Rebates ...fill them out Never recieve them

United States
February 17, 2007 9:47am CST
Last November I bought two computers and a fax machine ...of course I made copies of all reciepts , got all the upc labels attached and mailed everything out . I now have gotten two back saying I hadn't included everything ... " BS " I know I did notice came after the time I was to respond back to them is this a scam just so you will buy their products ??? Scam or not ... tell my your horror stories too ...
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34 responses
@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
17 Feb 07
A friend of mine (who worked in marketing for a major computer manufacturer) and I once had a discussion about rebates. She shared an interesting "inside" view." Rebates aren't exactly a "scam," but there are designed for basically TWO purposes: (A) to get you to buy a product because it seems like "a good deal" and (B) to get your personal information and preferences for furture marketing. Of course, you DO get your money-- but there are all manners of hurdles, deliberately put up. Rebates are ALSO designed in such a way that many people won't bother to apply for them, and of those who DO apply, many won't get the rebate because they forgot to include something in their mail-in. I won't say that they get as picky as "you must write your name in BLUE ink," but pretty close. For example, some companies require "original store receipt," and that can mean that the "rebate receipt" some stores helpfully print for you does NOT meet the rebate criteria. Sometimes boxes have several UPC codes (bar codes) printed on them, identical it seems, but only the one on the left corner marked "proof of purchase" actually COUNTS. Or only the Bar code that also has the equipment serial number counts. And so forth. For rebates of any size (i.e. 20.00 USD or more), I treat filling them out correctly like a legal contract. Double and triple check ALL the requirements, make photocopies of EVERYthing; let it sit for a couple of days, go back and read the terms again and "check my work," before finally mailing it in. It's a real hassle-- but something I do now that I understand that the whole rebate concept is basically designed to make as few people as possible qualify to actually GET the rebate.
• United States
17 Feb 07
I do believe you are right ...I sat down a few days after my purchase and did them all at once maybe I should have reread them ...still anger me ...
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• India
18 Feb 07
i agree with u mam
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• United States
17 Feb 07
I bought my daughter a computer in November from COMPUSA. They gave me 4 receipts because of the rebates available. When I filled out the form online. I was told my receipt did not match, blah,blah, I had to fill it out like 3 times before I got it right. LOL No, I am not aired. According to them the total purchase price was not the actual amount I paid. I had to minus taxes and some other charge on my receipt. Crazy. I did get that rebate back this week actually for $150.00. After reading your post and my troubles filling my rebate form online I can assume my other 2 rebates for $50 each won't be coming my way. I'm not sure it's a scam, it's a hurdle. I saw a comedy show once where the guy was talking about rebates and I was LMAO. He really had it down pat. He had a rant something similiar to this. Stand on one foot and peel the sticker off the box with your right hand, immediately place the sticker on the paper with your left hand. Be sure not to place your sticker outside the dotted line. Make sure your sticker is perfectly aligned. Fill your name out with blue ink, your address with black ink and be sure to sign your name in GREEN ink if you want your money back. BTW you probably can't even FIX your mistakes and send it back because, your letter has to be postmarked within 30 days of purchase. LOL sorrrrrrrrrrrrry
• United States
17 Feb 07
I am glad you got some back ...I stil haven't gotten anything back as yes my time is up ...wonder why i couldn't do mine online that was something else I had to mail all mine in ..then I could go online to check ...haha ...check what that they screwed me over ...right love the comedy act I bet that was a riot ... keep looking in the mail box and hopefully you all yours ... :D
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• United States
17 Feb 07
crossed my toes for ya too
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• United States
17 Feb 07
Hopefully, I do have my fingers crossed. It's still amazing how difficult they make the whole process.
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@kareng (69193)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I've always had good luck with rebates. In fact, I used to do this as a hobby and would make several hundred dollars a month doing rebates on products purchased. You have to make sure that everything is done according to the instructions and but the exact product the rebates call for or you will get rejected. Also, most are limited to one rebate per address for each offer. What brand computer was this may I ask?
