the Bible says I will go to hell
By Anakata2007
@Anakata2007 (1785)
February 14, 2007 2:53pm CST
I'm concerned about this because I'v recently started reading the bible and there are so many things that I'v done that will cause me to go to hell when I die. Even though I think I am a good kindhearted, loving compassionate caring person, I have sinned. I am also worried for my father who died 10 years ago. He was an atheist. Does that mean for sure that he will burn in hell for eternity? How does God decide to forgive people? What about murderers who repent? do they get to go to heaven when my dad who never did a cruel thing in his life has to go to hell? This isn't fair. If this is true, there will be more people in hell then in heaven on judgement day. Please tell me your thoughts and hopefully ease my mind.
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47 responses
@Stringbean (1273)
• United States
14 Feb 07
Hi Anakata2007,
You are right to be concerned, because otherwise you would probably just go on doing the things that you feel will cause you to go to hell.
The Bible also tells us in I John 1:9 that "If we confess our sin, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." See, no matter what you have done, if you are sorry for it and tell him that you are sorry he will forgive you just as he will forgive a murderer or anyone else who repents for the sins they have done. After we confess our sins, God expects us to turn away from that sin and not keep doing it, but, if we slip up and do commit it again, we can come back and confess it to him again, and if we are truly sorry, he will forgive us again. Isn't that great?
As for your father, only God can truly know his heart and why he believed what he did. My father, to my knowledge, was not a believer in God either, but I have hopes that God may have considered circumstances and that I will see my father again in heaven. We don't know what went on in our Fathers' hearts as they were dying. Perhaps they both made peace with God. We have to leave it in God's hands.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I agree...Stringbean that really was a terrific, well thought out and compassionate response - I'm not a Christian myself and I dont believe in god etc but even so I think that was fabulous..+++ for you
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@pebbles_cubbie (3789)
• United States
15 Feb 07
stringbean. that was a very good response and i agree with it completely. that is exactly what i was thinking of when i read this discussion. i'm glad you wrote it out because i forgot what the verse was.
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@Anakata2007 (1785)
• Canada
14 Feb 07
thanks for your response. I'm sorry about your dad.
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@tarlsgirl (102)
• United States
14 Feb 07
You need to pray for repentance, ask God to forgive you for the things that you have done and ask him to accept you into his heart, and then ask him to come into your heart.

@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
14 Feb 07
Unfortunately yes, if he didn't believe, by the Christian faith he will be in hell.
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@achyuta (2851)
• United States
15 Feb 07
That is crazy. No he wont go to hell for ever. Think about this. If a son is disobedient does a father throw him away for eternity or burn him in fire? NO. Then how cna the all merciful Lord do that. it is all the bogus propaganda of the evangelists to get you to increase their number. The lord is the msot merciful, more then any mortal father. He is always ready to forgive and there is no eternal fire. It is simply a scare theory. There are many people who dont get a chance to accept God in this life due to various reasons. SO the all merciful lord will banish them to fire of hell for eternity? No sane person will buy that.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
15 Feb 07
you don,t know what God will do about her father...We have to trust God to take care of your father.God is a just God.I dont care what your dad claimed to be,God looks on the heart..No one can tell you about your father.I can only tell you this..God rewards Good for Good,and eveil for evil.You said your father was a good man,and you loved him right? well God loves him more,because your dad was Gods child and i know God knows what he is doing...
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@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
14 Feb 07
There is one sure way to heaven, and just one. Follow your conscience at all times. You are now studying the Bible, will you follow all you found to be the expectations, laws and will of God as they are explicitly written? If you say yes, then do just that.
I am tempted to tell you to attend some Bible classes. The danger here is, there are a lot of persons who claim to be pastors when in truth, they are just dogs who never gets full. They are so full of greed and you might only be discouraged and embittered to keep on if you'll be trapped by one. I truly wish I can lend a helping hand in this, but the trouble is, we are so far apart. It will be best that you keep on reading the Bible, and if God shall will it, someone will come to assist you in your studies. Ask God to do this for you.
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
15 Feb 07
By reading the Bible everyday and attending church services religiously doesn't mean you are assured of an eternal life. The only way to have that chance is to accept, believe, and have faith in Him. You can do it by maintaining a personal relationship with God. I, myself, witnessed a lot of fellow Christians who attended church regularly. But once they step out of the church, they become another person, very unchristians. The Bible is a book that gave us an accounting about God and His only son, Jesus Christ. Your father may be an atheist but I do believe that if you continue to ask God to forgive him and pray for his soul, surely, God will hear you. If you want to understand things better, I encourage you to buy a book titled, "The Purpose Driven Life," by Rick Warren. This book is available worldwide and explained in details all the aspects of our lives and issues in words that are easy to understand. I also replied to another member here who likes to know why I believe in God. I hope this can help.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Thise book is very good at helping one to know how to live a good christian life read it and study the bible. Also get the Strong concordance to help explain the words used in the bible. Here is a good place to get studies for the bible for free.
