Shoould Britany leave the USA?
By SageMother
@SageMother (2277)
United States
February 19, 2007 2:14pm CST
Johnny Depp lives in France, Madonna is in UK.
Both places have something in common, and that is a non-puritanical view of adult behaviour. Centuries of varying degrees of civilization in those countries have taught those societies that there are fewer behavors that warrant alot of attention. Here, because the USA ia an adolescent nation when it comes to acceptable adult behavior, people are hypersensitive to the antics of the famous.
IN her place, I would start looking for a more liberal country. Would you?
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28 responses
@recycledgoth (9894)
19 Feb 07
As I understand it, Johnny Depp is moving to the UK so his children get a very good education. He obviously hasn't made this decision lightly, he has thought about it. Madonna lives in the UK because she prefers the lifestyle here, again it is her decision.
How do you think Brittney would benefit from leaving the USA? She has her friends and family there, she can get the help she needs there, she is far too emotionally fragile right now to make an informed and sensible decision.
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
19 Feb 07
She sould benefit from being in an atmosphere that tends to be a bit more liberal on how her activties might be judged. She can have things sent to her if she needs help, and she can maintain contact with friends online. She can afford to travel, more than a "regular" person.
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@spr1967 (208)
19 Feb 07
Thing is Madonna is trying and believe me when i say trying to speak like a proper toffy nosed country LAYDEE too.
I nearly fell off the chair the other night when i heard her pumping her gums on the tv
However, i do like the woman
As for Britany, she can move in 2 doors up from me as its up 4 sale. I would cook her a nice roast beef dinner with yorkshire puds every Sunday
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@infamousaunty (241)
• United States
20 Feb 07
It is my opinion that Ms. Spears should take some time to hide from the glare of both the spotlight and public opinion. She has been in the public eye most of her life and now she is starting to show signs of needing some time off to regroup, reorganize and renew who she is. She needs to settle down a bit, start thinking with that bald head of hers and STOP worrying about her current love of the moment.
That she and Mr Federline split is one thing, but that she chose to be with him in the first place is quite another.
It is not that she needs to go to a more liberal country, but rather that she needs to stop and think about her life here and if whether or not she cares to stop the gums flapping about her lifestyle and ultimately her life!
Leaving the states would do nothing for her. She will still have no clue as to what to do with herself and her life. I mean, come on- she has "the life" and is daily doing something to further erode what little dignity she had left.
And she is doing it without regard to her fame or fortune.
She should stop this craziness and take a break for a while, then remake herself.
Madonna does it all the time.
So do lots of other little earth goddesses
@joey_matthews (8354)
19 Feb 07
To me there's two things about this.
You've got the criticisn and intolerance of the media and the public in general. whenever someone in the public eye does something unacceptable or out of the ordinary. For example michael jackson hanging his baby out the window, which in most people opinion was stupid but for britney spears you need to ask why she's done this. is it because she needs help or because that she has a hidden agenda.
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@06sport (81)
• United States
20 Feb 07
i dont think she should leave, i think the media needs to get something else to view! Im sick of them showing us who cuts off their hair! I dont care. There are so many other things in the world that we should know about, and this is not one of them.
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@Apollo813 (49)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I agree with you. She is way too liberal and too much of a party girl. Maybe if she left the country and traveled elsewhere, she would be more accepted. Most of her previous fans dislike her. The things she is doing are only getting more and more stupid. If she is not careful she is going to lose custody of her children. you think she would be more careful and try a little harder to impress the divorce judge. I guess her kids aren't as high a priority as her party life, that is very sad
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Whya re you assuming her kids are not that high a priority with her? Because we don't see them out and about with her?
Does her activity with her children HAVE to look like that of a middle class mother for it to seem acceptable??
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@infamousaunty (241)
• United States
20 Feb 07
The things she is doing are signs that Ms Spears sorely needs to stop and just be instead of being what she is not.
There are certain things and ways of being in life that some people prioritize more than do others. Do I feel that she should stop all the weird behavior and be with her kids and do as Apollo813 has suggested and "impress the divorce judge." Why? The divorce judge is going to do what he or she is going to do and there is nothing that anyone can do to otherwise impress this person- we have all formed an opinion of Ms Spears, and it will be hard for the judge in charge to be impartial and ignore all that they have seen on the news.
That I do not much care for Ms Spears is not the thing which compels me to be part of this discussion as much is the idea that on the whole, and when one steps away from their own feelings about this young woman, the thing which people fail to realize is that aside of not having Sean Preston in a car seat that one time, Ms Spears has done nothing more than offend that part in each of many of us that dictates what we each individually deem as being proper and acceptable behaviors for someone of her "star power." What we are all doing, myself, to an extent, included, is projecting how we feel personally about her on to how we actually see the question the poster initially asked.