2 people like this
• United States
6 Mar 07
yes you are so right ..thanks agin ...
• United States
17 Feb 07
I bought a Toshbia laptop and emachine desk top and a brother fax machine ...well thats just it I thought I had them all done properly
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@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Wow! Did you look at your copies? Did you follow exactly the directions on the rebate? I would look and make sure and if you did I would definitely do something about it as I have already mentioned what to do with PC World "On Your Side" or BBB. ;) Pablo
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@shorva (923)
• Philippines
18 Feb 07
i use to work for a telecom company where they offer mail in rebates for purchasing a phone in exchange of signing up for a 24 month contract, supposed to be you should receive the rebate by check after 2 months but that's not what always happen. it's no scam, i understand the logic of giving rebates for contract extentions, but i don't understand why can't they just give instant rebates????i'ved received hundreds of complaints so i have a lot of horror story to share. there was customer who've been with the comp for a while, was offered a new phone so she bought and extended the contract. she did everything that she was told, mail the rebate form, receipts's been over 6 months and she's not received her check, and she has called in several times and was given different stories and was promised that she would receive it until i received her complaint one day, only to find out that she wasnt qualified for the rebate. poor customer tied with a contract, she was really frustrated i couldnt do anything as i had to stick with the company's guidelines. this case happens a lot, at least with that company, especially the part when you get different stories from people you've spoke to. that's why as a customer, i don't like to purchase something with rebate unless it's an instant rebate, eventhough i know it's no scam, i just don't trust the people i deal with.
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• United States
18 Feb 07
wow you must have a very stressful think that these companies are all well known and I really thought there shouldn't be aproblem but who knows...
@naty1941 (2336)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I have mailed back the information requested on rebates and I have only received back $5.00. I am 65 years of age and have been dealing with companies for a long time. I do not buy anything that requires a rebate. I learned my lesson a long time ago...
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• United States
17 Feb 07
bummer ...I am so sorry is such a ripp off ...I figured it up I had to mail each letter to seperate ofices and they each had 3 letters ... so that was #3.51 in postage least the post office made something
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@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Well I would make your voice heard. If there is ever a problem and the company cannot handle it I always call on the BBB (Better Business Bureau) because they seem to always get the matter resolved. I, too, am not a fanatic of rebates and I would love to avoid them, but it seems that many of the things that I like to get (at electronic stores mostly) have those rebates. Pablo
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• United States
6 Mar 07
Pablo has this happened to you too ??? You seem to be right on the money with the answers
• Gambia
17 Feb 07
I Don't think it is a scam because they can lose alot of customers that way. I was successful at recieving all of my rebates ,but they were small purchases.
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• United States
17 Feb 07
could be ...I am glad you have been successful in your ventures :D
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@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I have received my rebates back but it takes so long to get them back that I had completely forgot about them because it took so long. I do not even buy things that supposedly have rebates with them anymore. I do most of my electronic shopping at Best Buy and have a rewards zone card that almost works like a rebate so I do it that way instead. I think the whole rebate process is silly and time consuming and probably not worth the headache. Sorry to hear about your experience.
• United States
17 Feb 07
lol ..thats the truth its been since Nov. 06 since they were sent in ... but it was almost $300 total for all the rebates together so I was really wanting to get all that back the nearset Best buys is in the next town over ...bummer but thanks for that info others might be able to use it ... :D
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• United States
15 Mar 07
I try not to buy anything that has a rebate. My husband usually rips the package apart and tosses it out before I can salvage the upc or whatever type of proof of purchase I need for it. One time we did have all the information together and I forgot to send the blankity blank thing out. I told my husband that I sent it out and we never got it back. Shhhh, don't tell him! Both Hubby and I feel that they should just offer the product at a good price rather than the rebates. I told him the reason they offer the rebates to people is that they know that many will not send it in.