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@9895317446 (12)
• India
15 Feb 07
now you started to read bible,it is way to escape.
It will give all information to you.
God is always with you.
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@Anakata2007 (1785)
• Canada
16 Feb 07
But wait a second, is this like saying that all the jews and muslims will go to hell too? This doesn't seem right! What God would do this? What about innocent babies that are brought up in a society that doesn't believe in Jesus. I think there must be something else more to it than that literal translation.
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@PiperCharmed (457)
• Australia
15 Feb 07
i agree, the one way into Heaven is to accept the Lord as your personal saviour. it is then u are allowed into His kingdom
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@pksllayer (132)
• Singapore
15 Feb 07
Unfortunately it seems that your father will be in hell because he did not accept jesus christ as his personal lord and saviour, however, he was never given the chance to accept him so i think it should be ok. NOt too sure though, but keep strong in your faith and yield not to temptation.
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@Ailey1975 (20)
• United States
14 Feb 07
We are all sinners. We all have pasts we arent proud of and things we did that we wish we didnt. The cool thing is that God forgives. If you give your heart to Jesus, all those past mistakes are erased and you are a new creation in Christ. YOu dont necessarily forget what you did but it is forgiven by Christ. You then should forgive yourself. As for murderers and such, yes, if they repent and give their lives to God they will be in Heaven. People on earth who do not accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, do not go to heaven, no matter how "good" of a person they have been.
So please give your life to Christ and you will know where you are going when you die. I gave mine 11 years ago and I know my salvation is secure.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Hell is not a forever and forever thing. Nothing can burn with out ending. Since God is a loving God He would not punish some one forever. And why would he punish some one that was only a shoplifter the same way he would some like Attia the Hunn and Hitler? His punishments and rewards are according to how we live in him.
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@rubypatson (1840)
• India
15 Feb 07
gOD IS a good god, if you confess your sins he will forgive you John 3.16, and he will forget all the sins, that we have done, and give us the eternal life
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@koikoikoi (1246)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Well what things have you done that you found out you have sinned? I really don't know how that works, but I'm worried for myself to. I sure hope God can forgive me.
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@michelledarcy (5220)
15 Feb 07
Don't worry there is no such thing as hell so your father can't be there and neither can you.
We don't know what happens when you die, but there is no hell in the centre of the earth and no heaven above the clouds, this is scientific fact so you don't need to worry about it.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
15 Feb 07
LOL - Michelle, I just typed almost exactly the same thig at the same time as you! I guess both our star ratings will go down now!
@LindaLou (483)
• Canada
15 Feb 07
Now, tell me the truth...can you REALLY believe in a God like that? I can't. The God I believe in is all-loving, all-forgiving. After all, didn't Jesus die on the cross for ALL of our sins? Not just the select few, but all of us.
I do not believe in Hell, nor Satan, nor some illusionary "battle for souls" between God and Satan. How can one possibly believe in this theory and still have total faith in God? How could one actually believe that there is a battle that God could lose? Not possible.
If you want to read a really good book that will give you a different and more positive perspective on God and spirituality, I highly suggest reading the book, Conversations with God, by Neale Donald Walsch. This book changed my life. I no longer live in fear, but with joy!
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@dancia2007 (551)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I second that about "Conversations with God," by Neale Donald Walsch. It changed my life and perceptions too.
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@Anakata2007 (1785)
• Canada
16 Feb 07
thanks for the book referral. I will definately look into that.
@pedagangsenja (43)
• Malaysia
15 Feb 07
You only read bible?have a try on Holy Quran.I'm totally sure you will find all the answers you want in Quran. Well, according to Islam, you will only go to hell if you had done bad things in your life. Find out more in Holy Quran, you'll find your answer. You had read bible,and why don't you try Quran. Don't be afraid.k
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@atrocious (209)
• Nepal
15 Feb 07
I believe in afterlife and I believe that we are born again after we die. I think that going to hell means that one will have a really bad life in his after life and going to heaven means that one will have a good next life. So only do good deeds and don't hurt anyone or anything.
