do you let your child play with the computer
@TheKristoffersens (200)
February 18, 2007 12:46pm CST
My little boy, who is only 18 months old, loves to type at the keyboard. Well not that convenient if your are trying to post something on mylot ;) To avoid this we gave him an old laptop, on which he can type as much as he wants... well he still manages to put my laptop to sleep mode ... does your child do that too and what do you do? Sometimes I think it is just because he wants the attention, but at the same time he is so young that I wonder if he would get such an idea...?
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19 responses
@IcEsHaDoW (19)
• Romania
19 Feb 07
It's ok to let kids play with computers. My son learned of tehnology when he was 3 yeas old. It all started with an old cd player which he had his eyes on all the time. I didn't forbit him to touch the cd player, in stead I taught him how to use it. Now he is 15 years old and knows allmost everithing about compters. Every problem a computer has he can fix it even if it is a software or hardware problem. I am amazed not from his capability of reparing things, but that he is playing computer games allmost all the time and he kind of developed a knolodge of how things work from computer games. He also speds time browses through game folders learning how a game works on windows.
@Himansu (793)
• India
19 Feb 07
This is verymuch common now a days.
Very Little Cute Bebies are interested in Computers, Beacues they see us to use the computers in front of them, the atitude of the bebies to be fallow us. Well I remember my Sisters Son when i visit her home, his son at that time just 3 years. I become strange to watch him playing computer games, even he can open & close all applications, folders, he can write his name make paints
That i Came to know really these are 21st Century Childrens. They are Born with Brilliant.
@not4me (1711)
• United States
19 Feb 07
He is at the right age to know that he gets a reaction out of you. Of course he doesn't know if what he is doing or whether it is wrong or right but he does know it gets your attention. Maybe if you have a child that young you should take his hint and spend more time paying attention to him instead of being on the Internet.
I'm not trying to be mean but I've met so many women who have no problems being on lone all day except for meal breaks. Meanwhile their children are off by themselves and not being stimulated or really cared for properly. I'm not saying you are like this but since it is related, I just had to get it out there.
One day I was playing a game on and according to the chat going on, this one lady had been on literally all day to gain a certain rank. Meanwhile her baby was crying out because his tooth was coming in. She told him (and typed back to us) to stop being a baby because his "mama's on a roll!". She laughed it off and said oh good he crawled off to the other room. I just didn't get her mentality and it broke my heart for the kid.
@newtopwin (103)
• China
19 Feb 07
i'll let my kid play with computer.but i don't let him play with it too long .
@lovemeer_g (17)
• India
19 Feb 07
Let the child paly with the keyboard.
I allow that to my baby.
If we don't do that we are killing their enthusiasm to check out new things and why instill some fear to explore. It hampers the child's imagination.
But just be around to see what the child is doing. That solves the problem- easy
@babyblu1998 (325)
• United States
19 Feb 07
My 20 month old does the same thing. I had a shut off key on my keyboard. That was horriable. I freelance write from home and I cant tell you how many articles he has messed up for me by turning my comp off. I went and got a keyboard that did not have a shut off key or a sleep mode. When he touches the keyboard still I tell him NO NO thats mama's.
@Dolcerina (3376)
• Hungary
19 Feb 07
My son will be 7 in may. I let him to play on my laptop very rarely. When he plays he concentrates so strong, that his eyes become bloody, and he gets flushed, and his skin gets damp. He doesn't learn too much (maybe nothing) from computer games.
He handle my laptop very carefully, because he knows it was very expensive. But from your idea I can use something... There is a keyboard, he may use. uh. I will give it to him this afternoon. Maybe he will like it. :) But soon I should buy a computer to him, I think. So this keyboard would be a solution only for a while.
There are "laptops" for kids. But I still have not find a really good one. Those are too simple, and not good for too much. Once or twice I asked my son if he want a child laptop, but he refused. He wants a real one :) Should I buy a gameboy, maybe...?
