Insensitive people...
By mystic2mom
@mystic2mom (346)
United States
February 15, 2007 3:29pm CST
I am a mom of 3. I have been married for a while. While I was pregnant with my third and last child 2 years ago almost, a family friend hurt my feelings very bad as we talked about my husband getting a vasectomy. She looked me in the eye and asked me "Well, what if his next wife wants to have kids with him? Don't you think it is selfish to make him get a vasectomy when he might get married again and want more kids?" I have never gotten over this. What an insensitive remark to say to someone who is 6 months pregnant. Anyone else have someone say something rude to you while you were pregnant?
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41 responses
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
15 Feb 07
Wow! How kind of her (NOT!)
I didn't have someone say something rude to me when I was pregnant, but there was a lady I'll never forget when I was grocery shopping while I was 7 months pregnant with my youngest son.
I was pushing the cart along, minding my own business and stopped to look at a product. A middle aged lady came by with her cart, stopped at the side of me, and before I could do or say anything, she got down on her hands and knees and put her hands on my bump, cooing and saying how much she loved pregnant women's bodies!
I was so shocked that I couldn't say anything for a minute, and then from out of nowhere I heard my own voice say "I'm not pregnant." The poor lady looked absolutely horrified! She got to her feet and rushed away, without even taking her cart with her. I felt so bad, but when I told my partner, he roared with laughter and told me not to worry, and that she shouldn't have done that to someone she didn't know.
I'm so sorry that your "friend" would say something like that to you. It seems people think that pregnant women don't take offense at anything, or maybe they think we developed thick skins for the duration of our pregnancies. I hope she apologizes to you.
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
16 Feb 07
LOL Mememamma. I hate strangers who think they have the right to go touching pregnant womens tummies, just because they're pregnant. If they love it that much, they should get pregnant themselves.
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@sj_chaudhry (1537)
• Canada
15 Feb 07
it is very rude of her.. yeah i also have heard comments when i was pregnant from my neighbour friend. although she was my friend but she often said those hings which always hurt me badly. for example, she taunt me on my gaining weight as i think every women have experience thsi thing... she make fun of me that your husband is sooo lean if you gain weight then your couple would looked like Laurel and Hardy... it hurt me so bad that i stopped talking with anymore and quit friendship with her beacuse she always left out me with loads of questions in my mind which result in depression.
@mystic2mom (346)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I gained a lot of weight with my first pregnancy, so I got a lot of mean fat lady jokes.
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I have never been pregnant but I do have an "ex" friend that always asks me if I am still married when I see her. I have only gotten married once and that was 6 years ago today so I don't really know why she keeps asking it, esp. since she is divorced and remarried. I would never ask her something like that though. It's rude and obnoxious. Come to think of it so was she. That's why she's my "ex" friend.
@mystic2mom (346)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I get that a lot. hubby and I were high school sweeties, so we get the you are still together comment a lot
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@LeslieD (59)
• United States
15 Feb 07
As I was in labor with the first daughter, my mother in law told me, now if you just pray, maybe God will change that baby to a boy.
I would tell that family friend that you weren't asking for her opinion, you were just sharing information. If she finds that rude or insensitive, well she shouldn't have gone there in the first place.
Having children is a very personal decision and I'm not sure how it became one that every person and their cousin thinks they can comment on.
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@mystic2mom (346)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I wonder why people feel preg women are fair game? In my opinion, you would have been justified in smacking your mother in law... I have been tempted almost to it in my 7 years of marriage, my mil is insane!
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@mememama (3076)
• United States
15 Feb 07
That is terrible that she made an assumption that you and your hubby wouldn't stay together! Hmm I could write a book on insults that I received during pregnancy!
A relative went on and on about how fat I am. I was 7 months pregnant, I was huge, but all belly! I made her get a tape measurer, I measured my waist, then she measured hers-we had the same waist measurement and she wasn't pregnant! I laughed so hard, I don't think she likes me anymore lol, but oh well!
I also got the "are you sure you ain't having twins comment" all the time. Like I'm some dummy who would be oblivious to the fact of carrying multiples when I've had two ultrasounds.
