whats the best business field to join now days?

February 13, 2007 2:23am CST
if we analyze and compare each business fields and occupations now days which one will give us the best return and why you choose it?
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4 responses
@widjaja (39)
• Indonesia
13 Feb 07
I think internet marketing is the best choice, because there are no wall no country, no boundaries. There are no worker needed to much, no electricity too much. On short word with internet we can reach the global word from only our home. That is very powerful. So I choose internet marketing as the best business today.
@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
14 Feb 07
Just a tought, you could do part of the work off-line (design of your site, things like that) to minimize the cost. Other thing, if you can, study the cases of places where internet was not so widespread, as seems to be your case, and how people made money them, taking advantages of the market. It is possible that similar situations are happening where you are and you may find a tested way to make some money.
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• Indonesia
14 Feb 07
i agree with your choice but internet is still expensive at least in bali you should pay almost half of your monthly salary for 56 kbps and limitation in bandwidth for a month access.
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@sihanik (118)
• Malaysia
13 Feb 07
Unless you are very good in programming, then you can sell your software. Or else, nothing can beat domain business. Imagine, almost every business (i mean real business) needs a domain. Its like their address in the internet. This link provides more detail about domain business http://www.freedom.ws/jerrygreen67
@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
13 Feb 07
yes, as I said ir depends entirely on your ability. For example, you could be very good at making some thing (just for the sake of the argument : webdesign) and make a living selling it. And it don't have to be something related to programming, you can make , I don't know, special coffe-mugs and sell them on the net. As I said, it depends on the skills everyone have.
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@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
13 Feb 07
It depends a lot on you. What skills do you have? What you like to do? You can make a living of forex, for example, hard, but if you have the skills needed. Or make a living from writing scripts for sites. It depends mainly on you abilities.
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• Indonesia
14 Feb 07
actually i am interesting to internet marketing bu i think negotiation ability is a talent and i do not have that talent. web development is the only skill i have but i cant do nothing if i have no customer :) and also website is not yet familiar in my country
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• United States
14 Feb 07
The internet is still growing so that makes for some great opportunities but it is so hard to predict where things will end up. My suggestion would be to try to get involved in a couple different areas of either internet marketing or webdesign and hope that one of them takes off. Sorry to hear about your internet connection, have you considered, or even have available, satelite internet through DirecTV, SkyBlue, or another company?