@XxAngelxX (2830)
• Canada
19 Feb 07
I always let my children play on the computer even when they were young. Nowadays computers are just a part of life, there are computers in the schools from the time the children start going and I think if we let our children do other things, why not play on the computer too. It's teaching them skills they are going to use in their lifetime and I think it also helps with hand and eye co-ordination.
@mywords18 (645)
• United States
19 Feb 07
yes i will as its fun knwing that my kid is so inquisite about new things and try to immitate me whn i type,,,,,,,,and its a alarm also that someone is watchin u and will follow ur every step,,,,,,,,i guess u got a very intelligent child help him exploring things as now days little champs and genius are in news all the time,may be another one is getting ready in ur home. all the best.
@trippyteresa (87)
19 Feb 07
Children mimic their parents... if you drink coffee they want some of your coffee, if you dance, they want to dance, if you sing, they want to sing, if you type at a computer, they want to too... my advice would be to save your computer time for when they are resting, especially if you see this becomming a problem, infact any behaviour you don't want them to 'inherit' is best kept hidden from them... the best example i can give is of a neighbour i once had, her partner played playstation constantly, and 9/10 times i would visit their young son would be sat next to him with the spare controller in his hands, about a year later their son needed an operation because of the repetative strain this constant action had caused to his thumbs, they had seized up in a bent postition from pressing the controller buttons!! Both parents felt very upset by this, but never saw it being a problem when they started this with him...
@kiogie9 (38)
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
I think its just ok to let the child play with the computer at least he will get used to daughter is just 2yrs old when I started to exposed her to computers. Now she is six and knows how to operate such. She can change the display and she can make artworks. Children should be exposed to computers because when they grow up everything is run by computers.
@raj0101140 (263)
• India
19 Feb 07
yes i definitely encorage my child to play with computers as they r the ultimate sources of energy.
@trouble4u2avoid (2915)
• United States
18 Feb 07
My 2 year old daughter likes to get busy at my computer. She actually sent my email to outlook express after scanning it with my avg spyware. Something, I was able to accomplish myself. LOL I don't let her play with the REAL computer, but my older children have old kiddie computers from back in the day. She plays with those.
@Mamaof4 (222)
• Philippines
19 Feb 07
We bought the kids toy laptops. This has proven educational AND a relief that we don't have anyone fighting over the computers at home. But as soon as they are able to name colors at the very least, I sit them in front of the computer and plunk down educaitonal software. Great tool!
@Rittings (673)
19 Feb 07
I think it's healthy for a child to learn any new skills, and there are lots to be learned in front of a computer. But there are also skills that would take a severe knock would he to stay at the computer for too long. His overall social interaction would be lower levelled due to long periods without this important factor. I have seen kids who are complete genius' but have no people's skills at all, and are probably destined for a life of unhappiness and unfullfilment.
My nephew never uses chat sites, doesn't have an msn handle, or a yahoo one (or any for that matter). He uses his xbox 360 and pc to play football games. He ain't very clever. He works on building sites and goes out every weekend to watch live bands... He is one of the happiest people I know, and if he is in the room he will light it up with his jokes and ready wit. This is something a computer will not teach you. He has all the people skills in the world, but his intelligence has taken a hit because of it... But he's happy.
It's all about balance though. Everything in moderation to make a well rounded person in the long run.
Cheers for this one dude.
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
18 Feb 07
I think it's just a child thing to be honest.
We first got a PC when my daughter was 4 years old and right from the start she loved to type at the keyboard.
I honestly don't see the problem with letting them type. It'll help to develop their recognition of Letters and numbers as they get older.
Kids are just naturally curious about so many different things around them. It's natural that your son would be curious about what it is that mommy and Daddy do on that things will all those buttons to press.
@Liveyourlife (326)
• India
18 Feb 07
Great. I saw the computer only at the age of 15. You can also make him post in mylot ;) If any one of the parents are using computer, then the child will be naturally inclined towards computers. But thats a welcome sign in a world of information technology.