People LIE!!!

United States
February 19, 2007 3:40pm CST
Hi there, I was wondering why would people lie? I mean sometimes people would lie to you about something and when u later found out it really hurts. It happened to me, a friend of mine actually was lieing and when reveal the truth it hurts me, but then I realized if the truth was told at first, then it would not matter and I would not be hurt. Anyway, So u guys out there, tell me WHY PEOPLE LIE? And share ur own experiences, Take CAre.
2 responses
@thebeing (657)
• Romania
19 Feb 07
:) come on! people lie because of 2 things : to avoid punishment, and to gain something. And, since everything we do has consequence(s), and we all want to have a lil'bit more that we have... we lie. :) A person who always tells the truth is NOT appreciated, is poor, is lonely, basically, to lie is kind of a synonim to "to breathe". can't live without it..............................unfortunatelly
• United States
20 Feb 07
Hi, I agree with u the part that it is very unfortunate, but at least we have to think afterall what is the end result. What u gain by lieing, will eventually be gone when the truth comes out. So just stick with the truth, and I don't think that everyone would be lonely and poor...for telling the truth.
• India
21 Feb 07
MAY BE THERE IS SOME KIND OF FEAR BEHIND not telling the truth.think abt the times when sometimes u also ..tell a lie frm anyone....i know u got hurt with ur frend's u can try to find out the reason behind his behaviour.