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• United States
17 Mar 07
exactly , actaully there have done a study here in the USA and they are making these companies either send the money out to the customers or the government is going to take it ...woot cool it that i am hoping I will get my money now ...reamins to be seen ....thanks :D
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
18 Feb 07
If you have copies or orginals of everything still contact your BBB and file a complaint. This happened to us once and we kept everything including the reciept of when it was mailed. The BBB and consumer affairs made the give us the rebate. There seems to be more and more who are scamming now and not wanting to pay out on rebates.
• United States
18 Feb 07
hey that just might be another option ...I am going to try to call them first though ...thanks so much for that ... :D
@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Yes, I always love the BBB and that was what I was recommending. They always seem to stand up for what is right and back the consumer. Peace be with you. Pablo
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• Ireland
17 Feb 07
That is really bad. Is there nothing you can do about it now? I have just sent back a sat nav which I bought for my husband's birthday. It was supposed to have all the up to date maps of the UK and Ireland on it, but when we checked, half of the maps for Ireland weren't on it, and a lot of the ones for the UK were missing. Places were listed in the worng areas and some of the directions were wrong as we gave it a test and ended up in cul-de-sacs. I haven't paid for it yet, so I suppose that much is in my favour.
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• United States
17 Feb 07
yes its quite frusterating when the hold the cards
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@sweetlady10 (3611)
• United States
17 Feb 07
I am sorry this bad happend to you. We are fortunate regarding rebates till now. Whatever we have bought from store in a rebate plan, we got our money back in time. Never got any problem with it. But once we bought something online and it was under a rebate plan. When we took print out of all neccessary reciepts and forms and we posted it. But when we call them to know the status of our rebate they told one form they did not get and asked to make a scan copy and fill it again online. After that everything was fine. We got our money back.
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• United States
17 Feb 07
very smart to call them ...wish I had of now before the time ran out on this last one ... thanks for sharing your experience with rebates...
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
17 Feb 07
What company was that so I know not to buy from them? I have to say I can't remember any times I have been scammed by sending in rebates. But I can't figure out why it takes 2 or 3 months to get a rebate check in the mail. Any companies I hear of cheating customers go on my do not buy list. I would figure a computer company would hold true to their rebate offer and not try to scam someone. It would be bad for their reputation if the word got out about them scamming people.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
18 Feb 07
That is incredible that 3 companies would all default. You might try calling the companies and placing some kind of complaint.
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• United States
18 Feb 07
thats what I was thinking how can three different ones do that ...
• United States
18 Feb 07
toshibia emachines and brother ... all three haven't sent my rebates and I purchased everything the same day and sent all the rebates out the same day ...
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• United States
17 Feb 07
I'd give you more of a suggestion. If it has been a few months, I'd give them a call. You'd be shocked to see that maybe they didnt send it, it got lost, etc. The two most recents for us was first our camera phones. Our WHOLE family got them, and in part we were all gonna recieve $50.00 gift cards visa ones that was our rebates. NOT super bad either! But they werent coming... and still... my mom calls and I dont recall why but I think they were lost in the mail. As for the laptops both my sister and me did this at the same time. We were both gonna get $200.00 back which we were supposed to diposite in our banks and use as payments to lower the computer. Its a dell thing. Well here it is a few months later and NO rebates. It was cause we didnt send in our receits that um yeah they DIDNT send us either! So we had to email them, they send email copies of the receits and we FINALLY got the checks. To my sisters dismay she only got $150. back. She called them on this and they gave her a FREE printer but really she paid for it with her $50.00 she lost. Good luck! I hope you get the money! Just keep trying DONT GIVE UP!
• United States
18 Feb 07
well I am so glad you responeded to this ...that gives me so hope ...maybe I will find the number and call ... thanks ... :D
• United States
6 Mar 07
angry customer they have ...
