What is better, look good outside or feel good inside?

February 15, 2007 12:01am CST
what is better do you think?....looking good outside or feel good inside?
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14 responses
@lonewolfnan (4366)
• Canada
15 Feb 07
I believe if you do not feel good inside,it will always effect how you look outside and people can "sense" the vibes you send out. Also,welcome to MyLot and I hope you enjoy being a new member.
• Nigeria
21 Feb 07
I believe the same here too. If you feel good inside it must show outside.Again what you think in your mind is what shows up on your face.
• Romania
6 Mar 07
The way you look outside is in a direct connection with your inner world . I think that if we feel strong .. happy .. and peaceful inside .. we can do everything to look best outside as well . If we feel optimistic .. we`ll always have a little smile in the corner of our mouth .. and that does everything .. We can be prettier .. act prettier .. and we`ll be in a perfect harmony .. inside and outside as well ..
@Sailor (1160)
• United States
17 Feb 07
You always want to feel good inside. Forget what people think about the outside.
• China
21 Feb 07
I think that i like good inside feeling.
@FrancyDafne (2047)
• Italy
20 Feb 07
To look good outside is very important in our society today. Our hedonistic society is very interested in beauty and so this virtue is the most esteemed one. In truth, if you feel bad inside, what do you think to do with your good look? You can be a very beautiful person, but if you are awful "inside", to me, you are not worth much.
6 Mar 07
This is an interesting question. To me, like most things in life you need to have a balance between the two. Firstly who says what is good looking, it's a subjective thing that is open to many thoughts, variations and a huge array of factors and what is beautiful to one person may not be to another, and vice versa. With that caveat out of the way, I think if you look good on the outside, i.e you are happy with who you are and the way you dress, then I think that will go some way to making you feel good on the inside, for example, dress smart for an interview, gives you added self esteem. But its also hugely important to feel good on the inside, probably more so, to have contentment and happiness is something that is hard to achieve, once you have it you should keep it.
@ravibabli (1557)
• India
15 Feb 07
sharukh khan - ..
I think good inside feeling.
• India
16 Feb 07
hey sweety what i feel is if ur good inside then defanately ur good outside
@BlueDream (151)
• Malaysia
15 Feb 07
we must have that two things....
• Philippines
15 Feb 07
For me it is better to feel good inside than to look good outside. Looks can be fake. You can have surgery or apply make up. But the feeling of goodness inside your heart is a long process.
@coolsid2007 (1030)
• India
15 Feb 07
no doubts its about feeling good inside... i cant feel outside if i feel bad inside... its that simple for me ... i think people who think themselves to be happy just by looking good outside ... they are themselves and not others thanks sid
@lucky_witch (2707)
• Philippines
15 Feb 07
well for me... feeling good inside... because when youre feeling good inside... it reflects to your outside looks... your eyes shine... full of energy... in good mood... doesnt get mad easily... sing and dance maybe... you feel pretty...for short everything follws...
• Canada
15 Feb 07
feeling good is way better. you cherish every ounce of happiness that life can give. looking good outside only satisfy people with low self esteem.
• Philippines
15 Feb 07
can I have both? :) well I think it is better to feel good inside because it is more lasting than what people see on the outside