The question was posted about what we think about Ms Spears moving to another, more liberal part of the world, and many, many of us responded with what we think she should do in order to be more accepted here at home.
NOw that I have looked at it from the real intention of the poster of this question, I have to say that no, I don't think that Ms Spears should leave her home country just so that the majority of busy bodies in it can have one less celebrity to gossip about.
That we gossip about her is one thing, but the real frank truth to this all is that if there are any of you reading this who remember the antics of Madonna back in the late eighties to the mid nineties, then you all already know that this is marketing and promoting at its very sickest finest.
Britney will rise from the calamity of what is pressently her life. She will redeem herself in the eyes of the public and will once again be the person she was a while ago. Madonna did it. Jamie Foxx does it. Howard Stern has made millions perfecting it.
That we have nothing better to do than answer this question with bitter, personal disdain for someone who not one of us can claim to knowing is very telling of our mentality here in this nation. It is shameful that we all can sit here and pick apart Ms Spears as if it were our right to.
Do I like her?
Not really. Bubble Gum, sugary music has never been my style. I like Foghat and Joplin, Zeppelin and those who followed in their footsteps. I am not a Britney Spears fan by any means at all.
However, I am a huge fan of the remarkable nature of the human spirit. I may not like Ms Spears and may question her methods of parenting and especially her motives for marrying a creep like Federline.
I will, though, not sit here any longer and behave as though any one of us is above the judging eyes of others. We aren't.
So, OG poster, in answer to your question regarding if we feel that Ms Spears should leave to another country where it is more acceptable to behave in the manner in which she is, I say no.
Ms Spears is up to something that is going to blow all of our minds.
Divas have great marketing and PR managers.
Watch and learn, folks

@pondlife (467)
20 Feb 07
I think she'd get the same amount of coverage here in the UK - she's just too famous. Madonna keeps relatively quiet these days as she's under her fella's thumb ;-)
I'm glad you think the UK is less puritanical though - that's a nice compliment to hear ( we don't get many! )
@linda345 (2661)
• Canada
20 Feb 07
I have read your discussion several times and yes it makes sense to me. It might be the best thing she can do for herself at this time. When shaving your head makes the headline news on cnn there is something wrong. When you pick up a magazine to read it is just dirt on some star. Not a nice story on there life. She is young and she is going to do what young people do. Some of it is going to seem strange but leave it alone. The best thing she can do is move for her own peace of mind.
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@infamousaunty (241)
• United States
20 Feb 07
What is truly amazing is that with everything in the world that anyone can find that is good and full of life giving, living energy, we mortals find it within ourselves to pick on someone who does not need one more person telling her what she has done to displease us.
Good Lord, people...find a hero ...and good luck, by the way, in doing so. Apparently the last hero anyone made this much of a stink over was nailed to a cross, a long, long time ago, and even THAT guy got a buncha grief!
No one ever stops to consider her age and her time to have had experiences right for her age. Ms Spears is having experiences that no 40+ year old woman could handle very well, let alone one who KNOWS she married a creep- knew from day one- but still did it, and her reasons are probably the same as any other 20 something year old woman- lack of a better understanding of life and men and stuff that many us of in the 30 to 50 age range can nary deal well with.
I do, though, believe that she is going to be back, and all those people who have had negative things to say about her are going to eat their words.
She may very well have lost her very last marble, but name me one person of notoriety who has not had their share of grief, and I will show you a lounge lizard act in Las Vegas and NOT a person whose capability to draw masses of people -like that of the Pope in some instances.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
20 Feb 07
If it means Britney will get help that she needs, then yes she needs to leave the US. She's not seen on tv with her kids but shaving her hair off, which is the stupiest thing to do since she's trying to restart her career. Staying in rehab for one day isn't going to cut it. Getting out of cars in short skirts and no panties, getting plastered on New Years Eve. A lot of people did that, just not like the attention getting Britney. If she's not careful, she will lose her kids. Or its something her and her soon to be ex are doing for show. Who knows and who cares.
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I am still trying to figure out WHY she needs help. She hasn't harmed anyone, I am sure her kids are provided for. What does she need help with?
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@inked4life (4224)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I think the only thing Brittney has taken leave of is her senses...LOL. I think she just has to take some time out of the spotlight and spend time with her kids. If that means moving to another country then so be it.
