Friends and Pay
By sunshinecup
@sunshinecup (7871)
February 16, 2007 5:38am CST
I just came across a Mylot member with 10 posts under their belt. That is total, including discussions they have started as well as posts they have responded to. This in it’s self is fine, of course. However, they had 267 friends!!!!
This is a bit confusing to me. In the 3 months I have been here, I have deleted and excepted many friends and the totals have fluctuated quite a bit. However never have I seen any difference in my pay. Am I missing something here? Because as the above poster is a bit extreme, they are not rare at all. I have seen many members who have twice to 3 times the friends as they do the posts. So here is my question...
Do you think Mylot pays more depending on how many friends you have?
***Thanks to all in advance. I do not rate based on whether or not I agree, but the quality of your post.
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44 responses
@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Interesting. It's my experience that some Mylotters just "collect" friends and then send spam to them. Usually money making schemes. I don't think MyLot would pay us for the number of friends we have. You are not contributing to the site unelss you post dicussions and responses. So I think the people with a bunch of friends are using those friends for some other reason.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I haven't had any of them send me "spam" messages, I guess I've been lucky???
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@sunshinecup (7871)
16 Feb 07
Yep had a few of those, again they started off wonderful, then end up spamming the fire out of the message system as well as the boards.
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@sweetlady10 (3611)
• United States
16 Feb 07
No way Mylot will pay someone only for having more friends. In general the thing is more friends means chanses of getting more responses, only this way may be you earn more when you have more friends.
But I am wonder about those people who are not very active and haveing very less amount of post, why they add hundreds and hundreds of friends. I also have seen lots of members like that.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
17 Feb 07
It's strange isn't it? I don't understand the logic of it. Reading the guildlines it makes it clear posting is what earns you points and money, Mylot freinds. I reckon some just don't get it.
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@greengal (4286)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I really don't think the number of friends we have on your list has got anything to do with what we are paid. Mylot doesn't mention it anywhere and I don't see how they are related. Unless those friends are your direct referrals, and if they are active then obviously more $$$ for you. Having active referrals and more of them matters than just the number of friends in the list.Maybe all the friends that person has are his/her referrals.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
16 Feb 07
Wow I never thought about that, however that has to be a record of referrals. I have one and she never became active. :o(
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
16 Feb 07
No I do not see any reason for Mylot to pay more or less according to the number of friends. I do think some people are trying to build an audience by signing on as many friends as possible. Unfortunately, they probably have no intention of trying to support their friends once they get them. How can they possibly? Also, sometimes people are just very nice and hate to deny or reject a friend so they just okay everybody not realizing how unweildy it will get eventually.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
16 Feb 07
Yes I know some just can't say no, I don't like to but I won't pick freinds I have nothing in common with. Their posts just fills up my email and I can't really answer to any of them.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I definitely don't think so. I've never found myself earning more as I add more friends. I don't even know how many I have right now, but I've yet to delete anyone, so I might be up to nearly 200 by now. I just haven't checked in awhile. And I'm certianly still not earning as much as I was at one point last month, when I had far less friends on this site.
Anyway I have a feeling that some people do think that it pays to add friends, or else they think that there is some other benefit to trying to add everyone on the site as their friend *laugh* I don't mind.. I just accept if people ask, as long a I don't see any big reason to refuse.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
17 Feb 07
Thanks for sharing that. You are a sweet person. Me, I am so darn picky any more, it's scares me. LOL
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@jeffreybrooks (27)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I'm new to this MyLot, and don't know all about how it works. But I see that many are saying that the number of friends is how it pays, but I only have to friends right now. And have made 5 post. This is my 6th. How exactly does this all work? When someone figures it out let me know.
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@vprinn1955 (89)
• United States
17 Feb 07
Just keep on posting and hope to get rated good. That is how you will earn on here thanks to others on here telling me.
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
16 Feb 07
i don't think that our earnings also depend on how many friends we have. maybe, the more quality friends we have, the more friends will respond to our discussions and are interested in rating us. that could be one reason why there are difference in earnings. but not a direct connection between earnings and friends. something is worked out in between.
maybe that person have lots of friends but isn't much into posting responses or discussions. the first few months i had been here,i only had atlest 10 friends and i still earn a lot even until now that my friends' list has grown up to more than 200.
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@mikeyr6000le (2123)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Yeah i know what you mean. I've seen people like that too. I don't think payment has anything to do with friends or the friends list. I think it has to do with quilty discusions, and good topics. That's been my experiance.
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
17 Feb 07
i really don't think so, i mean, its easy to get friends. i don't go looking for any friends i just accept the ones that ask. i think i'm around 100 or something. i don't see how having a lot of friends would pay more ,but maybe having a lot of friends would help your discussions a little and that might pay. not sure how it all works. some people just like having a lot of friends. you see people on myspace with over 3000 friends and i feel thats a little much anyway since most of these people don't even visit your profile or know who you really are anyway. i accept all the people who request friendship here, the way i think of it, the more friends, the more discussions i have in the "Discussions my friends started" so, i help them out, they help me out...hopfully.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
16 Feb 07
I don´t think that Mylot pays you more for having alot of friends. however if u do, then the chanse of you getting responses to your post is higher.
