Lush or Body Shop- which is better?
By MakeItCount
@MakeItCount (350)
20 responses
@krebstar5 (1266)
• United States
13 Feb 07
The Body Shop is no longer what it once was. Back when they used plainer packaging, gave you deposits for recycling containers, and was a bit more funky, you could compare the companies a little better. This might also because Mark Constantine (LUSH's founder) used to make products for the Body Shop. Over time The Body Shop has worked to look more upscale and have "higher end" products. What has resulted is almost a merry go round of products that I fall in love with and then watch get discontinued. While I will always love the Body Shop for their body butters, I will never forgive them for discontinuing the milk line. Now it seems that I spend less and less there wach time I go.
LUSH uses more natural ingredients and I think their scents are better. However, I will always look into the Body Shop because some of their products are gems.
@draconess (650)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
Yep, all my favourite Body Shop stuff was Mark's work! Once he left they started discontinuing everything I liked about them! I'm down to only ONE thing I'll use from there, the cranberry body butter that comes out at christmas.
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@krebstar5 (1266)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I liked the smell of the cranberry body butter, but it would coat my body with this really horrible taste. I noticed it after eating an apple one day. I was so confused, but I finally traced it back to the body butter. I was so horried that I just threw the rest away! Thankfully, LUSH has yet to make me taste like I dipped my hands in chemicals.
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@ma_belle (1357)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I definitly prefer Lush 100x over The Body Shop. I have to disagree with you in that they have similar philosophies. Even though they say their are environmental and 'natural' they definitly are not. The use synthetic scents and SLS in their products. They are also incredibly wasteful in their packaging and shipping methods. I also do not like the way they treat their employees, as they didn't invest anything in to training them or developing their skills. (I used to work for them.) On the other hand, Lush uses fine essential oils, minimal packaging and their employees seem genuinely happy to be at work. Lush may be a bit more expensive, but to me the difference is worth it.
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@draconess (650)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
I agree, I've known several Body Shop employees who were never happy with the lack of training or the way they were treated there. On the other hand, I worked for LUSH for a while, and absolutely loved it! They do really great training and product knowledge development, and all the staff were truly happy and treated great. It's another reason it's so fun to shop there, the staff are like friends, just visiting and chatting about mutual interests, where the Body Shop gals are often pushy and just trying to get me into more sales.
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@LadyMagpie (236)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I'm not incredibly experienced with TBS products, but this is my impression of them.
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@randomosity_prevails (1110)
19 Feb 07
I defnitely prefer Lush to The Body Shop. The Body Shop is not as ethical and environmentally friendly as it once was. I've noticed a lot of new shops opening up lately, all the products having fancy packaging... They've turned into a corporate chain. Lush on the other hand, handmakes their products (at least in part), and creates environmentally and animal friendly products.
@draconess (650)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
I WAS a fan of the Body Shop, like 10 years ago when they had decent products, and their packaging etc. was more environmentally friendly. Now, they've long since discontinued everything I loved from there, and the packaging/shipping is so wasteful. And they've recently been bought out, so are owned by a company under which some animal testing does happen.
The reason I fell for LUSH was their environmental and absolutely no animal testing policies. Unlike the Body Shop, LUSH won't even buy ingredients from companies that test other things on animals. And I love their lack of wasteful packaging! And so many of the products are amazing, and work better for me than anything else I've ever tried (I guess I'm just a huge fan of Mark's work, he designed all my old faves at the Body Shop too before starting up LUSH!)
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@krebstar5 (1266)
• United States
14 Feb 07
You are exactly right, and with the purchase my L'Oreal The Body Shop is now owned by a parent company infamous for testing on animals. Sure, shopping at The Body Shop is still saying you prefer cruelty-free products, but your money is still going to a company that does not make a wider policy.
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@MakeItCount (350)
• India
14 Feb 07
Yes, The Body shop has been bought out by L'Oreal but I guess (or hope) they will maintain the original products, if they change everything into a L'Oreal product then what's the point of the buy out right? Never knew that Lush used to produce for The Body Shop! I lean a bit towards Lush too :)
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@twilight021 (2059)
• United States
14 Feb 07
I'll second and third what other people have said (especially about the buyout and animal testing) and add that the scents at the Body Shop have really gone down hill. I don't know if it's just that I'm now used to the more natural scents at LUSH, but when I smell body shop products I smell more chemical/artifical scents than anything.
I was lucky enough to find an old (and I mean old) body Shop lip balm in my coat pocket. It was back when they used glass containers and the balm itself was more naturally colored and much more moisturizing (it's still good too). It made me kinda sad, and really nostalgic for the old Body Shop, of the Anita days.
@hezoid (2144)
22 Feb 07
Like others have said, i used to be a huge fan of TSB years back, maybe 10-15 years when i was a young teenager. It's odd that i could afford their products with my pocket money hen, but now if i went in and wanted to buy something i wouldn't be able to afford much! For me TSB has lost all the fun and quirkiness that drew me to them all those years back. They're gone so umarket and boring in recent years and there's just nothing about their products that excite me at all. I can't remember the alst time i was tempted to go in a store, their stores are so intimidating now!
