At what age did you start your baby on solids?
@sarahkskeeters (235)
United States
February 15, 2007 10:33pm CST
Did you start with cereal or pureed fruits and veggies? I've read so many different opinions on when to start solids and what their first foods should be. The general consensus seems to be somewhere between 4 and 6 months of age. My daughter will be 4 months old next week but I'm afraid to start her too early. I've read what the so-called experts recommend, but want to hear what other parents think. Do you believe that starting on solids too early really causes obesity, diabetes, and allergies?
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7 responses
@ryleesmama (560)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Well I've heard that you should start them on solids when they can sit up by themselves. My daughter is almost 5 months and she has gotten a bite of a banana. We are going to skip the rice cereal and really start with veggies. You are suppose to introduce no more than a bite a day (of the same food) for a week to make sue they are not allergic. For more info check out
@mememama (3076)
• United States
16 Feb 07 is a great site for this kind of advice! We skipped the cereal too, my son hated it. We did the same as you, we introduced a new food in the morning just in case he was allergic so we could watch him and see how he reaccted.
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@boyer_megan (23)
• United States
20 Feb 07
My son started getting a little bit of cereal in his milk when he was just 2 months old. Hwe wasnt getting enough to eat from me, so the doctor said, instead of letting him drink all day that I could try some cereal and see hwo he took it. He loved it. But I tested him slowly.....He got a very little bit, enough to be maybe 2-3 spoons on his first time. I gauged his reaction, watched his diapers...Things that could have been effected. When nothing happened, except that he went a little extra time before needing another bottle, I let him have it.
Hew started real baby food at 4 months exactly. I do not think that starting them on real foods is going to hurt them, my son is not overweight, he is not allergic to anything....
I think taht if a parent doesnt start their kids on solids, then they may start hurting them.
Oh and make sure you introduce things in the order you would want to eat them least.....Fruits and desserts last. You want her to develope a taste for the veggies so that sahe will eat them forever.
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@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
16 Mar 07
I'm gonna agree with this one :)
My daughter had the cereal stuff in her bottle as well & was eating by 4 months (just baby mashed veggies etc) & she's fine.
She's doing pretty well i think, no allergies or anything & she eats almost everything we do at just 9 months old!
You decide what's best for your child but 4-6 months is a good time!
Oh & as for feeding them when they sit up - that might work but my daughter was crawling (6 months) before she sat properly (almost 7 months) so that would not have worked out for me!
@missytia (387)
• Australia
16 Feb 07
I introduced my daughter to solids when she was nearly 4 months old. First I started her on the rice cereal and then, one at a time introduced her to pureed fruits and veggies. She was well and truly ready to start solids by then. Some babies just aren't interested until they're about 6 months. I don't believe that it has done any harm to my daughter at all, starting her on solids at such an early age. She is now 6 years old and she has a fantastic appetite, eats anything and is willing to try anything, plus she eats healthy and knows what 'unhealthy' foods are.
I don't believe that starting babies on solids too early causes obesity, diabetes and allergies. I think that parent's bad food choices, for their kids create these problems.
All you can do is 'test' bubs every now and then, she'll generally let you know when she's ready to move on to solids.
@sarahkskeeters (235)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Thank you very much for your input. I think my daughter will be ready to start on cereal soon but I think your idea of "testing" her is a good one. If she's ready, than great, if not, than I'll wait another few weeks and try again. I like what you said, "she'll generally let you know when she's ready to move on to solids". That's a very smart approach and you're right, I should pay attention to my baby's cues and not what the books and magazine articles say.
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@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
4 Apr 07
My daughter i started with cereal/porridge at around 4 months, it takes a while for them to actual eat it anyway, the texture is funny & most of it get spat out anyway!
I don't think you should be too worried, just offer her 1/2 a spoon of cereal a day - twice if she looks hungry & you'll soon work out what's best.
I recommend starting with veggies - as apposed to fruit - they seem to refuse veggies if they get sweet fruit first! Mashed potato wa the first veggie my daugher had & it went down a treat - she loved it & at almost 10 months she still does!
You just do what you think is best, you're her mother!
@sweeetkisses2 (269)
• United States
3 Apr 07
well we started her on soild food when she was about 4 to 5months old and she ate it fine.
@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
3 Apr 07
I started my youngest son at 16 weeks of age on cereal plain first, then mixed with a fruit or veggie. He did fine! The pediatrician did OK us using baby foods at this age though.
I don't really think it relates to obesity. Not sure about the diabetes. And yes I do believe starting earlier can run you the risk of having an allergy, but all my kids started around this age and I havent had any issues as of yet.
If you feel your child is ready I would say go for it, just start very slowly.
@susanwright (16)
• United States
17 Mar 07
I started feeding my daughter solids when she was four months old because she seemed to still be hungry after drinking an eight ounce bottle and I did not want to give her more than that to drink. I started out with cereal and I did not put it in her bottle. I have heard that doctors now recommend to spoon feed them the cereal instead of putting it in a bottle because putting it in the bottle makes your baby full quicker and she may not be getting the formula that she needs. It was really messy at first but within a few days my daughter was eating it well and I started giving her vegetables once a day also. It helped so much giving her solids and she was no longer hungry after her milk. I say that you should start her it you feel that she is still hungry after a bottle or between bottles. My daughter is 16 months now and is a very healthy eater. She prefers fruits and vegetables to cookies and other sweets. I do not think that starting them earlier causes obesity. You just have to be a good parent in providing lots of healthy things to eat and not over-emphasizing the sweets. You have to be a good example for your daughter too. When she gets older and sees you eating healthy things she will be more likely to want those things too. You just have to decide what is best for your child and go with that.