lymph passageways in it too.) I developed lymphedema from it a few months after the surgery. There is NO cure for lymphedema, you just swell up and there's really nothing much you can do in the realms of conventional medicine besides wear compression garments, do manual lymph drainage massages and alter your lifestyle (so that you don't swell up.) I had lots of problems with swelling, I'd be normal in the morning, then only be able to wear mumuus or caftans by the time half the day was over. I went to a homeopathic doctor (regular MD with homeopathic training) who put me on mountain ash buds (a liquid preparation.) Since being on this for the past year and a half, I no longer have the swelling to the degree I had it before. It encourages lymph drainage, and it has made a giant difference in my lifestyle. I take it twice a day, and when I don't take it or run out, I swell up to giant proportions like I used to before taking it. Homeopathy is a very overlooked part of the medical world. My cancer dr says it's snake oil, but I say the proof is in the pudding. It works for me, and with or without my oncologists approval I will continue taking it because it lets me live a much more normal life than I did before I started with it. I am very thankful that I saw the homeopath!!
• United States
12 Feb 07
That is wonderful that you found something to help you that much! I truly believe that we would all be better off if we would learn to marry conventional and non-conventional medicine.
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• United States
12 Feb 07
I have been on hormone therapy for almost 30 years. I wanted to get off, but the hot flashes were murder. My doctor suggested I go to a homeopathic place. I did, and I feel better than I did on the meds. Blessings, M&M
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• United States
6 Mar 07
I use anise fowers/seed to cure nausia. I also swear by certain remedies such as bella donna for ear infections that also have constant filling of the ear drums. I've even had a doctor tell me that I saved my own hearing by using this method because a doctor diagnosed me incorrectly and gave me ear drops for my infection one time. So there are som homeopathics that work and work well. Like anything, there is never a cure all and nothing that is guaranteed to work for you. Some work, some don't.
@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I use nux vomica to help prevent my vertigo attacks that happen because of the Meniere's disease that I have. It works great and it also is terrific at helping with head colds. I have even gotten my family hooked on it. I also use essential oils for massages, baths, and putting on my pillow at night to hwlp with sleep. realistically just about the only thing I don't use homeopathic remedies for is my thyroid. I had to have it removed years ago but I haven't found any homeopathic remedy for that. I just love to go the natural way. I also get accupuncture to help with the Meniere's Disease and depression. It works better than any medicine I have ever found.
• India
25 Feb 07
i swear that touch therapy as given by dr. mulkheraj das helps to treat uncurable diseases such as MND, epilepsy since i hav seen those miracles myself on my comp.......
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I have recently started using black cohosh and melatonin. The melatonin has really helped with the sleeping and it is strange, when I get up during the night, I am not all weird like I was on ambien. The black cohosh has helped with many symptoms - no more cramps, gassiness, bloating etc. I have also started Glucosamine Chondroitin with MSM, I know that one takes a while to work so the jury is still out on it.
@Sazzle (71)
16 Mar 07
If I feel myself starting to get a cold, or colleagues have a cold/flu then I head straight for the kettle and my herbal blend from Neals Yard. It is Elderflower, Elderberries and Echinacea herb. They just make up a bag for me when I go in. I put a teaspoon of the mix in a tea diffuser in a mug and add hot water. Leave it 5 mins to brew and then drink. I do this 3 times a day for a couple of days. Its fantastic stuff. I havent had a cold in a couple of years now. Everyone else at work is always getting them.
• Gurgaon, India
11 Jul 08
The concept of disease in homeopathy is that disease is a total affection of mind and body, the disturbance of the whole organism. The parts of the body do not get independently sick.
@elysian (122)
• India
12 Feb 07
well not many people have heard about it but pranik healing is very effective. one can just do self healing and get such amazing results its unbeleivable. it teaches you the techniques to cleanse the energy feild of the body or in simple terms the aura...whc keeps u not only physically but mentally strong.