15 with a hidden tatoo???
@beutfulmama6701 (1718)
United States
February 12, 2007 9:26pm CST
what would you do if your daughter came home one day and was in a lot of pain, she was complaining of back pain and wanted to go lie down? youd think she wasnt feeling good right? or that certain time of the month. Well what if you discovered the cause of her "back " pain was the fact that she just went out and got herself a tatoo? A tatoo that has a boys name on it written across her lower back in bold dark colors? And even worse she got it done not by a professional but by a friend of a friend who knows a guy who has a friends who can do it for cheap or at no cost in the basement at his fathers house? What would you do ? how would you handle this?
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50 responses
@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
13 Feb 07
WOW! well, I love tattoos so I couldn't really talk about how they are ugly and all that, but if this were my daughter, I would be upset more because it is a boy's name! I would tell her how stupid it is to get anybody's name on your body! And, then I would go into how she could get something like HIV or Hepatitis from dirty needles. Maybe this guy is on the up and up, but if he reuses needles, she may be in for a hurtin'. I would make a doctor's appt for HIV tests and Hepatitis tests...i would take her for a tetanus shot, too. Maybe going thru this will make her think twice before doing something so silly. I would definately lecture her about she's too young, but the guys' name is dumb and the way she got the tattoo. My kid would be going to the doc and be stuck more times with a needle to see if she got anything. I would also try to scare the crap out of her with literature about Hepatitis and AIDS.
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@peni88 (469)
• United States
13 Feb 07
that is defininately my reaction. i myself like tattoos and have quite a few. if my daughter came home with a tattoo it wouldnt really bother me. but, a tattoo with a boys name is a different story. you should never, ever put a b/f g/f name on your body. the only names i have are my kids. plus if she wanted a tattoo she should have come to me 1st. there are alot of dives out there and i would rather her go somewhere clean.
@SageMother (2277)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I think I would just say, "so how much do you think it will cost for you to have that made into something else when you stop liking the boy?"
Then I would just drop it. Its not worth getting bent out of shape over and she is already paying with the pain.
I would, however, call the family of the boy where the tatoo was done, and see what sort of restitution they want to offer up, then I think I might press charges if I could figure out what those would be. In most places, you must be 18 to get a tatoo without parental consent if you go to a shop. Coiuld be tht thre are sttutory charges to be grought. I would pursue that to the fullest.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
14 Feb 07
well, if she is my daughter, i will definitely ground her for the time being as a punishment for her irresponsible and silly acts... then i will contact the person who done the tatoo for her and have a 'big' argument with him and ask him to refund the money... i will also threaten him by letting him know if anything happen to my daughter, then i will definitely sue him... i know that most of the blame is not on him but on my daughter because she is the one who ask him to do it... but still, he should know that he is not a professional and she is still too young to think logically... lastly, i will not let my daughter to keep in touch with her friend who introduce her to this man to get her tatoo done...
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@toyboxer04 (353)
• Malta
13 Feb 07
I hate tattoos. This is reminding me of when my husband did his tattoo. I only knew that he was accompanying his brother to do one. It was a professional studio and I know it's a very busy one. He won't do it without an appointment. So in other words, he knew he was getting a tattoo done on him, and knowing how much I hate them decided to do it just the same without talking it over with me first. I hate the idea he lied even more than the tattoo itself. Took me about a month to talk to him again after that. And that was because we have come to terms that he has to wear a t-shirt when I am in the house. I don't even want to see it. This was about 5 years ago.
If it was my daughter I guess I would be furious. I would punish her and see that things of such importance are firstly to be talked over with me. I would sue the the guy who did it so that she takes her lesson, and he won't do it again to minors. But I will have another concern. How clean were the needles he used on her??? I think something like this will take me a long time to heal. An expensive operation can be done to remove it but not everybody affords it. If I could afford it I would just take her as soon as possible to remove it, more because it is the name of a boy that in a week's time she will have forgotten all about him!
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@jhrcsr (348)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I would also bring charges against the person who did this and take her to the doctor to ensure there is no infection and see if it could be lightened or something....but most important to make sure she's not physically hurt or in danger.
In the state I live in, a person cannot get a tattoo until they are 18 unless they have a parent's signature. So that's something to look into, what the age of consent is for tattoo's in your state. Call your local police station or a tattoo parlor in your area and ask them. This could help you with bringing charges against the person who put the tattoo on her if that is what you choose to do.
I really hate to see kids with tattoos that have names in them. Unless it is their own name or that of maybe a beloved grandparent or such. That is such a permanent mark on her body and, who knows, the boy that's name is now on her may become one of her worst memories of childhood by the time she is old enough to be married.
Good luck with this!!
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@dreamingmyth (594)
• United States
13 Feb 07
well id sue the living crap out of the person who gave her the tattoo.. next id take her to the dr and have her tested for god knows what, and then have them perscribe some antibiotics so she doesnt get some kind of nasty infection.. now after sueing the person, the money would go into a fund, to have the tatt removed when she finally regrets getting it and doesnt like the boy whos name she got tattooed on her anymore! and well lots and lots and lots of grounding and uhm anything else that lets her know shes in BIG trouble!
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@kaspyv (1011)
• United States
13 Feb 07
although i love tattoos, i have to agree with you as to what should be done....she is absolutely too young to have a tattoo and getting one from such a bad source is even worse!
@cassidy22 (2974)
• United States
13 Feb 07
Uh.. yeah. I would get the name of whomever signed for her and sue them.
My underage tattoed kid would then be grounded, and I would somehow make them get a job to earn the money to pay for their OWN tattoo removal. I'd also make sure to find pictures to show her of what tattoos look like when you are 60, 70, 80 years old. She'd be in big trouble, but the person who signed for her would be in LEGAL trouble.