I do not accept just anyone anymore. I look carefully on their profiles and see if they are active. I am today avtually clearing out a few =)
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I don't know that it has a direct bearing on your earnings. But in theory, the more friends you have, the more people who will read and respond to your posts, therefore adding to your earnings...
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
16 Feb 07
yep. you are right reinydawn and that is how i look at it, too. the more friends we have, the more chances that we get lots of responses from friends and that the more we can find interesting discussions from our friends' list.
@sunshinecup (7871)
17 Feb 07
Yes that should be it and is what I thought for a long time to, but I think it's quality of friends that counts. I looked at someone with something like 2000 posts under their name and have 200+ Mylot friends. Each one of their own discussions only averaged 4 or 5 replies. When I had only 60 friends, I averaged 3 times more than that to my discussions. So I think it's quality more than quantity that really works.
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@marian_o9 (980)
• Australia
17 Feb 07
i agree... i promised my friends i'd always reply to their discussions just as they have mine. =D

@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
16 Feb 07
No you don't get paid more for the amount of friends you have but this person in particular might just think it's 'cool' to have so many friends. Go figure.
Now having said that when I started in December anytime anyone would want to be my friend I refused them. I only had the 2 (personal) friends I have outside of mylot. The reason was I thought that everytime one of your friends posted you would get an email and I didn't want my inbox loaded with emails. Well my 2 friends have told me otherwise but I didn't realize this. They said I don't have to have notify on so that solves my problem. Now I only request friendship of people who make quality discussions and topics that I am interested in. So now when I sign in, instead of going through many pages of discussions to find something worthwhile I just go to 'discussions my friends have started' and then I go through them and do my replies. This way they are all quality discussions for the most part. You will also find that if you rate your friends they are doing the same in return for you. I like it much better this way.
@sunshinecup (7871)
17 Feb 07
Yes I think that is an excellent way to of doing it and it's what I do. I no longer search for hours looking for a post I feel I can really reply to. I picked my freinds based on common interests and it works out great for me.
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@Eskimo (2315)
16 Feb 07
I think MyLot does not pay any extra for the number of friends you have, but if a lot of your friends respond to your discussion and rate you positive then you will probably get paid more, I'm not sure how much you get paid for members responding to your discussions. Its posibble there may be a small extra payment if your friends respond, again I'm not sure.
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@onabreak2 (1161)
• United States
16 Feb 07
How would any one know the answer to this other then my lot
that is why we are not supposed to post discussions like
this. it is against terms.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
16 Feb 07
I am asking for other's opinions, which is NOT against the rules, but thanks for sharing that little bit of info any way.
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@krislouiebaby (2346)
• Philippines
17 Feb 07
i think they have so many friends because they look in their profile and ask them to be their friends and for me that is normal, you can have more friends here as long as they accept you as friends.
there are people here that asking me to be their friends and i always accept everyone...
the more the merrier..
good day
@mom2chriskel (1060)
• United States
16 Feb 07
I'm not sure if they pay more depending on how many friends you have. I can't see how that factors in but then again I don't even know what formula they use to determine
My friends only number in the 20's. I like to be able to respond to my friends so I haven't added 100's because I wouldn't be able to keep up with them all.
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@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
17 Feb 07
that is a good question. I mean I try to do 50 replys a day to make money but last month I didn't quite make it. So it might be the more friends you have the better you get payed. I have been here a little over 3 months myself. I mean this one guy made 40.00 last month I wish Icould do that. That would be nice
@patootie (3592)
20 Feb 07
I haven't notice any difference in my earnings as I have slowly gained friends .. it would be interesting to know just how the earnings are calculated wouldn't it ..
I do think it's a shame they can't explain the set up .. I can't think of any other kind of 'business' that has 'secret' pay scales .. and if getting paid more was down to having more friends I'm sure some bright spark would have been posting about it by now ..
For some reason there are folks who just like to try and get the most friends .. seems a bit pointless to me as you couldn't possibly answer everyones discussions ..
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
16 Feb 07
That seems very odd to me.. Why would a person want all those friends if they do post here often? The reason I have friends and choose friends is to answer thier discussions.. thats why I pick friends on interests.
I dont think mylot would pay by the amount of friends you have.. Because you are not contributing but not posting. But stranger things have happened. Maybe this person is going to start posting more-- I don't have near that many friends here. Good question!
@beaniefanatic13 (5076)
• Grand Junction, Colorado
17 Feb 07
When I first joined and started some discussions they got no responses, so I went and requested a friend and that person excepted (they were a 10 with a lot of posts and had been here for 4 months) so I sent him a PM and asked how his discussions got so many responses, and I was told by having friends. So I went around inviting people that made quality posts as my friends and excepted all that requested me. It greatly improved the number of responses that I recieved to my discussions and gives me a variety of topics and discussions to respond to. I do have a few that I wish weren't on my friends list so on those ones I turned of my notifier. I don't want to actually delete them, but I don't want to respond to the discussions that they post either. Last I looked I had about 225 friends, and they are from all over the world and have all different kinds of views, I enjoy reading them, even if I don't reply to all of them.
So in answer to your question I don't think that mylot pays you more for friends but having friends can increase your earnings because of the response to your discussions and the responses that you get to make to your friends discussions. :)