I also did a baby registry for what I needed, I'm a planner and from talking with down to earth friends, they told me what really is necessary. Well only a few people bought stuff off that list for my baby shower. Everyone treated me like I was a dummy and bought the stupidest stuff, I had a closet full of 0-3 month stuff, yeah like a kid stays in that size forever!
My sister was pregnant right before me, she is a beautiful women and her hubby, well he was humble looking. People would ask her right in front of her hubby "and that guy is really the father?"
I've also found people say dumb stuff once you have a baby, I bet you know all about that after having 3!
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@mystic2mom (346)
• United States
15 Feb 07
People assume that preg women don't care if you say dumb stuff. The twins comments made me feel like a cow. And yes, ppls iq's drop when preg women and kids are around!
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@IAmTasiaD (30)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Wow! I mean, WOW! That is WAY out of line .. You mention that you've been married, where does your "friend" get off talking about him getting re-married? Insensitive, rude, jerk! I would hug you if I could - that is awful, I'm sorry you had to hear someone, especially a friend, make those remarks to you.
I think being pregnant, it stings a little deeper with all the hormones and such, but pregnant or not they should not have said that :(
I've really not had many cases where someone said something deliberately when I was pregnant but I remember things hitting home a lot more than if i weren't pg.
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@mystic2mom (346)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Things hurt so much mre when you are preg...
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@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
15 Feb 07
Well even though pregnant women are more sensitive than those who are not pregnant, that was still a rude thing for your friend to say. Was she joking at all? What a thing to joke about with a pregnant woman if she was. Men aren't supposed to be thinking ahead to divorce when they are happily married so of course it's not selfish for him to get a vasectomy if you both agree upon it. Sometimes people say things and we have to try to take them in one ear and out the other..
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@mystic2mom (346)
• United States
16 Feb 07
She was very serious. None of her marriages worked out, so I guess she was measuring my marriage with her short yardstick...
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
16 Feb 07
OMG and you didnt slap her in the mouth?! hell I would have..thats just flat out flippin RUDE to say to ANY married person let alone a pregnant wife who's sensitivities are higher....Did you tell your husband about this? if so, and if you dont mind my asking, what was his take on it all?? oh wow I so would have popped her in the mouth and kicked her out of my house!
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
16 Feb 07
OMG she said that in front of your GRAMMA??? damn!!! did your Grams slap her in the mouth ;-) Seriously though, hopeufully with everyone blasting her she is feeling sheepish and stupid and if she hasnt already, hopefully she will also apologize to you..thats just crap! rude ignorant CRAP! I'm so sorry you had to experience ignorance like that...Ignorant ppl make me so ill and when they are ignorant AND oblivious its even worse..I really dont know how they function in society ya know....Dont keep letting it get you down though, sometimes easier said than done I know...
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
16 Feb 07
You shouldn't hit anyone. I would have told her that it hurt my feelings and why would she think that my husband would get married again? I'm sure your husband knows that he cannot have anymore children because of the vasectomy. I don't understand why she would ask something like that. It's like "duh!"
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@mystic2mom (346)
• United States
16 Feb 07
We were at my gramma's. Hubby was in the other room playing with the kids, ours and my little cousins. My gramma went off on her. It was amazing. Hubby found out after the Christmas party was over and he wanted to go visit her and yell.
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@deedles88 (297)
• Australia
15 Feb 07
Oh my god! That was a terrible thing for her to say! I would of been so mad to hear that. How dare she! I dont think you should be friends with this woman anymore, she is obviously insensitive and rude. The worst thing for me was my fiance's brothers liked to call me fat. I was 8 months pregnant, but to them I was just fat. I always had body issues when I was growing up so that made me feel really bad. One night they went to far and my fiance went mental, they didnt call me fat after that :)
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@mystic2mom (346)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Wow, I am sorry they were mean. I gained 90 lbs with my 1st child, so the fat comments were justified.
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@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
15 Feb 07
His next wife? What was wrong with this woman?
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@mystic2mom (346)
• United States
15 Feb 07
I no longer talk to her and most of my aunts and uncles quit talking to her also. I'm glad to not have to see her at Christmas anymore.
She has been married 4 or 5 times now..
