Once you accept Christ and ask forgiveness can you still go to hell?
By WebMann
@WebMann (4731)
12 responses
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I'm sure your brother isn't alone in his beliefs. A lot of people want the best of both worlds. However, God is not easily fooled. He tells us to lay up treasures in Heaven during our lives, and, unfortunately, a lot of people who believe they are saved won't have anything to show God when He judges them. You can pray for your brother to get his head straightened out, but only God will know if this really happens.
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@jillbeth (2705)
• United States
15 Feb 07
A lot of Christians use the same excuse to do as they please. He needs to read and study the Bible and learn what true Christianity is all about. Our behavior should be modeled after that of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Only God knows if your brother is sincerely saved, and only God decides who goes to Heaven or Hell. But when your brother meets God face to face, as we all will (even the unsaved) he will have to answer for all his actions!
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@feralwoman (2199)
• Australia
15 Feb 07
My opinion on this is that it a load of BS. It reminds me of my dad who is a fundamentalist and a born again and again christian. Rediscovering religion I thought would make for a better person, but not in his case. His only topic of discussion is religion - not exactly my cup of tea. We have totally different views, but he doesn't understand what mine are. Because I disagree with him my opinions are wrong and so he dismisses them.
I believe that what you do in this life affects what you become in the next. I always try and do the right thing and be kind to people and animals. I hope that my next life will be a little bit better than the one i'm having now! lol
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@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
18 Feb 07
Knowing Christ is not just bowing down and praying for acceptance and ask for forgiveness. It is entering into a relationship with him through faith and repentance. It is not faith plus works but faith that works and that doesn't imply "doing pretty much what he wants". Giving glory to God and striving to live a holy life is the result of true acceptance and forgiveness.
Prayers to accept Christ are outward expressions of an inward reality the same way a ring given in mariage is an outward expression of an reality called love between the couples. You can give a ring without loving the same way one can pray for acceptance and forgiveness without inward faith.
The point is eternal security drives true Christians to be more godly and not live as they please.
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@sevnthjuly (913)
• Philippines
16 Feb 07
no one really knows if one is safe when judgment comes. remember that in the bible God said "not all who calls Me Christ can enter the kingdom of God". its a needle-hole like path to heaven. not all can go thru it. we must live according to the way of Christ but, along the way, roads can be bumpy we might trip. God asks us of simple things, man just complicates it.
@stateroad (730)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I believe in GOD I know Christ is in my heart I know there is a Heaven but there is also HELL. Your brother has some issues he should address. Ecen when you say the ROSARY you are begging not top be sent to the fire in Hell. I thought all Catholics realized that GOD does forgive but you have to pay for your sins when you die.
I read a few books and it clearly states that you are in Purgatory (HELL) for awhile until you are GOOD enough for GOD to go to HEAVEN. Maybe I am wrong and Iam sorry but I can see why your brother would drive you nuts with this belief.
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@loved1 (5328)
• United States
15 Feb 07
That is a sign of an immature Christian. I believe if you are saved, you are saved. I am always telling my kids that God still LOVES them even when they are naughty, He just doesn't like the naughty behavior. If you belong to God nothing you can do will make Him love you any more or any less. Having a desire to turn your back on sin and please God is a fruit of the spirit if you really think about it. People can accept Christ, change nothing and still go to heaven. Those who really get to know Christ will want to make changes and will begin building up treasures in heaven by their behavior. Please don't confuse that with being saved by works. If he has given his heart to Jesus, he is saved and nothing can pluck him from God's hand. However, he might just find out when he gets to heaven that his job is not as glamorous as he had hoped. Bottom line is, only God sees the heart. The book of Romans is a good place to read about this entire issue.
@loved1 (5328)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Wow. Who in the world would worship a God who condems little infants to hell before they are born? Not me! I have no idea how you got that idea from my post but if I gave you that impression, please accept my apologies. I believe the bible to be the absolute truth. The bible says we are saved by faith and not by works. If you had read a little further past the point you referenced (where Jesus talked about his Father's house having many rooms) you would have seen where Jesus Himself said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) This belief is common to the Christian faith. If you are Hindu, Buddhist, Athiest, Muslim...you have the right to your own beliefs and I respect that. In fact I would be fascinated to read about your fundamental beliefs. As for those who have never had the chance to accept Christ, I believe God gives them that chance at some point. His love for us is so immense He does not want to lose any of us. I hope this clears up unintentional misunderstanding. God's best to you!
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@estherlou (5015)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Many christian churches teach "once saved, always saved", and I think there is some merit in that. By asking Christ to come into your heart, you are seeking for more of Him and are willing to change...there is salvation. I think to lose your salvation, you would have to turn your back on God. Now, a baby christian gets a lot of leeway, because they have a lot to learn. The more we learn, the more we are accountable for our actions. If he truly believes he can do anything now that he is saved, he doesn't understand. When we accept Christ into our lives, we change and tend to not want to do certain things we used to do. It may just take time for him to see. Just keep praying for him.
@infamousaunty (241)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Your brother has not yet completely understood that he can still go to hell. Akua sees his soul. It would seem as though your brother uses his salvation as an insurance policy and does not realize that he cannot go about his own life as though he can get away with whatever he wants to. Salvation is not meant to be the thing which makes people have the right nor the ability to say "Hey, I can cheat on my spouse, drink til dawn, gamble and indulge in the rest of the seven deadly sins, and all I gotta do is ask forgiveness and all is forgotten."
This is wrong. When one finds their connection to Akua and to Cosmic and Divine Wisdom, one tends to begin to see things in a completely different, far more spiritual light. Those things which appealed to them before will not appeal to them anymore.
I believe your brother has misinterpreted the idea of having any sort of spiritual beliefs.
He is manifesting into his life a lot of untruths and this is the thing which will lead him further away from God.
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@infamousaunty (241)
• United States
16 Feb 07
It is my belief that there are many people who believe that salvation is their "get out of going to hell free" card, and so is not the case. Your brother has interpreted the idea of salvation completely wrong.
He has to grow spiritually an have an absolute connection to Akua BEFORE he can assume that he can do whatever he wants to do. He is still very immature spiritually. It is my opinion that first he must go through learning self awareness, about how he feels about his beliefs and what place in his life those beliefs hold. For me I know that my connection to Akua is strong and real. I have a very active and rich spiritual life. My connection to those things unseen but manifested into reality is very, very real and very, very strong.
Rarely will I question a person's reason for their chosen beliefs. However, that people use their beliefs for reasons such as the quelling of a guilty conscience tells me that your brother does believe in an after life. The problem is that he is viewing his spirituality as more of an insurance policy than a way of life.
Understand that this is not true for everyone. This only is my opinion
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@cultoffury (1283)
• India
18 Feb 07
It is true, but he has twisted it out to his own advantage. That is never going to help him. When you ask for forgiveness, you should be asking it from your heart, which means you should be repenting for your mistakes. But, he does not seem to do that. Just spitting out that " Oh god, forgive me" would not help.
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@irreverent (68)
• Philippines
16 Feb 07
No one knows who is going to hell and who is not. Heck, we are not even sure if there is a hell.
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