Have You Ever Been Wrongly Accused?
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
February 13, 2007 6:14pm CST
Has anyone ever blamed you for something that you didn't do? Or were you made a scapegoat? How did you feel about it, and did you try to clear your name? Did you feel victimized and wanted to fight back.
This happened to me when I was at school (eons ago now) I was in 5th grade and I had been accused by a 1st grade pupil of bullying. Which as you know I have been bullied myself, and it is the last thing I would ever do. But no one would believe me, my head teacher didn't like me and the feeling was mutual and I was accused of all sorts and I narrowly missed getting suspended. I was so angry and hurt. And once again like being bullied I felt victimized. I never managed to clear my name and I never found out who it was and why.
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34 responses
@joey_matthews (8354)
14 Feb 07
I've had my fair share of these moments.
The which i remember more was when a mixed raced girl told a teacher i called her the colour which is the colour of this text. i didn't say it, in fact she only said i did because i didn't like her creepy looks towards my direction. Without proof the teacher who was asian took her side because she got bullied next thing i know i'm in the headmaster office being told that the police would be involved. i was only around 7 at the time and i didn't know the diffence or why people was different as it wasn't something common in my school.
She actaully told a few of her friends that she lied but no one ever said sorry nor did the teacher treat me the same before i got accused. I quit that school a couple of years later has they seriously had it in for me because of this and everyone that knew me knew that i was like what they was making out.
Very stupid school. I won't be taking jake there =)
@joey_matthews (8354)
14 Feb 07
knew that i "wasn't" like what they was making out.
Fixing it because other wise it reads wrong. I'm not like this at all in fact i have alot of friends which are asian etc.

@patootie (3592)
14 Feb 07
Yes, I have, and it's a horrible position to be in .. I have always got on well with management wherever I have worked .. understandably that can annoy some folks .. and I've had a couple of really well thought out trumped up accusations flung around ..
I may be many things, but I am basically honest and value my integrity .. I will be the first to hold my hand up if caught out doing something I shouldn't .. but I will NOT be made a scapegoat for others wrongdoing .. or let a false accusation go unchallenged ....
I can be a good sleuth when needed .. and on both occasions the instigator and 'cohorts' of the trumped up charges were sacked .. it may have taken me a few weeks ... but I always get to the truth in the end ..
I was bullied for practically my whole school life .. but when I left I switched off and mentally moved on .. for me none of the folks I went to school with 'exists' anymore .. they were gone and forgotten the minute I past those school gates for the last time ..
Lifes far too short to worry about things gone and done with .. far too much happening in the present that needs my full attention ..
Best thing I ever did was to stand on a windy hilltop .. on my own .. and shout at the top of my lungs all the things I 'hated' in this world .. once said the words were caried away by the wind .. blown out of my mind forever .. try it .. it does work .. gives you a great sense of 'freedom' from the past ..
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@not4me (1711)
• United States
14 Feb 07
In 1995 I had been in the Marine Corps for less than a year and I was working at Marine Barracks 8th&I. My roommate, a great friend of mine, lost her wallet containing about $200. Even though I was on duty when it was supposedly stolen (she was a total scatterbrain and lost things all the time) I was the prime suspect. This went on for like a month. I was investigated over and over with different methods and even took a lie detector's test.
I finally realized these investigators were full of you-know-what when they told me they found my fingerprints on her ATM card. First of all, that would have meant they found the wallet and second, I had never even gone on an ATM run for her, let alone touch her wallet. After weeks of questioning I broke down right when they said that (they were plain-clothed and higher-ranked than me) and I told them they were full of it and how I was onto them and how dare they try to break up my friendship by telling her not to even talk to me. I told them I had never touched her card and I even said, "You know what? I wanted to be a PMO officer when I joined and I was upset when I was told I was too short. Now I know you guys are a bunch of clueless liars! I want my own civilian lawyer because I can't trust you guys anymore." That was the last time they ever bothered me. I could see that the lady investigator who didn't say much felt bad for me. She even talked to me later on that day about random things.