@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Definitely call because businesses don't like to have angry customers. If you voice your opinion they will usually do something for you in the end. If not there are always other sources that I mentioned in my message on the third page :). Cheers and I wish you the best. Pablo
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• Nigeria
18 Feb 07
yours is better i recieved a mail form one mario adams telling me that i was sellected as one of the 8 winners of a yahoo game competiton worthing $520 but i have to give $20 to the organisation before i recieve the 520 dollars. after i paid i didnt here from them again
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Feb 07
I agree Pablo ...thanks hopefully they will learn from that and not do it again ...
• United States
18 Feb 07
oooohhh I don't even like the sound of that one ...I have a feeling you were definetly taken on that one ...sorry..have done anything about it ??? I would hope so ...$20 is $20 know
@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
18 Feb 07
You shouldn't have to pay anything for a price an I am sure that was an email scam? I hate spam mail! It is so annoying to me. Pablo
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@the_vicar (1477)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I agree with you. Why can't they just put it on sale and be done with it. Most of the time I have received my money back but it is a long and tedious process and it is hardly worth it. I think the companies hope you will forget about the rebate and never send it in.
• United States
17 Mar 07
yep thats the way i see it too ..thanks
• United States
11 Mar 07
LOL I have no horror stories. I don't mess around with rebates because I don't care to get money back in the future, I want to save what I can now! Plus, I have always wondered how truthful the companies were. Did you buy from reputable companies? Were all the electronics from the same company? Has this ruined your perspective on doing rebates in the future? Sorry to be so nosy, but I am just curious....I personally would feel ripped off and definitely by word of mouth tell people what a terrible and lying business I dealt with!
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• United States
17 Mar 07
yes reputable companies,not form the same company,I will not do any more rebates hope that answered all your questions its ok thats how we all learn is by asking questions ...thanks :D
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
4 Mar 07
Well after reading all of the negatives I'm suprised that I have never had a problem with rebates- I do rebates of all kinds- electronics, toothpaste, Proctor & gamble, Pepsi rebates.. etc. The key is to make copies of what you fill out-- read in its entirety.. always do them right away- I lost out on a big one because I put it up and when I went back to do it- I missed the postmark date! My fault but I was miffed! I always get my money.. Never had one come back for not doing something correctly. I should consider myself lucky!
• United States
6 Mar 07
well thats just it I made copeies but they want the original of the reciept which I sent to them already ...
• United States
18 Feb 07
I'm sorry to hear about your horror stories. I've been lucky I guess and have never encountered scams like that. Were those from big companies? It's a shame. I think you should write them back if the rebate is for a lot like $20 or more.
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• United States
18 Feb 07
yes they are all well know companies...and yes its definetly more than $20 it was like $270 all total ..
@agfarm (930)
• United States
18 Feb 07
I actually had this happen to me. Last February I bought this computer From a leading computer / Entertainment co. One that is very easily recognized. But on issues like this I am like a Bull-dog w/ a bone. By the way...they ( rebates ) are a Scam , untill you figure out how to get your money back. For me ....I finally reached an office called the " Executive Resolutions dept." After being on the phone for 8 hours. ( I was trying to make a point ) This Dept. is no where to be found on the 'net , or the phone ; however , if you hound them Consistantly....they will give in to you , because you are the consumer. By the way... I received all of my money due me , and in a matter of two -weeks.
• United States
18 Feb 07
cool beans ...sometimes we have to be a bull dog with a bone I don't like it but ...
@phatkat (111)
• United States
18 Feb 07
I have had bad experience with rebates but I did get them eventually... after I acted a DMX... "Ya'll going to make me act a fool" Sometimes reporting companies to BBB or Eopinions will make a company think twice about screwing people around. Thats why we have consumer reports to advocate for us buyers. Here's a suggestion: check out the ratings on a product before you make a purchase. This includes whats on display in stores. If it is a non-popular brand, research it first. It helps to know what others have dealt with.
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• United States
18 Feb 07
some very good information ...thanks so much ...