As for Lush, well i'm a huge fan of Lush, so obviously i rate them highter than TSB. I think they still have a lot of fun in their products and theyre much more exciting, they're also much more natural and imho i think they have better ethics re: animal testing, use of preservatives, fresh ingredients. The bags they use for bath bombs and bubble bar slices are all bio-degradeable, and they do a lot of vegan products too. Much better than TSB!
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@mr_ular (842)
• Malaysia
15 Feb 07
I guess the whole family prefers Body Shop since it's easier to find their shop here in my country. One thing that i like is that whenever i go into the shop, they have nice smells, for ladies and men too. My parents, brothers and sisters, my wife and also myself use Body Shop fragrance, lotions and other items too from Body Shop. Oh, and yes, it does costs us a lot (the items are quite expensive here in my country).
@MakeItCount (350)
• India
21 May 07
You can get Lush online, check out their website, you can go your country specific site from there.
@LadyMagpie (236)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I've never really used Body Shop products, partially because their products seem "fake" to me, like Bath and Body Works stuff (ick), partially because they're owned by L'oreal or someone who is generally ethically unacceptable, and partially because I think I've internalized Big's prejudice, lol.
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@kate1356 (697)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I remember how excited I was when The Body Shop opened a store in my town when I was in highschool (at the time it was one of the first stores my area). I fell in love with the grapefruit shampoo, the orange flower water and the pineapple cleanser they had. I also liked their mango perfume oil. I remember my dad liked their Ice Blue shampoo (which I believe was created by Big). As they began to phase out my favorites I took a break from them for a while. In recent years I haven't bought that much from them... a couple of body butters now and then or stuff from the tea tree line (that tea tree oil is excellent stuff!!) Recently though, I have placed a few orders from their online store. Their after-Christmas sale had some really good deals that were hard to pass up.
Who do I like better? I don't think I could pick one. I could never give up their body butters or my tea tree oil/gel sticks just like I could never give up my butterball bath bombs or Pop in bubble bars. I do buy more from Lush though.
@ctinabina (386)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I agree 100% with what's already been said.
After using Lush products, The Body Shop (TBS) almost seems like any other bath/beauty brand- chemically and fake. Perhaps I shouldn't be so harsh; I would probably use TBS before I'd use Johnson & Johnson brands. But it is a far second to Lush. Lush's products just work so well for me.
@strangegurl16 (78)
• United States
14 Feb 07
I like Lush much better. I have sensitive skin and Body Shop products seem to irritate that. Lush products don't so I stick with Lush.
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@msnerd (29)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I think it depends on what you're looking for. TBS has scent lines so you can layer scents. I really like their strawberry scent and cassis rose. I think their lotions are crappy - they have never ever moisturized me. Actually, I think they dry me out more. Their products also have more scent to them, so the scent tends to linger longer. I like both Lush and TBS (yes, I know, I'm a cosmetic heathen), but over all I tend to prefer Lush's products just because they seem to be crafter better. I will buy TBS perfume and body butters every once in a while.
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@mummybear (8)
1 Mar 07
I have adored Lush since they were CTG many years ago. I love their philosophy and the fact that I know I can use all their products safely on all my family. I used to like TBS but not a real fan anymore. The Lush SA's are there because they know and believe in the products they sell and they also get a whopping 50% discount!! Don't think there are too many other companies that reward their staff so well.
@Withoutwings (6992)
• United States
14 Feb 07
I don't really like Body Shop. Their products just don't interest me. I'm not impressed with their selection. As far as I know they don't have any bath bombs, melts, or any of the other products that I think are so great at Lush.
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@beccacoward (525)
21 May 07
Lush, Lush, a thousand times Lush. I used The Body Shop products when I was younger and didn't know who owned their company, but now I'm older and wiser I would never consider using their products. There are a few reasons for this, mostly ethics, packaging, and thievery. Also I happen to think that Lush's products are better, and a lot more fun to use.
@MakeItCount (350)
• India
21 May 07
I prefer Lush too. Their products really make a difference to the way you feel don't they? I have been wanting to make my own lip balms ever since I started using their stuff.
@etcetera22 (115)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I'm not familiar with Lush, but I love the Body Shop, especially their body butters and Oceanus scent. The body butters make my skin incredibly soft, and they give me a nice glow. However, I'm always up to try something new. Can you provide a link to Lush's website? Thanks.
@xomgitskamax (937)
• United States
3 Jun 09
I think the body shop is better. Its my favorite and all there products do wonders on my skin. But i might just have to check out Lush. I've never heard of it.
Happy Mylotting!!
@fiforb (2)
17 Mar 11
Oh Lush definitely.
A few Body Shop visits never even made me want to get anything from there. It didn't even happen after trying out some TBS testers to see if it would catch the attention of my senses like Lush has years ago when i first walked into their shop and absolutely fell in love with everything.
The Body Shop is not interesting enough for me to start with, it is much more like the ordinary cosmetics shop in comparison with the delicatessen feel of the Lush shops.
Over the years i have only come to believe more firmly in the company and what they do and they have continued to not fail that with every new launched product.