I was pissed at everyone, including my roommate for not sticking up for me. In retrospect, we were only 18 and were taught to do what our superiors told us but still. The wallet was never found but I bet she found it on her own one day and was too embarrassed to tell anyone. I had never felt so wronged and victimized in my life, especially because I've never done anything wrong, ever, in my life and I was too intelligent and proud of my achievements to do something so retarded. I was even a Sheriff's Dept volunteer for 4 years before I joined so I was like, how ironic is all of this BS?
Later, I found out that one of the other PMO chicks, a Cpl was sleeping with the PMO Captain and a whole bunch of other people. Ironically, she became an Officer and an air traffic controller (I had switch MOSs to ATC before she did) and I was able to tell my friends what a piece of work she is/was. It's the only time I've ever gossiped about someone like that but it felt good considering everything I had gone through years before and how she was such an elitist the entire time.
I met up with my old roommate a couple years later and we were fine.
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@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
14 Feb 07
Before even reading you entire discussion, my mind went back to the second grade, automatically, and what happened then. My second grade teacher, was nice, but I guess she didn't like me much. She gave me a citation in class one day, because she said that I had been talking, and that I was purposely disobeying her, and not following directions. However, to this day, I have felt unjustly accussed, because I know, that it was the people around me who were talking, and not I, because I had gotten a warning from her, not to talk, and I am not a rule-breaker. Plus, the first time, I had not even been talking, I had been humming to myself (I had loved to sing "all the time" back in those days). Anyway, my sister had also gotten in trouble for talking (and she probably had been), I figured that my teacher was probably blaming me because of her also. Anyway, on our lunch break she had a talk with me and my sister (my sister was crying, because she didn't want to get in trouble), and she said that if we promise to never do it again, she will remove the citation and it won't get sent to our parents. Of course, my sister apologized (and sucked up), I on the other hand, was doing no such thing (I do have my pride and values, and good name to keep), so I ended up having a citation (at second grade, mind you, too soon to be getting in trouble), but there was no way I was going to back down, and look like a guilty person...I know I was innocent...she kept wanting me to back down, and stop being stubborn, please, she should have never made a mistake like that...I am so glad that I didn't lower my pride, and grovel for her to remove that citation...I still believe (and no, that she was not only picking on me and my sister, but somewhat prejudiced.
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@ChuckGel (244)
• Philippines
14 Feb 07
I was once been accused wrongly too. It was when i was riding a jeepney and my seatmate in that ride was sleeping and when i got to get my money from my pocket for my fare, that seatmate of mine shouted at me saying "MY CELLPHONE, MY CELLPHONE..." I was so shocked since he somehow accuse me of getting his cellphone from his pocket for according to him his cellphone form his pocket was lost. He accused me because he was being awake when i get my money out from my pocket thinking that i am getting his cellphone out from his pocket... Then he stood up just to find his cellphone being dropped from his pocket considering his pocket to be not that deep that can accomodate his cellphone not to fall down from it. Yet afterwhich, he asked sorry from me...Its really hard for me to forgive him in the sense that i really get embarrassed of what he have done to me. But unfortunately who am i not to forgive him? As of the moment i am just considering that experience as the most unforgettable experience that i have a very shameful nightmare ever...
@lols189 (4742)
14 Feb 07
yes a similar problem happened to me yesterday in college. i was in college yesterday and some girl in my group who i dont like told the tutor she was going to the toilet and she was quite a while gone. afer 3.20pm when i was going home the tutor had a word with me and my friend askin us who burnt our names into the wall by the toilet with a lighter,well i didnt have a clue what he was speaking about. he got me, my friend and this horrible girl and spoke to us all about it. well after 20 mins this girl admitted to doing it after me an my friend had got an earful off the manager. we nearly got dismissed if she hadnt of told the truth. well she got made to clean it with a cloth and detergent. i dont like this girl she is so annoying, am not speaking to her anymore. i know what it feels now to get accused just like u my friend its horrible
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@Signal20 (2281)
• United States
14 Feb 07
Well, this isn't as serious as yours, but when I was a kid, my younger brother decided for some reason or other(knowing him, probably just to get me in trouble) to shave one of his eyebrows off. He woke up one morning, and ran to our mom and said look what she did while I was sleeping. I was laughing so hard, because he looked like a complete idiot. Guess that didn't help me much, because mom took his side and said, "Why would he do that to himself?" I said, because he's an idiot! I got in soooo much trouble over that, and I didn't do it....
