Are you a light sleeper? Or a heavy sleeper?
By Sawsen
@Sawsen (793)
United States
February 13, 2007 11:04am CST
I'm a heavy sleeper. I don't care what's going on around me, I just can't wake up. My mom would have to nag me a million times just to wake up to go to school because I was so into my sleep. On the other hand, my sisters are heavy sleepers. If a pin drops, they wake up. They used to be early birds in the morning, while my brother and I were late risers. So what are you? A lighter sleeper or a heavy sleeper?
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39 responses
@melody1011 (1663)
• India
14 Feb 07
I am a very light sleeper. Any lil sound wakes me up unless, i've not slept for over 2 days or had a party at home and had to clean up after that. Even if I am awake I pretend to sleep as im still lazy and dont like getting up from the bed. BUt I am a light sleeper and get very irritated when my dogs bark and dont let me sleep/.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I sleep quite heavily in the middle of the night, I'm pretty sure - but once the early morning hours hit, I'm usually quite a light sleeper, and most anything can wake me up sometimes. My mother is a really heavy sleeper because she's always going to sleep with the TV blaring. You can yell and yell to try to wake her up, but the best way to do it that I've found is clap your hands - for some reason, that noise seems to be a really good one for waking someone in a heavy sleep up! ^_^
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@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I generally sleep pretty well...I can usually get up at a certain time, without the alarm, and in general, I am not a heavy sleeper. But, that does not mean that I am a total light sleeper, because I do not wake up all the time, if someone is in the room, etc, usually only when there is a lot of noise, or I am having difficulty sleeping. So, I tend to think that I am just a normal, average sleeper. I like to get a decent amount, but if I don't there is alwayd coffee to jump start my day, and then, I can get the needed sleep during the rest of the week (or after finals are done, etc.)
@lisado (1227)
• United States
13 Feb 07
Generally I am a light sleeper. My husband could sleep thru a hurricane! After having to sleep on an air craft carrier, though, I guess I can't blame him. He's had to get used to being able to sleep through a lot of noise. Luckily, I don't sleep very deep, which has been helpful when the kids were babies. Well, one still is. I wake up pretty easily at night when they cry and my husband sleeps through it all. Once in a while, if I am exhausted, I might sleep heavy for a little bit, but this seldom happens since I have some kind of interior alarm that wakes me when the boys cry. It's like I know that their daddy won't hear them so I have to wake up.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
13 Feb 07
I can be either one of them. If I was exhausted then I would be heavy sleeper but if not I can wake up just by my cat's swagging tail
@myworld_and_you (1223)
• Philippines
13 Feb 07
I am definitely a heavy sleeper. I love to sleep a lot that sometimes it makes me even lazy to wake up and do my stuff for the day. Even after eating, there's this feeling of how nice it would to get some sleep. But I refrain doing that already nowadays because sometimes it causes me to have bad dreams. But anyway, if i'm really asleep, i have a hard time waking up even if the alarm of my clock is already set to the highest volume and even how noisy my surroundings is, I don't really care at all. I love it best when there's music when I'm asleep. Sometimes I always ask my sister or someone who's with me at home to wake me up.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
17 Feb 07
I am a very light sleeper and I am sure my Body contains a clock, lol, as I wake up every morning at 6am and then I can't go back to sleep lol. So I get up then. Last night I did not go to sleep till 2am and I was still up at 6am, but I have to admit that I had to go to bed this afternoon lol as I got really tired.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
13 Feb 07
I am a light sleeper. I can hear a pin drop and it wakes me, much to the annoyance of my dogs who sleep in the bedroom LOL. I think it is because as I got older and do not party and dance half the night, dont work so hard as I am retired and not into sports and physically activity as much.
@hopeful28 (1439)
• Singapore
21 Feb 07
I don't really know how to classify myself where this is concerned. At times, I can sleep through a thunderstorm and at other times, I will wake up at the least sound. Maybe it depends on where I am in the sleep cycle. So I will say that I am both but maybe more of a light sleeper because it just takes one alarm clock to wake up in the morning and I usually do not go back to sleep again, though I would love to at times, lol.
@silentwill (1685)
• Philippines
14 Feb 07
I'm a light sleeper, and i can also will myself to wake up at a certain time.
@temperamental (73)
• Philippines
14 Feb 07
I'm a heavy sleeper most of the time. If my sister forgets her keys she would have to spend hours inside our house if I'm sleeping because I don't usually wake up with the slightest noise! :)
@thenewgirl04 (1)
• Canada
19 Mar 09
I am more then a heavy sleeper. Nothing can wake me up from my sleep. My bf has tried alot of ways to wake me up. From pushing me off the bed, to pouring cold water on me, shaking me or playing loud music. Nothing wakes me up. I hate how heavy of a sleeper i am because once the fire alarms went off everyone woke up except for me. The next morning my family members were talking about it and i didnt have a clue. Thankfully it was nothing major. I think i may have a serious sleeping problem. Does anyone else have this problem???
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
14 Feb 07
Oh i am such a light sleeper although it has been better lately. before I used to wake up from EVERYTHING, if the neighbours alarm went of (wakening alarm) for an example. Since I met my current bf I have slept better though so i am assuming that for me it is or has been a feeling of safety!
@jolanda33 (720)
• Netherlands
14 Feb 07
i am a lighter sleeper! that's because i have two small children. i hear everything, even a small sneeze!
but other things like a storm or thunder i don't hear, i guess it's mothers nature!
@20031969 (932)
• India
14 Feb 07
since childhood, i am light sleeper either in night or afternoon. if i heard a sound like knocking the door, whistle of vehicle, tapping of ladder on ground at night, or music (outside), i get up and then again it will take time to go to the bed.
@plumty1 (173)
14 Feb 07
i am defernatly a heavy sleeper. in the mornings my mum had to through the covers of me im that bad and even then sometimes i dont get up. my younger brother though is alight sleeper he gets up realy early in the morning but he does not get woken up easly during the night. my mum she is a very light sleeper she would wake up if there was a crash 10 miles away. my dad is the same as me but he has an alarm clock. my older brother is not eather he just normal i guess. i think whomen are lighter sleepers. and men are havyer sleepers