Bill Clinton or George Bush - who is the better president
By utopia
@utopia (324)
United States
61 responses
@AprilNicole1983 (564)
• United States
24 Oct 06
My vote goes for Clinton as well. I saw a bumper sticker the other day that really made my day. It said, "Is it 2008 yet?" We all know the real reason why Bush is in office for the 2nd four years, and that's because his brother is governer in FL.
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@TheRepublicMenu (290)
• United States
14 Jul 07
April Nicole. You are too young to understand politics. In 2008, there will still be a republican president. The people are not that stupid to vote for a democrat who is a socialist in belief who will only raise taxes and do nothing when we are attacked by terrorists. No democrat has the heart and integrity to deal with terrorism and terrorists. Clinton and Carter BOTH failed at that. Democrats fail at that in general.
You are too young and nieve to understand the world of politics. Democrats use people like yourself with ease with the little hippie lines and trains of thought. They talk that talk which sounds good but is not good when applied into the principles of economics and politics.
Your accusation has no proof either.
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@TheRepublicMenu (290)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Bill Clinton improved nothing. If anything, he was one of the main idiots responsible for giving American jobs away with the signing of NAFTA. He also did nothing about the American embassy bombing in Africa (Tanzania). Clinton was a loser. Bush is a much better president than Clinton.
@SweetTrix (1071)
• United States
6 Feb 08
I totally agree with that, he just sat in his office and got his you know what sucked, oh and some brief speeches about the scandal. He did nothing for the economy.
@TheRepublicMenu (290)
• United States
14 Jul 07
No Clinton was a sleaze bag and an awful president.
@TheRepublicMenu (290)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Bill Clinton is so smart how? If he was so smart, he would of gotten away with cheating on his wife and lying about it. Clinton is a better sleazy lawyer than he was president.
@TheRepublicMenu (290)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Another misinformed idiot...anyday.
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@caraj444 (1075)
• Canada
20 Nov 06
Unfortunatly Bush made the US look sooo bad, being canadian Bush in my opinion really skewed the way americans are perceived by the rest of the world. while Clinton certainly made mistakes i think he cared more about the people of the US and not just his own agendas whereas Bush really didnt care what the people he was supposed to be representing wanted
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@TheRepublicMenu (290)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Caraj444, who really cares? Canadians like you make me understand why Canada will be another easy target like Great Britain for a terrorist attack. You are too gullable with your politics and you outlook at the world. I can not wait until Muslims bomb your faculities and kill many Canadians. That is what you wish for when you do not deal with the threat at hand.
Bush did not make us look bad, liberals and their weaknesses have. Bush is dealing with a world wide threat to democracy and American ways of life. Canadians will only understand that when they are attacked badly.
Clinton cared about the American people, thats why more jobs moved out of America away from American families? That is why Clinton sold America down the river for foreign interests like China and India...because he cared for the American people? You are as nieve as the last person I spoke with.
You need to study economics and politics better before you make arcane comments.
@kamikun (260)
• United States
23 Nov 06
I think that both presidents sucked. It was good that Clinton brought down the national debt and then Bush raised it. But it is Clinton's fault for the terrorist attacks, he ignored easily caught messages of there going to be terrorists attacks. They both have had problems, down with boht.
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@TheRepublicMenu (290)
• United States
14 Jul 07
Being misinformed is what you are all about.
When did Clinton bring down the national debt?
The national debt is imaginary. It is just an account as to how much money America has spent. The federal reserve can print that money from out of thin air like it can print money now to end all of homelessness in America.
Corporations can pay for the national debt over night and we will not have one.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
21 Jan 07
Bill Clinto was a far better president. He was a brilliant administrator who put competent people in charge and listened to them. Robert Rubin balanced the budget. Madeline Albright kept us out of war. James Lee Witt handled disasters effectively etc. etc. On the very few occasions that Bush has chosen an able person (eg Colin Powell), he completely ignored their advice. I think the Bush presidency will go down as one of the most unsuccessful ever.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
21 Jan 07
Yep. That Bill Clinto was a really good Pres....Sorry I left the final n off Clinton.
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@tarunkumar14379 (23)
• China
23 Feb 07
i am from india and in my view from here i would say that bill clinton was far better than the george bush . he may have demerits of his own but who doesn't ,he worked as a president meant to work and respected international treaties and U.N . but , mr. bush behaves as if he is messiiah send by god to remove all pain and sorrows from earth and he can do anything and he is anwerable to none . plunged his country into 2 absolutely unneccessary wars and still acts as it was his duty to do such a drastic stuff , killing so may innocents for his selfish reasons in pretex of war on terrossim
@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
21 Jan 07
I prefer Bill Clinton myself. When he left office, the US had a strong economy, unlike the mess that Daddy bush left the US in.
I'm not exactly sure what Clinton, or Gore for that matter would have done about 9/11. Maybe Bin Laden &/or his top aide (who's name I cannot remember at the moment) would have been caught by now. One thing is that we probably may not have that mess with Iraq. I have heard that because of Bush's actions, it has increased the likelyhood of another attack.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
8 Mar 07
Despite the fact that he was overseeing missions abroad, despite the fact the the US had already been attacked by terrorists a few times, despite the fact that Bin Laden and others had already been making threats against the US, despite the fact that he had a chance to take out Bin Laden and let him go instead, despite the fact that in the midst of all these things Clinton drastically drew down the military, and closed several bases thus putting the country at risk, you think that makes him a good president?
Sure he had a good economy, but it was at the expense of our national security. He ignored all the warnings and reduced our military to an extent where terrorists thought they could take a shot at us and get away with it.
Clinton was the one in charge of doing the fly overs and bombings, but you seem to want to ignore that.
Clinton put our country at serious risk and now Bush has to try and clean up after him. Yet you think Clinton is the better president.
The reason we didn't have enough soldiers to go into Iraq was because of the damage that Clinton did to our military.
That meant that Bush had to rely on the National Guard and Reserves, when normally those people would not have been needed.
Yet you say Clinton was the better president. I say Clinton was nothing more than a joke who never took the duties of his office seriously.
Now that Hillarious has decided to run, maybe we will get lucky and she will finish the destruction of the country that Slick Willie started.
Perhaps then people like you will finally be satisfied.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
2 Apr 07
It was Clinton's intention to depose Saddam. That became American Policy under Clinton. Clinton was continuously bombing Iraq in order to weaken their military enough to make an invasion possible.
Bush didn't start this war, Clinton did. Due the the things that Clinton did while in office, we were attacked on 9-11. Bush was forced to continue what Clinton started.
Do a little research.
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@tarunkumar14379 (23)
• China
30 Mar 07
so,,,, you say bush is better than bill ? it sounds good when you say like that but no one on earth has the right to go againist UN for his or her personal gains . it is clear that bush attacked iraq for oil . not for wmd or any other stuff . he still thinks he did right by going againist geneva convention ,,, and you say he is better........ ok,, therer maybe some mistakes by cilton but still he did nothinga stuff which may cause people of arab or other to think that americans were againist them ... it is the core place to erase terrorisom and eradicating from roots but not by killing peoples or attacking ( and also bulling 0 countries
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@Narasimharao (1)
• India
16 Apr 07
In the recent times no other precident got good name as much as Clinton (if any) , so my vote goes to Bill Clinton
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@autumndreamer (3185)
• Philippines
24 Apr 07
I voted Bill Clinton too...better president.
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