@prue187 (517)
• United States
13 Feb 07
That's not a good sign, if she is in pain the tat might be infected, since it was not done by a professional. I advice that you bring your daughter to a doctor and make sure, there are diseases you can get from having a tattoo, especially if the needle that they use is not sterile. Also as the other member commented you can sue them, If the mother resides in the US you can sue the person since you need to have a liscence before you can perform and give tattoo to people. I also hope that the girl won't catch any diseases, I have a preteen daughter and if she did this kind of thing I know my husband will kick her out of the house plus she'll get a whooping!
@bronie123 (4587)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I really not sure how i would handle this situation because i don't have kids yet. But i would be very mad at my daughter and very angry with the person who would let a 15 year old girl get a tattoo without parents consent and a guys name at that because more than likely they won't be together forever and she will regret that Tattoo!!! I think I would have to give that guy a call or a visit or call the police and tell them so they could charge him.
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
13 Feb 07
well, i would have been upset because she didn't discuss it with me first. MAYBE if she told me, i would have taken her to someone good, a profesional to get it done if she really wanted a tatoo. but i am against having someone elses name on there because you never know if its going to last, c'mon look at Angelina Jolie with the Billy Bob tatoo she had.
well, first i would take her to a docter to make sure the area wasn't infected. then i would force her to tell me who got it done because it is against the law to tatoo a minor without parents consent and if everything is actually fine, and its not infected and doesn't have to be removed then she's just going to have to live with a boys name on her back weather the relaitionship lasts or not. if she wants it removed i'll let her get it done, but she'll have to pay me back for the procedure and i'll explain thats its far more painful then the initial tatoo. but she made the decision with discussing everything responsibly and that does put a trust issue at hand. the fact that she didn't do her reaserch on the person and decided to go to a low rate basement guy shows that she wasn't mature enough to have the tatoo in the first place. but things are already done, so she's just going to have to live with it and learn from her mistakes.
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@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I would be livid over her dumb choice. I am not usre if I would make her go remove it or not. Actually I don't think I would. She would get to the point where she realized what a mistake she made. I would take her & make her get tested for hepatitis though. She would also be grounded until I felt like I could trust her again.
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@elpovette (16)
• Philippines
13 Feb 07
Oh my God! Are you close to your daughter? Probably the guy's name is her boyfriend's name .. How come you don't know anything about it?
You should go get her checked up at once .. You'll never know what problem that (tattooing unsafely) may cause to your daughter. Explain to her everything. You, as a parent, should be able to tell her the consequences of what she did. I personally love tattooes, but no, I didn't get them done from just SOMEONE. I am scared of blood-transmitted diseases. Explain that to your daughter.
By the way, your daughter must be in love, and you have no idea.
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@mattcassethan (226)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
wow, if that was my daught i'de kick her butt. If she got like a butterfly or something, you know that would still not be all right but i could live with that. A boys name, i really don't know what to say, because no matter what you say it will always be there she has it not for life unless she gets it removed and that takes time and $$$$$. good luck.
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@Methodless (882)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
Take her to the doctor's as everybody has said.
Then, if you have to pay for it, SHE has to pay for it.
Also a lecture and a promise that she'll have to pay for the full cost of removal when the time to do so comes. Force her to start saving money now for that.
Depends how responsive she is to you though
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@JessieMae (345)
• United States
13 Feb 07
Id be very upset. Not because she got the tat but because of the fact that she felt like she couldn't ask permission from her father or I.
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@funkyshankar (284)
• India
13 Feb 07
I am extremely sorry if u had faced such a situation..but if i came across such a situation then i will first let my daughter to a doctor and take care she is not infected due to this..then i l enquire about the boy and see whether its safe for her to continue that relationship..
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
13 Feb 07
The first thing I would do is rush her to the Dr.s office, because I heard on the news a while back, that some girl got a severe infection and that she needed surgery. Then, after that, I would (being myself) make her get it removed...even though it is so painful, even more painful than getting it in. Of course, that is not always the best option, to a lot of parents, because they are not "strict" with their kids, and tend to forgive them anything. I don't know if you would prefer to do that or not, but also, you would have to see if the reversal can be done so soon. Anyways, there are other types of punishment like removing all forms of fun and entertainment from her life (cell phones, comp, tv, friends, etc), until she learns to ask permission before she does something so reckless. I cannot understand why children these days feel that they have the "right" to do whatever they want, it just makes absolutely no sense, they are children, what do they know about raising themselves? Furthemore, if she were my daughter, I would not let her have a moment's rest. She would be cleaning floors, walls, toilets, the garage. That was my mother's favorite form of punishment. Waking us up as early as possible to wash windows, clean closets, cabinets, etc. And it had to be sparkling and perfect, or we would be there all day. If you need any more suggestions, just ask. In general, I believe that children should respect their parents, and learn to have some common sense. So, the punishment for something like this, is no easy task.
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@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I would be devastated. That is so dangerous, first of all! I hate to say it, but your daughter should probably get an HIV test in a few months as well, just to be safe, because blood and needles were involved in this. I would contact whoever did this and take appropriate action. I would also notify all of these "friend's" parents!
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@thunderofsins (738)
• United States
13 Feb 07
First I'd tell her how stupid it was for her to complain about the back pain and try to hide the tattoo! Then she'd be saving all of her money to go get it lasered off. She would also be going straight to the doctor to get tested for all of the diseases and bacterial infections you can get from a non-sterile tattoo. She'd also be SO SO grounded!
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