@cwgrlsarefun (1581)
• United States
14 Feb 07
Wow that is to bad and a terrible way to have to go through school. I was wrongly accused of everything in my last relationship from cheating to stealing our household money. I did everything to try and prove that I was not doing anything wrong and for five years I almost believed that maybe I was actually doing these things and just did not realise it. I started going to counseling and my counselor helped to prove to me that it was not me doing these things, it was my then partner. I still struggle with all the damage that my partner did to me mentally, I will find myself saving reciepts to prove what I spent and explaining why I was late. Only now I don't have to answer but it is something that I am still trying to recover from.
@vicky1 (240)
• United States
14 Feb 07
My boss wrote me up saying I called this girl a street walker. I didn't have a clue what she was talking about. I told her she disliked me so much she was now making things up.
But I did go around and try to find out what was going. Turns out there was another Vicky and she was the one.
But my boss didn't care she just heard the name Vicky and wanted to put it on me. I did fight back and I made sure I cleared my name. My boss had to walk with her head in between her knees that day.
@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I have had this happen too. More recently. I was working at a themepark, legoland, and well the boss didnt like me much. Part of the reason I quit a week before I was gonna get let go cause I was seasonal. I was SICK of being picked on! One day the drink machine had been put back together WRONG. Suddenly it was leaking ALL over. But because *I* didnt tell them sooner it was my fault? The stupid part was they were there 2 hrs before me working it, and when I had mentioned it earlier about the leak they didnt think it was a big deal. Not till *I* realized it was the machine and not just a spilled drink! If *I* hadnt it would have leaked forever. Yet they blamed ME! Gad! Made me so mad I about quit right there. I was gonna burst out crying but had to bite my tongue.
Being wrongly blamned is hurtful and unfair. I hate when people blame me for stuff I didnt do :((
@Squirrely (28)
• United States
14 Feb 07
YES! I have been through this. They accused me in 1st grade of pinching girls butts, and I was accused recently of a DUI which was BULLSHIT, but fighting the system is something expensive and hard to do, so I'm not able to clear my name easily.
Isn't it the most vulnerable you have ever felt? I mean when everyone is against you and the only one that believes you, is you. You feel like it's you against the world, and ironically in a court case it's that state VS you. Isn't it bull?
@kittyloki (140)
• United States
14 Feb 07
I get accused of doing stupid crap all the time, like silly things about the house and sometimes I end up crying because I hate getting accused of something I didn't do no matter how small or silly it is.
@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
14 Feb 07
I have, both personally and professionally and have since given up trying to clear my name in these situations. I just cut these people off and out of my life--the vast majority with get their comeuppance in the final judgement. It's not even worth it. And dam*it, it hurt! Some things I can laugh about now, but most of it still bothers me (hence my cutting them off). Vengeance stuff never works--it's a hassle and usually backfires on you!
@mindblowing (127)
• India
14 Feb 07
well this has been with me so many times that im quite accustomed to it................yes i did feel victimized and wanted to fight back but in most of the cases i couldn't get me out of that mess...........
@radukugalati (173)
• Romania
14 Feb 07
Well, I think you shouldn't stay and watch while other people blame you of something you didn't do.I think you should protestate and be angry about this.Hope this helps you.
@scot14727heat (15)
• United States
14 Feb 07
my brother is in jail for the same i think some people are fools to let this happen i think he wasnt eemotional enough if it was me they would of been they would of needed a straight jacket well anyway good luck buster go usa