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@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
15 Feb 07
He was utterly rude to you, no doubt about shouldnt get any hard thoughts over this because it's more than clear that he said something he shouldn't have.
It is something to say not only while you're pregnant but at any other time. Simply it's not his business.
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@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Talk about rude. That lady was so out of line. My rudeness experience lasted my entire pregnancy. I got pregnant shortly after getting married, a honeymoon baby which is supposed to be good luck. Well, when my father's side of the family heard I was expecting the rumors and snide remarks came snowballing down at me. Apparently, I HAD to get married. They actually had a pool on when I would have the baby, how early I would claim the baby to be and how much the baby would weigh. I even had one cousin ask me where I found a wedding dress that hid my pregnancy so well. Needless to say, I have nothing to do with those people at all. Boy were they all shocked when my sister pointed out that anyone who could do simple math, unlike them, could figure out that there was no way I HAD to get married. We planned the wedding for over a year. Invites were sent out 8 weeks prior to the wedding. My bridesmaids were chosen a year previous. HELLO? Even if I had gotten pregnant right before the wedding, I didn't HAVE to get married. And when the baby came, it was 9 months after the wedding, he was 6 weeks early, and stayed in the NICU for a week. Stupid people.
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@silveysim (337)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Ha ha-there are some dumb people out there-come meet my inlaws they sound just the same. There awful yet my fiance doesn't realize what's messed up with them. He only see's a little in them when they shouldn't be that way. I personally am inviting them to the wedding but they aren't going to be a big part of my life decisions or rearing the child. They are just to see the baby-they know very well where they stand. They treated me really badly for a year trying to get rid of me. Know we've been engaged nearly 2 months and they all realized they messed up. It's there fault. don't sweat those people and cutting out of your life was real wise.
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@DRoddy77 (1776)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Oh my goodness, if someone said that to me I would have gone off on her! That is extremely rude and I would have told her that straight up! I definitely wouldnt consider her a friend anymore!...when I was pregnant with twins I had a lot of people say some really rude things to me. My oldest son was only 4 months old when I got pregnant with twins and one of my friends told me, "oh my god, i would be looking into adoption!"....and I also had a female doctor say,"oh my god, I would slit my throat!"
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@mystic2mom (346)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Oh my goodness! They told you to look into adoption!?!?!
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@sharon613 (2321)
• United States
16 Feb 07
The only annoying remark I got was when are you do. I had so many people asking me this that I started making a song out of it. This person is inconsiderate and should mind her own business. Like gee, thanks for having confidence in me that my marriage is going to last.
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@sharon613 (2321)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Some people from my congregation ask me when am I due. Its insulting on account of getting my tubes tied after my 4th kid.
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@mystic2mom (346)
• United States
16 Feb 07
in my 9th month so many people asked when i was due i would either say i am not preg or that i was only 3 months along... they left me alone...
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@infamousaunty (241)
• United States
16 Feb 07 about your insensitive creep! What are you doing hanging out with someone who treats you like that?
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@mystic2mom (346)
• United States
16 Feb 07
it was Christmas, at gramma's house.... gramma told her off, it was great!
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@lynninky (491)
• United States
16 Feb 07
yes I was told that I looked like a whale 15 minutes before my baby shower. I grew up with this person. She did tell me to my face and she knew that it hurt me. I was a gym person loved to workout and stay in shape.I tried to hide the weight as long as I could. I was a shamed of the weight I had gain from being pregnant plus having a toxic water gain from being pregnant.I did get huge but I already knew this myself why did she feel the need to tell me. I had just found out about the toxic water gain two days before and was already upset. I was not feeling the best and was nervous. My friend got me to go for a walk to claim me down before I had to get up infront of all those guest.It did not work. After she said that I just wanted to go hide.I have never got over her hurtful words and to this day she laughs her butt off about that day.
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@mystic2mom (346)
• United States
16 Feb 07
The weight comments are so bad... like people think that preg women are public property.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
16 Feb 07
What in the world? Why would she think he would get married again? He's married to you and you both decided that 3 children are enough for you.
My brother and brother-in-law both had vasectomies because their family is large enough.
I'm so sorry! That was not nice of her at all.
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