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@khalid786 (47)
• India
14 Feb 07
EVERY PERSON HAS COMMITTED A SIN- If you have committed a sin ASK FOR FORGIVENESS as GOD forgives everyone no matter how big sin is committed but MUST BE ASKED FOR FORGIVENESS TRULY & NEVER REPEAT AGAIN
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@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Look if I were you I wouldn't go around living my life being afraid what some book says. Granted it's the Bible but still. As long as you ask for forgiveness and are genuine about it, I think you will be okay. As for you father, I don't know what to tell you. What does your gut tell you? That's usually right.
@tanveerquazi (77)
• India
15 Feb 07
yes it is right , there will be more people in hell then one problem is that which direction will go to heven either bible or quran.......i m muslim ihv read quran.....and in future i will read bible inshaallah.......i hope u should also read quran .
ok dear .....nece to read u.
take care Bye
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@pooksywooksy (1006)
• Indonesia
15 Feb 07
Hi Anakata2007,
Yes, eventhough I think I am good, loving compassionate caring person, when/if I haven't received Jesus; then, the Bible said I'm STILL a sinner, hell is my portion.
However; when/if you receive Jesus as your personal salvation; you are not a sinner anymore, you become His child (being adopted by GOD).
When/if you do things that is not good, you are just a saint who's having one of those days (doing bad). You are God's children no matter what because you are who you are, God's property, God's children.
He forgives you and He loves you, regardless what mistakes you make, as long as you repent. (repent means you do NOT do the mistake again, don't test GOD!)
As your father, for we believe He (GOD) is just, He would take care of your father in His justice manner. Some said (but this is according to human assumption) that God will judge anyone according to their knowledge of God.
We are living in His merciful days, we are living in the present days where there is NO EXCUSE of not knowing Jesus (therefore we have to tell about Jesus). So, when one declined Him (Jesus) but knows about Jesus, that is another case where (probably) one being condemn by God.
I hope your father had a relationship with JESUS, no matter what he said to you or anyone that the fact he was an atheis. That relationship is a special personal relationship, where sometimes only God knows.
@mommycrat (148)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I haven't read any of the other posts, so I don't know how many there are..but, I hope you read this.
Yes, according to the standards put forth in the Bible, we are *all* destined for hell. God is absolutely perfect and demands perfection..unfortunately, none of us are perfect. The entire Old Testament put forth laws and regulations to show the standard we are to meet, and that we couldn't possibly meet it.
That's where Jesus came in. Jesus is the bodily form of God (the term "Son" is used because a son was equivalent to his father back then) and came to demonstrate a perfect life. Not only that, he also came to be the final sacrifice. Knowing we couldn't do it alone, Jesus came to take the punishment for us so that we could be forgiven because of his sacrifice.
It's more than just saying you believe it, though. It's committing to live for him and not yourself. If you accept that you are imperfect, that Jesus is perfect, and that he is what covers sin, then you *will* be forgiven. God will look at you and see Jesus rather than your sin. It's such a wonderful gift, and the only thing he asks in return is your life. Following him, becoming closer to him through the Bible and growing with other Christians, and doing what would make him happy rather than what would make you happy (tho' that's not to say a Christian life is's wonderful to have hope and makes life worth living).
I would love to talk with you more about this..feel free to add me and send me a private message if you have more questions.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
15 Feb 07
AS far as your father i cannot answer that question,your father is in the hands of God,and he is a just God..As far as yourself,I am glad that you have started reading the Bible,that means that God is trying to talk with you through his words..Maybe you have done a lot of bad things in your life and have sinned,but we have an advocate with the father which is Jesus Christ and he is faithful to forgive your sins if you only ask,he will wipe your record clesn.We have all sinned,and i have sinned also ,but i catch myself and ask God to help me and to forgive me and he does.God does not hold things against us,he wantsto forgive us..Murderers will also make heaven if they are sorry and ask God to forgive them,he will forgive them but the world makes him stay in prison and pay for his sin,but god has already forgiven him the moment he ask..I think there are a lot of people in prison today that are foegiven and will probaly go to heaven..all you have to do is tell God you are sorry,he dis on the cross so that his blood would cover our sins,he became a living sacrifice..Hell was not intended for people,it was prepaired for the devil and his angels.You are a child of God and trust me he wants you to be his child...
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@Chrisinthebox84 (10)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I think I'm going to post this as a discussion all to itself, but I was raised pentecostal and heard all the talk about the unholy fire and demons teeth gnashing at my bones. Ive come to not believe in hell, just logically. I believe in a higher power, and heaven, and jesus and all that jazz, but hell... I simply can't believe in it.
People put too much weight on the bible as a set of rules. We forget that it's written by man and thus can have altered meanings. I think, look more of it as a 'persuasion' towards your life. A set of stories to help you make your own decisions. Oh, and follow the ten commandments.
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