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
19 Feb 07
Why does she need to spend some time with her kids? How do you know she hasn't been spending time with her kids? How would spending time wkth her kids benefit her?
Would you say the same thing about a man?
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@inked4life (4224)
• United States
19 Feb 07
I can say she hasn't been spending time with her kids because she is out at clubs every night flashing herself...check the entertainment shows. And yes, I would say the exact same thing to a single father who was behaving in that manner. What kind of example is she setting?
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@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
20 Feb 07
She just needs to grow up. She has been in the public eye almost all her life. At the tender age of 25 she has two kids a soon to be ex husband an is a media star. We tend to forget how young she is and how hungry we are for any news on any famous person. I hope that she can get herself together soon. One day she'll wake up and wonder what she did with herself. I hope she has some family or good friends who will take care of her not because of her fame but because she is a human being out of control.
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@hoz9991 (301)
20 Feb 07
It was inevitable that she would end up like this. How many times do we see an American superstar going crazy? I'll name at least one other, Michael Jackson. Both were nurtured to become superstars from a young age. I don't think they know what they are getting into and their whole perception of reality is warped.
Rather than commiting attention grabbing acts like shaving your head I think it would be beneficial to move out of the spot light and into a country that doesn't care. It would all depend on if Britney could survive out of the limelight without going any crazier.
Sure deport her, but not to the UK because I have to live here.
@Xanatos390 (72)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Yeh, I'm really not sure what's been up with her lately.. I've kind of lost interest in Britney coupled with the tabloids; it's all old news. I think she should begin to realize that her career is over, and live somewhere lowkey.
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@benjaminrex (63)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Personally, I think that is exactly what Britney does NOT need. She needs a parent or family member to corral her erratic and self-destructive behavior, not a more "liberal country" to look the other way. She needs help, for her own sake and the sake of her children. She may be an adult but she is certainly not acting like one.
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Adults make these sorts of decisions all the time. Just because you don't agree with a decision doesn't make it any less acult.
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@leanette (3002)
• India
23 Feb 07
I did read the thing and I know what you meant. COnsidering the fact that I dislike her, all I was saying is that she should really stay away from people she bothers and the ones who bother her. got that?
And I wouldn't know what country would put up with her behavior.
@emarie (5441)
• United States
20 Feb 07
if i was in her place i would just start acting like an adult. i mean, i'm younger then her and haven't done the stupid stuff she's done and i have 2 little boys myself. i really don't think it matters where she moves to, the new will get reported back to the US and the critisism will still stand no matter what. she just needs to changer her act. i mean, 1 ot 2 mistakes are fine, but shesh, she's been having one bad problem after another. she has no control over her life and i don't think she even knows how to run her life on her own. i just think so many people have been telling her what to do since she was young that she can't think correctly for herself anymore.
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
22 Feb 07
She is acting like an adult. She is paying her own bills, making decisions regardless of their popularity, and changing what she thinks needs changing. Isn't that what adults do?
@infamousaunty (241)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I think Britney Spears, even as I do not care for her music and neither her lifestyle, is doing what many people 10 years her senior do all the time and no one has anything to say about them, and these people are people we know and love and sometimes even call brother or sister. But it is okay for them to be like Brit because they aren't role models.
Oh, aren't they though?
Neither then is Britney Spears. No one gave any grief to Christina Aguilera for being ... morally challenged, but they are giving a buncha grief to Brit?
Why bother?
It's replies like these that make me have to stop writing here, go back to my first draft of my book and add stuff to it.
So if it is anything to you, thanks for sparking yet another paragraph in a book that was not supposed to be this long when I started writing it.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
20 Feb 07
i do not think that it would be smart for her to move away from her family, the only people who probably will support her.
She does need help though, something is very wrong!
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@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
20 Feb 07
If I were in her position, I'd be moving overseas. Honestly, Britney's behavior doesn't bother me much. I've never seen what the big deal about her is - I don't find her particularly talented or attractive - but I don't find her behavior offensive or 'bad'. But America is... well, as you said, hypersensitive. Not that moving will keep her out of the tabloids, but...
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@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
20 Feb 07
If I were in her position, I'd be moving overseas. Honestly, Britney's behavior doesn't bother me much. I've never seen what the big deal about her is - I don't find her particularly talented or attractive - but I don't find her behavior offensive or 'bad'. But America is... well, as you said, hypersensitive. Not that moving will keep her out of the tabloids, but...
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I was just saying that to my Mom this morning! She should go to Australia..or England..or somewheres.
Hell yes, I'd move to some other country in her position! She's clearly feeling trapped, and what better way to un-trap herself?
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