Give 3 words that describe your qualities and 3 words that describe your defects

the good and the bad - Qualities and defects can be described as the good and the bad in each of us. We all have good and bad things about us. It's what makes us human. But, would you be able to point them out?
United States
February 13, 2007 3:42pm CST
I'll start. My Qualities are: 1. outgoing 2. creative 3. responsible Defects: 1. impatient 2. suspicious 3. perfectionist Your turn. Can you point out the good and the bad things about yourself?
1 response
13 Feb 07
Positives, I'm positive, enthusiastic, an encourager, i guess the negatives are that I am a little indecisive, sometimes can be dependant and a little emotional at times. But i think I have more positives than negatives and I love that about myself!!!